My practice narration is weird

Chapter 457: The girl is in love, don’t try to guess what Caiwei is thinking

A woman's surprised cry rose in the quiet courtyard.

Hearing the noise, Luo Qinghan, who had been standing silently outside the courtyard gate, suddenly looked back, and without saying a word, stepped out and came to the backyard.

"What's wrong, what happened..."

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, Luo Qinghan's words had not yet come out, but he stopped and looked at the scene in front of him in a daze.

Bai Lu and Luo Yue followed closely behind, and the little fox's eyes were still a little confused, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened.

Lu Caiwei fell to the ground at this moment, her right eye was tightly closed at this moment, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of her eye for some reason.

"What's wrong, why is the eye bleeding."

After the little fox was dazed, she hurried forward, and she, who was quite talented in alchemy, was about to treat the other party.

But Lu Caiwei just shook her head, then stood up calmly, and reached out to wipe the trace of blood in the corner of her eye.

Then, she opened her tightly closed right eye.

The pupils were clearly black and white, and everything was normal.

"No, nothing happened."

Her breath was still stable, and she didn't seem to be injured at all.

"Nothing?" The little fox was startled, but still stepped forward to check.

After all, she was a demon fox of the fifth realm, and she had learned a lot of medical skills in Nanning City. At this moment, she first took the pulse and then checked the qi.

But after a while, Bai Lu reached out and touched her head.

Lu Caiwei's breath was extremely smooth, without any damage, and her body was better than hers.

There really was no problem at all.

The little fox was confused at this moment, but couldn't say anything. She had to give a few painstaking instructions. Lu Caiwei used the excuse that she had to practice sword, and she turned around and left every three steps.

"If there is anything, you can tell me."

Luo Yue left this sentence and turned away.

But when she passed by Luo Qinghan, her eyes were cold for a moment, and her expression was a little dissatisfied.

Luo Qinghan didn't say anything, and didn't stay for long. He stepped on the ground and disappeared.

Only after everyone had left did Lu Caiwei reach out and touch her right eye with some uncertainty.

The black and white pupils also revealed their original appearance at this moment.

But it was a scarlet eye.

"You, you are Wuyou's eye?"

The right eye blinked, as if to express affirmation.

"Just now, was it an illusion?" Lu Caiwei asked softly.

The right eye flickered slightly.

The eyeball that suddenly appeared just now cast an illusion.

Let her know everything about Ye Wuyou's current situation.

And told her the ban on the eighth floor door of the sky prison.

Xia Anmeng's voice rang in Lu Caiwei's heart at this moment.

"This eyeball seems to be from Ye Wuyou. Before, in the underground palace of the academy, Weiwei, do you remember that boy's right eye was like this? I stayed with that boy for a while afterwards, and he seemed to be able to perform illusions at that time..."

"Is the scene that this eyeball showed you just now true or false? Isn't that boy already at the peak of the sixth realm? How can he still go through the heart demon tribulation?"

Hearing her master's half-doubtful and half-affirming words, Lu Caiwei did not have any doubts at all. She just put away the sword in her hand, and then jumped lightly, and her figure jumped out of this small courtyard without a breath.

It's been three days.

Lu Caiwei, who had gone through the heart demon tribulation and even almost failed, naturally knew how dangerous it would be.

She now knows about Ye Wuyou's situation.

Very dangerous.

Although Ye Wuyou never admitted it, after her master's later retelling and the situation in Nanning City at that time, Lu Caiwei vaguely knew in her heart.

When she went through the heart demon tribulation, she received help from Ye Wuyou.

At this moment, she went straight to the prison without any hesitation.

Her figure turned into a white rainbow and flew across the sky.

But there was already a figure quietly staying in front of her, as if waiting for her.

Luo Qinghan kept looking at Lu Caiwei, looking at her right eye that was no different from that of ordinary people.

Earlier, when Lu Caiwei shouted in the backyard, she came a few minutes earlier than Bai Lu and Luo Yue.

It was precisely because of this that Luo Qinghan saw the strangeness in Lu Caiwei's eyes.

