My practice narration is weird

Chapter 403: Infinite climax, crazy battle, gender differences (7300, must-see)

Chapter 403 Infinite Climax/Crazy Battle/Gender Difference (7300, must-see)

His figure was pinned to the wall by the vast aura, and Ye Wuyou did not move, but just looked at Luo Qinghan, his brows gradually wrinkled.

But there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke as if he didn't care.

His voice was hoarse.

"Luo Qinghan, are you crazy?"

What responded to him was the woman's cold eyes and cold questioning words.

"Ye Wuyou, something was wrong from the beginning..."

"It's you who's wrong, Luo Qinghan." He smiled and responded.

Ye Wuyou frowned more and more, looking at all this, looking at Luo Qinghan, who was in a state of confusion at the moment.

The two sides of the white cheeks in the past were now flushed with blood.

Luo Qinghan didn't care, but continued to speak, counting one by one.

"On the North Plain, you left alone without saying hello, but you brought back a wolf demon. There was something strange about him. What was that? Why did you know where the wolf demon was? Tell me, why?"

"Feng Xinling, is he the man you and I met on Lu's Linlang Island in the past? At that time, only the soul of that guy was left and you captured him. I thought you devoured him and didn't care about him, but why did you keep him? Tell me, why?"

"Who is Feng Xinling? He was in the seventh realm when he was alive. What is his connection with that Venerable? You who always devour souls actually kept him? What did he tell you?"

Ye Wuyou listened quietly. Although he was smiling, his eyes showed thinking.

I wanted to speak, but saw Luo Qinghan's look of wanting to say something but stopping.

"Anything else?" He asked with a faint smile.

"Of course!" Luo Qinghan responded decisively.

Her words gradually became hurried, but her tone became colder.

"Ye Wuyou, I really want to ask you, is Lu Caiwei important to you?"

"Very important." Ye Wuyou glanced at her and then added.

"More important than you."

Luo Qinghan didn't care, but sneered.

"Important, is Feng Xinling's soul also important in your hands? So much so that you refused to hand it over even when Qijing made a move? Have you forgotten the purpose of our coming to Qingqiu? Why did you have to provoke such an enemy, so that we are now in such a situation?"

The smile on Ye Wuyou's face gradually subsided and slowly dissipated, and his expression became calm.

He was not angry, but whispered to Luo Qinghan.

"Let go first, I will tell you."

The hot and humid sticky breath floated around, Luo Qinghan's earlobes became more and more red, and there were some unclear and complicated emotions in his eyes.

Hate? Angry? Worry? Doubt?

Luo Qinghan hated all this.

She didn't care what Ye Wuyou did, nor did she care about the secrets of Ye Wuyou.

On the one hand, she hated Ye Wuyou, and she didn't care about anything.

On the other hand, it was because of Luo Qinghan's pride.

Pride comes from being strong enough, and her own realm allows her to not care about everything.

She has been practicing for more than 20 years now, which is already a miracle in the past thousand years of Daxuan.

Give her another ten years, no, five years, three years are enough, she is confident that she can reach the seventh realm.

The so-called unknown secrets? The intricacies behind? The troubles of the demon clan?

It doesn't matter, Luo Qinghan is enough.

On Yangguan City, Luo Qinghan sat alone on Diaoyutai, and with a flick of his sleeves, the masts and oars were reduced to ashes.

One force breaks all laws.

So she never cared about what Ye Wuyou did, and she wouldn't ask.

But now...

Things seem to have exceeded Luo Qinghan's expectations. For the first time, she found that her realm seemed to be insufficient.

This is something that has never happened since she really set foot on the practice in Daxuan.

Whether it was the Pavilion Master Lingxue who could use the Dao Domain, or this strange monster, they all exceeded her expectations and control little by little.

When she was used to being able to deal with everything with her own strength, even if the others used all their means, she, Luo Qinghan, could face it calmly and see it all.

Because she knew that as long as she was there, she could support everything.

But now, she couldn't.

At this moment, Lu Caiwei disappeared...

Bone-eroding hatred gradually appeared in the corners of her eyes.

