My practice narration is weird

Chapter 425 Goodbye Bailu

Ye Wuyou didn't get to borrow the flying boat in the end.

His figure stepped into the sky, and a weak soul was held in his hand.

A very special soul.

Ye Wuyou has more or less devoured some of the seventh-level souls.

He hadn't compared them before, but now he finally found the difference.

Needless to say, the soul of Pulao has surpassed the quality of ordinary souls.

But Ye Wuyou had seen the souls of Feng Xinling and Xing Dao, but he had been in danger in Qingqiu before and didn't pay attention to them.

Feng Xinling and Xing Dao were both in the seventh level, and Ye Wuyou had fought against them before. The sense of oppression from Xing Dao might be a little deeper.

In theory, Xing Dao is stronger than Feng Xinling?

But there is still a slight gap between the two souls.

It's a bit of an exaggeration to say "quality" and "quantity", but Feng Xinling's soul is indeed better than Xing Dao.

And the soul in his hand is still the same.

This immortal master is weaker than Xing Dao, even inferior to Feng Xinling, but the quality of his soul is still higher than that of Xing Dao.

Ye Wuyou can see that this is a trace of spirituality in the other party's soul that is different from the soul of this world.

But before that, he still wants to ask some questions from the other party.

The question is very simple.

Who is the Lord?

What realm is he in?

What is he going to do?

At the beginning, the soul was still reluctant to speak, with a mocking look in his eyes, and his body was crystallized like Feng Xinling at the beginning, as if he would fall into a deep sleep in the next second.

This made Ye Wuyou frown slightly.

Why is it that both Feng Xinling and this guy are so fearless even though they have fallen into the hands of others?

But when Ye Wuyou put a wisp of black flame in front of him, his eyes finally showed a ripple.

The soul finally spoke.

But the result disappointed Ye Wuyou.

But this soul didn't know much about the so-called Lord.

I only know that the other party has great magical powers, and he has given him the so-called Taoism, which allows him to ascend from the sixth realm to the seventh realm in one step.

"I have practiced with the Lord for 132 years, but I still haven't seen the Lord. The Lord has always been in seclusion... It seems that he is healing. He sent Feng Xinling and Xingdao to find the sacred tree because of his injuries."

"I was recruited by a woman before. The Lord only communicated with her. All the wills were conveyed by her. I just did things."

"As for where we are? How can I say that? That place is called Xiaodongtian in the mouth of that woman, but every time we go out and go back, the road is different. It is a route planned in advance and can be changed at any time."

Shenhun said carefully.

Ye Wuyou shook his head slightly and asked another question.

How many immortal masters are there?

"You asked me how many people there were? Originally there were four people, one woman and three men. Feng Xinling was one of them, but he came earlier than me..."

"As for that woman? I don't know about that woman. Her realm is much higher than mine, and she was the one who passed down the Dao to me."

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

This guy is much easier to control than Feng Xinling. He seems to say whatever he wants, and is not as thoughtful as Feng Xinling.

But why does he only know these?

It seems that he knows less than Feng Xinling.

These things are the same when he asks Feng Xinling after the God Tree wakes up.

After all, he had some understanding before, but he didn't go into it.

At that time, he only knew that the other party was looking for the God Tree for Dao Fruit.

Dao Fruit does have a healing effect.

So the Venerable, who is theoretically more powerful than Pulao, has an old injury that has not healed and has not seen anyone for a hundred years?

Or, like Pulao, he has not recovered yet. Although he is powerful, he only has the power of one strike?

Just like Pulao's magical power [Burning the Sky]

If he can act freely, what else in this world can't he do? Why do we need to arrange these people to do things?

Ye Wuyou was thinking, but the soul in his hand was asking tentatively.

"You, are you lying?"

Ye Wuyou looked at the soul in his hand with a slight gaze.

"You didn't kill Feng Xinling, did you?" The soul said.


Ye Wuyou did not refute, but said lightly.

"What does Feng Xinling's life and death have to do with you?"

The soul was stunned at first, then shook his head repeatedly, but there was a smile in his words.

"No, what I mean is, if you kill Feng Xinling, we will definitely know who did it. There is a mark in his soul. If he dies, it will point out the direction for us."

"And you are hiding him now? Even if I am so close to you now, I can't feel his breath at all. I have to say..."

Ye Wuyou looked indifferent.

But there were some waves in his heart.

Feng Xinling, this guy, turned out to be hiding such a thing...

Even if he didn't tell the truth until the end?

If Feng Xinling had really refined it before, he would have been exposed to the eyes of these immortal masters.

No, Feng Xinling was so confident, was he not afraid of death, or did he have other tricks?

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, and couldn't believe the words of this soul.

Looking at the soul, his expression seemed calm, but his eyes were always looking at him.


Ye Wuyou shook his head slightly.

Maybe there is no mark at all.

After all, the other party's words may just not want him to kill him.

That's it.

Neither of them can be trusted, whether it is Feng Xinling or this soul.

The sacred tree was sleeping, and this divine soul could not hang on the tree like Feng Xinling at the moment, so Ye Wuyou had only two choices.

Either destroy it now and refine it directly by force, or just put it aside for the time being.

Ye Wuyou pondered for a while and chose the latter.

Feng Xinling and the guy in his hand had the same origin.

What they knew should also have something in common.

But he couldn't believe all of Feng Xinling's words.

Not to mention that Feng Xinling was careful and wanted to deliberately conceal something, so he really couldn't find it.

So having another comparison was extremely important.

The last question.

"How to step into the seventh realm?"

Ye Wuyou asked Feng Xinling before, but Feng Xinling never said anything, just using the excuse that he had to go through the sixth realm of the heart demon tribulation before telling him.

Now that Feng Xinling and the sacred tree have fallen asleep together, he can ask the guy in his hand.

There seems to be nothing to hide about this question.

The divine soul changed his previous hesitation and said directly.

"Just integrate into the Daotong."

"What is the Daotong?"

"It's something given by the Lord."

"What if there is no Daotong? No one gave the first Seven Realms in the world the Daotong." Ye Wuyou was very confused.

His soul was startled, and he spread his hands.

"I don't know, I just stepped into the Seven Realms like this."

Ye Wuyou was silent for a while, realizing that it was useless to ask.

After inserting his soul into the body of [Ghost], Ye Wuyou's feet were shimmering with ripples, but he used the shrinking earth into an inch.

This time, he killed an immortal master in public, and Ye Wuyou knew that this matter could not be concealed like Feng Xinling.


He didn't even think about hiding it.

The moment he killed Pulao, this matter could no longer be concealed.

As long as the Lord was interested, he would send someone to investigate and find out, and he would connect everything and find his figure.

This immortal master had already arrived at Lingxue Pavilion and knew that Xing Dao was dead, which proved that the Lord had found clues, but he might not believe that Pulao was completely dead.

But it's just a matter of a few days.

And what I need now is time.

Time to wait for the God Tree to wake up and see what changes will happen.

Time to return to Beiyuan Qingqiu to get [Retracement] and [Strange Coffin].

Time to explore the Seven Realms.

Time... to go back to Yunwu Mountain again, let the right eyeball sell itself, so as to borrow [Years].

Finally, there is a chance to ask questions to the owner of Tianji Tower.

A chance to know the past.

But there are still some things to do in Daxuan.

The shrinking earth flashed ripples under his feet. After a few times, Ye Wuyou stepped into the sky and looked down at his feet.

Nanning City.

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