My practice narration is weird

Chapter 452 You really dare to come

Tianlan City, which had been peaceful before and had just escaped from the war, was now in ruins.

The heavy pressure shattered Ye Wuyou's Dao Domain, broke Lu Caiwei's sword edge, tore apart the strongest fighting spirit of [Ju Ling Sen General], shattered [Ghost], and even penetrated Luo Qinghan. Proud of [no lower limit].

A figure suddenly fell from the sky, and finally fell into the ruins, buried deep in the ground, without a trace or breath.

The purple-green figure was located high in the sky, sighing softly. Now, he actually sat down, and the clouds gathered and turned into a bench behind him.

"This is your first life. Poor fox breaks the ban for you, but it's still in vain no matter how many times."

The ground was devastated, even more messy and chaotic than the Earth Dragon Turnover a few months ago, but it was extremely quiet.

The earth dragon turned over and caused great damage, but at least the man could still scream.

But now, the whole Tianlan City is silent.

The whole city was silent and lifeless.

There are ripples emerging from the ground, exuding some strange power.


Time goes back, and the broken ruins of Tianlan City seem to be reversed and rebuilt bit by bit at this moment.


The figure high in the sky was shrouded in light and shadow, and his expression could not be seen clearly. He could only point his hand.

If Pulao can retain his memory under [Recall], it will not be affected.


The "farthest" time point that Ye Wuyou would have chosen suddenly became confused at this moment.

Weirdness has no solution.

Although this 'Your Majesty' could not prevent [Backtracking], he disrupted [Backtracking] every time.

Where are you back to?

Tianlan City was rebuilt bit by bit, the surrounding scenery returned to normal, and the figures of Lu Caiwei, Bailu and Luo Yue appeared one after another.

Ye Wuyou wiped the blood on his forehead that had disappeared with [Recall], then pulled the three of them and turned to leave.

"Wuyou, what's wrong with you? Where are we going?"


Ye Wuyou couldn't explain all this.

Everything happened so suddenly that he was completely unprepared.

The thing he least wanted to happen, the thing he least wanted to see, suddenly happened before his eyes.

There was no sign, no warning, and the ‘Your Majesty’, who had only existed in people’s mouths for a long time, but had not been seen by anyone for hundreds or thousands of years, appeared in front of him quietly.

Injuried? Some kind of restriction? Unable to take action?

All the speculations and speculations about that 'Your Majesty' in the past turned into the most sarcastic jokes at this moment.

It's simply unreasonable, it's really ridiculous.

If the other party can take action without restriction from beginning to end, why would they want a guy like Feng Xinxin under his command? Why let Xingdao do things for him? Why do you still want to be with Pulao?

Unable to match, the gap between realms exceeded Ye Wuyou's own understanding. No matter how he tried his best, he could not even protect himself, let alone hurt the other party.

Bai Lu had many problems at the moment, but this was the first time she saw Ye Wuyou's serious expression, so she stopped complaining, buried all her doubts in her heart, and followed Ye Wuyou away honestly.

But Lu Caiwei thought for a moment and whispered.

"Wuyou, where is Luo Luo Luo Qinghan..."

Luo Qinghan?

I forgot about her.

Ye Wuyou just wanted the other party to send a message to Luo Qinghan.

However, a figure fell from the sky and fell directly in front of the three of them, making a dull sound.

The hair was scattered all over the floor. The snow-white hair had now turned gray, and then was dyed a dazzling bright red.

In an instant, the place was quiet for a moment.

The sword intention beside him no longer talked about the sword heart and sword intention at this moment, only the killing intention was revealed.

[Ju Ling Dispatch] seemed to explode at this moment, and the ghostly figure roared out, covering the world in an instant.

Ye Wuyou was silent for a moment, looking away from the ground in front of him, and then looked at the sky.

Can't see clearly, still can't see clearly.

The figure is still there.

But he couldn't even see the other person's face and appearance.

The opponent has a powerful body that surpasses the green and white demon, has powerful magical powers that are not inferior to Pulao, has magical calculations that are comparable to Lu Qingshan, and has more powerful cultivation than everyone present.

"Go on." The figure said lightly, but it blocked any other thoughts.

There is no possibility of turning around.

This battle is unavoidable, but the outcome is already doomed.

A moment later, Ye Wuyou dragged several broken corpses in his hands and headed underground under the ruins of the sky prison.

In the sky, the [Tricky Door Coffin] exploded, and the vast and boundless treacherous domain swept everything, covering Tianlan, covering several cities in the surrounding area, and continued to expand.

But even so, the huge black mist was fragmenting bit by bit at this moment.


A buzzing sound flashed through my mind, just like ordinary people's tinnitus, but it continued one after another and could not stop.

There seemed to be an inexplicable whisper in my ears.

"Wouyou, where did you provoke such a powerful guy..."

"Wouyou, am I going to die..."

"Where is my hand..."

Ye Wuyou couldn't tell who was speaking.

Is it Bai Lu, Luo Yue, or Lu Caiwei.

Several broken bodies were held up by him, and it was hard to tell whether the blood on them was the blood of the corpses or his own blood.

Ye Wuyou didn't even dare to look back.

The peace that used to be in his eyes has been shattered at this moment, and nothing is left.

"Wait a minute, I can save you." Ye Wuyou gritted his teeth and said.

There is also [Divine Art Clone].

The thing that Ye Wuyou originally despised the most, could not accept the most, and did not approve of the most, at this moment, actually became his obsession.

He was just constantly infusing the three people with the breath of the divine tree, just to keep a breath so that they could still use the [Divine Art].

When passing by a passage ruin, Ye Wuyou paused slightly, and then dragged Luo Qinghan, who was half of his body, over.

In this way, he dragged four broken corpses and finally came to the eighth floor of the sky prison.

Built deep underground, the eighth floor that resisted the seven realms of magical power was still there, and it seemed that it was not affected much at the moment.

Ye Wuyou almost crossed the narrow passage in one step and came directly to the last cage.

"Open the door." He roared at the child.

The real and fake child raised his head slightly, looked at Ye Wuyou who had come back, and tilted his head.

But what greeted him was a fierce kick from Ye Wuyou, which directly kicked him from the ground to the ceiling.

"Open the door for me! The ninth floor!"

But this time, the real and fake child did not say anything, but just climbed up stiffly, not caring about Ye Wuyou at all.

Ye Wuyou's expression suddenly froze, and he felt that the [Ghost Coffin] was broken.

The black fog above the sky was torn into pieces, and a figure stepped out of it. He just glanced at the messy ground, and a few strange things appeared in his eyes for the first time.

His figure appeared in this dim passage.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were slightly stunned, and he slowly turned around, and then his eyes looked at the darkness at the other end of the passage.

A voice came from the darkness.

"This place is very good. I will give you a chance to [retrace] again. This time, I want to see what new tricks you have."

Ye Wuyou's solemn expression gradually turned into calmness at this moment, and he showed a very playful expression at this moment with blood all over his body.

He threw several broken bodies on the ground without even looking at them.

Ye Wuyou clapped his hands, and then he relaxed his breath, swinging his scarred arms like an old man doing fitness.

"I quit, I quit. I've been acting for so long, and you finally fooled me. I can't act anymore." Ye Wuyou said with a smile.

"Oh?" A slightly surprised voice came from the darkness.

"You really dare to come." Ye Wuyou smiled slightly.

The next moment, he shattered all the cages.

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