"Qin Ran?"

Long Qiqi, who thought she would die for sure, heard this name, hurriedly opened her eyes, and looked in the direction Jian Yuanjie was looking at, and she saw Qin Ran's figure there.

"Didn't you get smashed into the mist?" She asked loudly, the tears in the corners of her eyes were still dry, "How did you come out?"

The avatar died within three minutes after being smashed into the Immortal Remains, and the wisp of primordial spirit was eaten by the ghost monkey, Qin Ran was affected, and at this time his head was still buzzing.

"Yes, it's out." He and Long Qiqi nodded.

"No! Impossible!" But Jian Yuanjie looked at him and shook his head again and again, and said, "You can't escape from Chi Snake... and Ghost Monkey... and..."

Although Qin Ran's face was pale, although he had a little pain in his head, and although his body was a little weak, it didn't affect him following Jian Yuanjie's words to set him off.

"Chi snake? Ghost monkey?" He sneered disdainfully, and said to Jian Yuanjie, "How can you guess the strength of this seat? It's just a snake or a ghost monkey, and I can suppress it with a snap of my fingers." ! Even that bloody keel dares to look around from a distance. Who do you think this seat is?"

Look at his haughty expression, listen to his disdainful tone, and he did come out from the land of immortality, if Jian Yuanjie was an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have guessed this in his heart:

Could it be that Qin Ran in Sect is usually in disguise, but in fact Qin Ran is an old monster hiding in Daojianmen.

Thinking about it in this way, seeing the blood on the corner of Qin Ran's mouth and pale face, it can be speculated that perhaps in the short period of time just now, Qin Ran had already fought a battle with the monster in the mist.

It's a pity that Jian Yuanjie is not an ordinary person.

He did think so, but his thoughts turned too fast. While thinking this way, he also thought of other possibilities.

What if Qin Ran wasn't some old monster? Does Qin Ran have no strength? Did he escape from the mist by luck?

So Jian Yuanjie came to another conclusion, that is, Qin Ran was seriously injured at this time, he was just a strong outsider, he was supporting him, and he was deceiving him.

Jian Yuanjie was thinking about everything, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Qin Ran's voice had just finished speaking, and he hurriedly bowed forward, and said in trepidation: "I don't know if the first person is face to face, I'm disrespectful, and I said something rude Please forgive me for your nonsense."

Seeing Jian Yuanjie's appearance, Qin Ran immediately knew that the "intimidation" tactic had failed! Because an old fox like Jian Yuanjie didn't turn around and run away immediately, it meant that he still had a backhand.

In other words, he still wanted to fight, and he still had thoughts about himself.

Qin Ran sneered in his heart, pretending not to know, he squinted at Jian Yuanjie, and said coldly: "What kind of person is this seat? How can I have the same knowledge as you?! Forget it, I'll save your life and run for your own life!"

This is to send himself away, Jian Yuanjie understands. He confirmed his latter conjecture, that is, Qin Ran must be seriously injured at this time, and what he did was just pretending.

He still has a chance.

"Thank you for your magnanimity, sir, for forgiving me for my misbehavior." He saluted, bowed his waist, turned around, and walked forward.

But after he took two steps, he suddenly remembered something, stopped again, turned around and walked to Long Qiqi's side.

He pulled out the sword stuck in the side of Long Qiqi's head, looked up at Qin Ran Qin Ran, saw Qin Ran peeking here from the corner of his eye, he laughed and said:

"I didn't know the true face of the first seat before, so I dared to do something stupid, and swore a blood oath on this snake monster..."

Seeing Qin Ran's complexion changed, he held the sword upside down with his right hand, and hugged Long Qiqi with his left hand, and continued, "This blood oath Restrictions is very difficult to solve, let me explain the method first."

As he spoke, he walked towards Qin Ran, "I know she is a snake demon, so I use Restrictions to target the snake demon.

"If you don't understand these Restrictions for one day, her blood will cool down, making her lose the ability to move; .”

When he said this, he had already walked in front of Qin Ran. Seeing that Qin Ran had maintained his demeanor, he turned his head to face him squarely, and the hands behind his back trembled slightly, which was a sign that he was ready to strike at any time.

He just pretended not to know, and with a smile on his face, he handed Long Qiqi to Qin, "Removing the ban requires a special method of removing the ban and the introduction of drugs.

The long sword in his right hand turned upside down and went towards Qin Ran!

"It's the blood of a hot-blooded man!"

Qin Ran trembled all over, his eyes showed horror, and he took out the hand behind his back, which was also a sword, and threw it at Jian Yuanjie's sword.


"call out!"

Jian Yuanjie's left hand holding Long Qiqi was blocked by Long Qiqi's body. At this moment, a shuttle-shaped dart suddenly shot out from under Long Qiqi's body!

Qin Ran was caught off guard and was pierced through the chest!

"Junior Brother Qin, Junior Brother Qin..." Jian Yuanjie laughed.

He, Jian Yuanjie, has never been a swordsman, so how could he use a sword to attack? ! Qin Ran was too easy to deceive.

"Junior Brother Qin, don't play tricks like this in front of senior brother again." He smiled, and made a backhand sword, and the blade went straight to Qin Ran's neck.

He has been in the Rivers and Lakes for hundreds of years and knows the importance of last knife.


He slashed with his sword, but the slash was empty, and Qin Ran had disappeared.

Qin Ran is easy to cheat? Obviously hard to cheat.

If Jian Yuanjie was on the second floor, then he thought Qin Ran was on the first floor, but in fact Qin Ran was on the fifth floor.

Is Qin Ran injured?

Qin Ran was injured.

Was Qin Ran seriously injured?

Qin Ran was not seriously injured! If the avatar died, Qin Ran would be seriously injured, then how dare he take the avatar to land mines so casually?

Then why did Qin Ran pretend to be seriously injured?

Because Qin Ran was afraid that Jian Yuanjie would run away.

As Jian Yuanjie's comrade, Qin Ran knows that people like them have full escape skills. Jian Yuanjie may not be able to beat him, but Jian Yuanjie will definitely be able to escape from him.

If you don't trick Jian Yuanjie over here, how can you kill him?

But to deceive someone like Jian Yuanjie, he had to discover the loophole by himself, and he had to think that he had discovered the loophole by himself. Then, with the calculation in my heart, I slowly approached...

Qin Ran dodged Jian Yuanjie's shuttle like a dream, and dodged Jian Yuanjie's sword with Feixian Wenwen.

How could Li Shiyin not teach such a magical movement technique as Feixian asked her favorite escape spell?


The next moment, Jian Yuanjie screamed, his dear left hand had left him.

"Qin Ran!"

He roared angrily, and only then did he realize that he had been tricked.

He hastily dropped the sword, pulled off the Qiankun bag tied around his waist with his right hand, and sprinkled it hard...


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and a dense group of bees appeared around him!

Phoenix Wing Bloodhead Bee! !

fourth-level Demonic Beasts, but swarms! ! !

Qin Ran hurriedly picked up Long Qiqi who had fallen to the ground, held his sword, and flew backwards two feet.

"I knew your internal organs were all black, so it's not so easy to fall for it!" Long Qiqi laughed loudly while being carried by Qin Ran.

It's just that Qin Ran was holding her, looking at the swarm of Fengyi Bloodhead Peak bees surrounding Jian Yuanjie, his face sank like water, and said: "I don't think I can beat him..."

Long Qiqi heard the words and looked back.

I saw Jian Yuanjie standing there, his left hand was chopped off by Qin Ran, and he was gushing blood, while the swarm of phoenix-winged blood-headed bees were flying around in the blood rain, eating blood!

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