My practice narration is weird

Chapter 397 The Violent Divine Tree: XXXXX

The three wolves were running wildly on the barren northern plain.

Their green eyes were full of panic and fear.

What happened to the humans before?

The three wolves didn't know, and he didn't even understand what happened.

In his sight, he only saw one of them stepping high into the sky from a distance, and then he didn't know what method he used.

The area within a hundred feet, with that person as the center, fell into darkness.

You can't see outside from inside, and you can't see inside from outside.

It's like a black ball upside down on the ground.

The ground where he landed suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, he was also a demon king of the fourth realm, and his reaction was very fast. He changed his position and passed through the collapse.

But he didn't dare to stay for a moment.

Because not long after that, another earthquake occurred.

It was several times more violent than the previous earthquake.

The three wolves could feel the ground under their feet at this moment, and the dull thunder was constantly rising.

It was as if something was about to break out of the ground.

The earth was constantly torn apart, and then squeezed by continuous forces. Abyssal cracks and arched hills appeared on the Qingqiu Plain in the past.

Even he, a fourth-level demon king, was terrified by the earthquake of this magnitude.

Because this place is forbidden to fly.

A fourth-level demon king can destroy a small hill with a full-strength attack. In a human city, he can use great magical powers to destroy several streets. If it is a little extreme, it is not too much to destroy half of the city.

But the rumbling of the earth can destroy everything, far more than a few streets and cities...

Living beings are really very small in the face of natural disasters.

Smoke and dust filled the sky and the earth, and he had long lost his direction and could not find the east, south, west, and north.

His body movements became slower and slower,

but the hoarse breathing like a broken gong and the pain of his body being eroded all the time let him know that he was still alive.

Although he could use [Retrace], it didn't work at all.

What if he went back to the past? The rumbling of the earth would still happen, and he still couldn't escape from this wasteland.

No, if this goes on, I'm really going to die here.

He took advantage of the time to take a breath, stepped suddenly, and flew high, looking into the distance.


The three wolves were confused, jumped again, and looked carefully.

There seemed to be a calm place not far away.

There was no smoke and dust, no uplift or collapse of the ground.

It was really strange.

Strange as it was, the three wolves still ran there with the little red wolf.

When he struggled to pass through the diffuse sand, stepped on the broken boulders, and finally came to the calm place in the dust, his eyes were suddenly stunned.

Previously, it was far away and the sand and wind blocked the view.

But now...

"What is this place?" The three wolves stayed where they were, muttering to themselves.

"It's Qingqiu..." the little red wolf responded in a low voice.

Yes, it's Qingqiu.

After turning around for a few steps, the smoke and sand were everywhere, the earth was shattered, and there were constant roars.

But now, it was calm and peaceful here.

The huge difference between the two made Sanlang stunned.

But the more critical thing was the tree on the ground not far in front of him.

Hundred meters? Thousands of meters?

Sanlang didn't know how tall the tree was, but no matter how big the tree was and how many years it had experienced, it was now just a dead tree lying on the ground.

On the huge and raised hill, there was only a lonely trunk left. The tree was broken from the bottom, split into two parts, and fell to the ground.

Even if there was only a stump left, it looked extremely small compared to Sanlang.

Even if Sanlang was ignorant, he knew that this thing was the famous bitter love tree in Qingqiu.

Yes, it turned out to be cut down. No wonder he and his group didn't see this tree when they set foot outside Qingqiu before.

After all, if there really is such a tall sacred tree, it can be seen from a distance.

Although I heard that the bitter love tree had almost died a long time ago and had nothing to do with Sanlang himself, seeing the tree being cut down now, it still felt a bit...

"What a pity."

Sanlang didn't care, but took Little Red Wolf a few steps to the tree stump, and then sat down against the stump.

He was extremely tired. Although he was a fourth-level demon king, he was almost eroded. There was no need to hide the purple-black skin all over his body. He was exposed, like a wolf without hair.

A rustling sound came from his ears, which made him look sideways.

But he saw Little Red Wolf eating grass.

Sanlang frowned slightly.

"You are a wolf, how can you eat grass?"

"Hungry..." Little Red Wolf whispered, and even the beautiful red hair on his head was wilted.

Sanlang couldn't bear it, and was about to say something, but then he reacted.

The grass in Qingqiu is all dry. After several earthquakes, the ground is covered with dust. Where is the grass?

There are not even a few dry grasses.

"No, where did the grass come from?"

The little red wolf didn't say anything, but stretched out his claws to point at the ground around him.

"It just grew."

The ground that was dry and barren before, at this moment, actually showed a little green.

The green was really thin, but what surprised the three wolves the most was that the little green seemed to be growing at a speed visible to his naked eyes.

A wisp of green broke through the ground, and it was a sharp corner at first, but it grew into a small grass in a few minutes.

The three wolves just felt incredible.

But something even more incredible happened.

If it is said that when they entered Qingqiu, people like Ye Wuyou and Luo Qinghan more or less noticed that their own Qi and magical powers were enhanced.

Now, under this tree, Sanlang only felt that the Qi in his body was running faster and faster, and even his body was a little lighter.

Previously, the Qi and magical powers only increased by three times, but now, in this not-so-large area, the power seemed to have increased by four or five times, or even seven or eight times.

Sanlang punched out tentatively, facing the open space in front of him.

The ground roared, and the result surprised him.

This is almost the power of the fifth realm, even comparable to the sixth realm.

"Awoo, is this king so strong?"

Although he knew that it was a problem with this area, not his own strength.

But Sanlang was still a little excited and a little excited.

He was about to try some more magical powers, but a word came to his mind for no reason.



Who is talking.

What the hell is he talking about?

Sanlang was stunned for a while.

That word came again, it seemed to carry a bit of impatience, and even more with the impatience and anger of a living being woken up by someone.


I still don't understand.

Sanlang was confused, what the hell.

Just when Sanlang was confused, a vine suddenly broke out of the ground under his feet.

The vine directly pierced Sanlang's chest.

Before Sanlang could struggle, the words came again.

This time, Sanlang understood.

"Fuck the stinky xx, who is it, who is it! You son of a bitch, do you know which xx chopped xx old man?"

"Beep beep beep xxxx beep beep beep xxxxx..."

All kinds of dirty words resounded in Sanlang's heart.

Sanlang was stunned.

Oh, it turned out that the tree was talking?

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