My practice narration is weird

Chapter 406: Big Red Lotus Double Sword Slash

Chapter 406 Big Red Lotus/Double Swords

The figures fell beside Lu Caiwei one after another.

Luo Qinghan showed concern in his eyes at this moment, as if he had noticed what the other party was going to say. Lu Caiwei shook her head gently, indicating that she was fine, and gave a faint smile.

This place is not a place for conversation, and Luo Qinghan also knew this.

He raised his eyes slightly, passing over the Dao domain that was constantly struggling under the vines, and then looked at the huge figure in the air.

Even Luo Qinghan was stunned at this moment.

"What kind of monster is this."

As she said, she flicked her sleeves again, and ice crystals bloomed out of thin air, forming a sharp ice wall around the three people, cutting off all the branches that attacked.

After doing all this, Luo Qinghan frowned slightly and said unhappily to the figure in front.

"Ye Wuyou, what are you daydreaming about? Where is the way to leave you mentioned?" Luo Qinghan asked hurriedly.

Ye Wuyou stood quietly by the side, his eyes slightly fixed, but he was not looking at Pulao, but at the dense vines and branches around him.

[Well, well, this humble sacred tree actually left some blood here. The scenes of betrayal in the past reappeared in your mind. These ants on the ground really deserved death]

[Now that you have met it, you must uproot it and crush it completely in this world, wipe out its spirit, break its soul, and burn its body to serve as a warning to others! ]

These are the words of the narrator.

With undisguised anger.

In addition, the sacred tree also spoke.


The same kind?

Catch it to keep you company?

Take it in as a dog?

Both the narrator's voice and the sacred tree's answer made Ye Wuyou's eyes dazed.

He knew that there was a bitter love tree in Qingqiu, but he never thought that the tree was actually a branch of the sacred tree.

What's more, he didn't expect that the tree was not withered and dead.

Instead, it was controlled by the monster Pulao in front of him?

The sacred tree in his body now and the branches in front of him actually all originated from the Jianmu tree in the past?

Never mind.

Doubts are just doubts, but the more important thing now is to leave this place.

Pulao's eyes have been looking over, and the monster stood up straight, and even let out a meaningless roar.

Just by looking at it, Ye Wuyou knew that the monster was definitely not easy to mess with.

But there was no need for him to entangle with it.

Ye Wuyou completely ignored Pulao and turned his palm lightly.

A strange breath emerged in his hand.

There was a phantom lingering, gradually becoming clear, but it was a golden key.


A key that can leave any strange domain, a key that can break any boundary.

The black Dao domain on the side finally collapsed at this moment, and Xing Dao's figure came out of it in a mess.

He was covered with scars, but at this moment, his eyes were fixed on Ye Wuyou's hand. Then, he ignored the branches attacking from behind and moved closer to Ye Wuyou.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were the same.

She was slightly startled when she saw this scene, with surprise and confusion in her eyes.

No, who would carry so many weird things on him?

Besides, this key...

"Did you kill Cui Yuan?"

"No, it was Lu Zhaolin, I just licked the bag."

Ye Wuyou answered calmly, and then threw the [key] in his hand forward.

He did not integrate and control this weird, so this [key] can only be used once.

But this is enough.

As long as he can leave.

As long as he leaves, it's fine.

The [key] unlocked the ban and then rushed forward by itself.

The weird acts on instinct.

The instinct of the [key] is naturally... unlocking.

The key hovered in the air for a breath, and then realized that this was a bound place, so it subconsciously activated its ability.

The golden light was so bright that it seemed as if an illusory door shadow appeared in front of everyone, and there was a faint glow inside the door.

That was the sky outside.

Everyone immediately moved forward towards the road that had been opened up.

But the golden light was fleeting.

The door collapsed with it.

The vast voice sounded leisurely, carrying the weight of time, but also with the sneer and sarcasm of seeing through everything.

"Is this your method?"

Pulao stepped on the sky with his four limbs, his expression was proud, and the dragon head actually showed a playful smile like a human.

"Why? Why did the [key] fail!" Luo Qinghan looked puzzled.

She almost watched the door that was so close to her being closed.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, and finally glanced at the threatening branch.

"It was suppressed."


Luo Qinghan was stunned at first, but then realized something.

These branches... are they the sacred trees of the Lu family?

The branches around them regained their vitality at this moment, endless and dense, like a wave, attacking the few people.

Luo Qinghan's aura bloomed, but he could only try his best to block it.

"Ye Wuyou, is there any other way!"

"Don't make a fuss, I'm thinking."

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath, frowned, and thought appeared in his eyes.

How did he break through the suppression of the sacred tree when he was in the Lu family?