She didn't know whether she hated Ye Wuyou or hated her own powerlessness...

But Ye Wuyou, who was in front of her at this moment, gradually overlapped with the disgusting figure in the dream.

The power in her hand unconsciously became stronger and stronger, and her clear eyes gradually became stained with a few bloodshot.

The voice was cold, but with a bit of anger...

"You are the one who caused all this. If Lu Caiwei didn't protect you, I wouldn't care whether you live or die. Ye Wuyou, if Caiwei has any problem, I..."

Tick, tick...

The blood flowed down her arm.

Luo Qinghan paused for a moment, and before she knew it, she realized that her fingertips were stained with a trace of blood.

And there was also a trace of blood on Ye Wuyou's neck.

Luo Qinghan's eyes froze, and subconsciously, she slightly loosened her grip.

Then she looked at Ye Wuyou in front of her.


The smile on the other person's face disappeared at some point.

Ye Wuyou, who was always smiling and frivolous in front of her, seemed to be not serious, was looking at her now...

For some reason, there was a touch of undisguised disgust and disappointment?

Luo Qinghan was suddenly speechless at this moment.


Ye Wuyou reached out and patted her arm, then reached out and gently rubbed his already red neck, and then some hoarse words rang out.

"Luo Qinghan, to be honest, I'm a little surprised. This is the first time you've asked me about something."

"The weird thing about those three wolves is [retrospection]. You had already seen him once before I brought him back, but you don't remember it all."

"You don't need to ask me why I remember it. I don't know this question either, but you should have noticed something in the mysterious realm of the Guiyuan Sect ruins. I'm not very affected by that thing."

"I have controlled the wolf demon, and also controlled [Backtracking], which should have been one of my trump cards, so I am still confident when facing the Pavilion Master of the Seventh Realm. It is nothing more than overthrowing everything and starting over. Something unexpected happened at the end.”

Speaking of this, Ye Wuyou chuckled. It was hard to tell whether it was regret or something else, and his voice was hoarse and low.

"As for Feng Xingxin, he is actually not important, but due to some restrictions, I really can't hand him over."

There seemed to be a sneer in his heart, which was Feng Xinxin's voice.

Ye Wuyou didn't take it seriously.

Feng Xinxin knew that Ye Wuyou owned the sacred tree.

Be it Lu Caiwei, Luo Yue, or Luo Qinghan...

Ye Wuyou didn't mention the sacred tree to anyone.

It's not because he selfishly wants to monopolize it.

But someone is tracking it down. If one more person knows about it, that person will not do any good, but will be more dangerous.

He spoke calmly.

"So, I admit this, whether you accuse me or not, but it is indeed my choice that brought us to where we are now, so I have been looking for her."

The wall of flesh and blood behind him kept squirming, as if it wanted to swallow Ye Wuyou who was stuck on the wall alive, but Ye Wuyou just seemed to vent his anger, his five fingers turned into claws, and then he tore at the wall fiercely, and his energy suddenly appeared. .

Instead, he tore off a piece of squirming flesh.

Ye Wuyou walked down the wall, faced Luo Qinghan, and then stretched out his hand.

He tapped his forehead lightly with his fingertips.

"Luo Qinghan, rationally speaking, I understand what you are thinking and also know your emotions at the moment. Coming all the way from Daxuan, Luo Qinghan, it has not been easy for you to think about it in your mind these past few months."

People like Luo Qinghan definitely don't sleep. How could Ye Wuyou like to sleep for four hours to maintain a good schedule like Ye Wuyou?

He also has a cold temperament and doesn't talk to others. He and Lu Caiwei couldn't hold back a word for a long time. They always stayed silently and looked at each other. On the contrary, the words he exchanged with Ye Wuyou were worth the words Luo Qinghan said in several years. .

After a battle with Ji Wuye, he had a disagreement with his master, then he met Lu Caiwei, fell out of love, and suffered from road rage while driving tiredly. After that, he guarded Yangguan alone for more than a month without letting up, and then rushed thousands of miles to Qingqiu.

