My practice narration is weird

Chapter 431 [Retrospection] Love is possession, there are so many beautiful ifs in the world


Qingqiu is still as desolate as before, with no vitality and no green grass.

Compared to the original, there is one more forbidden area.

It is a dark area that exists above Qingqiu regardless of day or night.

If you look from the air, you can see that the dark area is like an inverted bowl, spreading for hundreds of miles.

And it is expanding bit by bit with time.

This is the strange domain of [Strange Coffin].

It is constantly expanding and eroding, "swallowing" everything around it.

There are meteors in the sky, with the sound of wind and thunder.

It is a flying boat, which is extremely fast, far exceeding the speed of the general six realms.

The clouds swept behind the flying boat, but broke the sound barrier.

But then, the flying boat plunged into the strange domain.

There were ripples in the sky, but it was Ye Wuyou's figure emerging in Beiyuan.

He frowned slightly, with confusion in his eyes.

Why can't he stop the car?

Ye Wuyou thought for a moment, and finally figured it out.

This should be a problem with the flying boat.

It has nothing to do with me.

Fortunately, Luo Yue did not take the same flying boat with me. She stopped in Dayan, and I came to Beiyuan alone.


Ye Wuyou looked down, looking at the endless dark strange domain.

"Has it grown to this extent? Miscellaneous cultivator."

The expansion of the strange domain of the strange door coffin is not good news for Ye Wuyou.

Because it is different from other strange domains, such as [Identity Replacement], this strange domain at least does not have the killing power in the eyes, and it will not lose life if you step into it, so there is a chance for people to find the real strange domain inside.

[Words come out and the law follows] is the same, it just opens the strange domain, but does not kill the people who survive in the strange domain.

So whether it is [Words come out and the law follows] or [Identity Replacement], it can be solved in the end.

And the strange domain of [Strange Door Coffin] is similar to [annihilation].

As long as you step into it, you will be attacked, not to mention looking for the real strange "coffin" carrier.

The [Ghost Gate Coffin] had been sealed twice.

Once in the Great Yan Imperial City.

At that time, the [Ghost Gate Coffin] had just opened the Ghost Domain, but the boundary was only a dozen miles, and it did not turn the surrounding land into mud like it does now. It just restricted entry and exit, but there was no danger in the short term.

At that time, it was Lu Qingshan who sealed the [Ghost Gate Coffin].

The second time was in the God Tree World, and it was taken down by the wood spirit transformed by the ancestor of the Lu family.

Now, it is his turn.

Ye Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking silently.

Now he did not have the [Key], and it was impossible for him to step into it again. Even if there was no danger in the short term, he could not open the [Ghost Gate Coffin] and escape.

So the plan of entering the Ghost Domain to find the body was rejected by Ye Wuyou.

Then there was only one way left.

"It will take some effort." He said to himself.

Dao Domain.

After reaching the peak of the sixth realm, Ye Wuyou can use the Dao Domain that can only be used in the seventh realm.

This is the simplest and most brutal method.

But it consumes a lot.

It consumes more than Ye Wuyou's use of the Dharma-phase Divine Power - [Dharma-phase Heaven and Earth].

Ordinary Seven Realms are unwilling to use Dao Domain unless it is necessary.

Not to mention that there are Seven Realms like the old woman of the Five Elements Sect who cannot use Dao Domain.

But can mastering Dao Domain resist the [Ghost Gate Coffin] that has spread for a hundred miles?

Obviously, this is impossible in the world, even the real Seven Realms can't do it.

Ye Wuyou is the same.

After all, his Dao Domain is not complete yet, maybe he can barely resist the Ghost Domain, but how can he seal the [Ghost Gate Coffin] that is a hundred miles away.

But it can be done now.

It can be done in Qingqiu.

Or it can only be done here.

"It has not subsided. The increase in Qi Qi is a few points greater than before."

When he met Xing Dao before, Ye Wuyou had felt the increase in his own strength here.

An ordinary magical power can burst out nearly three times the power.

And now, it seems to be more.

Not just three times.

Ye Wuyou looked around, passing through the sea of ​​clouds above the sky, and then looking at the black strange domain under his feet.

"There seems to be a different breath between heaven and earth, which has never existed before."

In this place, he seems to be able to do what the story says.

