My practice narration is weird

Chapter 444 Qinghan lowers his head, Xia Anmeng is puzzled, Qu Wuyi is sad

The wind is biting and the sleeves are fluttering.

The qi flowed like a long river, floating in all directions, turning into the most dazzling ice crystals under the night sky.

The frozen time resumed its passage at this moment.

Luo Qinghan clenched his teeth, his flawless and cold face was now covered with majestic anger, and his eyes were filled with humiliating resentment.

She stepped in the strong wind, her clothes were blown by the turbulent air like flags dancing wildly, and she stepped forward step by step.

"Ye Wuyou!" Luo Qinghan shouted forward, his voice filled with anger and chill.

There is even a touch of extremely subtle "grievance".

Returning to reality, this unfinished battle will naturally start again.

Especially Luo Qinghan.

"Ye Wuyou!" Luo Qinghan looked up to the sky and screamed, looking up with anger.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were calm, and he just casually broke through the opponent's powerful magical power without fighting back. He spoke softly and in an indifferent tone.

"Why are you calling my name all the time? Why do you need such nonsense in a fight? If you have something to say, just say it."

Luo Qing's breath condensed, and his voice trembled.


But he couldn't say even a single word.

She was too embarrassed to speak about this matter, so how could she speak?

Ye Wuyou knew Luo Qinghan quite well, and at this moment he understood what he meant, nodded slightly and said casually.

"It's normal for children to wet the bed. This matter is nothing. I won't mention it to others, so you can rest assured."

"You, you, you! Who said I wet the bed!"

"Oh? Isn't it?" Ye Wuyou looked surprised.

"How dare you say that!"

Luo Qing's cold energy kept rising again and again, as if there was no end to it.

The current battle with Ye Wuyou seemed to have unleashed endless potential from her body.

The Taoist heart is invincible. Even if Luo Qinghan faces a strong enemy, the belief of victory is always in his mind.

Like the strongest ideological stamp.

She had made up her mind.

You have to win.

Not only must she win, but she must also completely return to the other party what Ye Wuyou did to her.

Return tenfold.

She wanted to hang Ye Wuyou up and beat him severely...

Luo Qinghan couldn't help but feel excited when he thought of this picture.

The Qi around the body surged uncontrollably again, and even without the help of this strange increase here, the Qi and magical power alone has reached the level of the Seventh Realm.

Sensing Luo Qinghan's change, Ye Wuyou's eyes were a little surprised.

What did he realize again? Why is Luo Qinghan so fierce now?

It's really terrifying.


Ye Wuyou's eyes paused for a moment, then he took a few steps back, slightly retracted his hands, and even the energy around his body became still and restrained.

There was comfort in the words.

"The state of mind is approaching perfection. This invincible state of mind is hard-won. Qinghan, I advise you to stop here and use this opportunity to explore the seven realms. Don't be my enemy."

After a slight pause in his words, Ye Wuyou chuckled.

"Otherwise, once your heart is broken, it will be too late to regret it."

This was Ye Wuyou's extremely kind advice.

If he could maintain this state of mind for a long time, it would be a great improvement for Luo Qinghan.


Of course Luo Qinghan didn't stop.

But she also understood the truth behind Ye Wuyou's words.

But precisely because he understood, he would not stop.

Luo Qinghan is aware of his own changes. If he can defeat Ye Wuyou openly now, he will have a great chance of breaking through.

If we stop here, it will become a problem on the path of spiritual practice.

The state of mind is invincible, and the natural reality must also be invincible. Knowing and doing are unified, how can we retreat because of words?

Otherwise, how can it be considered as spiritual practice?

On the contrary, seeing Ye Wuyou stop his hand, Luo Qinghan's keen intuition clarified the situation in an instant.

It's a flaw!

He was too late, too late to use [Backtrack] again.

[Time Zero] is used again.

Time stood still for an instant, and Luo Qinghan moved forward swiftly, his figure rushing towards Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou was hanging quietly in the air at this moment, his figure motionless.

Got it!

A happy look appeared in Luo Qinghan's eyes, and then he stretched out one palm and suddenly leaned towards Ye Wuyou.

First, seal his Qi sea and close his tendons, and then let him control it, so that he can feel free.

The fingertips of the palm hanging by his side moved slightly.

