Li Shiyin has never had much confidence in reading and writing, but she is very confident in fighting sports.

When she stood on Flying Sword for the first time, she felt that she was born for flying swords.

This is indeed the case. She stepped on the Qingxing Sword and slid twice in the exercise room, and then she basically mastered the skills of controlling the sword, and she was already able to move up and down with ease.

Then, she wanted to speed up, and then she increased the Magic power output, and then, she couldn't control it, and then, she crashed through the window and flew out...

The Star Sword under her feet kept shaking, Li Shiyin couldn't stand still, and felt that she would fall at any moment, the flying direction of the Flying Sword was no longer under her control.

The speed was fast, the wind was strong, and the raindrops slapped her face painfully; the position was high, and the mud hole she dug on the lawn became a very small one.

she's so scared...

But she didn't dare to stop, as long as she stopped the Magic power, she would fall directly, and this place was already ten thousand meters high.

She can only fly forward. There was a gloomy cloud above her head, as if there was a force of tens of thousands of catties, it made her breathless.

"Master, save me!" she kept shouting, at this moment only the Master can save her.

Just as Li Shiyin has always been taught, life-saving is the first consideration in cultivating the Immortal World, and Qin Ran naturally leads by example.

Combat aside, Qin Ran's Movement Technique and Escape Technique, that is, the technology of running away, are definitely at the top level.

He estimated that even if he encountered a normal Nascent Soul stage cultivator, he still had a chance to escape.

Although the price is that, in a frontal fight, he might not even be able to defeat the cultivator during the normal Foundation Establishment period...

cough! This is not important, what is important is that Qin Ran's escape technique is really powerful.

Even if Li Shiyin, who had a solid foundation, tried his best to control the sword and walked for so long first, he still quickly caught up.

However, although he was already close, he didn't dare to go up to save people easily.

Because it is the same as saving a drowning person, you must be very careful, otherwise you may be dragged into the water by the drowning person... Don't underestimate the survival instinct.

So be very careful when rescuing people in the air.

"Calm down!" Qin Ran sent a voice transmission to Li Shiyin, "Don't panic!"

Calmness is the best response to unexpected situations. Only calm is the only solution.

The master arrived, but he didn't come to save her. Li Shiyin turned around and saw the master behind her. She didn't understand why.

After a long while, the master's gentle voice sounded in my ears...


Phew, big raindrops hit my face...

"I will definitely save you!"

The master didn't stop talking to her.

Her flustered heart slowly calmed down. The master is right behind, the master has great powers, and the master will definitely save her, she has no doubts.

"Trust me!" said the master, "do as I tell you."

She turned around to look, the master was following behind, the wind and rain were pulling him, but the thin figure of the master did not waver at all.

"Attention to Magic power control!"

The master's voice became clearer, and the gust of wind blowing past his ears couldn't blow away.

She took a deep breath, and the air filled her lungs with mist. The immature Divine Sense moves, looking inside the body.

The Magic power in Dantian is gushing out uncontrollably, all entering the Flying Sword under his feet.

"The control over the Magic power..." She recalled her master's control over the Magic power, and she basically managed to wield it like an arm. If it is a Master, there will be no situation where the Magic power is out of control.

She runs the Cultivation Technique, trying to control the Magic power.

"Slow down!" the Master was teaching her.

She controlled the Magic power and slowed down a little bit.

"Slow down, but don't stop!" The Master's voice was still there.

She knows what to do.

"Think of Flying Sword as part of your successful route!"

She runs the Cultivation Technique as she said, using Flying Sword as an extension of Meridians, and Magic power from Dantian to Flying Sword and back to Dantian.

As if the Flying Sword became a part of her, she tried to change the direction of the Flying Sword, and then the Flying Sword turned...

"Wuhu!" she shouted excitedly, "Master! I succeeded!!"

Li Shiyin turned her head and saw Qin Ran not far behind her.

How scared she was just now, how excited she is now, she suddenly speeded up, drew an arc in front and returned to the side of Qin Ran, flying side by side with Qin Ran.

"Master, look at me, I already know it!!" She laughed loudly, "Hahaha..."

Qin Ran looked over and knew that Li Shiyin had already mastered the skill of fencing. There is no need to say more about Talent as a silly apprentice, in fact, as long as she is allowed to calm down, there will be no problem.

He relaxed, only then did he realize that it was still raining heavily, only then did he realize...

Fuck, why is it so tall? !

TMD has to be tens of thousands of meters...

Dizziness, nausea!

His eyes froze, his body froze, the Magic power running smoothly in his body suddenly stopped, and he fell straight down...


Suddenly, the master screamed from the side, and Li Shiyin, who was excited, suddenly remembered that important thing... Master is afraid of heights!

She looked over and saw Qin Ran's figure, and hurriedly looked down, Qin Ran had already fallen hundreds of meters!

"Master!" She shouted, the Magic power ran rapidly, pressed down the tip of the sword, and rushed towards Qin Ran in a hurry.

She accelerated on her own initiative, which was naturally much faster than Qin Ran's free fall, and arrived at Qin Ran's side in a short while.

She shouted towards Qin Ran: “Master, I’m here to save you!”

"Don't..." Although Qin Ran was dizzy and upset, she still remembered to remind Li Shiyin not to reach out to pick him up easily...

But the silly apprentice's hand was faster than his brain, and he stretched out his hand before he finished speaking.

Then, as expected, he didn't control the relative speed well, and at the moment of contact, Li Shiyin dislocated his hand.

"Ah!" She couldn't help crying out in pain, but she still wanted to grab Qin Ran with her other hand.

In a drowsy state, Qin Ran saw this scene, and his worry about the stupid apprentice finally activated the Magic power in his body. He subconsciously cast the Movement Technique, and his body suddenly lightened.

Li Shiyin grabbed Qin Ran by the collar, and finally lifted him up.

She is strong enough to lift Qin Ran with one hand, but her Magic power is not enough to support her to take a sword with a person... When she lost control just now, she consumed too much Magic power.

So before she had descended many meters, she couldn't hold on anymore, and she swayed in the rain in the air, like a dilapidated boat in a storm, capsizing at any time.

Qin Ran didn't completely lose consciousness, but in a drowsy state, she consciously relieved Li Shiyin from the burden.

Even so, Li Shiyin is still dead, the Magic power in the body is empty, it is empty, there is not a drop.

At a certain moment, the two master and apprentice fell straight down from midair!

The canopy of the primeval forest was dense enough to reduce their momentum. After breaking many branches, they hit the ground with a "bang".

Qin Ran rolled several times on the thick rotten leaves, finally couldn't hold on anymore, and spat out with a "wow".

After vomiting for a while, I finally got better.

"Where are we?"

He raised his head, and saw that the surrounding trees were tall and big, with dense branches and leaves, crackling raindrops kept falling, and the rotten leaves on the ground made a strange "porphyr" sound.

No one answered, he hurriedly shouted: "Shiyin!"

"Master... Fu..." Li Shiyin's voice sounded from the bushes not far away, but her breath was weak.

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