Move mountains and fill the sea.

But it's hard to say.

Even if the Qi is amplified, facing this strange domain that spreads for hundreds of miles, Ye Wuyou is still not sure whether he can suppress it.

It may be a waste of effort, and he will exhaust all his strength and it will be difficult to recover to his full strength in a short time.

Such a price is very high.

The result is unknown.

Do you want to try?

If it doesn't work this time, the [Strange Gate Coffin] cannot be sealed by the Dao Domain.

Then, given time, how big will this [Strange Gate Coffin] grow?

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles...

At that time, even if he really stepped into the seventh realm, it would be difficult to seal it.

Ye Wuyou's eyes showed a slight thought, but then, as if he had realized something, he looked somewhere.

It should be said that there is no life in the strange domain.

But in this endless darkness, a faint light can be seen.

The white light in this dark strange domain is like a weak firefly, which seems to be about to go out at any time.

Sanlang sat slumped on the tree stump, his pupils filled with despair and death.

He didn't have time to escape.

Or, with his ability, he couldn't leave that area at all.

[Retrace] couldn't change [Ghost Gate Coffin].

If he was before [Ghost Gate Coffin] spread, there might be a glimmer of hope, but in that case, he couldn't leave the vicinity of the sacred tree.

Because Ye Wuyou's previous battle with Pulao had a very wide range, as long as he stepped out of this place, he couldn't protect himself at all.

And now, the strange area has been formed, and the two strange things affect each other. Even if [Retrace], Sanlang can't change everything.

Surrounded by black mud, he could vaguely see those ghost hands tumbling out of the mud, and the skinny black arms seemed to have eyes, looking at him.

But those strange black muds couldn't stain his surroundings.

Or, it couldn't stain the surroundings of this bitter love tree.

The sacred tree has a suppressive effect on strange things.

So, the ten-foot area around the bitter love tree is the last piece of pure land in this dark death land.

But even so, the scope of this pure land is shrinking little by little.

The wood spirit of the bitter love tree seems to have lost the power of speech at this moment, and has not communicated with the three wolves for a long time.

The tree trunk was chopped down, and part of its power was forcibly occupied by Pulao, and it has not received offerings from the fox tribe for a long time.

In this now barren land of Qingqiu, this bitter love tree seems to have come to the end of its life.

There is an unwilling roar in this small inch of pure land.

But the three wolves' eyes were fierce, and their death will spread, but there were strange fluctuations around them.

He wanted to use [Retrace].

The spirit of the sacred tree, which had been silent for a long time, finally spoke again at this moment.

But his tone was tired.

"Forget it, aren't you tired of repeatedly [Retrace]... The ending is the same, you can't change anything."

The voice paused, and a soft white light suppressed the three wolves.

But it stopped him from using [Retrace].

The three wolves turned back suddenly, with fierce eyes.

But with such a slight movement, the flesh and blood on his body turned into ashes and fell off bit by bit.

This degree of erosion is no different from Xu Qingyuan's at the beginning, or even more serious.

Sanlang only has one [Rewind] now.

Using [Rewind] means dying in the past.

If you don't use it, you may be able to breathe a few more times, but of course the ending is already determined.

The sacred tree spoke again.

"You are in this state, there is no hope, why collapse again?"

"Or do you want to [Rewind] and die in front of the guy in your arms first? Let her collapse too?"

Sanlang's eyes trembled and he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and in his gradually dim and blurred vision, he saw the corpse of a wolf demon.

She was skinny and hairy, and even the tuft of red hair on her forehead had long been separated from her body.

She died of strange erosion.

Weird coffins were everywhere. Although the sacred tree suppressed the erosion of the Weird Coffins, the strange power, just like in the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison, constantly eroded people's spirits.

A practitioner with great magical powers might be able to survive for a short time. Sanlang had strange powers and was not afraid of such erosion.

But the weak Little Red Wolf could not resist such erosion at all.

So she died.

Sanlang could not accept it.

He tried to use [Retrace] again and again.

In this small place, he kept retracing.

He wanted to change everything, change the past, try to reverse it, and find a glimmer of life.

But the ending was always the same.

The strange erosion was unsolvable for ordinary people, and there was no way to break the deadlock.

Only he remembered everything that happened.

