For ordinary disciples of Daojianmen, the monthly offering is 100 low-grade Spirit Stones, ten Huiyuan pills, and one Juling pill; for the inner disciple, three hundred low-grade Spirit Stones, twenty Huiyuan pills, two Gathering spirit pills; personal disciples, five hundred low-grade Spirit Stones, fifty Huiyuan pills, and ten spirit-gathering pills.

Among them, the Spirit Stones come from the own spirit veins of Daojianmen, and the Medicine Pill comes from two sources...

Most of the Medicine Pills are purchased from Zhishengu, and a small part is provided by Danfeng. Provided by Danfeng, that is, refined by Qin Ran.

The monthly payment is issued at the beginning of each month, and the time for preparing the monthly payment is the middle of the previous month.

In other words, on the fifteenth day of every month, the deacon church will send people to find Qin Ran to get the Medicine Pill for the next month.

Jian Yuanjie, the deacon Elder of the deacon hall, is in charge of matters related to the Medicine Pill in the door, and he is usually the one who will hand over the Medicine Pill to Qin Ran.

Today, he climbed up Danfeng, walked through the deep ancient forest path, and came to the grassland opened up by Qin Ran.

He was already very familiar with Danfeng. Qin Ran's transformation of Danfeng was basically carried out bit by bit under his watch. However, standing here and looking inside, he found that Danfeng was a little different.

For example, why is there a big hole in the middle of the lawn that has been worked so hard to open up? ! So ugly, what do you mean?

Jian Yuanjie was puzzled, walked over and saw a clay figurine at the bottom of the pit digging, and asked, "What are you doing?"

The mud figurine at the bottom of the pit raised its head, revealing a pair of extraordinarily bright big eyes, glanced at him, and replied, "Dig the lake."

Digging a lake? Jian Yuanjie didn't understand very well.

It was a female voice, not Qin Ran, and he asked again, "Where is Chief Qin?"

The clay figurine pointed to the location called the research building, but did not speak.

"Okay!" Jian Yuanjie nodded. The girl didn't talk much, but she seemed aloof.

He stopped asking questions and walked towards the research building. After walking two steps, he suddenly remembered that there were rumors that Qin Ran had accepted a talented student at the questioning conference, and he presumably was the girl at the bottom of the pit.

He hurriedly turned around, ready to talk to the girl again, give a gift or something, after all, he thought he had a good relationship with Qin Ran.

But as soon as he turned his head, the chair by the side of the mud pit moved. He saw it was a white cat with circles of black patterns. After careful identification, it might not be a cat.

The cat jumped on the chair, adjusted its posture, sat down, raised its head, opened its mouth, and made a sound: "Aw... ow... ow..."

The picture was a bit weird. Jian Yuanjie rubbed his head, not knowing what was going on. He was about to ask a question, but the cat closed its lips rhythmically and made a sound of "Meow... Aw... Meow... Aw..." .

"This is?" Jian Yuanjie felt that the cat was talking. This feeling was inexplicable, and it sent chills down his spine.

He didn't want to ask anymore, and he didn't mean to give a meeting gift, so he ran straight to the research building...

No, I haven't been to Danfeng for a month, what happened to Danfeng!

When he came to the research building with ease, Jian Yuanjie panted heavily, and tried to shout: "Junior brother Qin! Junior brother Qin?" At the same time, he prayed in his heart that nothing strange would happen again.

His prayer seemed to have worked, and Qin Ran's figure quickly appeared on the second floor, leaning out from the corridor railing, and shouted to him: "Senior brother Jian."

Seeing Qin Ran, Jian Yuanjie finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I finally found you."

"Is it time to get the Medicine Pill again?" Qin Ran didn't know Jian Yuanjie's experience just now, so he just said, "I didn't notice, I was busy with other things these two days, the Medicine Pill was done, but I didn't pretend."

Jian Yuanjie jumped, jumped directly from the ground to the second floor, came to Qin Ran's side, and said, "Forget about the Medicine Pill, let's talk about that cat first?"

"Cat?" Qin Ran's expression changed slightly, he quickly avoided it, looked away, and said, "That's not a cat, it's the Xuanming Spirit Tiger."

"Xuanming Spirit Tiger?" Jian Yuanjie thought of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger a few days ago, and asked again, "Xuanming Spirit Tiger? seems to be learning to talk..."