After being swallowed by the monster, this dream almost made her heartbroken. Although Luo Qinghan had survived the inner demon tribulation, people are not iron-clad. They are emotional and rational, and it is normal for her emotions to fluctuate. There are some loopholes in the psychedelic atmosphere here.

Ye Wuyou expressed his understanding.

But that's just understanding, rationally.

Luo Qinghan stood there quietly, his previous words seemed to have vented all the annoyance in his heart, and now he seemed to have regained his composure.

She listened quietly without saying a word.

Ye Wuyou then spoke.

He pointed to his forehead, looked calm, and smiled casually.

"But I don't really want to see you right now. I guess you do too. I don't know what you dreamed about. Why do you hate me so much?"

Ye Wuyou pointed to the passage.

A channel has two ends.

Looking at this scene, Luo Qinghan's eyes were slightly startled.

What's the meaning?

Ye Wuyou explained with calm eyes, then turned around.

"Honestly, I don't know where Lu Caiwei is now. Meeting you may be just a coincidence, but now there are two directions. Anyway, you feel uncomfortable with me. How about we search separately? This will be both for you and me. Isn’t it good?”

As he spoke, Ye Wuyou thought of something, and then reminded him with a smile.

"By the way, this monster previously swallowed the strange realm that my [Tricky Door Coffin] opened into its belly, so some strange things would pop out of this place from time to time, but that's not the point, it's just my [Tricky Door Coffin] There is a strange person imprisoned in it, [Yan Shufa Sui], and now he is integrated into this ghost place.”

"I am only in the fifth realm, and you, Luo Qinghan, are only one step away from the seventh realm. I just controlled your actions with words and suffered such a heavy price, but what if you don't like me and really lose control of your emotions? Killing me is just a matter of words."

Luo Qinghan was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said coldly.

"You think I'm going to kill you?"

The careless words came faintly.

"That's hard to say."

Ye Wuyou said, frowning, glancing at Luo Qinghan from the corner of his eye, and then added.

"At least you are uneasy now, maybe affected by this place, so..."

Luo Qinghan suddenly raised his eyes, looked directly at Ye Wuyou, and spoke word by word.

"I have already overcome the inner demon tribulation, do you think this low-level hallucination method can affect me? Ye Wuyou, don't compare me with you!"

Ye Wuyou was stunned for a moment, looking at the other person's face that was not as cold as before, thinking to himself, aren't you already in trouble?

With a slight curl of the corner of his mouth, Ye Wuyou turned around, no longer looking at her, and answered casually.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, you were not affected."

As he said that, he turned and stepped forward, walking towards the other end of the passage.

"Make it clear, Ye Wuyou." Luo Qinghan's voice came from behind him.

"What else can I say? I said I was wrong. You go that way and I go this way. We owe each other nothing." Ye Wuyou turned his back to Luo Qinghan and waved his hand.

"Tell me where you are wrong!"

As soon as this was said, it was earth-shattering.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were blank for a moment, his face was dull, and he was speechless.

Forget it, don't care.

"If it's not affected, then it's my period..." Ye Wuyou muttered softly.

But do practitioners also have periods?

Ye Wuyou didn't know. After all, he was a man and had never experienced it, so it was hard to draw a conclusion.

Although it was an extremely subtle muttering, it still fell into Qinghan's ears.

What is an aunt?

Luo Qinghan didn't know and didn't understand.

But it's not a good thing to think about.

The bulging collar on his chest kept rising and falling with his increasingly heavy breathing, and Luo Qinghan's hands seemed to be calm and fell to his side.

But he didn't know when he had clenched his fists.

Luo Qinghan swore that since his practice, he had always been calm in front of everyone. He had heard the rumors from the outside world, the insults from his enemies, and the ridicule from others.

But he never felt any waves in his heart, only felt sad and ridiculous.

But why did Ye Wuyou feel disgusted as soon as he saw him, and his emotions were uncontrollably surging.

The woman stood calmly, closed her eyes and opened them again, and then gently exhaled a breath of turbid air.

In the eyes that used to be cold, indifferent and arrogant, a raging fire had been ignited, and her heart was furious.

I, Luo Qinghan, am uneasy?

Emotionally out of control?

