My practice narration is weird

Chapter 401 Ye Wuyou, give Lu Caiwei back to me!

On the squirming flesh and blood ground, the woman was lying there quietly.

Looking to the side, there were faint traces of half a person's depression on the flesh and blood wall, and even traces of a knife blade.

Although the smelly mucus kept dripping from the flesh and blood walls around, the woman's body was not stained with a trace of filth.

The snow-white hair was gently spread behind her, and on her delicate and flawless face, her eyes were closed, but she trembled from time to time.

There was a deep tear scar on the woman's waist that was so deep that the bone could be seen. At this moment, she was unconscious. Without the suppression of the qi, the blood gradually flowed. On the snow-white jade arm on her left shoulder, there seemed to be an extra blood line, but it was not broken.

The injury will not heal by itself.

When Ye Wuyou found Luo Qinghan before, he found that this guy had been deeply trapped in the wall, leaving half of his body outside.

Ye Wuyou took great pains to pull Luo Qinghan out of the wall with a "bo" sound.

In the end, the woman could not be woken up no matter how hard he tried.

"Why are you sleeping like a pig?"

Is this because of the narrator's previous words?

Luo Qinghan could not wake up, and her injuries could not be treated. Ye Wuyou wanted to help, but Luo Qinghan's [No Bottom Line] was still there, just like a thin but unbreakable film on her body.

Although he didn't like this guy, Luo Qinghan's current actions were always on his side.

Ye Wuyou didn't mind treating the other party's injuries.

However, there was always a slight distance between his palm and Luo Qinghan.

Ye Wuyou couldn't touch the real Luo Qinghan, and couldn't even touch her skin.

What should he do?

Ye Wuyou stared at the torn wounds on Luo Qinghan's lower abdomen and left shoulder in a daze.

"At least she didn't break her arm..." Ye Wuyou muttered, and then glanced at his left hand.

His broken left arm has taken shape bit by bit. After using the life breath of the sacred tree to clear the Qi added by the Pavilion Master, [Rebirth of Flesh and Blood] finally played its role.

Not as strong as the original green demon, but it is effective after all.

That's why he doesn't care about all this.

If it were other practitioners, there would be no way to heal broken hands and feet, and the precious medicine for bone regeneration is rare in the world. Unless the magic method of taking over the body is used, it will really be disabled.

A subtle murmur came softly, the woman's eyes were closed, but her teeth were unconsciously clenched.

"Ye Wuyou, you beast, I won't let you go..."

But it was a dream.

The voice came into his ears, Ye Wuyou squatted aside, and the expression on his face suddenly became complicated.

He didn't understand.

You, why?

You even scold me in your dreams when you fall asleep?

The woman in front of him was lying on the ground, her whole body was straight, but that beautiful face was now mixed with pain, and I don't know what dream she was dreaming about.

But even so, Luo Qinghan also made an unyielding voice.

On the beautiful face full of painful struggle, the red lips as bright as cinnabar opened slightly and murmured softly.

"Beast, bitch, lecher..."

Ye Wuyou's face gradually became gloomy. After a moment of silence, he stretched out his hand.

With his palm raised high, Ye Wuyou pretended to slap it.

I gave you face? You still dare to scold me?

But he hesitated for a moment, and finally the sharp slap was just a light slap on the other's cheek.

But after several slaps, Ye Wuyou's hands were numb, and Luo Qinghan did not wake up.

This is normal. With the [No Bottom Line] package, Ye Wuyou will not hurt Luo Qinghan unless he beats him to death.

The force is mutual, and only Ye Wuyou's hand will hurt.

Since brute force doesn't work, Ye Wuyou chooses to use his brain.

The master once said that it often only takes one sentence to wake someone up.

Ye Wuyou patted the other person's cheek and spoke thoughtfully.

"Luo Qinghan, Luo Qinghan, why don't you wake up? If you keep sleeping, you will really die here, right? Although everyone will die, you hate me so much, isn't it boring to die in front of me?"

Luo Qinghan didn't react at all. It seemed that Ye Wuyou was not important to her at all.

So Ye Wuyou said again.

"Think about Lu Caiwei, she is also trapped here, Luo Qinghan, you don't want to lose her either..."

Luo Qinghan's eyes trembled slightly.

And in her mind...

[Luo Qinghan, you don't want to lose Lu Caiwei either...]

Ye Wuyou didn't know all this. He only saw the other person's eyes trembling, and there seemed to be some changes.

Oh? There is a reaction?

Ye Wuyou was about to continue shouting, and the faint whisper came from the woman's mouth again.

