My practice narration is weird

Chapter 439 Qinghan, it’s time to hit the road (6200 words)

The two heads were gently taken off by Ye Wuyou, and then thrown to the ground, raising a little dust.

The sudden change made the other children who were lying on the ground and shouting incessantly silent for a moment. After a short silence, they cried even more fiercely.

But the next moment, the children who had fallen to the ground jumped up again and ran away at a fast speed without looking back.

After all, they were young talents from major families. Although they were still in the process of body training, they had infinite potential. At this moment, their speed was not much slower than that of the first realm.

The figures in the field disappeared quickly.

Only two people were left.

Luo Qinghan still did not get up, but just sat slightly against a flower bed behind him. Under the face covered by withered yellow hair, the only eye that could be opened was stunned.

She didn't understand.

Why did she go back to the past.

Why did Ye Wuyou also appear here.

Why could he retain all his cultivation?

Peak of the sixth realm.

If Luo Qinghan faced the first realm, the lower three realms...

Even if she faced the rest of the people, she would have the courage to fight, but now facing Ye Wuyou.

There is no possibility.

But Luo Qinghan noticed one thing at this moment.

The "head" taken by Ye Wuyou just rolled to the ground like a ball at this moment.

But no blood was spilled.

The cut was like a cross section, and the two people's figures also fell to the ground motionless, but strangely there was no trace of red.

Is it true or false, is it reality or illusion?

Luo Qinghan couldn't tell, but she didn't have time to care at this moment.

Because Ye Wuyou was already slowly stepping towards her at this moment.

In Luo Qinghan's sight, which was only a ray of light at this moment, she saw the man's footsteps paused beside her and stopped lightly.

Then, she saw Ye Wuyou leaned down slightly and half-crouched in front of her.

She wanted to get up.

But she found that she couldn't muster any strength in her body.

At the peak of the Sixth Realm Heavenly Power, even without using Qi, the breath floating around Ye Wuyou alone made Luo Qinghan lose consciousness.

Only the ignorant can be fearless.

Luo Qinghan knew everything about Ye Wuyou, and the current situation was already a desperate situation in her heart.

She tried to struggle, but in the end she found that she could not get up, and her body seemed to have lost all strength.

Strength comes from the heart, and when the heart is gone, the strength is exhausted.

The man stretched out his big hand towards her.

A trace of confusion flashed through Luo Qinghan's heart.

She didn't understand, nor was she willing, and she didn't know what Ye Wuyou would do now.

Of course she would be unwilling.

Such a weak and broken body, unable to do anything at the moment, now fell into the hands of the other party, what would happen.


Luo Qinghan's red and swollen eyes filled with bloodshot trembled slightly for some reason at this moment.

Was she going back to the past?

If all this is true, if everything can be rewritten, will he...

If there is no me in the future, isn't that what Ye Wuyou wants...

The next moment, the man's big hand gently covered her forehead.

Accompanied by a slightly compassionate word, the fingertips covering Luo Qinghan's forehead glowed slightly.

"How pitiful."

In an instant, the chill spread from top to bottom throughout Luo Qinghan's body.

The thin arm with bruises got the strength from nowhere, and it was propped up from the ground, clenched its fist tightly, and raised slightly.

Luo Qinghan almost subconsciously wanted to punch.

But Ye Wuyou had already stopped and stood up, walking back without a trace of nostalgia.

This made Luo Qinghan, who had originally planned to fight to the death and try to perform the unprecedented feat of forging the body to fight the sixth realm, stagnate in place for a moment.

What does it mean?

Why did he leave?

But Luo Qinghan's eyes were slightly startled, and her vision, which was originally blurred due to the redness and swelling caused by being beaten, became clear little by little at this moment.

The dirty black little hand was still raised at this moment, and the "sand and ash" hidden in the palm of her hand drifted away from the gap between her fingertips little by little with the wind. This was the "killer move" she could do at the moment.

Her fingertips touched her cheek unconsciously.

It didn't hurt...

Luo Qinghan realized that the bruises on her cheek and body seemed to slowly dissipate at this moment.

