Qin Ran slept soundly on the bed made by the silly apprentice.

The next day, he was still in a dream when he vaguely heard someone shouting in his ear: "Master, you slob, get up!"

He lowered his head to look at the silly apprentice in his arms, who suddenly gave him a nasty smile, turned into a witch with horns and fangs with a "hula", then opened his bloody mouth and bit him nose.

"Ah!" He was startled, and suddenly woke up from the dream.

He opened his eyes, but saw the silly apprentice lying on his bed, also smirking, with one hand propping his chin, and the other reaching out to pinch his nose.

……what! No wonder he had such nightmares. The silly apprentice is indeed a witch with horns!

Seeing that he woke up, the silly apprentice withdrew her hand as if nothing had happened. She propped her chin with both hands, and only looked at his "hehehe" smile.

"Master, are you awake?" She asked with a smile.

Qin Ran slowed down, looked up at the silly apprentice in front of him, frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I knocked on the door, but you didn't answer me..." The little witch had an innocent expression, "So I just walked in.

"But...Master, you slept like hell! You used to teach me how to behave in a strange environment..."

"Who has to die?" Qin Ran looked serious when he heard the words, "How is it possible?! As a cultivator, even if I sleep, I always keep one eye open. Any slight change in my body can't escape me." perception."

"Ah, yes, yes, Master, what you said is correct." Li Shiyin stood up, turned around and poured some hot water into the washbasin, she moistened the towel, then wrung it dry, turned around, laughed, and said to Qin Ran , "Just now I opened the door and came in, master, you didn't react at all; I pinched your face to play, master, you didn't respond either; then I pinched my nose for a long time before you woke up."

She came over, sat on the edge of the bed, wiped Qin Ran's face with a towel, and lowered her voice, "Master, did you dream about me just now?"

Qin Ran took the towel and wiped his face by himself. While wiping his face, he denied, "How can I? How could I dream of you?! Hehe..."

"Really?" Li Shiyin asked suspiciously, "Then you just said a few times of poetry, isn't it me? Do you know other poetry?!"

Her eyes narrowed.

Qin Ran returned the towel to Li Shiyin, with a righteous face, and said, "You must have heard it wrong!"

"Oh...Okay!" Li Shiyin nodded, and got up to wash the towels. While washing, she asked again, "What are those stockings, master?"

"What?!" Qin Ran was taken aback. Not only was he dreaming, but he also had the bad habit of talking in his sleep?

"You told me not to take it off... You said it looked better. Are stockings socks? What are they like?" Li Shiyin said, turning around to look at Qin Ran, seeing the sweat dripping down Qin Ran's face, "Wow! Master, what's wrong with you? Are you sweating so much?"

She hurriedly wrung out the towel, came over, and when Qin Ran was so shocked that he had no chance to react, she stretched the towel to Qin Ran's face, and wiped it gently.

... She said last night that she would personally wait for the master, so naturally she couldn't break her promise.

Qin Ran came back to his senses, being served, he felt uncomfortable at first, so he reached for the towel, but when he turned his eyes, he suddenly saw the silly apprentice right in front of him.

The silly apprentice's pretty face was so close to him, her expression was so serious and her eyes were so gentle, she was really alluring; her breath puffed out, and with the heat from the towel, it got into his nostrils.

"It smells so good..."

Early in the morning, he felt his heart pounding and his throat dry.


He swallowed, trying to moisten his throat, but in this extremely quiet environment, the noise was extremely loud.

"Shiyin..." he called out, even though his saliva was wet, his voice was still very hoarse.

Li Shiyin's eyes turned slightly, and her eyelids drooped. She saw that the master's face was covered with a hot towel in her hand, and it was red. She saw the hot flames in the master's eyes, and she pursed her lips. , extruded a sound from the nose: "Huh?"

The vibrato was the spark that fell on the gasoline, Qin Ran's heart throbbed suddenly, he stretched his upper body, and searched for the silly apprentice's lips.

Li Shiyin slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the master's kiss.