"I am willing to do anything..."

Ye Wuyou was stunned and was about to say that it was not necessary, but then thought about it and said slowly.

"Then you are not allowed to insult me ​​in the future, nor are you allowed to interfere with me and Lu Caiwei..."

Luo Qinghan did not speak, nor did she make any reaction or movement.

She lay quietly on the ground without moving.

The big one is dead.

Ye Wuyou rolled his eyes.

"Don't easily promise things that you can't do..."

"No, no..." Luo Qinghan shouted weakly.

It's not your uncle, and you echoed me, right?

Ye Wuyou was almost laughed out of anger.

"Luo Qinghan, you sleepy sow, if you really can't wake up, then release [No Bottom Limit], otherwise you won't be able to save your hand."

Saying that, Ye Wuyou slapped Luo Qinghan with his backhand.


A crisp sound rang out.


Ye Wuyou's eyes suddenly showed a strange look, and he felt the touch on his palm. He seemed a little confused and a little afraid to confirm.

He reached out and pinched the other person's cheek.

The touch from my fingertips is very subtle.

Smooth and tender water leaves a face full of collagen.

But Ye Wuyou's focus was not here.

Right now, [No Lower Limit] has been proactively lifted.

But Luo Qinghan did not wake up.

Although it was baffling, Ye Wuyou still did not hesitate, shook his head, and began to deal with the opponent's injuries.

"The left arm is easy to deal with. At least it can be saved."

"The wound on the waist and lower abdomen was quite serious. The five internal organs were damaged. Could it be that I won't be able to give birth in the future..."

"Oh, I was overthinking it. Who dares to want Luo Qinghan? Children and other things are even more nonsense."

Ye Wuyou is not a doctor, so naturally he doesn't know any doctor's magical powers.

But he will save people.

The blade of the knife lightly scratched his arm, and then a line of bright red beads appeared, ticking down on the wound on Luo Qinghan's left arm.

A wisp of pure white gradually appeared in the red blood.

The rich life breath of the sacred tree turned into sap, mixed with blood, and fell on the wound on Luo Qinghan's left shoulder.

There were still bloodshot eyes on the woman's shoulder and neck, and there was even a ray of sinister blood. The bloodshot eyes circled around the shoulder and neck, as if they were about to cut off the arm from Luo Qinghan's body.

That was not an ordinary wound, but a manifestation of some kind of regular magical power, and it was even more weird.

Otherwise, Luo Qinghan would not have been unable to deal with his injuries before.

And when Ye Wuyou's blood fell, the aura belonging to Lingxue Pavilion Master instantly melted like spring snow, and the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The voice of Feng Xinxin came from the heart.

"Hey, you can save people, but don't even think about taking action against our alliance."

Ye Wuyou frowned and said nothing.

He did not let the sacred tree absorb the soul power of Feng Xin. Depending on the current progress of the sacred tree's growth, he still had some remaining power.



The sound of the sacred tree came next, accompanied by the gentle swaying of the branches.

Ye Wuyou wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, smiled softly and comforted in his heart.

"Use your brain, this is called investment. I saved her life this time, why don't you find more souls for me in the future?"

But the voice came from the sacred tree again.


It means bad woman.

A bad woman?

Ye Wuyou didn't take it seriously.

"Luo's not that bad, he can still distinguish right from wrong."

The injury on his left arm improved, and Ye Wuyou changed his position, allowing the blood in his hand to flow into the wound on Luo Qinghan's waist.

The injury on his waist was more serious than that on his left arm, and the sap from the sacred tree continued to drain.

Ye Wuyou felt tired in his heart. He lowered his head slightly and no longer wasted the sap of the sacred tree uncontrollably. Instead, he wiped the liquid with a strong life breath around the wound bit by bit with his fingers.

The fingertips lying flat on his side trembled slightly.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and then Luo Qinghan slowly opened her eyes that were filled with tears and humiliation.

The peach blossoms that kept falling gradually dissipated.

The scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and then it gradually became clear in Luo Qinghan's eyes.

An unfamiliar environment, the air seems to be filled with some kind of hallucinogenic and sultry atmosphere, and the walls are constantly squirming like flesh and blood...


Luo Qinghan seemed to remember.

He was swallowed by the monster.

Was everything just a dream?

Fortunately, fortunately it was a dream.

Luo Qinghan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling grateful and surviving the disaster in his heart.

Such a horrific scene will not happen.

I will not fall into Ye Wuyou's hands and let him do whatever he wants...


Luo Qinghan was stunned by the strange feeling coming from his waist.

If you feel it carefully, there are also bursts of strange numbness.