That scarlet eyeball... Luo Qinghan naturally remembered that it should have been Ye Wuyou's eye.

"Is it dangerous?" Luo Qinghan asked quietly, but it was as if he knew everything.

"..." Lu Caiwei blinked and said nothing.

Luo Qinghan sighed softly.

"You didn't say it before because you didn't want them to worry, but I saw it, it was clearly Ye Wuyou's eye."

"He's in trouble, right?" Luo Qinghan said.

At that time in the courtyard, Lu Caiwei did not choose to tell the others.

Bai Lu and Luo Yue were at a lower level, and they had never really come into contact with the weirdness.

Even though Luo Yue had the weirdness, she almost died under the erosion, and finally she gradually stabilized with the help of Ye Wuyou.

Luo Yue’s understanding of the weirdness was not deep, and she had never practiced any magical powers.

And now this matter concerns Ye Wuyou’s safety. If she told the two, Lu Caiwei would definitely not be able to stop them from forcibly entering the eighth floor.

Concern leads to confusion.

Facing the eighth floor where the weirdness gathers, if there is a slight mistake, things may go to an unpredictable situation.

To this day, only four people have entered the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison and come out alive.

Lu Qingshan, Ye Wuyou, Lu Caiwei... and Qu Wuyi under [Shendaoshu·Doppelganger].

At this point, Lu Caiwei decided to go alone.

But facing Luo Qinghan's words, she was a little at a loss for a moment.

How did she know everything?

Luo Qinghan didn't say much, and his figure fell directly towards the sky prison below.

The voice came.

"I won't stop you from saving him, but no matter how dangerous that place is, can it be as dangerous as the three of us facing the Pulao in the past? But since you attach so much importance to it, I will go with you. With my current realm, I think I can still help you."

Lu Caiwei was slightly stunned.

"Then there is something strange in that place..."


Luo Qinghan smiled indifferently.

"Then I should go even more. He is not here. At present, I think no one here is more familiar with the weirdness than me."

This is true.

Lu Caiwei didn't hesitate any more. The two figures went to the sky prison with great speed.

But now Lu Caiwei's heart was a little confused.

What happened to Luo Qinghan recently?

In the past, whenever Luo Qinghan and Ye Wuyou met, they always quarreled all the way.

But now, it seems that they are avoiding Ye Wuyou everywhere.

Only Ye Wuyou and Luo Qinghan know the reason for this "hiding".

In the eyes of others, the two of them are about to die.

Including Lu Caiwei.

When she learned about this in the courtyard, Lu Caiwei actually thought about whether to find someone to help.

But in the strange environment of the eighth floor of the sky prison, perhaps only Luo Qinghan can help.

However, considering the relationship between Luo Qinghan and Ye Wuyou, she finally did not call the other party.

Originally thought that the relationship between them was getting worse, but now that Ye Wuyou was in danger, Luo Qinghan took the initiative...

Thinking of this, Lu Caiwei's eyes were a little strange, and she asked in a low voice.

"Are you worried about him now?"

Luo Qinghan looked back slightly and looked at Lu Caiwei with some surprise.

"Me? Oh, how could I worry about him."

The voice paused slightly, and Luo Qinghan's voice came again.

"With his current strength, do I still need to worry about him?"

The voice seemed sarcastic, but for some reason, it was mixed with a hint of resentment.

When Ye Wuyou was still at the peak of the fifth realm, unless he really fought to the death, Luo Qinghan still had a chance of winning.

But things are different now.

Now that the two of them are fighting, Luo Qinghan is no match for Ye Wuyou.


Lu Caiwei said in a low voice, as if she heard some meaning in Luo Qinghan's words.

The girl was silent for a while, and asked with some doubts.

"Hey, what happened to you that night..."

Luo Qinghan's eyes were stunned, and his expression changed slightly.

But she reacted immediately, and quickly suppressed her expression, but her figure turned a few points inadvertently, and doubts arose in her mind.

How could Lu Caiwei know?

Didn't she fall asleep that day?

