Li Shiyin's card addiction is not small, he played cards for three days in a row, pulling Long Qiqi and Zhuifeng to play together. In the end, Qin Ran couldn't stand it any longer, and forcibly collected the cards, which ended their bad round.

"Ah, so boring, Chasing the Wind." Li Shiyin rolled on the cat climbing frame by Xijian Lake.

Zhuifeng's position was taken, and he took a nap next to the cat climbing frame with his hands in his hands.

Hearing Li Shiyin's words, he flicked his tail, and two all-black cubs came out. The cubs meowed and jumped onto the shelf.

Li Shiyin sat up from the shelf and hugged the two cute little tigers.

The cat climbing frame was carved out of a whole big stone by Li Shiyin. If ordinary people saw it, they would call it a miracle, but it was just a cat climbing frame. There are some complicated patterns on the shelf, which look very beautiful; the pattern is the array pattern engraved by Qin Ran, which is intended to strengthen the shelf and prevent it from being crushed by the chasing wind.

At first, Li Shiyin was quite happy to play with the little tiger. The little tiger was fluffy, cute and solid, but after a long time she found it boring.

"Zhuifeng..." She hugged a pure black cub, and called to Zhuifeng under the shelf.

"Ah?" Chasing the wind turned over, lying on the ground, showing a big belly, squinting at Li Shiyin, and said helplessly, "What's the matter?"

"Come up here and let me beat you up!" Li Shiyin suggested earnestly.

Zhuifeng snorted and turned his head: "Do you think I look like a fool?"

Li Shiyin stared at Zhuifeng for a while, then nodded seriously: "Like!"

"Hi?" Chasing Fengqi sat up, staring at Li Shiyin with big eyes, "I told you to be responsible for what you say!"

"If you're not stupid, come up and let me beat you up." Li Shiyin said.

Zhuifeng thought about this sentence for a while but couldn't turn around. He stood up, intending to go up and let Li Shiyin beat him up, but he always felt that something was wrong.

He stood there, thought carefully for a while, and felt that it was a pit and he couldn't jump.

"Didn't I say it before, my boss taught me a very powerful supernatural power." He wisely changed his mind, and said to Li Shiyin, "I'll show you."

"New magical powers?" Li Shiyin's eyes lit up, and she said hastily, "Quickly, show me."

After hearing the rumors, he raised his paw, as if he was about to use his supernatural powers, but he stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his hesitant look, Li Shiyin asked puzzled.

"I haven't mastered this supernatural power well. If I use it like this, there may be a little problem..." Zhuifeng hesitated.

"What's the problem?" Li Shiyin asked.

"It's just..." Zhuifeng said this, and suddenly saw Qin Ran flying out of the study, and quickly closed his mouth.

"What's your question?" Li Shiyin didn't pay attention to Qin Ran, and continued to ask Zhuifeng.

"What bad things are you two planning?" Qin Ran's voice suddenly sounded, startling Li Shiyin.

"What bad thing?" Li Shiyin turned to look at Qin Ran, "Master, how can you think of me like this? Am I not the most well-behaved and cutest?"

Qin Ran looked Li Shiyin up and down, shook his head, and said, "You have nothing to do with being cute."


"Okay!" Qin Ran stopped Li Shiyin's coquettishness in time and said, "I'm going to the main peak, you two don't make trouble!"

"How could we?!" Li Shiyin laughed and asked again, "Master, what are you doing at the main peak?"

"I don't know what to do with the order from the master." Qin Ran shook his head, turned around and flew out of Danfeng. He was very worried about the two bad guys, and turned back to warn, "Don't do bad things!"

"I promise nothing bad will happen!" Li Shiyin patted her chest and promised.

"Alas!" Qin Ran shook his head, turned and left.

Seeing that Qin Ran came out of the mountain guard formation, Li Shiyin quickly turned her head and said to Zhuifeng, "Show me your supernatural powers."

Zhuifeng remembered Qin Ran's warning and hesitated, "But Dad said..."

