My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 27 Li Shiyin's First Cooking

After all, Qin Ran is not a serious formation teacher, and he does not have a Cultivation Technique related to formation. As for the formation, he could only rely on his understanding of formation.

So much so that it took him a whole afternoon just to receive the formation of the power of the Star, and it was not ready until the stars twinkled in the sky.

He took a few breaths, straightened his back, looked at the formation in front of him, took out a piece of Spirit Stones, and said to Li Shiyin: "The formation has already been arranged, you go in, I will put the Spirit Stones at the eye of the formation, and place the formation start up."

After finishing speaking, he waited for Li Shiyin to enter the formation so that he could activate the formation, but after waiting for a while, he found that there was no movement, so he turned around to check, but he couldn't find Li Shiyin.

"Isn't the silly apprentice always behind? When did you disappear?"

Qin Ran frowned, put the Spirit Stones into his arms, and shouted: "Li Shiyin? Li Shiyin!"


Li Shiyin's voice came from the house, it sounded far away, as if in...the kitchen?

"Kitchen?" Qin Ran realized that he was busy setting up the formation, but had no time to cook. Now that the night was dark, Li Shiyin was probably starving.

As for himself, in fact, he has completed the Foundation Establishment, and his need for food is not that high. He usually eats more to satisfy his tongue.

But... why did Li Shiyin go to the kitchen? can she cook

"What are you doing?" He asked loudly, walking into the house.

Li Shiyin didn't reply.

But she noticed that Qin Ran had entered the room, so there was a loud bang bang bang in the kitchen, and when Qin Ran entered the room, she came out of the kitchen.

Qin Ran entered through the living room door, and Li Shiyin went out through the kitchen door. Qin Ran looked over and found that Li Shiyin was messed up, with soot on her face, oil stains on her body, and her hair...the hair seemed to be burnt and messy , curled up.

Qin Ran was stunned by this image of just getting off the battlefield. He looked behind Li Shiyin again, and saw thick smoke filled the kitchen, and there was fire in the smoke, like a necromancer's flame witchcraft.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Ran was a little uncertain.

"Do...cook..." Li Shiyin said coyly, looking embarrassed.

"I, thought you were studying the Black Devil method..."

The fire in the kitchen tended to spread, Qin Ran hurried over, and at the same time brought a stream of water in his hands, the water bypassed Li Shiyin and entered the kitchen, a dragon snake flew around, extinguishing the flames and wrapping away the thick smoke.

The kitchen was still in a mess after the fire was thrown out, Qin Ran sighed, "No Bell's experiment with explosives is just like this."

"What is the Black Devil law?" Li Shiyin was still curious, "Who is Nuo Bell?"

Qin Ran squinted at her, didn't bother to answer, pulled her away, and walked into the kitchen to check carefully.

The kitchen seemed to be the scene of a horror story: there was a piece of bloody raw meat on the cutting board, there was some inexplicable liquid in the pot, half of the stove was burnt black, and black juice was scattered on the ground...

"Is the Jiechen formation broken?" He asked, scratching his hair again, puzzled, "How did you do it?"

Li Shiyin didn't know either, so she just replied, "It was fine at first, but then I don't know why it stopped working."

"Alas!" Qin Ran sighed, and checked the walls and floors, and found that the formation pattern engraved on it had been damaged to a certain extent.

"Those who know know that you are cooking, but those who don't know think you are fighting in the kitchen." He was silent.

Li Shiyin stood obediently at the door of the kitchen, not daring to speak.

"So..." Qin Ran stood up, and seeing Li Shiyin's appearance, he still asked, "You made the kitchen look like this, what kind of food did you cook?"

"Hey!" Li Shiyin smiled smugly, ran in, cleaned up the "battlefield ruins", sorted out three dishes, and brought them to the dining table.

Qin Ran came over to see that the appearance of the three dishes was indeed a bit scary, one was pitch black, carbon? One was bloody meat; one was weird, soup?

"What are these dishes?" he asked.

Li Shiyin ordered a bowl of rice, handed it to Qin Ran, and introduced:

"This is vegetarian fried beans..." referring to the bowl that was burnt to carbon.

"This is Lizhuang white meat..." referring to the bowl with blood on the sliced ​​meat.

"This is egg soup..." referring to the bowl with eggshells, charcoal beans, and a strange color of the soup.

"There are meat and vegetables, there are vegetables and soup, it's good." Qin Ran praised, he looked down at the rice in the bowl, the grains of rice were distinct, shining with jerky light.

"Master, come, try it!" Li Shiyin handed over the chopsticks with anticipation in her eyes.

Qin Ran took the chopsticks and twirled them around, thinking in his heart whether he could resist these dishes with his mature body.

He hesitated for a while, but still couldn't make up his mind, and he really didn't want to disappoint Li Shiyin's kindness, so he picked up a piece of charcoal beans in the bowl and asked, "How do you fry your beans? I don't remember there are no beans." what?"

"Yes! There are many more." Li Shiyin took a handful of beans and gestured to him.

Qin Ran looked at the sky and was speechless.

Many vegetables in the previous life are not available in this world, so he is trying to grow them by himself... For example, the handful of beans in Li Shiyin's hand are the seeds he used to grow peas.

"Where did it come from?" He remembered that he hid it well.

"It's in the refrigerator!" Li Shiyin replied.

Oh, I remembered, he put it in the refrigerator to freeze it, and planned to cultivate it after the artificial lake was dug.

Yes, this is his own fault, he comforted himself in his heart.

"What about the meat?" He asked again. Although the meat was bleeding, it was actually crystal clear and full of spiritual energy.

"Didn't you stew a broth yesterday? This is made from the leftover meat from yesterday." Li Shiyin replied.

Yesterday's meat, that is the meat of the spirit beast that is specially used to nourish the body, and it is specially used for the stupid apprentice to strengthen his physique...

The most important thing is that the meat is very expensive. If you calculate it, it costs about ten Spirit Stones per catty.

Looking at the meat on the plate, Qin Ran felt the blood dripping from his heart.

"Where's the soup?" he asked finally. "Where's the egg?"

But when he asked, Li Shiyin didn't need to answer. He remembered the spirit beast eggs of the 20 Spirit Stones he had kept, so he hurriedly raised his hand to stop Li Shiyin from continuing.

Qin Ran silently put down the bowls and chopsticks, raised his head at forty-five degrees, looked up at the ceiling, and kept his tears from falling, then stood up and walked out step by step.

"Master, don't you want to try it?" Li Shiyin asked from behind.

Qin Ran pretended not to hear, but quietly speeded up.

When I came outside, Qin Ran took a chair and lay down, looking at the stars in the sky, my heart felt cool, I own the ingredients...

After a while, there was a scream of "ah" in the room, and then the sound of Li Shiyin's footsteps running out.

"Master..." She sat down on the grass next to her, and said sadly, "It's so disgusting!"

Qin Ran wanted to cry, but comforted her: "Give it to Zhuifeng! Maybe Zhuifeng likes it."

Chasing the wind, which is white but has black patterns, is quite humane. When he heard that he was going to give it food, he let go of the grass that was being tortured by it, and ran over, rubbing Qin Ran's trousers affectionately.

Poor Zhuifeng, he still doesn't know what he's going to face.

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