So he could only watch Little Red Wolf die in pain in front of him again and again.

The last few times, he chose to take the initiative to free him.

He saw the other person die again and again in front of him, and then killed the person he loved with his own hands.

And only he could remember all this.

After each [rewind], the three wolves racked their brains and tried other methods.

But the little red wolf didn't remember anything, and didn't know, but the pain became more and more as time went by.

This scene almost broke the three wolves' minds.

It was tantamount to the most cruel torture.


The three wolves slowly opened their mouths at this moment, and their eyes were filled with the ultimate determination to die.

"Since this is the last time, I can go back to the limit regardless of everything, and I will definitely go further, back to before all this happened..."

And a light voice came from the side.

"Yes, but you were not there at that time."

"But she can live."

The three wolves' voice was hoarse, but they didn't notice the extra figure beside them.

"But you were not there at that time."

"But if she lives..."

"But you were not there at that time."


"Without you."

The three wolves' eyes trembled, almost breaking.

But at this moment he discovered something.

Those words didn't seem to be said by the sacred tree.

The master of the sacred tree would not talk so much nonsense with him, at most he would only say one sentence and let him die quickly.

Sanlang turned his head slightly and looked at the figure beside him.

The young man was wearing a black shirt with long sleeves, standing quietly beside him with his hands behind his back.

Sanlang's dim eyes flickered a few times, and then he was a little surprised and spoke slowly.

"It's you..."

But then, Sanlang had an indescribable emotion in his heart.

Anger, regret, and powerlessness about the current situation.

Or something else?

The turbid beast stared at Ye Wuyou.

He clearly said that.

He clearly said that he wanted to restore Beiyuan to its original state and change everything...

Just leave your life to him.

This is a commitment between them.

But now, what has changed?

As long as time passes and the treacherous territory expands, Qingqiu and even the entire Beiyuan will be completely destroyed.

Ye Wuyou turned around and looked back, only briefly glancing at the three wolves, his eyes sweeping over the corpse in his arms.

Previously, he only took a rough look and understood what happened to the three wolves.

He could feel the emotions of the three wolves at this moment.

But so what?

Ye Wuyou didn't care.

For Ye Wuyou at this moment, the value of the three wolves is only [retrospection].

And I will eventually get back [Lookback].

Then, he looked at the tree stump behind the three wolves.

"Sacred tree spirit."

Ye Wuyou suddenly spoke, but he directly pointed out the existence of the wood spirit.

However, Mu Ling did not respond at all.

From the perspective of the sacred tree, Ye Wuyou and Pulao were the same.

For now, all it has to do is pretend to be dead.

No one can take it down by force.

When Ye Wuyou saw that Mu Ling didn't respond, he didn't care. He just stretched out his fingertips and tapped lightly.

A wisp of divine tree breath rippled out.

Although the sacred tree in the body is sleeping, it can still be called by Ye Wuyou.

Whether it is the Lu family's sacred tree or the sacred tree in Qingqiu, they are all derived from the original sacred tree.

When seeing this almost homologous power, the sacred tree spirit finally took action.

Surprise, confusion, confusion, shock, and confusion arose in Mu Ling's heart.

The branches swayed slightly, but it was the wood spirit that spoke at this moment.

"You guy, what's on your body..."

But Ye Wuyou didn't pay attention to him, he just lowered his head and looked at the three wolves who were confused.

"Did you make a wish?" he asked.

Make a wish?

Is it that illusory legend of reincarnation?

When the three wolves heard the words spoken to themselves, they were stunned for a moment, and then said in a daze.

"Promised, but..."

The three wolves didn't believe it.

He had talked a lot with Master Shenshu these days, and in just a few words, the three wolves knew that the Shenshu itself could not determine the so-called "reincarnation and continuation of destiny" at all.

The sacred tree spirit had informed him before.

"Reincarnation to renew our relationship? I don't even know that I have this ability. I can just intercept a trace of the aura of both parties who offer their offerings and send them to who knows where."

"But just make a promise. You won't suffer any loss anyway. No matter what your situation is, you are destined to die."

After all it's just a tree.

Looking at the expressions of the three wolves, Ye Wuyou asked lightly.

"Don't you believe it?"

The three wolves did not answer, but asked instead.

"Do you believe this?"