Luo Qinghan subconsciously averted his gaze, but his gaze was blocked by the bulge in his chest.

So she raised her head slightly and looked in front of her.

He was seeing Ye Wuyou lying on his waist, concentrating on his work.

The red and white viscous liquid was dripping from Ye Wuyou's body onto his lower abdomen.

What is that?

It is impossible to describe Luo Qinghan's mood at this moment. It is always calm before the storm comes, and the sea always recedes before the tsunami rises.

She stared at this scene with her eyes widened in disbelief.

The images in the dream and reality gradually overlap.

Seemingly aware of Luo Qinghan's gaze, Ye Wuyou raised his head, looked at him, and their eyes crossed.

His face was a little pale.

Then, a smile appeared on Ye Wuyou's lips.

"You finally woke up. Don't worry, the treatment was successful. You have..."

A loud roaring sound suddenly arose, accompanied by an extremely turbulent energy and a word full of evil energy.

These words sounded a bit strange to Ye Wuyou.

"Give Lu Caiwei back to me!"

The woman clapped her hands on the ground, and then raised her feet. Veins suddenly appeared on her jade lotus-like calves. Then she kicked Ye Wuyou hard on the spot, like a rabbit kicking an eagle.

"No, buddy..." Ye Wuyou wanted to speak out.

But the words stopped abruptly.

For a moment, Ye Wuyou almost fell into a coma.

He only felt his body flying high and slamming into the wall made of flesh and blood. The huge force even made him airborne for several breaths.

And what about Luo Qinghan?

She kicked Ye Wuyou straight to the wall in the air, but after a few breaths, Ye Wuyou's body fell down due to exhaustion.

He was about to fall on her.

Luo Qinghan's body was still a little heavy, but it did not prevent her from lifting her legs again.

Her jade legs stretched out from the hem of her skirt and raised high, forming a perfect arc.

She would draw a carved bow like a full moon.

This strike would penetrate the stars.

Ye Wuyou's vision was dark, and he only felt his body falling rapidly.

But, he just couldn't see it.

It didn't mean that Ye Wuyou couldn't feel the strong aura and the life-and-death crisis in his heart.

At the critical moment, Ye Wuyou shouted almost desperately.

"Don't move!"

Ye Wuyou's Adam's apple instantly flattened, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Controlling the half-step seventh realm with the peak of the fifth realm almost made Ye Wuyou lose his voice.

[Words Follow the Law]

Although he is in the body of a monster, he is also in the strange domain of [Strange Door Coffin].

And in this, there is [Words Follow the Law]. As long as it is within this, anyone can use this strangeness, but they have to pay a price.

Luo Qinghan's figure suddenly stiffened for a moment, and even the kick that was about to be kicked out paused.

Ye Wuyou fell down and sat on the ground with his face, but he didn't make any movement.

It's just that his head hurts a little, as if he was hit by something.

A woman's muffled groan came from his ear, but Ye Wuyou didn't react.

He only felt that he fell on a buffer, the smell was fragrant, and the surroundings were soft and warm.

Ye Wuyou swore that he just rubbed his face subconsciously.

By the way, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

And when the golden stars that kept popping up in front of his eyes finally dissipated, the dimness was gone, and the vision gradually became clear.

Ye Wuyou raised his eyes and finally realized what happened. His eyes trembled, and he quickly rolled off his horse and rolled to the side.

At this time, the restraint of [Words Follow the Law] finally dissipated.

The two figures stood up from the ground almost at the same time.

Luo Qinghan gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his beautiful eyes flashed with anger.

In addition to the previously healed injuries, there was a new bruise on the woman's chin.

It looked like she was hit by something.

At this moment, Luo Qinghan had long lost her coldness, but was filled with anger and determination.

"Ye Wuyou, what did you do to me!"

[Ghost] turned into a wall to block Ye Wuyou.

[Ghost] was the first to be beaten.

Ye Wuyou covered his throat, looked at Luo Qinghan strangely, and then spoke in great confusion.

"I... what did I do... don't you know?" The voice was extremely hoarse.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Luo Qinghan's original injury.

"I shouldn't have treated you. If I had to choose again, I would have let you die here or outside, and I would not have treated your wounds at all."


Luo Qinghan lowered his eyes slightly, and then realized his current state.

The deep scars that had caused physical and mental pain before had disappeared at this moment. His left arm was intact, and even the horrible wound on his waist had healed at this moment, but there were still residual blood scabs.

He looked at Ye Wuyou, but saw that the other party looked listless, as if he had consumed too much energy.