It was because the number of weird things exceeded the limit of the suppression of the sacred tree.

But now...

Is the number not enough?

Thoughts kept rising and falling in his mind, and Ye Wuyou was suddenly startled, and then he suddenly shouted at Xing Dao, who had a gloomy face not far away.

"If you can hurt it with all your strength for a moment, I can take you out. At least...let you die outside."

When Xingdao heard this, he just sneered.

This kid is really crazy. Now even the [key] is useless, how can he get out?

Do you still want to make yourself a head-on enemy to that monster?

Are you kidding? I really thought that I was so stupid and was just killing people with a borrowed knife.

As for letting yourself die outside?

Xing Dao found these words ridiculous. If he could really go to the outside world, he would definitely not let him go, and it would only be Ye Wuyou who died.

Ye Wuyou ignored Xing Dao and turned to look at Luo Qinghan and Lu Caiwei.

The sword light and ice crystals were flying, and neither Lu Caiwei nor Luo Qinghan, who was at the peak of his energy, could only manage to hold on at this moment, unable to be distracted.

His eyes briefly glanced at Lu Caiwei, and Ye Wuyou finally looked at Luo Qinghan.

She has the highest realm and is the strongest among the three, and her energy is now far beyond Lu Caiwei's state.

"Luo Qinghan, if you use all your strength, can you hurt that demon even a little bit?" Ye Wuyou asked.

There is no wood spirit in this sacred tree.

In other words, it is not that there are no wood spirits.

But this monster Pulao did not fully control the sacred tree.

And what is the monster worrying about because it has not come to an end? Or is it impossible to be distracted?

As long as it affects the other party and distracts them for a moment.

Ye Wuyou was confident and let the [key] open the door again.

But Ye Wuyou's words were not understood. Luo Qinghan turned around and responded directly, but he cursed coldly.

"Ye Wuyou, why are you so crazy? I wonder, but where can I find the time now..."

The words were directly interrupted by Ye Wuyou.

"Luo Qinghan, can you or can't you?"

Luo Qinghan frowned, but after seeing Ye Wuyou's extremely rare serious expression, he finally sneered and responded coldly.

"Whether you can or cannot, you will only know if you try..."

She hesitated for a moment. The aura of Pulao was too strong, and even she was really not sure.


not sure?

Luo Qinghan hated things he was unsure of.

It just so happens that these things are happening now.

But can I not do it myself?

What a joke!

Qinghan is invincible!

Luo Qinghan gritted his silver teeth.

"If I can ignore the obstacles of these branches, I can hurt it."

Ye Wuyou nodded, then looked forward and spoke calmly to Luo Qinghan.

"Then just move forward and I will clear the way for you."

The beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and Luo Qinghan looked at Ye Wuyou incomprehensibly.

I am struggling so much at the moment, why do you, a person at the peak of the Five Realms, open a way for me?

She was about to angrily scold the other party for saying such a thing, but Ye Wuyou's figure had already swept away from her.

He actually headed towards Pulao against the sky full of vines.

Luo Qinghan's words came to his lips but he could no longer say them.

At that moment, she could only take a deep breath, and there was a hint of anger and a little bit of undetectable worry in her eyes.

Then he followed behind Ye Wuyou.

Lu Caiwei followed immediately.

Seeing this scene from a distance, the pressure was reduced because Ye Wuyou joined in. Now that he could breathe a little, Xingdao's eyes were filled with astonishment.

Crazy, crazy, all crazy...

This is not about killing monsters, and this is not about survival.

This is clearly a way to die!

The branches were swaying one after another, twisting and twisting like dragons and snakes, but the next moment they became straight, and the branches were like sharp spear points, piercing Ye Wuyou.

There was blood flying.

The bright red blood was mixed with a hint of white turbidity.

Revealing a rich breath of life.

In an instant, the rich breath of life almost spread all over Ye Wuyou's body.

This is the breath of the sacred tree.

The incoming "lance tips" suddenly paused and stopped moving forward.

Ye Wuyou waved his hand, blood scattered all around, and he shouted suddenly at the same time.

"Our people, get out of the way!"

Immediately, Ye Wuyou added again.

"Everyone is riding a horse!"

The sacred tree also made a sound in Ye Wuyou's heart.


Good brother!

It’s really strange that these words fall into other people’s ears.

For example, at this moment, Luo Qinghan in the back was dumbfounded, and Lu Caiwei was even more confused.

Only Xingdao felt like he was about to be hit hard at this moment, as if he had realized something.

The sacred turns out that the Lu family's sacred tree still has remnants of it on Ye Wuyou!