Luo Qinghan glanced out of the corner of his eyes and saw the faint smile on the face of the person in front of him.

Does [Time Zero] have any impact on Ye Wuyou?

Yes, but not much.

In the past, in the mysterious realm of [Identity Replacement], Ye Wuyou was no longer in the fourth realm at that time, but he was still able to move forward under the influence of [Time Zero].

Now, it only slightly affects the movements.

Before this, Ye Wuyou had never exposed this.

Luo Qinghan heard the sound of wind.

But Ye Wuyou raised his fists high.

The next moment.

The strong hand cracks the skull.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were filled with stars. He had just stabilized his figure in the air, but before his vision could recover, he realized that his hair was being grabbed by someone, and then he suddenly fell from the sky.

There was a roar.

A small depression was smashed into Beiyuan.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Ye Wuyou stood calmly on the ground, with Luo Qinghan in front of him who was firmly restrained.

The woman's hands seemed to be bound by invisible silk threads for fishing, her legs were on the ground, but her upper body was slightly leaning forward, revealing her perky buttocks, and her skirt was fluttering, outlining the graceful arc of the woman's body under the moonlight.

No matter how much she exerted her energy, she still couldn't move an inch.

On the contrary, those qi are being swallowed up bit by bit and fed back into Ye Wuyou's body.

[Supernatural power·Spring silkworms will not run out until they die]

In the past, Ye Wuyou only used the six-level magical power once.

This magical power is related to the dual cultivation of yin and yang, acacia and joy. Ye Wuyou was originally ashamed to use this magical power against the enemy, but now he doesn't feel how ashamed he is.

After all, there is no distinction between good and evil in magic. Just talking about the effect of this method to limit the body shape is really not to give in.

Luo Qinghan was now fully awake, feeling the constant flow of Qi in his body. He was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed indignation and anger.

Ye Wuyou had only used this magical power once before.

Luo Qinghan is the only recipient.

Right now, it's the only one.

She spoke with disdain.

"It's such an obscene technique again, Ye Wuyou, you really are hopeless, well..."

The words stopped abruptly.


Compared to before, a clearer slap sounded in the night sky.

Luo Qinghan suddenly screamed, and then he clenched his teeth tightly, with anger in his eyes, but then the anger dissipated bit by bit, turning into clarity and a hint of fear.

Ye Wuyou looked slightly surprised. He first looked at his palm, and then stared at Luo Qinghan slightly.

The green and white dress is slightly rippling, and the woman's flawless and cold face has picturesque eyebrows and eyes, but she has great ambitions. The wide dress still can't cover up her slender waist like a willow tree.

Behind the woman, there is a full moon swaying gently.

With one palm down, the palms of the hands met, the moonlight rippled, rippling around and around.

Ye Wuyou had a slight understanding in his eyes.

No wonder it feels completely different from before.

But these were not the places Ye Wuyou looked at.

This is something that ordinary people can see. Ye Wuyou has already seen beauty as white bones. No matter how good Luo Qinghan's figure is, Ye Wuyou doesn't feel the slightest emotion in his heart at this moment.

What he was looking at was the woman's back, the thin line of sky on her back.

Ye Wuyou gently stretched out his hand and put it down between the woman's jade neck, then gently removed the corner of her clothes and stared at her.

The back bones seem different from ordinary people...

There seemed to be a hint of darkness at the top of his spine.

Like traces of strange erosion.

At such a close distance, Ye Wuyou just noticed that there was some kind of unique aura flowing under Luo Qinghan's back.

Ye Wuyou has a clear understanding.

Is this perhaps the reason why Luo Qinghan was born with [No Lower Limit], and besides, [No Lower Limit] has almost no side effects?

It seems that he doesn't have a secret.

Just as Luo Qinghan didn't care about his own strangeness, Ye Wuyou would not offend Luo Qinghan's secrets.

He let go of his hand, then raised his palm high, about to lower it again.

"I was wrong."

Luo Qinghan raised his head, looked at Ye Wuyou, gritted his teeth and spoke in a difficult voice.

This time, Luo Qinghan was very happy.

Ye Wuyou nodded slightly, seeming to be very satisfied with Luo Qinghan's attitude.

But the raised palm still fell down.

The flesh ripples and the thighs tremble slightly.

