My practice narration is weird

Chapter 455: For me, use your sword to raise wind and thunder

The sleeves fluttered, and the north wind was biting.

Ye Wuyou's figure turned and moved in the air. The moves, one after another, were extremely familiar, but the magical power that was difficult to avoid made him a little distracted.

In his sight, there were three different selves.

They had completely independent consciousness, different moods, and completely different personalities.

But the aura was exactly the same, and each one was Ye Wuyou.

The thoughts came up, just like people instinctively want to eat when they are hungry, and instinctively want to rest when they are tired.

The instincts of the body and the mind told them one thing at this moment.

Only one person can stay.

Only one person is Ye Wuyou.

The person who stays will replace him and become the real Ye Wuyou.

Without any reason, and without the need to say anything else, the four figures with the same aura started fighting in an instant.

The battle started five seconds after meeting.

This fictional but extremely real Tianlan City became their battlefield at this moment.

The blood-colored blade slashed with a sharp explosion.

That was the whistling of the sword and thunder.

But now it surpassed the sword that he had used.

The sky above the "Tianlan City" that was still calm earlier was now covered with dark clouds and thunder. The lightning seemed to be pulled by the aura and mixed on the blade, adding a bit of majesty.

Ye Wuyou instinctively held the knife to block, and the aura suddenly appeared, and he was about to block this powerful and heavy slash.

But his figure suddenly became silent, and the next moment he fell straight from the sky and fell into a ruin.

The "Ye Wuyou" who caused all this now looked more and more arrogant, with arrogance almost overflowing in his eyes. He stood upright, with the blade pointing directly downwards, grinning.

The "Ye Wuyou" under the selfless state was about to say something, but the next moment he was also flipped over by someone with a palm, his head facing down, and inserted straight into the ground, but he was even more embarrassed.

The third "Ye Wuyou" just snorted at this moment, and then withdrew his hand, then frowned slightly, looking at another figure still in the air.

The demon-like ‘No-Man’ was rushing towards him at this moment. He didn’t need magical powers, but every move was more powerful than magical powers.

‘Ye Wuyou’ looked indifferent, just stretched out his hand, spread his palm flat, and then suddenly pressed down.

The aura was like a surging wave, filling the world.

But he exerted the most powerful Dao domain.

[Daoyu·Juedi Tiantong]

The figure of ‘No-Man’ was like being hit hard in the sky, flying up and down.

It seemed that there was no way out.

Looking at this scene, ‘All Living Beings No-Man’ slightly drew a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently.

“A beast is a beast. It’s not even a human being. How dare it be my enemy?”

But the next moment, the ‘No-Man’ that was originally flying up and down in the Dao domain suddenly stopped, stepped into the air, and directly broke through the Dao domain.

In the slightly astonished eyes of ‘All Beings Without Form’, he fiercely knocked it down from top to bottom into the sky.

At the same time, ‘No One’ also let out a hearty roar.


Ye Wuyou didn’t understand.

He just got up from the ruins in a somewhat embarrassed manner, then stood with a knife in his hand, staring at everything around him, but his thoughts kept coming up in his mind.

There is no weirdness here.

Everyone can only use their own magical powers.

What Ye Wuyou can do, everyone can do.

What Ye Wuyou can’t do, the others can’t do either.

But even so, Ye Wuyou felt inexplicably strenuous at this moment.

When fighting with others, Ye Wuyou had already perfectly integrated the use of weirdness into his own moves, the cooperation with ghosts, the calculations during the fight, and the backhands and trump cards he kept.

But now...

Trump cards?

There are no trump cards, everyone plays with open cards.

And the cards are all the same.

If it were just that, it would be fine.

Although the four Ye Wuyous are at the same level of aura, but...


A roar suddenly erupted on the ground.

It was ‘All Beings Without Form’ that was smashed down from the sky, looking extremely embarrassed.

‘No One’ stood in the sky, his aura was arrogant and he kept howling.

‘No One’, who had just stood up, looked at this scene and couldn’t help laughing.

Then he was slapped away again by ‘All Beings Without Form’ who hadn’t stood up yet.

Ye Wuyou remained silent.

This is the situation now...

Although the levels are the same, they are different.

The level cannot be compared with the combat power.

Ye Wuyou had to admit that the ‘No One’ himself was not in the same dimension as the other three.

For him, the level seemed to have no limit.

The self of ‘All living things without form’ stood up from the ground at this moment, just glanced at Ye Wuyou who seemed to be standing there without any action, smiled contemptuously, did not look back, but stepped into the air directly, and fought with the ‘no one’ again.

In the cognition of ‘All living things without form’, he and ‘no self’ were not taken seriously by him.

In the eyes of ‘no self’…

Ye Wuyou looked back, but saw that the ‘Ye Wuyou’ who was beaten and limped at this moment had a ferocious face and came towards him with a knife.

“Come on, I’ll chop you to death first, and then deal with the two rotten garlics above.” ‘Ye Wuyou’ said ferociously.