The deep chill that just rose from the top of her head and spread all over her body from top to bottom, was actually Ye Wuyou healing her?

Speaking of which, the chill was just a little clear.

There were many puzzles in the slightly opened delicate eyes. Did Ye Wuyou change his personality? Even if the worst-case scenario he had imagined was not the case, and he didn't kill himself, then if he fell into the hands of the other party, he wouldn't let him go so easily...

The footsteps suddenly stopped.

Luo Qinghan stopped his useless thinking.

Because Ye Wuyou had already turned his head and squinted his eyes.

As he stared at her, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth on that handsome but calm face.

"Little friend, do you know Luo Qinghan?"

He added with a smile.

"Because I saw that you were not wearing shoes, I asked you one more question, wondering if you knew her."

"I'm looking for her."


The sudden words made the little Luo Qinghan stagnate.

After a long time, Luo Qinghan lowered his eyes slightly, glanced to the side, and looked at his bare feet from the corner of his eyes.

What do you mean I'm not wearing shoes either...

Luo Qinghan's nose twitched for some reason.

At first, she wore it, but it was always hidden.

So she just stopped wearing it.

She lowered her head, leaned on the spot, and spoke in a low voice, as thin as a mosquito.

"I don't know her."


The stream gurgled, flowing from the cracks in the mountain stream. The water was small, but it was endless. No one knew where it came from and where it would eventually flow to.

Luo Qinghan stood by the stream, staring at the reflection in the water with a dull look.

Her yellow and messy hair was scattered randomly, exposed to the wind and sun, and now stained with mud on her petite face, which was a little dark. Her thin figure was completely different from her proud body in the past. She was plain from front to back, and even her clothes were full of wrinkles and dust. There was no image of the former Five Elements Sect Saint.

The cuffs had long been torn and tattered, revealing the thin arms, the fingertips were filled with dirt and dust and turned black, and at this moment, the little hands seemed to be a little restless and clenched the torn sleeves on both sides.

People often say that girls change a lot when they grow up, but Luo Qinghan didn't care before.

But when she saw her childhood appearance, she realized the weight of this saying.

Not like.

Not like at all.

At the moment, not to mention Ye Wuyou, even Luo Qinghan herself didn't recognize herself.

At this moment, this was not Luo Qinghan at all, but clearly a little beggar on the street.

Except for the scene of meeting Lu Caiwei, the rest of this experience had long been buried deep in her mind, as if she subconsciously didn't want to recall it. Subconsciously chose [Forget].

After a long time, she suddenly burst into laughter, but just lay down beside the stream, burying her face deeply in the water.

The cool and even piercing water washed over the ends of her hair, taking away some withered yellow dust, and also made her nervous, and she became a little more awake.

The water in the mountains was very cold.

Luo Qinghan shivered, and quickly raised her head from the stream, taking deep breaths, but even her inhalation was trembling.

In the past, Luo Qinghan was the most fearless of the severe cold, often practicing in the cold pond, and her magical powers were also accompanied by ice and snow, but at this moment, she felt extremely cold.

The biting cold made her sober, but her physical fatigue followed.

Sleepiness, hunger, and fatigue flooded into her heart.

How long has it been since I felt hungry and sleepy...

Luo Qinghan suddenly realized that these feelings that she had never had as a sixth realm in the past were so annoying at this moment.

But she shook her head suddenly, looking into the distance, and her young eyes showed thinking.

How did she do this?

The strangeness of [Time Zero] had previously puzzled Luo Qinghan. She couldn't cancel Time Zero at that time, but where did the current change come from?

Did Ye Wuyou do something at that time to break the deadlock?

It could only be this result, because he also came here and even appeared in front of her.

But he didn't recognize her...

Luo Qinghan suddenly felt a little ridiculous, and she sneered subconsciously.

The laughter on this body was a baby voice.

What the hell.

Luo Qinghan immediately covered her mouth and kept silent, her eyes a little annoyed.

She naturally didn't go back to the "school" or the house that belonged to her.

She was an adult, how could she mix with those stinky kids.

