My practice narration is weird

Chapter 409 Ye Wuyou, you and I are destined not to survive this Shura Field

Only the barren northern plains remained, but now it was full of murderous intent.

The huge mountain range now broke through the layers of dry land and "moved" to the sky.

But it revealed the figure of the monster Pulao.

Pulao stopped in the sky, seemingly not in a hurry, but overlooking everything below.

With a light tap of his claws, the countless dead monsters seemed to have received some kind of command, and they rushed towards the three tiny figures like a tide.

If the leader of the previous generation of Taoism controlled the dead existence of Dayan.

Then Pulao controlled all the monsters and was the driving force behind everything.

The goals of one person and one monster seemed to be the same, but they seemed different.

Pulling the Luo River, resurrecting from the dead, killing for no reason...

What are they going to do?

There are clear frosts that turn into ice crystals to seal everything, and there are also bright sword lights that shine and cleanse the four directions.

The blood-red blade was full of energy, and Ye Wuyou's face was dead silent. He slashed his sword in front of him with a nearly numb look.

A monster attacked, but it was crushed into dust under the vortex of the sharp sword energy.

Ye Wuyou couldn't even tell what kind of monster appeared in front of him, nor could he tell whether the sword in his hand followed the person or the person followed the sword.

But it didn't matter at this moment.

Now he just focused on hacking and killing.

I don't know when my mind has been covered by mottled thoughts, and thousands of thoughts are like waves.

The lingering sound of the narration seems to still echo in my heart, with some kind of the most wonderful bewitching.

The attraction of that bewitching to people surpasses everything, surpasses double cultivation, surpasses triple cultivation, and surpasses many, many cultivations.

It is to abandon the shackles of being a human being and pursue a leap in the level of life...

That choice is fascinating.

But despite this, Ye Wuyou still has a constant whisper in his heart.

"I am a human."

"I am a human."

The dead eyes slightly raised, and looked at the demon in front of him again.

It was a bull demon of the sixth realm.


Ye Wuyou, who had already looked numb and dead, suddenly changed his expression when he saw the minotaur.

The numb expression changed at this moment, and a hideous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes changed from dead silence to undisguised violence and arrogance.

The aura around him suddenly changed at this moment, and the aura was far more than before.

It was like an autistic patient who saw something of interest and regained confidence in life at this moment.

The bull demon roared at this moment and used the wild bull charge.

Ye Wuyou did not dodge, and the ferocity in his eyes gradually turned into excitement. He suddenly spread his arms and pressed them against him.

The bull's horns were easily caught, and Ye Wuyou's body was also hit back again and again by the huge force that attacked.

Veins popped up on his arms, and with a roar that was either angry or happy, Ye Wuyou held the horns with both hands, and then suddenly broke them in two completely different directions.

There was a crisp sound.

But it was extremely terrifying.

The hard bull head was torn apart from the middle at this moment, and then a crack appeared from the head to the chest, and then to the whole body.

After exerting force again, Ye Wuyou slowly let go of his hand.

The expected blood and flesh did not fly, because this group of monsters had died long ago, and at this moment they were just like [people in the mirror], turning into powder again, but they would condense again after a while.

The bull-headed man in the sixth realm dissipated, and Ye Wuyou's expression returned to the numbness as before.

But another monster tribe attacked.

White hair and red eyes.

The figure was dead silent.

It was a group of fox monsters.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuyou's numb expression changed again at this moment.

There was no violence or arrogance in his eyes, but no sadness or joy.

Finally, he sighed softly, his eyes showing compassion.

"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes."

Ye Wuyou held one hand in front of him and gently pinched the seal.

[Dharma-Appearance Divine Power·Boundless Ocean]

The Dharma-Appearance Divine Power that had once submerged was displayed by Ye Wuyou at this moment.

The fox demon's figure was shattered.

But the number of demons is endless. Whether it is a demon that once died, or a demon that is now alive in the world but eventually turned into death, even if the body is shattered, it can eventually slowly condense and reappear in front of the three people.

This is a war without blood.

Or, only the living are qualified to bleed.

After killing another demon king of the sixth realm, Ye Wuyou stood up from the sunken ground.

The red liquid dripped down from his body, adding a few more waves to the eyes of Ye Wuyou, who was originally numb.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at him gently, her eyes seemed to be struggling, but then she shook her head gently, her voice calm, without sadness or joy.

"It's just a minor injury."

The speed of the blood-colored long sword waving finally slowed down. The sword light of the originally clear and sharp long sword seemed no longer so sharp, and even the diffuse frost no longer seemed a bit cold.

There was only dead silence and dust on the desolate northern plain.

The sunlight shone on this desolate land through the rising smoke and dust. The floating smoke and dust rendered the light into charming halos one after another.

The white neon dress was now covered with a touch of bright red, but it was still moving flexibly in the beast tide, like a dancing butterfly on the vast scorched earth.

The sword slashed at the monster in front of her, but it did not smash it with one blow. Lu Caiwei was slightly stunned. Finally, after adding another sword, she looked down at the sword in her hand.

The blade of the sword that was always effective had a broken edge at this moment, and the blade also rolled back slightly.

Looking at this scene.

The eyes of Pulao in the sky changed from the previous solemnity to calmness, as if some doubts were dispelled.

It finally laughed to itself.

The laughter was vast, not hidden, but with the melodiousness of time, it spread in this miserable scorched earth.

"This king is sure, sure, it is not..."

"In fact, this king was wrong. Why bother whether the memory is true or false, whether it exists or illusory, the doubt is in front of you, and there will be no doubts if you kill it."

Pulao finally figured it out.

That illusory memory that did not know whether it was true or false had caused it to have endless doubts.

It was afraid, it was afraid, it was terrified.

It could survive for such a long time, spanning an era, so why can't others?

Just like the "Sir" who made a deal with it.

Pulao was worried that Lu Caiwei was the female sword fairy who was in the same era as it.

Don't look at the opponent's weakness at the moment, but what if he just doesn't want to waste the power that cannot be restored in this world, and there is really some hidden means of life-saving, and he will use a sword to force himself.

Pulao can't accept this.

So it has been reluctant to leave.

But now it seems that the doubts in its heart can be dispelled.

Pulao let out a low roar, and the figure that was entrenched in the sky stood up gently, and then suddenly waved its claws.

The invisible sharp blade shot out towards the three people, bringing bursts of sonic booms.

A woman's figure suddenly jumped high from the ground.

[Time Zero]

Time stood still for a breath.

There were even glaciers covering the wilderness.

But after a breath, the still time passed again, and the glaciers collapsed.

The sharp blade transformed by the claws swept across the entire wilderness, destroying everything indiscriminately, whether it was people or monsters controlled by them.

Amid the shattered monsters in the sky, there were several deep gullies on the ground.

Luo Qinghan fell into the deep ravine caused by the claws, looking at the dark sky with only a ray of light left.

She had blocked the previous attack.

It consumed all her energy.

Lu Caiwei was protected by her, holding her sword on the ground, trying to support her body.

As for Ye Wuyou.

Luo Qinghan didn't know where the other party was at the moment, but she could still feel the guy's energy, obviously still alive.

She held a handful of dry sand in her palm.

When the wind blew, the sand gently flowed from her fingertips.

Luo Qinghan sat on the ground, and her breathing suddenly became rapid.

The cold look of the past had long disappeared, and the inexplicable emotions and blood in her heart seemed to surge up at this moment.

Reluctance, regret, powerlessness...

In the deep ravine, a woman's hoarse cry suddenly came.

"Ye Wuyou, you and I are destined to not survive this Shura field!"

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