Ye Wuyou’s eyes suddenly showed anger.

No, you think you are easy to bully as a buddy, right?

You are a legend, why are you pretending to be a big tail wolf here!

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath, but at this moment, he unexpectedly suppressed the anger in his heart.

The enemy is a different 'self', this feeling is very subtle for Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou was not carried away by anger at this moment, nor did he break out with you even if he disagreed with you.

Facing the arrogant 'Ye Wuyou', he finally spoke with an extremely serious expression.

"I'm optimistic about you."


The eyes of 'Ye Wuyou', who seemed to be dragging the knife carelessly, but was actually secretly preparing for the attack, suddenly froze, and then looked at Ye Wuyou in a very strange way.

"You know, I have been very optimistic about you from the beginning. Like me, you never admit defeat and you value friendship more."

'Ye Wuyou' frowned slightly, but his steps slowed down little by little.

Ye Wuyou continued.

"The problem that I deliberately made things difficult for others was essentially just the tram problem. No matter what choice I made, it was wrong. But if I really had to face such a choice, I believe that I would make the same choice as you. The choice, after all, is definitely Lu Caiwei and the others, who are more important to me. I won’t care about the flood after I die.”

'Ye Wuyou' finally stopped walking, raised his head with a rather arrogant look, sneered, and then said lightly.

"It's a furnace, it's a furnace, they are just a furnace to me!"

Ye Wuyou nodded and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter whether you are a furnace tripod or a Taoist companion, but no matter what, at least in your heart, everyone is a human being, and you are a human being too."

As he spoke, Ye Wuyou pointed at the two figures in the roaring whirlpool high in the sky and said angrily.

"Look, can those two guys still be considered human beings? One of them regards humans as ants. He is the only human being, not to mention the other one."

"Ah, oh, oh, oh, oh." A roar erupted from the sky.

Ye Wuyou glanced at it, then sighed silently.

"Look, he can't even speak."

Ye Wuyou, who is under the "selflessness", acts in extreme ways, but still treats people as human beings. It's just that those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish.

Ye Wuyou, who says "all living beings have no identity", believes that human life is nothing more than a number. Only self is supreme. He believes that all living beings are equal, but he is not among these "all living beings".

‘No one cares’… This guy left Ye Wuyou speechless.

The three of them are more powerful than Ye Wuyou in terms of magical powers and combat power.

But is there really no weakness at all?

Is it really perfect?

Ye Wuyou doesn't think so.

At this moment, Ye Wuyou's eyes flickered slightly under the 'selfless' state. He was obviously extremely surprised by Ye Wuyou's words, and even more at a loss what to do.

"What do you mean?"

"If only one of us can survive, I hope it's you." Ye Wuyou said sincerely.

"I can lose to you, but right now, they still exist. If you lose again later, I can't accept that I will become like them."

Ye Wuyou sighed softly and looked at the sky.


‘No Self’ was slightly moved at this moment.

Ye Wuyou looked sincere and turned around silently, standing with his hands behind his back, trying to cover up the twitching in the corners of his eyes.

He turned his back to himself in the 'selfless' state and spoke quietly.

"I can help you deal with those two guys who are no longer human."

"Need not!"

"No self" suddenly said in a high voice.

"You don't think I will lose to them, do you? It was just me being patient before. This is the temperament of a guy like you. You are so worried. I would have been unhappy with it, otherwise I would not have been willing to replace you."

‘No Self’ then laughed.

"But that's okay, since you said so, then you should watch me carefully and see how I destroy those two rotten garlics, so that you can be willing to leave no regrets."

Listening to these words, the corners of Ye Wuyou's eyes twitched slightly.

That's what "No Self" is, featuring an arrogant and brainless character.

I originally wanted to join hands with him to fight against each other, first to break the four-legged alliance, and to achieve three-thirds of the world, and then slowly plan for it...

I never imagined that I would be so cruel if I thought of "selflessness".

No wonder I haven't won one.

Ye Wuyou listened, finally took a deep breath and said silently.

"You are invincible."

"Yes, I am invincible, I am invincible! Hahahaha!"

"No self" can only be regarded as Ye Wuyou's praise.

Ye Wuyou was silent.

But at the end, when the 'selfless' Ye Wuyou laughed and walked towards the sky with a knife, the real Ye Wuyou raised his fist and said firmly.

"For my sake, use your sword and thunder on them!"

As soon as he said this, the 'selfless' Ye Wuyou, who had been preparing a sneak attack to use [Dharma World], nodded.

Then, in Ye Wuyou's shocked eyes, the opponent actually released the originally wonderful sure-kill [Dharma Realm Heaven and Earth].

It was replaced by the ordinary magical sword Qifeng Lei.

The 'No One' who was fighting fiercely with the 'All Living Beings Without Form' in the air heard the sonic boom and glanced at the incoming 'No Self'.

Then he slapped him to death.

Only one boot fell from the air and landed on the ground beside Ye Wuyou.

He remained silent for a long time.

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