Along with Luo Qinghan's astonished eyes, Ye Wuyou's words came softly in the wind.


"I told you, if you didn't stop earlier, it would be too late to regret it later."

"Don't, don't fight, I was wrong, I admit defeat..."

"Qinghan, you have to know, it's not that you give up, it's that you have already lost."

"Then how can you let me go? I will abide by the bet..."

"Count it, start counting from now on."


"Well, what's one thousand minus seven?"

"Why should I count this, um, um, I, I count..."


"Nine hundred and nine minus seven, nine hundred and one..."

"Wrong, it's nine hundred and two, let's start again."


How long has it been?

Ye Wuyou didn't pay attention, but the first glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, and the dark night sky became brighter, and the night began to recede.

"Seven minus"

Ye Wuyou's raised palm fell gently, and then he let go of the jade foot of his other hand. His fingertips flicked, and the countless invisible threads dissipated.

The woman's body then collapsed to the ground weakly, without even speaking a word, and she was obviously completely powerless.

Ye Wuyou stood quietly for a while. Seeing that Luo Qinghan hadn't gotten up yet, he called out a few words.

Luo Qinghan's body twitched slightly, and a low sob sounded in the soil.

But there was never a reply.

Ye Wuyou knelt down in front of the other person and reached out to lift him up.

Luo Qinghan's body trembled, but he didn't resist at all.

The woman's hair covered her face, so Ye Wuyou gently picked up a few strands of stray hair clinging to her face with his fingertips.

He revealed a face that was completely different from the past.

Luo Qinghan's face was already full of tears at this moment, the corners of his mouth were full of body fluids, his expression was sad, his eyes were looking at Ye Wuyou with a dull look, but there was no longer any emotion in his eyes.

"I was wrong……"

The corners of Luo Qinghan's lips parted, and his voice was harsh and weak.

Ye Wuyou's heart was filled with confusion for some reason, and he subconsciously reached out and wiped the corner of the other person's mouth with his sleeve.

The waves in his heart became more intense at this moment, and Ye Wuyou seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat.

His calm state of mind, which had never been disturbed, changed slightly at this moment.

Familiar words suddenly sounded in Ye Wuyou's mind.

[Put the Yuanyin of this cauldron to the spine behind you...]

Ye Wuyou stood up suddenly, his aura surged out, frowned tightly, and looked inward.

But when Ye Wuyou let go, Luo Qinghan's head hit the stone on the ground, his head tilted, and he fainted.

Seeing this, Ye Wuyou moved his fingertips slightly, injected a touch of the breath of the sacred tree into Luo Qinghan to help him recover, and then focused on his mind, as if he wanted to explore something.

But for a long time, no sound was heard.


Tianlan City.

A figure came from a distance.

Ye Wuyou stepped into the city gate and looked at the familiar street.

The war is over.

The crisis in Beiyuan has been resolved, so there is no need for him to stay in Yangguan.

Now, of course, he is going home.

The figures in the city are much sparser than before, but fortunately, they are not affected too much. The city is still peaceful, and there is a little more tranquility.

Bai Lu is standing with his hands behind his back, looking happy, and looking left and right on the street with brisk steps.

It was obviously a very ordinary street, far different from Nanning City, but Bai Lu's eyes were full of novelty.

Because this is where Ye Wuyou is.

"Wuyou, this is your home, I have never been here! Take me to see it quickly"

Ye Wuyou nodded calmly, and was about to say this is my home, but then his eyes paused slightly, as if he thought of something.

His home was gone a long time ago, and it became a ruin directly after a cannon was fired in the past.

He has been living in prison since then.

Eating prison food and living in a prison cell are all there in this life.

Now there are only bricks and tiles left in the house.

After a moment of silence, Ye Wuyou said slowly.

"Let's go to the Heavenly Prison."

Ye Wuyou did not bring many people on this trip.

Only Lu Caiwei, Bai Lu, and Luo Yue.

As for Mr. Hu San, who had accompanied him before, he disappeared the day after Ye Wuyou brought the seven-tailed demon fox.

Bai Lu said so.

"My mother rode my father to play."

My mother-in-law is in the seventh realm, a royal family.

My father-in-law is in the sixth realm, a mixed-haired fox.

Ye Wuyou thought about it and felt that the father-in-law might not have a good life in the future.

