My practice narration is weird

Chapter 446 I think about you every day

Looking at the bloodstains on his fingertips, Ye Wuyou realized that the mute girl today was a little different from before.

She was too "excited".

And this excitement did not seem to be about wanting to take and occupy from him as before.

More of a fear, and a faint hint of... hostility?

Ye Wuyou withdrew his gaze from the mute girl, and then looked to the side, sweeping across the footless man and the white Tai Sui.

Their attitude towards him had also changed inexplicably.

The word "familiar" was a bit abrupt when used to describe Weird and Ye Wuyou, but at least after several contacts in the past, Ye Wuyou no longer cared about these Weird, and they had already had an innate fear of Ye Wuyou.

But now, it has changed.

This question appeared too abruptly, and Ye Wuyou really had no clue for a moment.

Did something happen during his absence that caused Weird's current changes?

No one except Ye Wuyou can enter the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison, so the changes here...

Qu Wuyi?

Did Qu Wuyi do something on the ninth floor?

He shook his head and walked straight to the last cage.

No matter what Qu Wuyi did, he just had to go to the ninth floor to find him and ask him clearly.

[True or False Judgment]

The entrance to the ninth floor was in the child's cage.

Ye Wuyou walked into the cage, and the true or false child also raised his head at this moment, staring at Ye Wuyou with white eyes silently.

He pointed his finger at the ground, and then gently tapped the child.

The meaning was self-evident.

But the child did not react at all, just staring at Ye Wuyou like this.

For the first time, Ye Wuyou felt a little worried.

He couldn't beat this child like he beat Wuzu Man and White Tai Sui.

Although the strange abilities are unsolvable, they are different, but in this cage, the child in front of him has the ability of [True or False Judgment].

True or false judgment, if it is judged as false, Ye Wuyou can't predict the consequences.

Will he disappear? Or don't know where he will be sent?

But no matter which one it is, Ye Wuyou can't accept it.

The mute girl stood beside him before, like the child's mother, asking the child to open the door for him.

The mute girl may be the child's mother, but he is obviously not the child's father.

The mute girl is hostile to him for no reason, and it is obvious that he can't rely on her. Ye Wuyou is stared at by the other party like this. Although his expression is calm, he is not at ease.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Wuyou can only speak tentatively.

"Junxiong, open the door."

No response.

The two stood in the cage and looked at each other silently, with invisible pressure permeating.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, but he had a decision in his heart.

Although saving Qu Wuyi provided a precious opportunity to ask questions to the owner of Tianji Tower.

But if this real and fake child does not open the door, then I am afraid I can only leave and return empty-handed.

Ye Wuyou can't gamble on the unpredictable and only half probability.

If he disappeared due to this weirdness, even if it was only for a short time, but now Da Yan is constantly changing, Lu Caiwei, Bai Lu, Luo Yue and others are also in Tianlan City, Ye Wuyou doesn't know what will happen.

Time passed bit by bit, just when Ye Wuyou was about to turn around and leave, the child's white pupils suddenly turned a circle.

The dead white pupils turned black, and in an instant there was no trace of white in the eyes.

A subtle but difficult voice sounded.

[True or false judgment]

[Judged as true]

A strange power appeared beside the true and false children.

It was as if there was a dark illusory figure, which appeared behind the child at this moment, and then stretched out his hand and waved towards the void.

Ye Wuyou's eyes shrank slightly.

The weird power was invisible.

He couldn't see it in the past.

But now, this is the first time he has observed the existence of this weird power.

Is it the change in the right eye that allows him to observe it?

Ye Wuyou didn't know, but this "door" sitting on the ground was finally opened.

He took a deep breath, then stepped into it, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

The eighth floor of the prison returned to its previous tranquility.

The mute girl retreated and curled up in the corner.

The footless man squatted down again, propped his head with his arm, and fell into thought like a sculpture.

The white Tai Sui gradually shrank until it became the size of an ordinary person.

But there was a discordant sound coming from the cage.

It was a very clear word.

With a weird laugh.

"Hehe, hehe, hehe..."

"Are you scared..."

The laugh came from the originally empty cage.

And now, there was an extra weird there.

[The Man in the Mirror]

The old monk Lianchi in the jade mirror laughed loudly at the other weirds in the field like a madman.


"Where is Qu Wuyi?"

"I am Qu Wuyi, I am."

"Qu Wuyi is a man."

"I am a woman, and Qu Wuyi is also a woman."

On the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison, Ye Wuyou chose to remain silent as he looked at the curvy woman in front of him.

Seeing Ye Wuyou like this, Qu Wuyi quickly revealed the truth.

"I, I used the magic of the gods to change my sex before. The real me is a woman, and now I just changed back."

Her voice did not sound fake, and Qu Wuyi had no reason to lie.

Ye Wuyou had already guessed about this matter, but Qu Wuyi had never said it before.

After all, how can a man's body smell so good?

So this [Shinto Technique·Doppelganger] can create another self while removing all debuffs on the body?

Ye Wuyou roughly understood Qu Wuyi's current situation.

"Where is the original Qu Wuyi?" Ye Wuyou asked.

He knew that this was Qu Wuyi's avatar...

It was another Qu Wuyi, and the person who replaced Qu Wuyi in this world.

But what about the body?

Qu Wuyi hesitated for a moment, and finally turned his back, put his hand into his full chest, rubbed it for a while, and took out something.

"He was eroded, nothing was left, but in the end... this is for you."

Ye Wuyou's eyes moved slightly.

There was nothing in Qu Wuyi's hand, as if nothing existed.

But in Ye Wuyou's right eye, he could feel the illusory object.


Backhand invincibility.

Another weird one.

Ye Wuyou looked at Qu Wuyi calmly, as if trying to find some other emotions on his face.

Really like him...

Whether it was his eyebrows or his expression, he was exactly the same as the Qu Wuyi he knew before.

Except for the extra two pounds of flesh on his chest and back.

This is [Shendao Jutsu·Doppelganger].

"Don't you need it anymore?" Ye Wuyou asked.

Qu Wuyi was stunned at first, then avoided his gaze and smiled bitterly.

She wanted to get rid of this thing all the time, and now that she finally got rid of it, how could she want it?

"I know." Ye Wuyou took over [Voiding].

He couldn't integrate into his body, but it was better to stay with him for now.

"The dream came true..." Ye Wuyou said silently in a low voice.

In the dream, he saw Qu Wuyi become a woman, but he didn't expect...

"What dream?"

Ye Wuyou didn't say anything more, just motioned Qu Wuyi to leave with him.

But before leaving, Ye Wuyou asked one more question.

"Have you experienced anything strange here in the past few months?"

"No." Qu Wuyi said weakly.

"Really? Then what have you been doing all this time?" Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

The changes in the prison are so great, isn't it related to Qu Wuyi?

Or is it that Qu Wuyi himself doesn't know what has changed unconsciously?

For example, after being trapped for such a long time, maybe Qu Wuyi has thought about finding a way to leave this place?

Qu Wuyi looked a little scared, as if he noticed Ye Wuyou's seriousness at the moment, and said quickly.

"I didn't do anything, I think about you every day and every moment."

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