"People who have no knowledge, no dignity, no morals, no parents or elders, that's it." Qin Ran said.

"What did you say?!" Yao Qingke was furious, raising his hand to cast a spell on Qin Ran.

"If you attack me again, you will commit the following offense." Qin Ran warned in a flat tone, and then said, "I am here today, not to scold you, nor to fight with you, but just want to know who gave it to you." Have the guts to set up a torture hall here? Trial my Danfeng people?!"

Qin Ran is no better than Li Shiyin. At the beginning, Li Shiyin could see that something was wrong, but he was soon driven by Yao Qingke and fell into the trap. Qin Ran is as stable as an old dog, it is difficult to get into the game, and he can tell at a glance that today's incident was premeditated, and Yao Qingke was not the main culprit...

At least, there is someone behind her.

"Whatever commits a crime below, and what doesn't fight, I think it's because of my low strength, making excuses for my own cowardice!" Yao Qingke sneered, and then said, "As a disciple of Daojianmen, I have the responsibility to deal with my colleagues who have bad conduct. !"

"That is to say, you set up the execution hall privately, right?" Qin Ran nodded, "I will report to the head, saying that you recruited accomplices, set up the execution hall privately in the door, and killed the same door. As for how to deal with it ..."

He looked at Yao Qingke and said, "It's about abolishing Cultivation Base and expelling him from the mountain gate."

"Who do you think you are? If you say you are expelled, you will be expelled?" Yao Qingke's old god is there, and he is not afraid.

"I'll give you one last chance..." Qin Ran said, "Let my apprentice go, and apologize to her. This task will be handled as a fourth-level task."

"Give me a chance?" Yao Qingke couldn't help laughing as if he had heard some joke.

However, Qin Ran didn't care about her at all, and continued: "I count down to three..." After finishing speaking, he repeated word by word, "I only count to three."

Yao Qingke looked at Qin Ran playfully. She had confidence in her heart and didn't plan to pay attention to Qin Ran at all. She just wanted to see how Qin Ran would face the embarrassing situation after counting.

"Three." Qin Ran counted on his own.

"Two." He didn't make a pretentious pause.

Qin Ran raised his hand, and the palm was filled with water vapor.


He hadn't finished reading the word "one" when another voice suddenly came from outside the deacon hall, that voice said: "Ah! What is the deacon hall doing today? It's so lively."

Hearing this voice, Qin Ran closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

This is Jian Yuanjie's voice.

So he can be sure that this matter involves at least three forces, Qifeng He Daoguang, Deacon Hall Jian Yuanjie, and Zhishengu. Yao Qingke? It's just a pawn being pushed out.

The opportunity he gave to Qin Ran was not given to Yao Qingke, but to the forces behind her. See if the forces behind her have decided to tear themselves apart with Qin Ran and Dan Feng.

...it seems they haven't made up their minds yet.

Jian Yuanjie is the Elder who manages the Medicine Pill of the Deacon Hall, so the Medicine Pill's status to practice is his status to the Deacon Hall.

When he walked in pretending to be a fool, someone would tell him what had happened. It didn't matter what kind of oil or vinegar was added by the person who said it, because he just wanted someone to tell him.

He understood what happened in Deacon Church today better than everyone present.

"Oh! So that's how it is..." Jian Yuanjie nodded pretendingly, walked over again, and said to Qin Ran, "Brother, brother, I would like to ask, is the ghost-faced spider real or fake?"

This is asking Qin Ran if he wants to pursue the matter further.

Qin Ran slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were as deep as a black hole, he looked at Jian Yuanjie, and after a while, he said, "The ghost-faced spider is there, brother, go and see for yourself."

This is to say that it is up to you to decide whether to tear your face or not.

Jian Yuanjie understood it, and went forward to look at the ghost-faced spider, nodded and said: "Ah, this is indeed a ghost-faced spider."

As he spoke, he explained the ghost-faced spider's soul-absorbing ability to everyone present. The only difference between him and a pill refining teacher is that he doesn't know how to pill refining, and he knows everything about pill refining.

Since Jian Yuanjie came in, Yao Qingke hadn't moved, until Jian Yuanjie was sure it was a ghost-faced spider, she was a little anxious, stood up, and said in a cold voice: "Even if it was a ghost-faced spider, it wasn't killed by the cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period. The ghost-faced spider's body is intact, and it died because of the destruction of its soul! Could it be that she, Li Shiyin, is only in the Foundation Establishment period, and still has the primordial spirit?"

Dong Zhongyuan, who had been watching the show, couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words, and looked at Yao Qingke with a smile. How stupid!

Hearing this, Qin Ran's eyes froze, and it became clear instantly that besides the face dispute, Qi Feng also wanted Dan Feng's Soul Refining method.

"It's your turn to interrupt when we're talking?!" Jian Yuanjie was suddenly furious, and turned around to scold Yao Qingke.

Yao Qingke stared at Jian Yuanjie, clenched and clenched his fists, but still did not speak.

If she really did it, this "young" girl would be able to take Qin Ran and Jian Yuanjie lightly by herself... This is the idea of ​​the proud son of heaven who has never been beaten by the old tyrant.

"Brother, what do you think?" Qin Ran ignored Yao Qingke and only asked Jian Yuanjie.

Jian Yuanjie immediately smiled and said: "It seems that this ghost-faced spider was indeed killed by Shiyin's nephew."

"Then please let my apprentice go." Qin Ran said.

Jian Yuanjie looked at Yao Qingke again, but Yao Qingke sat on the chair and ignored him. It means that you are so powerful, unblock yourself!

Qin Ran looked at Yao Qingke, raised his hand, and there was water vapor in his hand, so he quickly extracted the water from the vine, and the vine became dry and brittle, losing its original power, and Li Shiyin jumped out of it.

Seeing Qin Ran's move, the hearts of Jian Yuanjie, Yao Qingke, and Dong Zhongyuan couldn't help trembling, knowing that Qin Ran was demonstrating. He can suck the water out of the vines, so can he suck the water out of the human body?

So Yao Qingke looked at Qin Ran for the first time. She suddenly recalled that since Qin Ran appeared in this lobby, she seemed to have been in a passive position. Even when confronting Jian Yuanjie, Qin Ran was extremely calm. She found that this "little uncle" she had always despised She didn't seem to understand, as if there was something like a rank, Qin Ran was much higher than her.

Li Shiyin was trapped in the vines, but she didn't lose consciousness after all, she could hear clearly what happened outside. When she came out now, she saw Qin Ran and immediately felt wronged. If there is no Qin Ran, she will fight no matter how strong the enemy is, but she will die, but with Qin Ran, she will have the backbone and the weakness of a daughter's family.

"Master..." she called softly, and came over with a sword.

Qin Ran smiled at her, then reached out and rubbed her hair, asking her to stand beside her.

"There's an apology, and a reward." He said to Jian Yuanjie.

Jian Yuanjie took out a cosmos bag, which seemed to have been prepared long ago, handed it to Li Shiyin, and said with a smile: "My nephew's Cultivation Base is amazing, and he has a bright future."

As for the apology, Jian Yuanjie looked at Yao Qingke, who smiled contemptuously, without any intention of apologizing.

"No need for her to apologize!" Li Shiyin said suddenly. She held the Qiankun bag in one hand and the Muran sword in the other, looking at Yao Qingke, "Three years later... oh no, only two years. Knock on the door, I want to make you apologize!"

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