My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 1 Old Qin, Do You Want An Apprentice Or Not?

"Nephew Qin? Nephew Qin?!"

Daojianmen asked the Great Hall, Qin Ran, who was standing at the end of the line, came back to his senses and realized that the master master was calling him, so he hurriedly walked out of the queue, bowed to his seat, and said, "Master master !"

The head of Daojian Sect on the seat asked aloud: "Did you hear clearly what I just said?"

"Hmm..." Qin Ran murmured, obviously not listening clearly.

Because he was distracted just now, and what he was thinking about was the twelve formula combinations of the Gold Core Phase Breaking Pill.

This is the event site of Daojianmen's Wendao Ceremony once every fifty years. The so-called Wendao Dao Ceremony is also the apprentice acceptance ceremony. At this time, the senior management of Daojianmen is conducting the final test for qualified people.

Well, the apprenticeship ceremony, the injection of fresh blood, is very important, but...

What does it have to do with his Danfeng orphan?

Let's take a look at the name of this sect, Daojianmen, and you will know that pill refining has no place in this sect. Apprentice? It's not Danfeng's turn to accept disciples.

So Qin Ran only brought one person to make up the numbers, and planned to play soy sauce all the way, but never thought of accepting apprentices here.

Seeing his appearance, the master raised his voice and said: "This little girl wants to join your sect and learn the technique of pill refining, would you like to accept her?"

"En!" Qin Ran subconsciously nodded in response, but he quickly reacted, and couldn't help but raise his voice, asking questions, "Huh?"

The headman gestured to him. In the center of the Great Hall, in front of a row of boys and girls, there was a figure in a bright yellow collared gown.

Qin Ran looked along and saw the back, which was the back of a girl.

So, when he came to his senses, someone asked him to be his teacher, and it was a woman!

This feeling is the feeling of being hit by a big prize. The last time I had this feeling was the last time, that is, when I traveled to this world of cultivating immortals.

"Everything is subject to the arrangement of the head..." He quickly responded, "Yes."

"Hey, hello... Hey..." At this moment, someone in the queue beside him called him softly. Qin Ran turned his head and looked over. It was Liu Boxian, the chief seat of Jianfeng. He looked over, winked and scolded, "Would you like a fart... top-level gold Spiritual Roots, learn pill refining from your kid?!"

"Top gold Spiritual Roots?" Qin Ran was taken aback, girl or top gold Spiritual Roots? If this is the case, it is really not suitable for pill refining, he couldn't help hesitating.

Firstly, Golden Spiritual Roots is not suitable for pill refining, and secondly, this Golden Spiritual Roots is still top-notch, if she learns swords, she will be a person like Tianjiao.

It's just that he has this consideration, and the head of the sect obviously also has it. When he was in a daze earlier, the palace had actually discussed it many times. Now that he confirmed that he was willing to accept apprentices, the head still felt it was a pity, and confirmed to the girl in yellow again: "Do you really want to learn pill refining?"

"I'm here for pill refining." The girl in yellow replied.

The girl's voice was a bit cold, and she spoke with a sense of arrogance when she spoke to the head of the sect. She was probably the kind of person who was cold and difficult to get along with, and Qin Ran was even more hesitant.

"You are Golden Spiritual Roots, which is more suitable for the way of swordsmanship. Even Qi Refining warriors are also acceptable. If you practice Alchemy, your Talent will be useless and it can be said to be a waste." The headmaster persuaded again.

"I know." The girl in yellow said.

"Alas..." the headmaster sighed, "Okay."

"It's a pity!" Liu Boxian, the head of Jianfeng, also shook his head secretly. Such a good swordsman, to be wasted in Danfeng, is simply a waste of money.

Looking at the girl's slender back and listening to her clean response, Qin Ran felt some strange feeling in his heart... Probably, someone would choose him so decisively. He originally wanted to say something to persuade the girl to choose another peak, but he didn't speak in the end.

"You belong to Danfeng's lineage, and you are the inner disciple. Forget it, let's be the direct disciple!" The headmaster operated True Qi, wrote down the identity token for the girl in yellow, and then cast the magic spell to send the identity token to her Front, said, "Quickly return to the Danfeng queue."

The girl in yellow reached out to catch the own identity token, and she looked at the name on it, Li Shiyin. Although she insisted on learning pill refining, she felt confused when she was really sure. Pausing at the same spot for a moment, she thought of her grandfather who died of illness, and finally made up her mind not to let her parents suffer from illness. She turned and walked past the line, looking behind.

