Seeing Li Shiyin disappearing into the stone gate, Qin Ran became worried, and even said that he was a little scared.

At this moment, something terrible occurred to him.

For example, the stone door will kill the person who knocked the door, and then create a new person under its control;

Or the stone door will send people to another terrifying place to complete the evil purpose of the owner of the stone door, and then declare to the public that the person who knocked on the door is enlightening;

Or seize the house, Shimen is a trap left by the ancient boss, looking for a suitable body;

Or to lure the door-knocker to practice the Devil Dao Cultivation Technique...


Thinking of these horrible things in his mind, he couldn't help shouting.

Liu Boxian, the head of Jianfeng Mountain, was not far away from him. Hearing the sound, he glanced at him and said with a smile, "They were sent to the space of enlightenment, not elsewhere. Don't worry."

Qin Ran came back to his senses, realized his inappropriate behavior, and smiled awkwardly.

He looked at Dong Zhongyuan who was knocking on the door, and asked Liu Boxian, "How long will they be enlightened?"

"It doesn't matter." Liu Boxian replied, "Depending on personal circumstances, the time may be longer or shorter. If you happen to encounter Cultivation Base breakthrough, Golden Core baby transformation, ten days and a half months, a year or two is also possible. "

When Qin Ran heard this, he only felt that his horrible conjectures had been confirmed a little bit more, and he was worried for a while.

He waited here for a while, and when Tian Wenjin also entered the Taoist gate, he turned and left the Taoist gate in a disturbed heart.

Qin Ran turned from the back of the main peak to the Wendao Square in front of him. He thought about it, first take Long Qiqi back to Danfeng, and the two of them made some preparations. Li Shiyin was rescued.


He searched around Wendao Square, but he still couldn't find Long Qiqi.

"Huh...Qiqi should go back." He suppressed the worry in his heart and murmured.

Qin Ran is a person who likes to think things will be bad, but at this time, he sincerely hopes that things will not develop badly.

He unfolded the Movement Technique, flickered, and flew back to Danfeng at the fastest speed. However, he turned around Danfeng, but he still couldn't see Long Qiqi.

At this moment, he finally put his mind back bit by bit, because he was sure that something really happened to Long Qiqi.

"So it's because of Qiqi's side..."

Qin Ran unfolded his Yuanshen and communicated with the token he gave to Long Qiqi.

The keepsakes he made for the four people in Danfeng all left the imprint of his primordial spirit, for this critical moment.

Soon, the token reacted, he flew into the air, and then looked in the direction of the token, secretly judging the distance, the location of the token was already far away from Daojianmen.

It is impossible for Long Qiqi to fly at such a fast speed... His face sank like water, and he flew straight towards the token.

Qin Ran chased to the place where the token was at his fastest speed... Two miles before, he stopped, his figure flickered, and another self appeared beside him.

This "Qin Ran" looked at him, smiled vividly, and then flew towards the token.

Qin Ran has already started to practice the improved version of "Jiuji Yuanshen Devil Eater Art", and now he can already separate a Yuanshen. In the assessment between Li Shiyin and Yan Tianxing, he was the one who used Fractionated Divinity to save Li Shiyin.

His mirror flower water moon is the technique of avatar. But Flower in Mirror and Moon in Water is just a basic movement technique. Just like the name, it can only confuse the enemy and has no combat power.

Then Qin Ran combined the Mirror Flower, Water Moon and "Jiuji Primordial God Demon Eater", and obtained a brand new spell.

He let the primordial spirit separated from "Jiuji Primordial God Eat Demon Art" live in the clone of Jinghuashuiyue. The primordial spirit is the soul, and the clone is the body. Clone: ​​Can run, jump, talk, think independently, practice independently, and fight independently.

The avatar "Qin Ran" moved forward, he inherited the character of the main body, and cautiously approached the token a little bit. When he was more than 200 meters in front of the token, he saw Long Qiqi's token, that fat cartoon snake, hanging on a bush.

"Qin Ran" immediately found a rock to hide, opened the pupil illusion world, and checked around for ambushes and traps. After a while, because he was worried about Long Qiqi, he still flew out of the rock where he was hiding, and slowly reached the bushes. Cong Chu picked up the token.

He glanced around again, this place is wilderness, surrounded by bushes and weeds. Due to the calamity of the Demon Devouring Willow, many big trees in the Hengduan Mountains haven't grown yet.

"The token was left here..." Qin Ran frowned and thought, "Did the person who took Qi Qi discover the purpose of the token and discard it; or was it a clue that Qi Qi left on purpose?

"If it's the clues left by Qiqi on purpose..." "Qin Ran" flew a little higher, "then there should be clues nearby."

"Qin Ran" searched carefully nearby, and after a while, he found a cloth belt on a branch not far away.

He flew over cautiously, picked up the cloth belt to check.

"This is Qiqi's clothes..." Qin Ran recognized it, "It was torn off by Qiqi and used as a mark."

"Qin Ran" looked back at the place where the snake-shaped token was left, drew a straight line with two points and a line between the token and the cloth tape here, and then looked out along the direction of the straight line.

"If this is really the cloth belt left by Qi Qi, then there is a high probability that this is the direction they fled from."

"Qin Ran" flew out in this direction, and sure enough, not long after, he found another cloth belt on the roadside rocks.

He stood in mid-air, looking at the two cloth belts in his hand. By this time, it was already certain that this was the cloth belt left by Long Qiqi, a clue for those who came to rescue her. However, he was even more worried, because the reasoning behind it didn't make sense... unless the enemy had more goals...

If he kidnapped a person, he must make the captive lose consciousness immediately, or at least make her lose the ability to move.

The person held hostage by me is still leaving a signal mark while running... How likely is it to meet such a careless person in the world of practice?

Qin Ran didn't know, but now he seemed to have no other choice.

"Qin Ran" continued to move forward along this direction, and soon discovered another token.

As more tokens are found, the route the enemy and Long Qiqi take becomes clearer. This is a crooked route, and its ultimate direction is...

"Qin Ran" bent down again to pick up a poison pill produced by Long Qiqi, and looked up into the distance, over there...

It is the core area of ​​the Hengduan Mountains, the land of the immortals!

So at this moment, Qin Ran had a rough guess about the kidnapper.

This person will kidnap people from Danfeng, take them to the land of mist, and freely enter and exit Daojian Gate. Then this person can only be...

Jian Yuanjie! ! !


At this moment, a terrifying roar of a beast suddenly came from next to his ear, "Qin Ran" turned his head to look, and not far away, there was a terrifying and ferocious lion-heart mad flame beast rushing towards him!

Only now did he notice where he was, right outside the lair of the Lionheart Flame Beast.

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