Ye Wuyou, you are right!

Ye Wuyou, who had just taken a few steps, suddenly felt the wind whistling behind him.

How could there be wind in a calm passage?

That cold and familiar aura appeared behind him again.

Damn it, why!

Without a doubt, Ye Wuyou turned around subconsciously, and then a ghost appeared and crossed in front of him, and there was a surging aura spreading from all around, making a resistance.

But at this moment, a light shout came from the woman's mouth.

"Don't move!"

The effect of [Words Follow the Law] suddenly emerged, and invisible restraints appeared around Ye Wuyou's body, making him unable to move for a while.

Then, what appeared in front of Ye Wuyou was Luo Qinghan's extremely cold punch from far to near, from small to big, until it covered his entire sight.

The fist hit Ye Wuyou's face hard.

Ye Wuyou's figure suddenly flew out like a meteor, and rolled on the ground for several circles before stopping.

Before Ye Wuyou could get up, another figure fell from the sky and stepped down.

He quickly rolled to avoid the step, stood up, and grabbed the hilt of the knife with his backhand, glaring at him.

"Luo Qinghan, are you really crazy!"

"What do you care!"

"You bitch, you are unreasonable." Ye Wuyou cursed.

"Reason? Haha, Ye Wuyou, I won't kill you. I just want to kill you now. I'll punch you first, and then ask you about the reason while I'm beating you!" Luo Qinghan sneered disdainfully.

Luo Qinghan didn't listen to Ye Wuyou's words at this moment, and he was still unyielding.

She stepped again, flew forward, and delivered a punch.

Ye Wuyou finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his aura suddenly appeared on the tip of the knife, and he was about to cut it out.

But it was the same sentence again.

"Don't move."

[Words come true]

The woman punched Ye Wuyou's cheek again, but the effect of [Words come true] had not ended yet, and Ye Wuyou couldn't fight back.

Just as he was about to be knocked away by the force, Luo Qinghan grabbed his collar and punched him again.

Ye Wuyou was hit hard and fell to the ground, but he was seeing stars.

He struggled to get up, but Luo Qinghan followed him and sat directly on Ye Wuyou, and then punched him again and again.

The female fist fell like a rainstorm, and the powerful aura firmly suppressed everything, and even cut off the [Ghost].

Ye Wuyou could only protect his cheek with his elbow and dodge continuously.

"The rules of the martial arts world, don't hit people in the face." In the gap, Ye Wuyou struggled and shouted.

Luo Qinghan ignored him and just vented his anger by punching Ye Wuyou's head frantically, hitting him continuously.

Although there was some pain in his throat, which was the effect of the previous [Words Follow the Law], Luo Qinghan felt inexplicably happy.

Those irritable emotions seemed to dissipate bit by bit as the fists kept hitting Ye Wuyou.

But after a few rounds of punches, Luo Qinghan's brows gradually frowned.

Then, she looked at Ye Wuyou's legs that had been wrapped around her waist with some confusion.

Her legs bound her to the ground. Although she could swing her fists, she could not get up. Her body always kept a certain distance from Ye Wuyou.

Moreover, she was blocked by Ye Wuyou's elbow, and could not really hit the face that made her feel disgusted.

No matter what.

Luo Qinghan looked at Ye Wuyou who was beaten by her and had no power to fight back, and raised his fist again.

Ye Wuyou, who kept dodging, had gradually darkened his eyes and was full of anger.

"Luo Qinghan, if you dare to hit me again, don't blame me for being rude."

"With you?" Luo Qinghan sneered.


Luo Qinghan punched down.

The elbows were slightly bent, and a flash of light suddenly appeared in Ye Wuyou's eyes. Then the legs wrapped around Luo Qinghan's waist suddenly tightened, exerting force from the bottom up, starting from the ground.

Luo Qinghan's figure paused slightly, but his center of gravity was unstable due to the force. His body lowered a bit, almost falling on Ye Wuyou.

At this moment, Ye Wuyou, who had been lying on his back on the ground, suddenly raised his head, his upper body slightly shifted to the side, and then his hands seemed to be intertwined, entangled with Luo Qinghan's punch.