Besides, the mountain is already in chaos, right? Going back would only add to the trouble.

But she didn't know where to go.

So she simply walked all the way up the mountain.

As she walked, she tried to think.

Luo Qinghan felt that she didn't belong here.

Even though this was her "past".

But the past is over, good or bad, what she wants is the future.

"Is this real or an illusion... If it is an illusion, I can't see any clues."

"And I can be sure that I am real."

"But if it is real, why didn't the two people bleed before..."

"Did I really go back to the past? But if so... there can't be two Ye Wuyou."

Strange Domain?

It's both real and fake.

Luo Qinghan can't tell the difference between illusion and reality.

But she is very clear about one thing.

She can't stay here.

She has to find a way to go back, back to the North Plain, to complete the bet that has never had a result.

She wants to win!

But what method should she use?

Luo Qinghan had no clue for a while. Although she had some understanding of the weird, she could no longer compare with Ye Wuyou at the moment.

She could only think randomly while moving forward along the mountain path.

The mountain road was long, and Luo Qinghan didn't know how far she had walked or how long she had walked.

But when the sun sets and the moon rises, the sky is replaced by a sky full of stars.

As she moves forward, her vision becomes wider and wider. The beautiful cliffs on the top of the peaks come into her sight little by little, and in addition, there is the beautiful scenery of the mountains reflected in the night.

Her footsteps paused slightly.

She finally reached the top of the mountain.

Crack, crack...

The dry wood was burned by the flames, making a slight crackling sound.

The moonlight and the firelight mixed together, reflecting everything clearly in front of her in this dark night sky.

There was a man sitting quietly on the cliff in front of him, overlooking everything.

He did not sit cross-legged, but sat casually, with his arms gently resting on his knees, casual and free.

He looked leisurely, facing the world.

Luo Qinghan's eyes suddenly became stunned, but then he looked away, his eyes dropped slightly, his body became even stiffer, and he took a step back, as if he was about to turn around and run away the next moment.

But soft words came from the cliff ahead.

"Is it you again?"

The words were soft and not oppressive at all, but they seemed to have some kind of restriction, making Luo Qinghan unable to move even an inch.

But Luo Qinghan knew that Ye Wuyou actually didn't do anything.

This is just the pressure that one puts on oneself.

Calm down, calm down.

He didn't realize that he was Luo Qinghan.

But why can't he see himself?

This is impossible.

No, maybe, Ye Wuyou is stupid.

After comforting himself, Luo Qinghan hesitated for a moment and wanted to try to reply.


There was a discordant sound in the lower abdomen.

Luo Qinghan's expression froze for a moment, then he lowered his head, kept inhaling, and firmly covered his lower abdomen with his hands.

Ye Wuyou still had his back to her, but after hearing this voice, he seemed to be stunned, and then looked back slightly, with a deep and interesting look in his eyes.

"Are you hungry? Then sit over here."

With that said, Ye Wuyou pointed at the rabbit meat that was already roasted by the small campfire.


"The mountain road at night is very dangerous. Even if it lasts one night, you can't go back to the bottom of the mountain." Ye Wuyou looked at the dark mountain road behind Luo Qinghan and slowly comforted him.

The hesitation in Luo Qinghan's eyes gradually turned into determination.

In this past where I don’t know what is true or false, I am real.

I don't have any cultivation at the moment. Whether I want to fill my stomach or want to find a way to go back, I can't avoid contact with Ye Wuyou.

Besides, he didn't realize it was me.

What are you afraid of? What is there to be afraid of?

After comforting himself and sorting things out, Luo Qinghan finally walked to Ye Wuyou's side, looked away, put his hands around his knees, and sat down quietly.

Looking at the bonfire from the corner of her eye, she swallowed and did not reach for it.

Rabbits are so cute, why eat them?

So Ye Wuyou took out a bamboo stick, threaded it through, and then handed it to the other party.

The fragrance of food passed before his eyes, stimulating every nerve of Luo Qinghan.

How could a young child resist such temptation, not to mention that she was indeed hungry and extremely tired now.