Seeing the other party's gaze, Ye Wuyou raised his arm, and the wound on it was clearly visible, and at this moment, the residual blood and... a little white turbidity were still flowing.

Luo Qinghan understood.

Although the liquid was strange, it contained a strong breath of life.

This breath was like the purest thousand-year-old precious medicine.

Although he didn't know how the other party's body became like this, why it could produce such a thing.

But Luo Qinghan found that he seemed to have wronged him?

The resentment in Luo Qinghan's eyes gradually dissipated, but the anger in Ye Wuyou's eyes was already jumping like a flame.

Being stared at by Ye Wuyou, Luo Qinghan couldn't help but lose the battle, his eyes gently moved to the side, but he was still talking.

"Then how did you remove the [No Bottom Limit] on me..."

It would have been better if he didn't say this, but once he said it, Ye Wuyou got anxious.

"I removed it? I didn't even touch your clothes, you took them off yourself."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, what did you say in your dream at that time, I would do anything, Luo Qinghan, I'm really curious about what you dreamed about, why do you have such a deep and bone-chilling hatred for me?"

Luo Qinghan remained silent.

Ye Wuyou sneered, and then he didn't bother to look at her again, and walked straight ahead.

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment and said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Looking for someone."

Ye Wuyou didn't want to talk nonsense with Luo Qinghan, but Luo Qinghan followed him after being silent.

"Ye Wuyou, explain the matter clearly."

"What? I'm looking for someone now. Do you understand? It means that I was unlucky to meet you first. You don't care about Lu Caiwei, but I still do."

Luo Qinghan's eyes were calm at first, but when he heard the other party mention Lu Caiwei, he was stunned at first, and then a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

"No, I mean the beginning of everything. You...including the so-called Feng Xinling on your body, and the means you have left, you must explain it clearly."

Ye Wuyou was too lazy to pay attention.

Luo Qinghan finally followed Ye Wuyou in silence.

After about a quarter of an hour without any progress, she finally asked.

"How do you find it?"

Ye Wuyou wanted to speak, but when she thought that the woman behind her was Luo Qinghan, she immediately lost the temper to speak.

How to find it?

How does Ye Wuyou know?

The dog narration is not good, he can only hope that the narration can play a role again, such as smelling the smell and pointing the direction.

But even so, how big is this monster?

I have been walking for so long, why can't I see the end?

This is not a solution.

Ye Wuyou stopped and thought quietly.

I can't be like a violent girl like Luo Qinghan. I have my brain and I have to rely on wisdom.

Ye Wuyou's silence was exchanged for Luo Qinghan's misunderstanding.

From Luo Qinghan's perspective, all problems are like fog wrapped around his eyes, and Ye Wuyou walks and stops, and doesn't answer.

Luo Qinghan had guilt and guilt before, but now she has been ignored several times, and in the previous dream...

Ye Wuyou is unhappy with her.

She is still very unhappy with Ye Wuyou!

Although Luo Qinghan knew it was a dream, that emotion still couldn't help but rise in her heart.

Why do I feel more and more uncomfortable the more I look at Ye Wuyou?

Ye Wuyou knows this question, or maybe he doesn't.

"Six Desires to Transform Demons"

This was originally a technique that he temporarily practiced when he first stepped into the Five Realms. Later, as his practice continued to improve, Ye Wuyou could no longer feel the influence of this technique in the past few months.

Lust? Anger? Violence? All kinds of complex emotions?

Ye Wuyou didn't feel anything at all. Although it was a bit strange, he didn't care.

When he first stepped into "selflessness" in Baiyun Mountain City, he had a subtle feeling that he seemed to have completely mastered "selflessness".

No longer violent, only calm,

In Ye Wuyou's own perspective, he would no longer get lost in it.

I think this technique is harmless.

In addition, Ye Wuyou has been concentrating on studying the Heart Demon Tribulation recently.

But this technique is subtle, even if you sometimes ignore it, the effect of its surroundings is outstanding.

The one who likes becomes more likeable, the one who dislikes becomes more dislikeable, and the one who hates becomes more hateful.

Luo Qinghan frowned, standing still, staring at Ye Wuyou's back.

The dull, humid air was filled with a faint hallucinogenic smell.

In the quiet environment, only the woman's slight breathing could be heard.

Luo Qinghan took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling slightly, and then she took a step forward.

Another step.

There was a loud bang.

Her fingertips pinched the other person's neck.

Ye Wuyou's figure was suddenly smashed onto the flesh and blood wall beside him.

And Luo Qinghan was standing in front of Ye Wuyou at this moment.

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