Just looking around, Li Shiyin saw the person she was looking for, the master she had just worshiped. After all, in the Great Hall, he was the only one standing outside the queue.


Li Shiyin hesitated, is there something wrong?

That smirking young man is her Master? !

She glanced around in the hall to make sure that no one else came to greet her, then looked back at the young man, and saw that he was indeed wearing a black robe.

Well, maybe this master just looks young, but he is actually very old. The Cultivation Base is very high and powerful. Li Shiyin could only comfort herself in this way.

She really didn't mean to engage in appearance discrimination. After all, Xiu Immortal World's appearance has no reference value. However, if the appearance is older and the temperament is more mature and stable, it will indeed make people feel more secure.

And the young man in front of her...

"Alas!" Li Shiyin had just made up her mind, and she wanted to go back on her word. She turned to look at the head of the sect, intending to ask if she could switch to the teacher's sect, but the head had asked many times before, and she still didn't speak in the end.

"Is there anything else?" However, seeing her like this, the head of the sect felt like a mirror in his heart, so he asked aloud instead.

"No!" she replied coldly.

"That's good..." The headmaster smiled, "I hope you will perform well when you knock on the door in three years' time."

Knocking on the door before the Tao is to check the practice of new disciples to see if they are lazy and suitable for practice. In fact, another word is, Sect Dabi. Sect ratio, and then determine resource allocation.

The head of the sect deliberately emphasized at this time that he somewhat laughed at Li Shiyin for not knowing what to do and wanting to see a joke.

Li Shiyin could feel it, but she pretended not to know, nodded with a cold face, and replied: "Okay!"

She is more confident in the talent and character of her cultivation, and she knows that she will go far... right?

She turned her head and saw her new Master.

"I can only take one step at a time." Li Shiyin sighed secretly again, and walked towards Qin Ran slowly, somewhat reluctantly.

When the girl in yellow turned around, Qin Ran couldn't help being taken aback. Actually is not because of other things, but because she is too beautiful, cough... no, but because she is relatively older.

I didn't mean to say that this girl is old, she looks like 15 or 16 years old, which is the most youthful age, but simply said that she is too old to learn from a teacher. Among the dozen or so disciples in the Great Hall, she was already on the older side.

Although it is not to say that the younger the better, but 15 or 16 years old has obviously missed the best time for Foundation Establishment. If it weren't for her top-level golden Spiritual Roots, if it weren't for Daojianmen being a small sect, I'm afraid they wouldn't have accepted her.

Of course, aside from talking about it, she is really pretty.

There is a bit of pretense of maturity in the cute apricot eyes, and there is a bit of forced frost on the baby's fat face. The temperament and appearance are in contrast, and the nose is as steep as a cliff, the thin lips are condensed like a blade, and the eyebrows are thick and heroic. , Qingsi is a little touching.

She is obviously a young girl who has not yet fully grown, but she already has a bit of sharpness like a sword.

"As expected of the Golden Spiritual Roots." Qin Ran thought to himself.

Qin Ran felt a little excited when he thought that he would eat, live, and practice with such a beautiful girl in the future... Ah no, no, he was not excited, not at all, this is an apprentice, an apprentice! He secretly warned himself, don't think about dirty things like master and apprentice.

Jing watched the conversation between the head of the house and her, Qin Ran didn't say anything, he watched the girl walking towards him hesitantly, he just smiled and nodded at her, motioning for her to go back to the queue with him.

Daojianmen is not a big sect, and there are not so many people who come here to apprentice. The opportunity of apprenticeship once every fifty years, just to make do with it, only a thousand or so people came under the mountain gate. And after various assessments, there are only a hundred or so people left, and after going through the handyman and Outer Sect disciples, there are only a dozen or so who came here to ask the Great Hall.

This year is regarded as a normal performance, and the number of those who came to ask the Great Hall is sixteen. And these sixteen, without exception, are all outstanding talents, belonging to the kind of existence that gives some resources casually, and will be the Nascent Soul boss in the future.

When Li Shiyin followed Qin Ran into the Danfeng queue, there were still seven disciples standing there. And these seven disciples, four of them worshiped Jianfeng, and three worshiped Qifeng.

In addition to the fact that Li Shiyin has already determined the peak pulse, the inner discipline distribution of this questioning ceremony is as follows:

The main peak has five disciples; Jianfeng has six disciples; Qifeng has four; Danfeng has one.

So far, the five-day Asking Ceremony has come to an end.

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