She was a little reserved at first, chewing in small mouths, but eventually turned into big mouthfuls and tried hard to bite the somewhat burnt rabbit meat.

Rabbit is really delicious.

Ye Wuyou looked at the scene of Luo Qinghan next to him, with a strange flash in his eyes.

But he didn't say anything, he just took out a pot of fine wine and drank alone.


There was a rapid and violent cough from the side, and the thin cheeks illuminated by the firelight were a little red at the moment.

Luo Qinghan was still holding a rabbit leg in his hand. His thin lips, which looked dull during the day, were now shiny, but his cheeks were swollen and bulging.

Eat, eat too fast...

Luo Qinghan coughed violently, and then looked around eagerly. When he saw the wine bottle that Ye Wuyou had placed beside him, he took it directly without hesitation or words.

Gudong, gudong, Luo Qinghan took a sip, and the wine flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Her expression finally softened.

A man's questioning voice came from the side.

"Is it delicious?"

Luo Qinghan was stunned. When Ye Wuyou asked her to comment, she almost subconsciously just answered.

"That's it..."

But as the words left her mouth, she added in a low voice.

"It's... quite delicious."

Be more natural, be more natural.

He doesn't know that I am Luo Qinghan, so don't mistake him for Ye Wuyou.

But Ye Wuyou seemed a little surprised by this answer.

"Is it delicious?"

"I just tasted a rabbit head. To be honest, something baked without seasoning is not appetizing at all. Hehe, but I don't know how to cook. Even if there is seasoning, it won't taste good."

"But the only thing I know how to do is make Coke chicken wings and cook them over high heat to remove the juice. It's really delicious, but there's no Coke..."

Ye Wuyou sighed slightly.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were strange.

Who knows these things?

But she was used to it. Ye Wuyou often said words that she didn't understand, but she could roughly understand what the other person meant.

I am indeed hungry, of course everything I eat is delicious.

Thinking of this, Luo Qinghan took another sip of wine.

A young child of seven or eight years old was holding a huge wine flask, and he seemed to be skillful and free in drinking.

Ye Wuyou looked at it, smiled softly, and took out another pot to drink.

The two of them just sat on the edge of the cliff, leaning against the bonfire, looking at the unobstructed view of the night in front of them, drinking alone.

"Why are they bullying you?" Ye Wuyou suddenly asked.

Luo Qinghan thought for a while and responded.

"They hate me."

His voice was as clear as a child's, but his tone was nonchalant.

Perhaps due to a few gulps of wine, Luo Qinghan's originally tense expression became a little more casual at this moment, and the blush on his cheeks turned into a tipsy blush under the firelight.

Luo Qinghan knows how to drink, but in his current body, he doesn't have much of a drinking capacity.

"Then why do they hate you?"

This question made Luo Qinghan frown.

Clearly, the question touched on something she didn't want to mention or think about.


Luo Qinghan burped, then spoke angrily.

"You just hate me. You just can't stand me. There are so many reasons."

"Is it because I hate you that I bully you?" Ye Wuyou asked.

"Yeah, right, well, I don't care anyway."

"You don't care, but it's wrong to bully others because of your dislike for them." Ye Wuyou nodded slightly.

"I don't think it's right either, but who cares, that's how it is."

Luo Qinghan rested his chin on his hands and looked at the mountain scenery ahead.

His eyes had the cloudiness of drunkenness, but also a sense of indifference.

"Then do you hate them?" Ye Wuyou then asked.

"Hate? Haha, they are not worthy of my hate. Such brats, hiccup, I won't even take them seriously."

Luo Qinghan responded casually, but his voice was already a little unclear.

The wine bottle fell from the opponent's little hand to the ground, clinking and rolling down, but not a trace of wine flowed out, so it was obviously empty.

Ye Wuyou smiled and looked forward, thoughtfully.

"Is there anyone you hate?"


Why did it change to a baby voice?

Ye Wuyou's eyes were surprised for a moment, he shook his head slightly and said.

"Then would you bully someone you hate?"

Luo Qinghan was silent for a moment before answering this question with a smile.


