Danfeng, in front of the cabin, under the old locust tree, on the grass.

Li Shiyin was sitting cross-legged on the grass, her pretty face was very serious, her eyes were fixed on Li An who was about a dozen feet away from her.

And little Li An was standing there tremblingly, with an aggrieved face, and wanted to lie down, but she didn't dare to move... This aunt is too fierce.

Although little Li An can already fly the Sword Qi all over the sky, and even chase the eighth-level demon king to run all over the mountains, but he can't even stand still.

Because even if he awakened from the Sword Qi seed, attracted the Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth into his body, and strengthened his physical body, even if he was carefully fed with the spirit beast milk by Long Qiqi, his body was also strengthened, he was already much stronger than a normal baby It was too much, but, after all, he was just a four-month-old baby.

No matter how powerful he is, there is a limit.

Therefore, if you want to teach him how to control the Sword Qi in his body, you must first teach him how to stand, learn to walk, learn to move his hands and feet, and learn to use his own power.

To come step by step.

Seeing that little Li An really couldn't stand anymore, Li Shiyin stretched out her hand to him and motioned, "Come on, come over here. Come to Auntie."

However, Li An stood with limp legs, pursed her mouth, and didn't want to move.

Seeing him not moving for a long time, Li Shiyin raised her eyebrows and shouted softly: "Come here!"

Li An was startled, tears rolled down from his eyes, but he still moved his thick short legs and walked towards Li Shiyin step by step, shaking.

Auntie is so scary!

His mother, Yu Chizhen, was right next to her, Li An's appearance made her feel really distressed, she was staggering, as if she was about to fall. Looking at it, she wanted to reach out to help her, but the sharp Sword Qi on Li An made her dare not act rashly.

She looked up at Li Shiyin again, wanting to stop Li Shiyin from being so fierce, but she opened her mouth, but finally there was still no sound.

Although he was unsteady and stumbled, Li An still didn't fall down. He walked up to Li Shiyin while weeping, stretched out his fat hand and grabbed Li Shiyin's hand. , crashed into Li Shiyin's arms.

"Awesome! Our safety is amazing!" Li Shiyin immediately changed her face, smiling all over her face, and kept praising Li An. Then she took out a handful of breakfast jelly beans that she got from the master, and spread them out in front of Li An. "No, Auntie will give you candy."

Li An's eyes lit up, and she felt that this aunt was not bad, so she shed tears and relaxed, picking up jelly beans from Li Shiyin's hand to eat.

Big sticks and sweet dates, this trick is really easy to use. Little Li An was arranged to death.

You need to be strict during training, but you also need rewards after training. The reward mechanism is the best training mechanism. ——This is what the Master told her.

Li Shiyin gently hugged Li An, let him rest, then smiled at Yuchi Zhen, and gave him a reassuring look.

Qin Ran came out of the cabin and saw Li Shiyin training Li An in an orderly manner, and warned again: "Although the training must be strict, don't be too aggressive. You should also pay attention to let him rest...he needs it very much now." sleep."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded, "I know Master."

She looked at Qin Ran, saw that Qin Ran was about to go out, and asked, "Master, where are you going?"

"Pharmaceutical Hall! I haven't been there for three months, so I don't know how it's going." Qin Ran replied, "Your master, I'm still Elder Palmyro!"

"That's right..." Li Shiyin suddenly realized, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me."

Qin Ran glanced at her, no matter how fierce he pretended to be, he was confused.

Ignoring the stupid apprentice like training cats and dogs and his nephew, he started his magic step and rushed to the medicine hall.

The Pharmacy Hall was reorganized by him, Jian Yuanjie's old department was cleared out, all new ones were recruited, and it was already on the right track.

And a deacon who is on the right track doesn't really need him that much.

... At least not for a short time.

So he wasn't that worried.

Walking into the medicine hall, he looked around, Yan Yi, Zhou Fu, Zheng Jue, Wu Yan were all there, and the four handyman disciples were also there, and everything was as expected.

Because there are fewer people than Jian Yuanjie's team, they are busier than Jian Yuanjie at that time, especially the handymen in charge of medicinal materials and Medicine Pill.

Originally, the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed, and the disciples arranging the medicine pills seemed relaxed, talking and laughing, but as he walked into the medicine hall, the atmosphere in the hall instantly became serious.

He sat down on the main seat, and the breaths of the eight people inside all sank together.

After waiting for a while, he asked aloud: "When I'm not around, what's going on in the Medicine Hall?"

Zhou Fu, who was in charge of distributing the Medicine Pill, hurriedly found some files, got up and walked over, handed them to him respectfully, and said, "This is the record about the distributing of the Medicine Pill in the past few months."

Qin Ran took it, but didn't look at it immediately, looked at Zhou Fu indifferently, and asked, "Is there anything else important happening?"

"No." Zhou Fu replied.

"Medical materials, pharmacology, pill refining techniques, these..." Qin Ran asked again, "How are you learning?"

"I have memorized more than a thousand kinds of medicinal materials, and I have a little understanding of the pharmacology, but my disciple's comprehension is not good, and many of them can't understand. As for the pill refining technique..." Zhou Fu bowed her head, "There is no progress."

Qin Ran frowned, and asked, "Have you refined the Medicine Pill?"

Zhou Fu shook her body and replied, "No."

"Huh?!" Qin Ran was about to scold, when he suddenly realized why Zhou Fu's pharmacology and pill refining technique had not improved.

...Because Long Qiqi has been taking care of the child for the past few months and has no time to teach her.

He paused, took a breath, nodded, and said, "Okay, hurry up later."

"Yes, Elder." Zhou Fu breathed a sigh of relief and hurried back to her seat.

Zhou Fu withdrew, and Yan Yi came up with another file, and said to Qin Ran, "President, this is the purchase record for December."

Qin Ran took it, opened it, looked at it, and asked casually, "Did you go shopping alone?"

"I asked Senior Brother Lu Junxing to help..." Yan Yi said, "I am in charge of the Medicine Pill procurement, and Senior Brother Lu is in charge of safety."

"You're smart!" Qin Ran praised, and then said, "Give me a share of the Medicine Pill you purchased later, and I'll see if Zhishengu takes the opportunity to play tricks."


Then it was the same "teacher's questioning about his studies", and Yan Yi was sweating profusely during the questioning, so Qin Ran let him go.

Qin Ran asked Wu Yan and Zheng Jue separately, Zheng Jue was fine, but Wu Yan said something important.

What Wu Yan is now in charge of is what Yan Yi was in charge of before, which is about the cultivation of new pill refining disciples in Daojianmen.

She and Qin Ran said: "A few days ago, a young man came to Daojianmen, brought a elixir, and said that he wanted to exchange the elixir for the qualification to worship the fairy gate."

"What panacea?" Qin Ran asked.

"Ling Fu Ling, high quality." Wu Yan took out a black wooden box from the Qiankun bag and handed it to him.

Qin Ran took it, opened it to look, and saw that the Ling Fu Ling in the box was full and bright in color, without loss, and couldn't help being surprised.

Because the elixir contains the Spiritual Qi and essence of heaven and earth, it is not easy to collect, and it is easy to lose the Spiritual Qi essence inside.

Pill Refining masters collect elixir fashion and need a lot of attention, let alone mortals?

He looked at the elixir in the box and wondered whether it was a mortal who collected the elixir himself, or Zhishengu was behind the scenes...

"What age?" he asked.

"Around thirteen."

"What is your name?"

"Zhang Junyi."

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