Ye Wuyou glanced at the three wolves and suddenly chuckled.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, but you can believe it."

Saying that, Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand, but suddenly pierced the tree stump behind him.

"You special mother, you want to do this to me..."

The sacred tree spirit first cursed angrily, and then wanted to hide itself.

No one can take it by force.

But the words stopped abruptly.

The pure and homologous power was continuously flowing into the body of the sacred tree at this moment.

It stopped the decline of the sacred tree spirit and even allowed it to gradually stabilize from the verge of dissipation.

What is he going to do?

Mu Ling didn't understand.

Ye Wuyou didn't say anything nonsense to the wood spirit, but instead poured power into the sacred tree.

But this is always a good thing for myself.

But then, Mu Ling gradually understood what Ye Wuyou wanted to do.

As the wood spirit's aura gradually recovers, the previously shrinking area is now expanding bit by bit, expelling the surrounding darkness.

The "pure land" that was only a few feet widened at this moment and became several miles.

Ye Wuyou is borrowing the power of the sacred tree to suppress the treacherous realm of the [Tricky Door Coffin] here.

Of course, the premise is to infuse this weak wood spirit with the breath of its own sacred tree.

Although it still consumes money, it is less expensive than forcibly casting the Dao Domain, and it is much better than the unknown result.

After all, Dao domain is exerted by people, and it is just a means for people to fight against weirdness.

The sacred tree is naturally restrained in suppressing strange things.

The wood spirit naturally knows the situation at this moment, and suppressing the [Tricky Door Coffin] is also what it wants to do. After all, no one wants to have such a mysterious realm around them.

But why is this human being so thankless?

As if he could sense the doubts in Mu Ling's heart, Ye Wuyou calmly spoke with calm eyes.

"Since I took the initiative to step into this strange realm and want to leave, I can only find out this strange thing. You don't have to worry too much."

He seemed to be explaining to the wood spirit.


This human being took the initiative to step into this place. Apart from helping himself and allowing him to suppress this strange realm, what other way could he have?

It seems that I don't need to worry so much...

But the wood spirit still has its own plans.

He quietly withheld part of his power and kept it within himself, instead of spending all of it on suppression.

And he turned his passivity into initiative and asked for more from Ye Wuyou.

The hole in the wooden stake greedily sucked Ye Wuyou's arm, squeezing out the pure power of the sacred tree.

Faced with Mu Ling's little thoughts, Ye Wuyou remained calm and composed.

Just know how to suck it.

I'm afraid you won't smoke.

There are a few women who can make Ye Wuyou actively squeeze out juice and divide his power.

But this obviously does not include this greedy wood spirit.

The current effect is immediate.

The strange domain of the strange door coffin is shrinking, and the "pure land" displayed by the sacred tree is expanding.

Finally, at a critical point, Ye Wuyou's eyes froze slightly, and then he stepped out.

In the eyes of the three wolves, they only saw Ye Wuyou leave for a moment, but the next moment he stepped on the ripples again and appeared beside him.

In his hand, there was a black and trembling black wooden box.

With a light wave, the wooden box disappeared and was collected by Ye Wuyou.

And the strange domain also completely dissipated at this moment.

The darkness is gone, and the warm sunlight above the sky shines on the earth at this moment, just like a long-closed room that suddenly opened the curtains one day, and the light fell, making everything around bright.

The "pure land" of the sacred tree had not yet faded, and the ground was covered with soft white light and rendered by golden sunlight.

This scene fell into Sanlang's turbid eyes, making him look stunned.

It was as if he had been in another world.

Although it was far from the former Beiyuan Qingqiu, but now...

It was always peaceful.

No more intrusions...

Ye Wuyou's voice sounded calmly beside him.

"Now, I have fulfilled my promise to you."

As he said, Ye Wuyou looked down at Sanlang, without saying a word.

But Sanlang understood what Ye Wuyou meant.

It was time for him to fulfill his promise.


But he lowered his head and looked at the corpse in his arms that had begun to rot gradually, and his turbid eyes were full of trembling.

He didn't want to regret it.

But he wanted to try.

He could [return] once more.

This time he could [return] to a very distant past.

See each other again.

One time is enough.

After that, he disappeared into thin air.

At least she can live, right?

Sanlang lowered his head, didn't speak, and didn't dare to look at Ye Wuyou's eyes.