Immediately, he exerted force suddenly.

Luo Qinghan's eyes suddenly froze, and then revealed a look of pain that could not be concealed. The pain came from his elbow joint.

It was as if his arm would be crushed and broken in the next second.

The two qi forces suddenly bloomed and fought with each other, but even if the rest of the area was suppressed, Ye Wuyou still refused to let go of this piece of protection and never let go.

"Fight, try to fight, apologize to me, hurry up, say you are wrong, swear to me with your Taoist heart!"

Ye Wuyou thought very clearly that this crazy woman had never been injured so she was afraid of pain.

I am not afraid.

The more pain, the better.

There is a feeling that Luo Qinghan would beat me to death.

Even if Ye Wuyou is beaten to death, he won't be afraid anymore.

Even if you are dead, are you still afraid of pain?

Pain appeared in Luo Qinghan's eyes.

[No lower limit] can only resist magical power, but it cannot eliminate this power.

But why?

How is this magical power?

Click, click...

She seemed to hear a tiny crisp sound coming from her arm.

The pain was excruciating, but she still gritted her teeth and whispered.

"What kind of move is this..."

"You're stupid, this is called the Kimura Lock. I've practiced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for two months before, and I have a blue belt!" Ye Wuyou said proudly.

Who knows these things?

Luo Qinghan was heartbroken, spoke again, and used his words and methods again.

"Let me go."


After a crisp sound.

Ye Wuyou let go of his hand.

But Luo Qinghan's arm was unable to fall down.

But the next words came again.

"Don't move." Luo Qinghan gritted his teeth again.

There was even a hint of bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth.

After using [Words and Methods] four times in a row, even though Luo Qinghan's realm was higher than that of Ye Wuyou, the price gradually became higher.

The fists rained down, this time without any hindrance, hitting Ye Wuyou's face.

Ye Wuyou was motionless, but under his closed eyes, it was like flames were beating.

Luo Qinghan, you forced me!

He gritted his teeth and spoke suddenly, but with the power of his words.


Accompanying the words were a large mouthful of blood spitting out from the corner of Ye Wuyou's mouth, and Luo Qinghan's stunned face for a moment.

The waving fist suddenly stopped.

There was an incomprehensible meaning in those really beautiful clear eyes, and the face changed slightly, with anger and some kind of joy appearing on that beautiful face at the same time.

That was a feeling Luo Qinghan had never experienced before.

Ye Wuyou could even feel the body wrapped around his legs trembling slightly unconsciously.

Taking advantage of this stunned moment, Ye Wuyou suddenly fought back and punched out.

It hit that beautiful face head-on and hit the tall bridge of the nose.

There was a muffled groan in the ears, and the woman's figure immediately fell backwards, but there was no reaction, as if she had lost all her strength.

Blood was flowing from Ye Wuyou's mouth, and his face was covered with blood marks from being beaten.

But he still faced him directly. Just like Luo Qinghan did to him before, he straddled the opponent, and then slammed down his fists.

Despite being surrounded by [No Lower Limit], Ye Wuyou couldn't really hurt the opponent. At best, it could leave a few bruises, which was considered good.

But his current actions really made Ye Wuyou feel comfortable.

The evil anger in my heart was vented out in one fell swoop.

"Are you wrong? Tell me if you are wrong!" Ye Wuyou sped up.

Will Luo Qinghan admit his mistake?

Even if the sky falls, Luo Qinghan will not admit his mistake.

And he was so humiliated, how could he admit his mistake?

The woman gritted her teeth tightly, her mouth was bloodshot, her eyes were fixed on Ye Wuyou, and then she spoke with anger.


Ye Wuyou's body suddenly froze, then his eyes froze slightly, and his body started to tremble a little.

Luo Qinghan followed suit and took advantage of this gap to once again firmly grasp the initiative.

Who says women can't box.

Luo Qinghan was the first to throw the first punch. At this moment, he punched and kicked Ye Wuyou fiercely.

Ye Wuyou's eyes gradually became clear, and his dry and torn throat began to speak again.

