My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 43: Extreme Devouring Demon Willow

Qin Ran was sitting on the sofa, Zhui Feng was sitting on the coffee table, Qin Ran was staring at Zhui Feng, and Zhui Feng was licking his fur.

"What's going on?!" Qin Ran asked Zhuifeng.

"Meow..." Zhuifeng snuck away from his busy schedule, and returned to him in a childish voice.

Li Shiyin came out of the kitchen, holding three cups of milk in her hand, handed one cup to Qin Ran, put one cup beside Zhuifeng, and stood beside the sofa holding a cup.

After taking a big sip of milk, she asked Qin Ran, "What happened to Zhuifeng? Did he do something bad?"

Qin Ran took the milk, glanced at Li Shiyin, and found that the white milk had put a "white beard" on her "chin", which was a bit funny, he secretly smiled, but didn't intend to remind her.

He suppressed a smile and said, "Zhuifeng has started to practice."

"Huh? Master, when did you teach him how to practice?" Li Shiyin wondered directly, "Why don't I know."

Qin Ran glanced at her, what a silly apprentice.

"I didn't teach it," he replied.

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded, and then realized the seriousness of the problem. She opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "Can Zhuifeng cultivate by himself? Have you awakened and passed on the inheritance?"

"Meow..." Zhuifeng yelled helplessly, he didn't want to talk to these two boring people, and started to wash his face with his paws.

The magic of Demonic Beasts can be passed down through the bloodline, just like human civilization is passed down through words, as long as you have the bloodline of the Demonic Beasts that can inherit the magic, you can awaken and inherit it if you meet certain conditions, and get it from the memory of the distant ancestors. Cultivation Technique or magical powers.

Zhuifeng is the Xuanming Spirit Tiger, seventh-level Demonic Beasts, qualified for bloodline inheritance. Therefore, if he has awakened his blood, then it is easy to explain that he can practice.


The problem is that Zhuifeng has not awakened his bloodline, he is still too young to qualify. He may have bloodline awakening, but not now.

Qin Ran shook his head and said, "No, he hasn't awakened the bloodline inheritance yet."

He looked at Zhuifeng and said word by word, "So someone taught him how to practice."

Li Shiyin was surprised: "Who?"

"It's not me, if it's not you, then..." Qin Ran's face looked serious.

And following his train of thought, Li Shiyin also pondered, she drank another sip of milk, and analyzed: "A person who is not Danfeng, but can come to Danfeng."

Seeing that the two masters and apprentices were still acting there, they were analyzing in a serious manner. After finishing licking their fur and washing their face, Zhuifeng gave Qin Ran a white look, then walked to his share of milk, and picked up the cup with his two thick front paws. , Gulp, gulp, drank all the milk in one go.

He burped, smacked his lips, jumped off the coffee table, staggered and walked out of the house... He was a little drunk.

"Did he give me a blank look just now?" Qin Ran asked Li Shiyin, pointing at Zhuifeng who was walking outside.

"Yeah, I saw it, it's very clear." Li Shiyin nodded, "It looks very disdainful."

"I was despised by a cat?" Qin Ran couldn't believe it.

Li Shiyin corrected: "It's a Xuanming Spirit Tiger."

The master and apprentice ate something for breakfast while planning what to do today.

Um? What? What's the matter with chasing the wind?

Hmm... It can only be said that there is a person in Danfeng who practiced talent. He is very rubbish. He can't see that other people and other creatures are born with shortcuts. He can easily embark on the road of cultivation, and he wants to find fault. I don't say who it is, I just hope he can do it for himself.

As for why Zhuifeng can practice, the reason is that he is a child of seventh-level Demonic Beasts, and he is not ordinary in terms of blood. Even if he grows freely in the wild, it does not take long for him to swallow the Essence of the Sun and Moon, taking Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, embarked on the road of cultivation, not to mention that he was in Danfeng, Qin Ran never avoided him when he was giving lectures to Li Shiyin, and even intended for him to speak more carefully...

So Qin Ran is very clear about why Zhuifeng can practice, he just put it there to make the show effect!

"It's sunny today, you can continue digging the lake." Qin Ran stood up, looked at the weather through the window, and said to Li Shiyin.

"Master~" Li Shiyin said coquettishly with a long tail, "Can't you take a day off?"

This coquettish behavior made Qin Ran's scalp tingle. With a cold face, he taught a lesson: "Rest today, rest tomorrow, just dig a lake, when are you going to dig?"

"Alas..." Li Shiyin sighed, got up and walked out of the house, pouted, "I can't rest today, bad master! Smelly master!"

Qin Ran walked towards the stairs, ready to go upstairs.

"Master, do you want to sleep?" Seeing him going upstairs, Li Shiyin thought of his dark circles, and stood at the door and shouted, "It's not fair! It's not fair! I work and you sleep, and I want to sleep too, no... I want Play!"

"Sleep?!" Qin Ran replied angrily, "How can I have time to sleep?!"

Ignoring this guy, Qin Ran went straight upstairs and came to the study.

He took out the porcelain vase with willow catkins in it, opened the jade seal, looked at the shape of willow catkins, and then put it on the desk.

"Willows, Hengduan Mountains, primeval forests, Spiritual Qi rampage..." he muttered, rummaging through the bookshelves, and after a while, he found a thick tome, a record of special plants in the Hengduan Mountains.

There are not many willow trees that can live in the primeval forest, and even fewer will live arrogantly. Qin Ran quickly found the original body of the willow catkin.

Comparing the catkins drawn on the book with the catkins in the porcelain vase, it is easy to determine its identity:

Demon Devouring Willow!

Legendary creatures...

According to the book, there is a willow tree deep in the Hengduan Mountains, at least at the ninth-level Demonic Beasts level. Every thousand years, there will be a catkin explosion in the Hengduan Mountains, and these catkins will make all the Demonic Beasts in the Hengduan Mountains go into a berserk state. According to rumors, the earliest catkin outbreak was nine thousand years ago.

After closing the book, Qin Ran felt a chill down his spine, causing all the Demonic Beasts to go berserk? There are such dangerous Demonic Beasts in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains...there are fierce beasts? ! It doesn't matter if it exists, but it happens when it explodes.

Moreover, it is just a rumor that there is such a willow tree, which means that no cultivator has seen this willow tree with his own eyes, so what does this willow tree look like?

Qin Ran couldn't help but think of Zhuifeng's mother chasing Yulei's one-horned ox to Daojianmen. In the dark, the golden clouded leopard was hunted and killed by a giant snake. It's hard to say that they were not influenced by catkins.

"Shouldn't it be time to think about running away?" Qin Ran couldn't help thinking about it.

He originally thought that the Demonic Beasts rampage was just a small-scale incident, and planned to let Li Shiyin take the time to practice Yujian and spells so that he could go to the Demonic Beasts group to hone his skills. But now it seems that the problem is a bit big!

Qin Ran put the book back on the bookshelf, and suddenly heard Li Shiyin's voice of "hehehaha" outside, he frowned, what is the silly apprentice doing?

He walked quickly to the corridor, tried his best to look towards Li Shiyin, and found that Li Shiyin was chopping in the mud pit with a sword.

She was practicing swords, digging lakes, and playing around, having a great time.

"Li..." Qin Ran was about to stop her, but after thinking about it, he still didn't.

After watching Li Shiyin practice the sword for a while, he finally went back to the study.

"Running is the best choice." He thought.

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