But then she shook her head and explained vaguely.

"But this, this, this is different."

"What's different?" Ye Wuyou was curious for the first time.

Luo Qinghan tilted his head, feeling a little heavy. He looked at the stars in the sky, thought for a while, and said.

"It's different. It's completely different from how those brats hate me."

Ye Wuyou raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

The mountain breeze at night was a bit chilly, but Ye Wuyou didn't care. He only felt that the cold wind on the cliff made him feel comfortable.

But Luo Qinghan couldn't bear it.

At this moment, he unconsciously curled up and sat closer to the bonfire.

Her clothes are now thin and torn, she has no cultivation skills, and her consciousness is drowsy after drinking alcohol.

In addition, Luo Qinghan was not wearing shoes.

The palms of my hands and feet felt increasingly cold.

The soft words came from beside him, causing Luo Qinghan, whose head kept drooping little by little, to wake up slightly.

"You'll catch a cold."

She squinted her eyes and saw Ye Wuyou taking out a few pieces of clothing from nowhere.

"Get some clothes."


Luo Qinghan squinted her eyes, and then rubbed the corners of her eyes vigorously with her little hands. The blurred vision gradually became clear in her eyes.

The next moment, her face, which was already flushed from being tipsy, turned even redder. At this moment, she pointed at Ye Wuyou with an expression full of disbelief.

"This, this, this..."

What Luo Qinghan was referring to was a black gauze dress as thin as cicada silk, with gemstones emblazoned on the chest and abdomen, and just a strand of ribbon hanging on the shoulder.

Not to mention whether the size of the clothes fits you or not.

But can it also be called clothes?

Worse than the rags on my body!

Ye Wuyou also reacted and took back the black gauze with a calm expression, explaining in a calm voice.

"I took it by mistake. I prepared this for my wife."



Lu Caiwei?

Luo Qinghan wanted to ask.

But Ye Wuyou didn't explain much.

These are indeed the clothes I bought for Bai Lu.

But he bought three sets, one each in black, white and red.

It can be worn by one person or three people together.

Just in case of emergencies.

Afterwards, Ye Wuyou took out a relatively decent piece of clothing.

A snow-white skirt and coat, with patterns of swords moving like dragons and snakes on it.

This was bought separately for Lu Caiwei.

It is said to be Dayan Jianxiu’s favorite style during the autumn and winter seasons.

Luo Qinghan silently took it and put it on.

But she was still too young now, so the coat that fit Lu Caiwei's body shape turned into a quilt when she was wearing it.

But it's definitely not cold anymore.

After eating and drinking, Luo Qinghan seemed to be tired now, so he just sat silently on the edge of the cliff.

Is this still Ye Wuyou...

He had been quarreling with him before, but for some reason, Luo Qinghan never tired of it.

They stopped arguing before, but she felt that Ye Wuyou was strange and something was wrong.

But right now, it seems like nothing.

The other party has indeed changed a bit, but it still seems to be Ye Wuyou.

So, is it you who is wrong?

She stood up with difficulty at this moment, took a few steps forward, and stood on the edge of the cliff, facing the cold wind in the mountains and looking into the distance.

The snow-white coat was blown by the wind and swayed gently, and the dragon-snake-like sword shape seemed to come alive at this moment.

If he were taller and held a sword in his hand, he would look like a formidable swordsman.

Looking at the darkness and stars in the distance, Luo Qinghan looked stunned and said nothing.

She had no other thoughts in her mind at the moment, just a simple sigh.

Very beautiful scenery.

There was a soft voice coming from behind.

"It's getting late."

Luo Qinghan nodded silently.

Yes, it's getting late, it's already so late.

Want to sleep?

I can make do with it here for one night, but where will I go tomorrow?

Should I confess to him?


Luo Qinghan's eyes were slightly startled.

The big hands were gently pressing on her shoulders at this moment.

The cold wind howled, but the words coming from behind were calm and soft.

But it made her feel like she was facing an icy abyss for a moment.

"I bought you the best wine, and you dressed like a swordsman."

"Qinghan, it's time to hit the road."

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