Qin Ran's expression was complicated, he was silent for a while, and sighed: "Why do you think I'm hiding here?!"

Two days ago, after being found kneeling in front of Zhuifeng and calling her mother by a silly apprentice, Qin Ran felt ashamed to face Jiangdong's elders, and had been hiding in the research building for two days.

"Why?" Seeing Qin Ran's complex expression, Jian Yuanjie felt even more nervous, and asked.

Qin Ran was silent and did not answer. After a while, he said: "The Medicine Pill is not installed, come with me, and we will check it together."

Although he knew that there must be a story, but since Qin Ran avoided talking about it, Jian Yuanjie couldn't ask any further questions.

Holding the storage bag, he followed Qin Ran to the third floor where the medicine pills were stored to check and install the medicine pills.

Qin Ran is in the Foundation Establishment period, and is only responsible for three kinds of Medicine Pills, one Juling Pill to enhance the Cultivation Base in the Foundation Establishment period, one kind of Huiyuan Pill to quickly restore Magic power, and one kind of Bigu Pill for fasting and dieting. Medicine Pill 300 pills.

"Junior Brother, you have been stuck in the Foundation Establishment late stage for many years, did you find an opportunity for Golden Core recently?" Jian Yuanjie asked.

Qin Ran shook his head and said, "My Talent is not good enough, so it's not surprising that I can't get Golden Core."

"Your Talent is good enough, and it's also Spiritual Roots..." Jian Yuanjie sighed while checking the Medicine Pill, "It seems that you still can't escape the shadow of the failure of Master Wang's Transcend Tribulation, and have developed a fear of Heavenly Tribulation .Actually, thunder tribulations are nothing to be afraid of. Considering your aptitude, it’s no more than three or nine minor thunder tribulations. It’s easy to get through."

Listening to Jian Yuanjie's words, Qin Ran thought of the scene of his master being dissipated under the thunderstorm, and remained silent, let alone saying anything.

The two checked and installed the Medicine Pill very quickly, and it didn't take long before it was installed. Jian Yuanjie tied the storage bag around his waist and said to Qin Ran:

"I often say, Junior Brother, that the Medicine Pill you refine is better than that of Zhishengu. I am not flattering you, but telling the truth. I sincerely hope that you can get the Golden Core as soon as possible, so that you can refine the Medicine Pill that you will use during the Gold Core period. I I really don’t want to suffer from Zhishengu’s uselessness anymore.”

"I'll try my best." Qin Ran nodded and replied.

The two were talking, and Qin Ran sent Jian Yuan to the outstanding research building and walked outside.

On the lawn outside, Li Shiyin was still digging a hole, but Zhuifeng stopped screaming and curled up on a chair to sleep.

"What is the purpose of digging this hole?" Jian Yuanjie asked.

"Dig out an artificial lake." Qin Ran explained, "At the same time, let the apprentice consolidate the Cultivation Base."

Only then did Jian Yuanjie understand, and he said, "But that's a girl..."

Qin Ran remained silent.

The two walked across the grass, and Qin Ran went all the way to the forest entrance, watching Jian Yuanjie leave.

Compared with Huang Feiyu, Jian Yuanjie seemed more polite, and flew directly to Danfeng without flying clouds.

However, Qin Ran looked at Jian Yuanjie's leaving back with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Practice the first rule of Immortal World, never trust anyone.

Jian Yuanjie thought he had a good relationship with him, but in the end it was just a benefit... Medicine Pill made it so.

Jian Yuanjie is not a friend, Qin Ran never told him that he was exploring the limits of the Foundation Establishment period, the quality of Magic power, the quantity of Magic power, the degree of control over Magic power, the strength of the physical body...

It's not that he can't get the Golden Core, it's that he doesn't want the Golden Core.

"Meow meow……"

Thinking about something in his head, something suddenly bumped into his calf, scratching his calf a bit. Qin Ran looked down and saw that it was Zhui Feng who was hugging his leg with his front paws, with a pair of round eyes looking at him, mouth "Meow... Meow..." screamed.

"Huh?" Qin Ran directly wondered, what is this little thing doing?

"Meow..." Zhuifeng yelled again.

Qin Ran gradually came to his senses, no way! ? This little cat is not talking to him! ?

He shouted, can't it be "Mom"! ! !

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