Li Shiyin was a little confused during this period, whether there is something wrong with Own's mind and eyes.

Before, whether it was due to psychological factors or because the master was really strong, in short, in Li Shiyin's eyes, the master was perfect and had no flaws.

But during this period of time, she sometimes sees flaws in the Master, such as not strong enough power, weak soul, not pure enough Magic power, etc.; Just blow one breath, and the master will fall down; but sometimes, the master really has no flaws.

For example, now, the master who is squatting under the willow tree waiting for the birth of the Phoenix-winged Hornet is a master who has no flaws.

Well, yes, the master's hornet wasp has been planted in the soil for five months, until today, finally a bee is about to break out of the pupa.

The master and Zhuifeng squatted under the willow tree like two big fools, waiting for the hornet to be born as if they were watching some baby.

"Phoenix-winged tiger bee..." Li Shiyin was sitting on the branch of a pear tree by the lake. She looked at Master and Zhuifeng, and pouted angrily.

She heard from Zhuifeng that the reason why the Phoenix-winged Tiger Bee is called the Phoenix-winged Tiger-headed Bee is because the master chose the name after looking at Zhuifeng's big head.

"Why isn't it called Phoenix Wing Shiyin Bee? Or Phoenix Wing Sword Immortal Bee? Or Shiyi Yintou Bee...Hmph, master smelly!" She was very dissatisfied.

"Wow! Dad, look, look, its hand, its hand is about to come out." Zhuifeng shouted there, like a silly son of a landlord's family.

"Well, when it bites through the wax seal and squeezes out, it will be considered an adult." The master replied to Zhui Feng in a nice and clean voice, looking like a little fool.

Why is Zhuifeng a big fool and Master a little fool? Because Zhuifeng grew too big, Master looked very, very small in front of Zhuifeng.

"Father, it's as if you are helping it. Look, it can't get out. It has no strength!" Zhuifeng suddenly became anxious, pointing his big paw into the soil and shouting at the master.

"Any accident?"

Li Shiyin frowned, jumped off the tree, and walked over there.

She heard the master say: "This is a normal situation. It has to bite through the wax seal to come out. If we help it, it will become a mutilated bee."

"But..." Zhuifeng couldn't bear it, "It's dying soon."

"It's dead, so no one else is to blame." The master said, "You think, under normal circumstances, in the Hengduan Mountains, how can anyone help them?"

Li Shiyin happened to come here, and hurriedly continued, "There are savages or monsters in the Hengduan Mountains to help them!"

As soon as she said this, the master and Zhuifeng all glared at her.

Li Shiyin stuck out her tongue, stood beside Qin Ran, and looked at the beehive in the pit.

At this time, the scene of the hive was quite scary. The hive itself is densely packed with bee pupae, and many bee pupae are breaking out of their cocoons. The bees wriggle like worms in the nest, and the sound of gnawing on the wax seal nourishes the dregs.

"Huh!" She subconsciously said, "It's so disgusting..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhuifeng lowered his head and directly gave her a sledgehammer.

"You are not allowed to say that about my baby." Zhuifeng said fiercely.

Li Shiyin's head is very hard, and it's okay to be bumped by Zhuifeng, but it hurts a little.

She covered her head, stared back at Zhuifeng, and snorted coldly: "It's my baby!"

"It's called my name, it's my baby." Zhuifeng said with reason, "They're called Hornet!"

Li Shiyin was very anxious, but unable to refute, she hugged Qin Ran's head and shouted, "Master, please change its name to Fengyi Shiyinfeng!"

"Don't change it!" Zhuifeng quickly put his big paw on Qin Ran's shoulder and shook, "Dad, don't change it!"

Two geniuses and silly boys with explosive force value are not something ordinary people can bear, but if an ordinary Gold Core early stage cultivator is squatting here, these two guys might tear them down.

"Don't make noise!" Qin Ran was reluctant to hit Li Shiyin, but Zhui Feng was not afraid of hitting, so he punched Zhui Feng's big cat on the head with his backhand.


Chasing the wind did not move at all.

As far as Zhuifeng's current skin thickness is concerned, ordinary swordsmen may not be able to cut it, let alone Qin Ran's fist without magic power.

"Chasing the wind, step back!"

He roared again, and then he roared away the wind.

As for the sweet and soft embrace of the silly apprentice... He can bear it.

"Whatever your name is, you're going to be noisy. Are you young or not?" Qin Ran frowned and cursed, "How old are you? You're not thinking about it every day."

"Father, I'm four years old." Zhuifeng whispered.

Qin angrily punched him again.

So Zhuifeng lowered Mao Mao's head, but there was no shame on Mao Mao's face.

With the silly apprentice behind her, Qin Ran couldn't see the shame she should have.

"Master, can they be called Fengyi Shiyinfeng?" Li Shiyin lowered her head, resting her chin on Qin Ran's head, and said coquettishly.

"Not good!" Qin Ran replied with a cold face.

"Oh...Master!" Li Shiyin hugged Qin Ran's head and shook it.

Qin Ran shakes with the silly apprentice, but always adheres to the principle of not changing his name.

When the few of them were fighting around, the hornet was fine and finally crawled out normally.

It is the first to be born, and it is basically the healthiest and strongest in this hive.

I saw it fluttering its wings on the hive, and soon it changed from a caterpillar-like sticky state to a mighty and fierce little hornet.

It spread its wings, and bright yellow gold threads were intertwined on its wings like a net. At a glance, it looks like a phoenix wing.

It raised its head, its black head, fiery red eyes, and the hornet's mesh compound eyes were burning like flames.

It curved its tail again, and stretched and retracted its black and red poisonous needles. The luster looked hard and terrifying, like steel nails.

It looks like this, no wonder others named it Phoenix Wing Bloodhead Bee, it does look a bit depraved Phoenix.

"Master..." Li Shiyin whispered in Qin Ran's ear as she watched the Hornet No. 1 scratching its head and posing, "It's so beautiful!"

Then, Phoenix-winged Hornet No. 1 seemed to have heard Li Shiyin's words, stopped shaking, suddenly flapped its wings, and flew towards them.


Girls have the fear of this kind of thing from the blood, even if it is Li Shiyin, even if she said that this hornet is beautiful for a second, but when this thing really flew towards her face, she was still scared and screamed speak out.



In an instant, hundreds of tiny Star Sword Qi flew towards the hornet.

Li Shiyin was behind Qin Ran at that time, and when she saw the hornet flying, she quickly buried her head from behind Qin Ran to Qin Ran's chest. past.

So under the Sword Qi of the sword fairy Li Shiyin, there was no accident, this Hornet No. 1 survived for nearly two minutes!

"Master~~~" Li Shiyin didn't look at the results, but was still buried in Qin Ran's chest, sobbing in fear.

"Alas!" Qin Ran reached out helplessly, wrapped her arms around the silly apprentice's head, gently stroked her hair, and comforted her, "It came for me. I raise them as spiritual pets. So they are my spiritual pets." Chong, that was here to recognize the Lord just now."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin finally realized.

But she still lay on Qin Ran's arms in a strange posture, unable to get up.

Liu Xiaoji heard the frightening Sword Qi, came out from the willow tree, saw Li Shiyin's appearance, jumped on Zhuifeng, and whispered to Zhuifeng, "This woman is so scary!"

Chasing Feng nodded his head heavily, expressing his strong approval.

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