Qin Ran tilted her head and kissed the silly apprentice's lips, her nose pressed against the silly apprentice's nose and smelled the warm fragrance of the silly apprentice's body.

Li Shiyin's hand on Qin Ran's face moved down unconsciously, holding a wet towel around Qin Ran's neck.

Qin Ran straightened up, half-hanging there out of nowhere, then reached out and hugged Li Shiyin's waist.

As if the snake had been pinched seven inches, Li Shiyin's body suddenly went limp, and his all-powerful combat power disappeared without a trace. She sat on the bed and fell into the arms of the master.

Qin Ran stroked the hand on the silly apprentice's waist, and felt the silk and satin of the silly apprentice's clothes with his fingertips.

Such an important time...

"Cough!!" Suddenly someone coughed at the door.

The two powerful cultivators who were indulging in kisses didn't notice the person coming at the door at all, so the person at the door coughed loudly again: "Ahem, cough, cough!!"

Qin Ran's "sharp" perception finally sensed the danger, he stopped quickly, turned his eyes, and saw Li Shiwen standing at the door with his hands folded on his chest, looking serious from his silly apprentice's tender cheeks.

"This is being caught in bed?!" He was startled, and quickly pulled the silly apprentice away.

"Master?" Li Shiyin didn't know what happened yet, her face was full of bewilderment, and her eyes were blurred... so attractive.

"Cough!" Qin Ran gave a dry cough and smacked his lips. He glanced at Li Shiwen, but he felt guilty and didn't dare to look directly. He looked away and said, "We are practicing, yes, practicing, teaching the movement and use of the breath of poetry .

Only then did Li Shiyin realize what was going on. She turned her head and looked out, and saw Li Shiwen with a serious face.

"Ah?!" She screamed, feeling a little shy, and buried her face in Qin Ran's neck.

"Aura, practice?" Li Shiwen sneered, did he think he was a fool? He glared at Qin Ran, and said, "In broad daylight, don't pay attention to the influence at all!!"

He said, walked out, and said, "Get up and have dinner... You won't stay in your room every day when you come to Danyang City, right? Hurry up, this Young Master will show you the magnificent scenery of Danyang."

The villain Li Shiwen came quietly and left quietly without taking a cloud.

Qin Ran sat up from the bed, still hugging Li Shiyin. Li Shiyin's face was buried between his neck, and his face was also buried there, his chin rested lightly on Li Shiyin's shoulder, his nose was in her hair, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"Shiyin..." he called softly.

"Huh?" Li Shiyin replied.

"When you get the Golden Core, we'll get married, okay?" He asked.

Li Shiyin struggled in his arms, he let her go, she sat on the side of the bed, held his face with her hands, looked into his eyes and said, "Master, I can get the Golden Core right now."

The silly apprentice blushed, and stars twinkled in his misty eyes. Qin Ran laughed, reached out and pinched the naughty little witch's nose, and said, "You know what I'm talking about."

He deduced that the Realm of practice has a limit, and every Realm has a limit. He once wanted to explore the limits of Foundation Establishment, but the arrival of Li Shiyin made him advance the Golden Core.

Now Li Shiyin is very close to the limit of Foundation Establishment. He wondered what it would be like to go to the limit of a Realm.

Hearing this, Li Shiyin held Qin Ran's face and squeezed it lightly, making Qin Ran's mouth pout. She shook her head, broke away from Qin Ran's hand on her nose, and leaned over to "mua" on Qin Ran's mouth. "Take a sip.

She jumped up from the bed and said with a smile, "Okay! Master!!"

But she didn't care about that her limp body hadn't recovered yet, and she fell down again with an "ah" sound, and fell into Qin Ran's arms.

Qin Ran hugged her with a smile, so that this stupid apprentice who was always in a daze would not fall...well, get hurt.

After being tired for a long time, Qin Ran finally woke up.

After breakfast, Li Shiwen came over suddenly and snatched him away from Li Shiyin, saying: "I've been messing around with my brother for the past few days, don't indulge in the love of children all day long, you're useless..."

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