After buying spirit beast meat and other food, and spending almost all of the Spirit Stones, Li Shiyin took Long Qiqi and flew to Danfeng with his sword.

If you know the flying technique, it is really convenient. It only takes a few minutes to go from one mountain to another, but it takes a whole day to walk...

And it was during these few minutes on the road that Long Qiqi couldn't stand the temptation of the wild animal meat with a lion heart, so he took out the animal meat from Li Shiyin's Qiankun bag, ready to smell it, lick it, and relieve his craving.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took out the meat of the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast, she smelled a stench of rotten flesh.

She took a closer look, and there was no animal meat in her hand, it was clearly an ordinary piece of animal meat, and it was rotten and smelly!

"What?" Li Shiyin asked with a frown, smelling the stench.

Long Qiqi showed Li Shiyin the meat in her hand.

"This is?" Li Shiyin hadn't reacted yet.

"Lion Heart Flame Beast." Long Qiqi said.

Only then did Li Shiyin come to her senses, and she opened her mouth to swear, "Damn it! How dare you lie to my aunt!"

She didn't go back to Danfeng, she turned her mind, the tip of the sword turned upside down, and flew to the main peak again.

And the stall owner was really arrogant, he cheated people, he didn't leave, he was still setting up a stall there, waiting for the next fat sheep to come to his door.

Li Shiyin walked over with the stinky meat, threw it hard on the stall owner's stall, and shouted, "Refund my money!"

The stall owner was startled by the sound of stinky meat being thrown on the stall. When he came back to his senses, he saw that it was Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi, two little girls. He knew what was going on and immediately calmed down.

"Girl, who are you? What are you doing to make such a noise?!"

"Huh?!" Li Shiyin became more and more angry, "Still pretending to be like my old lady?"

She clenched her fists and asked repeatedly, "Is this meat from you? Did you sell it to me just now? Isn't it?"

The stall owner pretended to check the rotten meat on the stall, and then raised his head in a daze: "This, this is obviously not from my place! I am a sincere person, a seller of spirit beast meat, and I can also sell you fake spirit beast Meat?"

Complacent, he gave Li Shiyin an idea, "Girl, it seems that you have been deceived, why don't you go to the Daojianmen patrol team and find them to uphold justice for you."

The inspection team is just a team organized by the deacon hall to patrol the gate, the members are all Outer Sect disciples, and the things they have to deal with are those trivial things, because they can't handle the real inner discipline things...

Or rather, they don't care at all.

Right now, the stall owner said so out of complacency, mocking Li Shiyin that she should go home to find her mother if she was wronged.

Li Shiyin's fist clenched tighter and tighter, she was too angry to speak.

"But! Regardless of whether you go to the inspection team or not, please don't block it here and affect my business. You see, there are so many people around. If you do this, it will affect my image here. It has a very negative impact. If you don't walk away, I will find you to lose money..."


Before the stall owner could finish his proud words, Li Shiyin's fist had already landed on his face.

This punch came out in anger, and hit the stall owner hard on the eyebrow, making the stall owner stunned on the spot, lying on the ground for a while before slowly waking up.

He sat up numbly, his head was dizzy, he saw double images, and the half of his eyebrows that had been beaten was already swollen.

"Do you dare to do it?"

He couldn't believe it.

"Dare to lie to me, I will beat you to death!"

Li Shiyin couldn't bear to be able to speak, so she rushed over with her fist raised.

At this time, a few people rushed out from the crowd, all cast their spells, and greeted Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin knew that someone was coming, and it was the accomplice of the stall owner. The guy who had been buying meat in the morning was still there, but she ignored it and rushed towards the stall owner.

The stall owner was in a daze. Seeing Li Shiyin approaching, he ignorantly cast spells with seal formulas, but Li Shiyin's speed, let alone his seal formulas, even normal accomplices who rushed out of the crowd could only eat their tails.


This was a whip kick, it hit the stall owner directly on the head, and the stall owner flew off the ground like a broken sack, and fell to the ground far away.

He tried to get up, got up twice, but couldn't get up, his head was covered with blood, and he lay down and shouted:


After Li Shiyin kicked the stall owner away, he quickly changed his body shape, dodging the incoming spells one by one, and then flew up with a backflip.

"You guys should fight too!"

She was murderous, and Leng Ling's Star Sword pointed at the people on the opposite side.

In addition to the stall owner, there were five people in this group. At this time, the five people couldn't help swallowing when they looked at the girl in white who was standing opposite with a sword.

This, it seems that I can't beat it?

"Five against one, why are you afraid of her?!"

The stubborn man yelled, raised his hand and performed the spell.

However, Li Shiyin stretched out his figure, his body was shining with stars, and he rushed towards the five people with a few double shadows...

Hearing Sword Qi volleying in the air and the screams of several people could not stop, it didn't take long for these five people to lie down on the ground with injuries all over their bodies.

This is the fate of being approached by a powerful sword repairer.

"Where did this female sword fairy come from?" The crowd of onlookers boiled up, and someone asked.

"Is there such a female cultivator with both color and strength in my Dao Jianmen?"

"What a terrifying combat power!"

Someone replied amidst the boiling din: "This seems to be Dan Feng's fellow disciple."

"Danfeng? Who is Danfeng?"

"Danfeng, Li Shiyin!"

On the field, Li Shiyin stood alone while five of them fell to the ground. She held a sword and stared at the five on the ground, thinking:

"Do you want to steal their Qiankun bags? These Damn it people lied to themselves a lot of Spirit Stones. But the master said that these things can't be taken, I'm afraid there will be troubles..."

"Do you want to destroy the corpse? Is it necessary for anyone nearby to see it?"

The five people on the ground felt the terrifying look in Li Shiyin's eyes, and they all trembled.

Long Qiqi dragged the stall owner over with one hand and put the five of them together. Seeing Li Shiyin's frightening eyes, he asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm wondering if I should make up the knife?" Li Shiyin replied sincerely.

The six people on the ground shook in unison.

"It's not possible..."

At this time, the patrol team saw that the movement here seemed to be over, so someone came over, walked out from the crowd, saw the situation on the field clearly, and asked respectfully to Li Shiyin: "Is it the senior sister of Daojianmen?"

"Danfeng, Li Shiyin!" Li Shiyin said.

The inspection team understood, and then asked the six people on the ground: "Where are you from?"

"Senior Brother...Senior Brother!" Seeing the inspection team coming, the stall owner seemed to see hope. He supported his aching body and said to the inspection team, "Look, Senior Brother, she beat us five and smashed our stall." , Don’t let us sell things properly, this breaks the rules of the market. Senior brother, punish them quickly!”

"Are you from the Daojian sect?"

"'s not important, you arrest them quickly."

"That's okay." The inspection team tied up these people and prepared to take them away.

The person who was talking to Li Shiyin just now came over and said to Li Shiyin: "Senior Sister Danfeng, you are too impulsive. If you trick them into going to the Taoist forum, you can earn some Spirit Stones while beating them violently."

"Lun Daotai?" Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi looked at each other, feeling that they had discovered the wealth code.

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