"Master is gone, I am the boss of Danfeng!" Li Shiyin waved his hand, interrupted Zhuifeng, and said, "I asked you to use your supernatural powers, so you have to use your supernatural powers."

In fact, Zhuifeng himself wanted to show off, so he could only nod upon hearing this: "Okay then..."

Qin Ran didn't expect that he had been exhorting and exhorting those two guys whether they should do something or not, and they didn't listen to the slightest warning. But he has almost reached the main peak, and he is powerless to stop the next thing.

The master is not in the Great Hall, but in his own Immortal Cave. Calling people to meet at home, according to the general thinking, should be a private matter, not a big deal, so Qin Ran made mental preparations, but not too much.

Unexpectedly, the first thing he heard when he walked into Immortal Cave was: "Jian Yuanjie is dead!"

Qin Ran's heart was shocked, thinking that he had been exposed, he quickly looked at the head of the house, but saw the head of the house sitting cross-legged on the futon of the main seat, with a worried expression on his face. And the master didn't stare at him, just sighed. He came to his senses in an instant, and his murder was not exposed.

"Senior brother Jian died?" He pretended to be sad and shocked.

The head of the sect really didn't pay attention to Qin Ran, otherwise he would have seen the terrifying speed of this young man's face-changing.

From the indifference of the sunny otaku at the beginning, to the shock in the pupils when he first heard "Jian Yuanjie died", to the fear that he thought he had been exposed, to the fierce light of eyes reveal and ready to break the boat, to the relief when he found that he hadn't been exposed, to the feigned grief, Shocked, the expression change was done in one go, extremely smooth. He changed more than a dozen facial expressions in one second, and even the face-changing stunt performer had to bow down when he came.

"I can't find him after knocking on the door before Daoqian..." Eyes Reveal, the head of the door, was sad. "After many investigations these days, it is finally confirmed that he is dead. Sigh!"

Qin Ran held his forehead, squeezed out a few tears, and sighed: "I have always been friends with my brother, and I used to hand over the Medicine Pill to him... When I knocked on the door, I also communicated with my brother... I didn't expect , It’s really unpredictable. This... the practice world is too dangerous!"

"Alas..." The headmaster Gu Yueming lamented again, but collected his emotions, called Qin Ran to come in and sit down, and said, "The pill refining master of my Dao Jianmen has always had a bad fate. It was prosperous and prosperous thousands of years ago. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has withered so far; I didn't expect that even a person who understands Medicine Pill can't escape the doom. Could it be that there are really some gods and masters who cast a curse on Daojianmen?"

"Time is fate, the head of the sect, don't lament, you will hurt your body." Qin Ran comforted him.

Gu Yueming shook his head, looked at Qin Ran, and said, "Before, only you and Jian Yuanjie knew about Medicine Pill in Daojianmen. Now that Jian Yuanjie is dead, you are the only one in Daojianmen."

As soon as these words came out, inexplicably, Qin Ran suddenly felt a strange thing pressing on his shoulder... He obviously has no sense of belonging to Daojianmen! ?

"Previously, Danfeng was in charge of refining the internal Medicine Pill, and Jian Yuanjie was responsible for the procurement of external medicinal materials. Now that Jian Yuanjie is gone..." Gu Yueming sighed, "To call you here today is to hand over the important task of purchasing medicinal materials externally." Here you go."

As he said, he took out a thumb-sized pill refining furnace token and gave it to Qin Ran, saying, "Originally, you are extremely tired as the head of Danfeng and in charge of the affairs of Yifeng. This task should not be entrusted to you, but... now I still I want to entrust you with the job of being the Elder in charge of medicine."

Qin Ran took the token, but the meaning was unclear for a while.

"In a few days, it's time to go to Zhishen Valley to purchase medicinal materials." Gu Yueming said, "I just entrusted this task to you today, I really can't bear it, go to the deacon hall now Let's get familiar with related matters in advance..."

Holding the token, Qin Ran comforted Gu Yueming, then turned and left.

After Qin Ran left, Gu Yueming, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, straightened his face and asked out of thin air, "Is that him?"

"Without a doubt." A voice in the air answered him.

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