He wanted to try his best to hide his thoughts and not be seen by Ye Wuyou.

He had a decision in his heart.

But Ye Wuyou just glanced at him lightly and said casually.

"【Backtracking】 can help you change the past, but it can't let you achieve the future you want."

Sanlang's eyes trembled.

It was seen.

A light voice sounded.

"Do you like this little red wolf very much?"

Sanlang was silent for a long time.

"Of course."

"Does she like you?"

"Of course!" Sanlang's voice was hoarse, but his tone was firm.

Ye Wuyou didn't care, just smiled lightly.

"Don't be so emotional. Although you are a demon, in my eyes, there is no difference between humans and demons. It is naturally a good thing to have people who like each other."

"But you have to know that love is possession."

"I like flowers, so I will pick them and smell them. I like the wind, so let the wind stop and wait for me. I like clouds, so I will gather them around me. I like the sea, so I will create a sea in front of the door."

The three wolves looked at Ye Wuyou, a little confused.

I don't know what the other party means.

"With your weak cultivation, it must be difficult to protect your people and this little red wolf in the turbulent Beiyuan before." Ye Wuyou said lightly.

The three wolves did not reply, but remained silent, but acquiesced.

Ye Wuyou continued.

"It's so difficult for you who have [Rewind], so even if you change the past, without your past, your people, including this little red wolf, are weaker than you. How can they survive?"

"I don't think they can survive until this time."

"Because things will still happen, you reverse everything, it's nothing more than re-enacting the tragedy, what can you do? Can you change it?"

If they go back to the past, the three wolves will die immediately, and without his protection...

Ye Wuyou paused slightly, and then continued to speak, with a hint of smile in his words, and even a hint of teasing.

"Perhaps, without your existence, this little red wolf that you regard as a treasure will be trampled by other demon kings and hum softly?"


"Don't say it, no..."

The three wolves are kneeling on the ground with their heads in their hands, looking painful.

Is love possession?

At first, he didn't think there was anything wrong with [Rewind] to the past and letting the little red wolf live alone.

But now, he can't imagine such a scene.

He can't accept it.

People can't accept it, no one can accept it, even saints can't accept it.

Love is possession.

And as he moved, pieces of flesh and blood fell to the ground, and then with a light touch, they turned into powder.

Ye Wuyou looked indifferently at the flesh and blood that were exactly the same as Xu Qingyuan's last moments.

Is this the erosion of [Recall]?


This is just the erosion of the body.

The real erosion probably comes from the mind.

Constant [Recall], the end is the constant collapse of oneself.

Sanlang was in pain for a while, but then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked up at Ye Wuyou.

On that bloody and empty face, there were several terrifying but humble pleas at this moment.

"You are not affected by [Recall], you can keep your memory, help me take care of it, okay, I..."

Sanlang trusted Ye Wuyou, so he begged.

But Sanlang's words only brought Ye Wuyou's sneer.

"Why should I look after you?"

"If you go back to the past, [Backtracking] will also disappear in the past and appear in other places. What do you think I am for? What can I get?" Ye Wuyou said slowly.

The three wolves didn't understand [Backtracking], but Ye Wuyou knew this very well.

Banning [Backtracking] is very difficult, even beyond banning [Tricky Door Coffin].

If you want to ban [Retrospection], you can only do it now, or even make the other party hand it over willingly.

If the other party is unwilling, then activate the last [Backtrack], everything will disappear, and [Backtrack] will reappear elsewhere in the past.


Ye Wuyou glanced at the three wolves and spoke again.

"Do you think I am the only one who is not affected? Have you forgotten that the monster Pulao is not affected by your retrospection?"

"If it reappears due to your [retrospection], with its understanding and vigilance of me, I will not make any attempts to come to Beiyuan again."

This is [backtracking].

The past cannot be easily rewritten.

No one can predict what will happen again after you change the past?

Just like Xu Qingyuan died in the past, there was another Taoist Zhang Shixuan in Dayan Imperial City.

To take a step back, Pulao died in the [Tricky Door Coffin]. Even if it cannot be "resurrected", will there be a new existence to replace Pulao?

For example, there was no Pulao, so that noble man personally intervened in the matter and made plans himself.

Who could have predicted all this with certainty?