Didn't Ye Wuyou rush back immediately? When he returned to Lu Caiwei, Caiwei should not have woken up yet.

Luo Qinghan was about to make a roundabout excuse, but Lu Caiwei's voice came faintly.

"My master told me..."

That day, Lu Caiwei fell into a dream and fell asleep in the company of Ye Wuyou for the first time in a long time.

When she woke up the next day, she saw the first ray of light in the morning and Ye Wuyou who was still sitting by her bed.

It would be great if it was so.

But after Ye Wuyou left, Xia Anmeng told herself in her mind.

Lu Caiwei still remembered that her master's tone was very excited at that time.

"Hey, disciple, I'm telling you secretly, this Ye Wuyou ran out with your best friend at night and didn't know what he was doing. He didn't come back until early in the morning."

The little stutterer's face darkened instantly.

After that, Lu Caiwei asked Ye Wuyou and Luo Qinghan one after another.

But neither of them answered this question.

Now, I took this opportunity to ask Luo Qinghan for the second time.

Luo Qinghan's eyes froze for a moment, knowing that this matter could not be hidden from Lu Caiwei.

She made up her mind, took a deep breath, and said coldly.

"You know, I have always had some conflicts with him, and it is normal to be misunderstood."

"That night after you fell asleep, I simply fought with him."

At this point, Luo Qinghan's eyes were a little dazed.


Lu Caiwei nodded silently, with a puzzled look.

"What was the result?"

"The result, of course I won, my realm is higher than his, he... how could he beat me?" Luo Qinghan said loudly.

"Hey, why do you always avoid meeting him?"

Luo Qinghan was silent at first, but then chuckled and said calmly.

"I was too harsh at the time. After he lost to me, he knelt on the ground and begged bitterly, but I broke his heart. I couldn't bear it. I thought it was not easy for him to practice, and I thought that the realm he just achieved was not stable. So, I will not appear in front of him for the time being."

Is that so?

Lu Caiwei nodded first, but then her steps paused, and her body stiffened a little.

Her right eye emitted a little scarlet light.

The big eyeballs presented extremely clear scenes in Lu Caiwei's mind.

That was Luo Qinghan who was crying and collapsing in the night, and Ye Wuyou who was constantly lifted up and fell in his palm.


Is this the sparring that Luo Qinghan mentioned?

Why is it so embarrassing.

As Lu Caiwei looked at the scenes, her face turned slightly red without knowing when.

The girl's mood was extremely complicated at the moment.

She just didn't speak, but she was not stupid.

Lu Caiwei was very smart.

The girl silently lagged behind Luo Qinghan for a few steps, but her clear eyes could not help but look at a certain part behind the other person.

Luo Qinghan seemed to notice Lu Caiwei's abnormality and asked in confusion.

"What's wrong?"


Lu Caiwei retracted her gaze and looked forward.

She had already arrived at the door of the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison.

Lu Caiwei knew that if this door was forcibly broken, the seventh realm would be enough, but it would cause an uncontrollable disaster.

The formation mark on this door was also the simplest one, but it was the most difficult to guess.

All it needed was a certain password.

Those who knew the password could change it at will.

Lu Caiwei didn't know, but the eyeball knew.

It had silently paid attention to everything about Ye Wuyou, every move.

Following the picture conveyed to her by the eyeball, Lu Caiwei's eyes looked a little weird.

What password did Ye Wuyou change? Why is it so strange...

The girl opened her mouth slightly, trying to pronounce those extremely unfamiliar words.

But she stuttered. It was okay for the words she used in daily life, but it was extremely difficult to pronounce such unfamiliar and strange words.

"Ha, ha, ha..."

Ha what?

Luo Qinghan listened on the side, a little puzzled.

The girl's face flushed a little, then she took a breath and let out a delicate cry.

"Ha, sa, ge!"

The voice reached Luo Qinghan's ears, and his body suddenly felt numb for some reason.

The gate of the eighth floor prison suddenly became silent, and then there were bursts of roars.

The strange atmosphere spread in an instant.

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