Lu Xun once said, even if I die and be nailed in the coffin, I will still scream unyieldingly in the tomb with my rotten vocal cords!

Ye Wuyou had never been able to understand this sentence personally.

But now he understands it and implements it.

This is the principle of applying what you learn.

Even though his throat was torn and shriveled and his vocal cords were rotten, Ye Wuyou still struggled to scream unyieldingly.


Luo Qinghan paused again, the unknown light in his beautiful eyes continued to flow, and his fair cheeks were even more rosy and shiny than before.

Ye Wuyou punched out, this was an extremely serious punch.

This is the man's punch that breaks the bonds of his cage.

The target is clear, that is the other person’s cheek.

Deliberate punch!

"Smash it with me!" Ye Wuyou shouted loudly.

Even with [No Limit] surrounding him, this punch made Luo Qinghan groan in pain, and his body fell down, with blood flowing from both sides of his nose.

But the next moment.


Bang Bang Bang!

Ye Wuyou was knocked to the ground by Luo Qinghan.

A moment later.


Bang Bang Bang!

Luo Qinghan was knocked to the ground by Ye Wuyou.



Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Until the end, Ye Wuyou was kicked directly by the woman, and his body fell into the darkness deep in the passage like a meteor in the air.

There was no movement for a long time.

Luo Qinghan stood up shakily and stood against the wall. Whether it was the corners of his mouth or his beautiful face in the past, it was now full of blood and bruises.

It was dark in front of her, but she looked at the side of the passage where there was no movement, and finally laughed.

The laughter grew louder and louder, until she bent over with laughter, and even had tears in her eyes. She laughed until she cried.

Her expression became more cheerful, no longer gloomy, as if all her troubles had been washed away.

She hadn't laughed like this for a long time.

The final winner was Luo Qinghan.

But there were rustling footsteps coming from the other end of the passage.

Then, Ye Wuyou, with blood all over his face and lumps all over his head, slowly walked out of the darkness, spitting blood as he walked.

Ye Wuyou kept gasping for breath, but his body was still standing straight.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were slightly startled, and then he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a disdainful smile in his eyes.

Dare you come?

The blood stained Ye Wuyou's clothes, and he walked out of the darkness with a hideous face, like a bloody demon.

He stared at Luo Qinghan and opened his mouth. Although he could no longer make any sound, Luo Qinghan still understood what he meant.

I am doomed to lose?

You want to kill me?

What a joke, how could it be possible.

Luo Qinghan was in a much better state than Ye Wuyou at the moment.

Ye Wuyou could no longer use his words to make things happen.

Under Luo Qinghan's gaze, Ye Wuyou walked slowly, but step by step, with a ferocious look in his eyes, towards her.

Being stared at by such a gaze, a normal person would be really scared, but Luo Qinghan didn't care.

She just gritted her teeth and spoke hoarsely again.


But Ye Wuyou's figure was not affected at all, but instead he quickened his pace in an instant.


He pinched Luo Qinghan's jade neck with both hands and pressed her against the wall.

What's going on?

Luo Qinghan didn't give up and opened his mouth again.


But Ye Wuyou's eyes were ferocious and firm, and his figure was not affected at all.


Luo Qinghan's pupils shrank slightly. She didn't understand why the other party was not affected.

Isn't he a man?

Seeing Luo Qinghan's puzzled expression, Ye Wuyou finally laughed, and his laughter became more and more rampant and crazy.

"Are you stupid..." he said silently.

"Why... why?" Luo Qinghan was pinched by the neck and asked with difficulty.

"You know, my body is injured... even if my arm is broken, it can grow back." Ye Wuyou said with his mouth.


Luo Qinghan was stunned for a moment. She knew this, but so what?

But gradually, a trace of fear appeared in Luo Qinghan's eyes.

"Do you know why I am not affected?"

The silent voice seemed to resound in Luo Qinghan's heart.

"Luo Qinghan, I tell you, because there is a difference between men and women!"

Ye Wuyou opened his mouth fiercely, but his eyes were full of unruly.

"My young master, I castrated myself! I am a eunuch, I am a eunuch, hahahaha!"



No eunuch, the plot requires it.

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