It's all conjecture, but it could happen.

Ye Wuyou's words hit the three wolves like a heavy blow.

At this moment, he was just looking at the body of the little red wolf in his arms, sitting there with a dull expression.

Finally, he spoke softly.

"Why do you tell me so much? With your strength..."

Ye Wuyou reached out and patted the three wolves' heads.

"There was once a man, but he was a beast and caused me a lot of trouble."

"But at the end of his life, he said something to me."

The three wolves were puzzled.

people? brute? trouble?

What else could Ye Wuyou say?

The words paused slightly and then came again.

"He said that if I meet someone with [backtracking], he hopes I can be friends with him."

Ye Wuyou suddenly smiled, but it was a sneer.

"Of course I won't take that guy's words to heart. You and I are not friends. I just want to talk to you for a few words, so there's no problem."

Is this so...

The three wolves nodded, seeming to understand, but not seeming to understand.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

He finally gave up the unnecessary distractions, stretched out his hand tremblingly, but his eyes were calm, trying to penetrate his chest.

Ye Wuyou looked at him.

The three wolves didn't notice Ye Wuyou's gaze, and naturally they couldn't notice the abnormality in his right eye.

The man's eyes were shining with scarlet light at this moment, reflecting on the three wolves.

The three wolves just whispered at this moment.

"Ban me and take [Retrospection] away. This is my promise to you."

Ye Wuyou nodded, first stretched out his hand, and then suddenly smiled.

"Actually, everything I just said was a lie to you. How about you try [going back] to the past? What if the results are different?"

Lie, lie to me?

The three wolves didn't understand.

But at this moment, he was like a dying man grasping the last straw.

A simple sentence, but he almost lost it in his own mind.

That is the deepest obsession.

What if the results are different?

What if?

There are so many eventualities in the world, so many wonderful eventualities...

That being the case.



The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the grassland, and the golden brilliance and the sunset glow on the horizon interweave together to form a beautiful picture.

A little wolf demon was leaning quietly under the tree stump.

His shadow was stretched very long, and as the breeze blew, a few blades of grass blew into his face.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

As far as the eye can see, the grass is luxuriant, the wind is gentle and the earth is full of life.

Nothing more desolate.

Everything before was like a dream.

The little wolf demon stood there at the moment, his eyes flashing with complex emotions, including loneliness, confusion, and a trace of unnoticeable desire.

Are you back?

I didn’t die or dissipate…

But right now, when is this...

But before it could think about it, there was a sound behind it.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Let's go."

He turned around, only to see another little wolf with a smiling face.

There is a tuft of red hair on the little wolf's head.

Both of them have not yet transformed, they are just little monsters in the Northern Plains.

The howls of wolves could be heard in the distance.

The little red wolf stomped over, rubbed against him, and then quickly ran towards the wolves in the distance.

The third wolf's eyes were stunned, and he didn't know whether he was excited or afraid. He seemed to want to ask something, but there was no sound when he opened his mouth.

But he eventually followed.

The pace is gradually accelerating.

Two little wolves walked side by side on the prairie under the setting sun, gradually getting further and further away.


[Rewind] was held in Ye Wuyou's hand. It was banned at the moment, but it was a Han Cicada.

The corpses of the three wolves were beside him.

His head was lowered, but his breath was obviously gone, but there seemed to be a slight smile on his bloody face.

The words of the God Tree came from the side.

"To be honest, I really can't understand you guys, including you using illusions... He's dead anyway, what's the point?"

Ye Wuyou glanced at the [Retrace] in his hand, and then put it in his pocket.

He said lightly.

"What's wrong with the illusion world?"

The God Tree responded, but his tone was full of sneers.

"Is that so? But I don't understand. I think this move is really stupid..."

Ye Wuyou also laughed.

He stretched out his hand and touched his forehead with his fingertips.

"For some reason, I actually hate foul-mouthed guys."

He said so.

The voice of the God Tree was silent for a moment, but then it was still that lazy.

"There's nothing I can do. I learned it from others and I can't change it. You kid can choose not to listen..."

But the next moment, the voice stopped abruptly.

The God Tree Spirit was terrified at this moment, but looked at his body in disbelief.

The man's indifferent voice came from the side.

"You bastard, do you have the right to speak?"

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