But those branches of the sacred tree that were coming towards them really stopped moving at this moment.

Because the air was forbidden here, three figures were rising and falling, stepping on countless branches of the sacred tree and moving forward.

Pulao's expression in mid-air finally showed a slight change at this moment, and his pair of deep beast eyes were staring at Ye Wuyou.

"Okay, okay, as expected, I will swallow you in vain. This king's feeling is indeed correct."

These words were not concealed, but spread.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were calm.


So this beast doesn't want the weirdness in me, nor does he care about the [Tricky Door Coffin].

Instead, he was vaguely aware of the existence of the sacred tree, but he couldn't be sure.

The claws were raised and swung wildly.

No need for supernatural powers at all.

With just this claw, a sharp blade that broke through the air immediately spread out and shot out, and its majestic light surpassed all magical powers.

Luo Qinghan looked behind Ye Wuyou, gritting his teeth, and was about to take action to stop Ye Wuyou.

But he heard the roar coming from in front of him.

"Luo Qinghan, just gather your strength and move forward!"

This made Luo Qinghan finally stop the magical power that he was about to perform, and instead he kept calling on the Qi, constantly condensing and compressing it.

But Luo Qinghan still did one thing.

That was [No Lower Limit].

The body of [Ghost] appeared in front of Ye Wuyou at this moment. At this moment, Ye Wuyou no longer cared about the erosion.

It was hard to explain, something seemed to have dissipated in Ye Wuyou's mind...

After integrating the two weirdnesses, the effect of balance was that the cost of erosion would be more transformed into [Forgetfulness].

That was the erosion of [Forgetfulness].

But instead, the body of the ghost grew against the wind and continued to expand.

Ten feet, thirty feet, fifty feet, a hundred feet...

The ghost, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his head at this moment. The blue giant had two arms on his back, four hands opened, and roared silently at the monster above.

A subtle light flashed, and [No Lower Limit] covered the ghost's whole body.

The sharp claws finally came and collided head-on with the ghost's body.

With the blockage of [No Lower Limit], the ghost was not chopped into pieces, but the huge force was now stacked on Ye Wuyou's body from all directions.

Suddenly, the eyes in front of him went dark, and Ye Wuyou's body fell backwards uncontrollably under this blow.

"Forward..." Ye Wuyou wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak.

Luo Qinghan didn't hesitate at all, and stepped forward again without Ye Wuyou saying anything.

She let Ye Wuyou's body fall in front of her without even looking at it.

Since things have come to this point, there is no turning back.

At this moment, Lu Caiwei seemed to glance at Ye Wuyou who fell in front of her from the corner of her eyes.

She also didn't stretch out her hand, but there was light flowing on her fingertips, and a ray of soul emerged from the ring and drilled into Ye Wuyou's body.

After doing all this, she continued to fly forward.

Ye Wuyou's figure fell, and the other two continued to move forward.

Xing Dao, who was not far away, looked at this scene, his heart moved slightly, but he stepped forward.

At this moment, Luo Qinghan had already arrived in front of the monster.

Pulao looked indifferently at the few people who had paid such a great price to come in front of it, with a playful and boring look in his eyes.

Luo Qinghan's energy had been accumulated to the extreme, and there was a subtle sound in the air, which was the sound of some kind of condensation and continuous collapse.

Just like ice crystals constantly shattering, but constantly condensing.

The next moment, layers of air waves exploded, and a dazzling ice flower bloomed in front of Luo Qinghan.

The ice flower glowed with a faint red light, which was the color of blood.

The ice flower bloomed brilliantly at this moment, creating a blooming ice light between the two.

The petals were like the sharpest blade, beautiful and dazzling, and cold and piercing.

[Magic Power·Big Red Lotus]

Even though he was as huge as Pulao, he seemed to freeze for a moment, and his limbs and half of his body were covered with light ice crystals.

Although, this was just the "soul".

One breath, two breaths...

The ice crystals exploded, and the ice flower also dissipated, like a beautiful scenery that was fleeting.

"It's interesting. I haven't felt this kind of numbness for a long time."

The voice of Cangmang came, with a faint smile, and the beast was full of playfulness.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were stunned.

This was the move that was enough to seal Feng's soul and soul, and it was even more iterative, enough to threaten the seventh realm.

The magic power that he had accumulated for so long was already comparable to the magic power of the seventh realm, but it only made the opponent stagnate for a moment and did not cause any damage?

"If there are other means, I don't mind..."

The voice with a smile stopped abruptly.

The girl behind Luo Qinghan lightly flew out at this moment.

The girl, who always stuttered when speaking in the past, now drew out the second sword on her back.

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