The corner of his clothes was pulled by the people around him.

Ye Wuyou looked back and saw that Lu Caiwei's eyes were a little confused and hesitant at this moment.

"Wu Wu Wuyou, did you quarrel with her?"

She, referring to Luo Qinghan.

"No." Ye Wuyou thought about it, that should not be considered a quarrel.

It was just a fight.

"Then why is she always... following so far?" Lu Caiwei's eyes were full of doubts, and there was even a trace of worry.

Lu Caiwei could feel the faint breath, following behind everyone from a distance.

Lu Qinghan also followed them to Tianlan City.

But he did not appear in front of her all day, including on the way.

Obviously, Luo Qinghan kept the bet.

Although Ye Wuyou did not force it, Luo Qinghan still restricted himself with the same words.

She would not appear in front of Ye Wuyou.

And if Ye Wuyou was with Lu Caiwei, he would naturally not appear in front of them.

It is Luo Qinghan's nature to accept defeat.

Ye Wuyou thought for a moment and explained with a smile.

"She has some understanding of the Seventh Realm. I think it will not be long before she has the opportunity to step into the Seventh Realm. I think she needs to be alone for a while now, so as not to see me and affect her mood."

This explanation is reasonable.

Lu Caiwei tilted her head and thought about it, and finally a slight smile appeared in her eyes.

"Well, in this way, you two won't quarrel."


There will probably be no more quarrels in the future.

Or just fight directly.

Ye Wuyou thought silently.

Lu Caiwei's voice came again.

"Don't worry, she is my friend, but if she wants to bully you in the future because of her high realm, I will help you."

She didn't know what happened between Ye Wuyou and Luo Qinghan.

Lu Caiwei meant that she was afraid that Luo Qinghan would reach the seventh realm and plot against Ye Wuyou.

There was a slight smile in Ye Wuyou's eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he heard another cold voice beside him.

Luo Yue spoke lightly.

"Why bother so much? I am here. Even if Sister Qinghan is in the seventh realm, what does it matter? If she dares to come, I will..."

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath and said slowly.

"That's not necessary."

Drip, drip...

There are raindrops falling.

Dense raindrops fell from the sky, dripping on the ground, the bluestone road was gradually wet by the rain, and there was a touch of freshness in the air.

It was raining.


Three umbrellas were opened at the same time.

Then they turned sideways at the same time.

Ye Wuyou looked at Lu Caiwei, then at Bai Lu, and then at Luo Yue.

The three women were embarrassed for a moment when they saw the others making the same movements.

Ye Wuyou thought about it, said nothing, and walked to the intersection of the umbrellas with a calm expression.

The four figures gathered together silently, walking farther and farther along the bluestone road.

Xia Anmeng's voice sounded in Lu Caiwei's heart.

Full of doubts.


"No, are you four playing with your great magical powers? Why don't you just fly over there, it's just a few steps away?"

"Master doesn't understand!"

Lu Caiwei did not respond.


Far behind the group, Luo Qinghan walked alone on the path.

The woman looked a little lonely, and she also put on a veil for the first time in a long time, covering her flawless face.

She sensed the distant auras entering the city and sighed softly.

She raised her eyes slightly, and the fine raindrops fell gently.

Luo Qinghan paused slightly, but then walked forward silently.

For a cultivator, rain is nothing.

But her mood at this moment felt more and more sad.

But after a few steps, Luo Qinghan stopped again.

There was an extremely subtle trace of Qi on the treetops beside.

Luo Qinghan's eyes condensed slightly.

This kind of Qi control is so obscure that only the peak of the sixth realm can leave it, and even if it is left, it is difficult for ordinary sixth realms to detect it.

Obviously, this is specially left for herself?

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly and walked over.

But he saw a folded oil-paper umbrella hanging on the treetop, and a piece of paper attached to the bottom of the umbrella.

"I expected it to rain soon, so I left an umbrella for you. Remember to take it."

Luo Qinghan watched silently at first, then sneered, but was furious. He turned around and left without looking back, running into the drizzling rain.

After a while.

She walked back silently and took the umbrella.


The ninth floor of the sky prison.

Qu Wuyi was alone, staying in the dark corner, looking sad.

What month is it...

Why hasn't Ye Wuyou come yet!

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