The Suicide Pill was accidentally made by Qin Ran when he was researching the Longevity Pill.

...It is not a surprise, because Life and death are originally one.

Just like how Long Qiqi used elixir to make poison, he used a bunch of tonic medicines to make a death pill.

Although he didn't know the reason for the first time, but he knew that this poison is very poisonous, so he sorted out the pill recipe without thinking about it, studied the pharmacology carefully, and then learned that this is not pure poison, it is a Medicine Pill between life and death.

To understand life, one must first understand death.

He named it, Death Dan.

And after the Sea Territory avatar was inherited from the deified old devil that day, his pill refining level has also improved a lot, so he has a new understanding of the death pill...

In other words, this Medicine Pill, which symbolizes death, can be refined more purely.

Death is there, but the power of Death is stronger.

Although Qin Ran, the death pill, has been used many times, it is the first time that it has been used on a large scale in front of the public in the Land of Immortal Relics.

Zhishen Valley, this Sect known as the pill refining Sacred Land, is honored to be the place where the Death Pill blooms.

After today, the name and fear of suing death pill will spread throughout the land of immortality. From this moment, all the cultivators in Zhishen Valley, who will die Dan Yingzi deeply imprinted in their souls, spread.

"what is that?"

After a long death silence, someone asked.

His voice was especially loud in the dead silence.

Perhaps, since the birth of Zhishen Valley, it has never been so quiet for a moment.

The whole valley is afraid.

Everyone in the valley heard the man's voice, but no one answered him.

Because no one knows what it is.

Do not……


Someone knows!

The poisoned culprit knows!

At this moment, the poisoner took advantage of the absolute silence and shouted loudly, "Run! Zhishengu is going to poison us to death!"

A clone of the poisoner responded, "That's Zhishengu's strongest poison pill, death pill, Zhishengu wants to poison us all to death!"

Suicide pills were thrown into the spirit field, one in this spirit field, one in that spirit field, a total of eleven were thrown out.

The dead air spread out from the spiritual field, and the elixir in the spiritual field died at the sight, and turned into black ash in an instant; the medicine servants and handymen in the spiritual field were old and corrupt without any resistance, and turned into black skeletons; The flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish are all dead, and even the stones have turned into black powder.

A clone of the cursed poisoner pretended to escape in time, and was infected with death energy.

He screamed, struggled, and flew into the air.

As he flew into the air, his vitality declined rapidly, his whole body was filled with dead silence, he aged in the blink of an eye, and his body rotted in the blink of an eye. From the inside out, from the primordial spirit to the primordial spirit, everything is dead.

He yelled and screamed crazily, calling everyone's attention to him. He couldn't fly, and turned into a black skeleton, smashing down from the air.

He vividly demonstrated what kind of tragedy poisoning would be, so everyone knew the power of sue death pill.

Everyone was terrified and terrified!

The instinctive disgust of life, the fear engraved in the soul.

They want to escape.

A clone of the poisoner took the opportunity to put on a show, yelling in horror, "Run! Run!"

"Poison is coming!"

"Death is coming!"

He was the first to run outside Zhishen Valley.

Some people were so frightened that they lost their sanity, some people ran, and they followed instinctively; some people were so frightened that they lost their judgment, and when everyone ran, they also ran.

After a while, densely packed, like sparrows in winter and seabirds on the beach, a group and a large group of people flew out of Zhishen Valley.

Among them, not only the disciples of the outer sect, but even the disciples of Zhishengu. Not just Foundation Establishment, Gold Core cultivator, even Nascent Soul cultivator.

However, when they ran to the high platform of Zhishen Valley, they suddenly discovered that there was such a thing as a mountain guard array in Zhishen Valley. At this time, the mountain guard formation was closed, and they could not leave.

The road ahead was blocked, and there was death chasing after him.

At this moment, more than a thousand Gold Core cultivators, the aloof Nascent Soul gods, were pushed into despair by the instinctive fear of life.

At this time, another clone of the poisoner took the opportunity to draw out his sword and shouted, "Kill! Kill through Zhishengu!"


It was still he who took the lead and turned around to kill Zhishen Valley.

Seeing that someone made a move, those powerful Gold Core cultivators and Nascent Soul cultivators stopped thinking at all.

When a person's fear reaches the extreme, it's an explosion, it's anger!

They want to vent!

They want to kill!

They all took out their natal Magical Items, followed the leader, and fell towards Zhishen Valley.

The avatar of the poisoner landed on the ground and raised his sword, regardless of whether it was a handyman, a drug slave, an Outer Sect disciple or a deacon, he didn't care, he went down with his sword...


Blood spattered out.

The bright sunlight of Zhishen Valley shines on the brightly colored petals and dark green leaves, and the bright sunlight on the petals diffuses the halo, illuminating the spattered blood.

With blood, with the color of blood, with the taste of blood, some people bleed, some people die!



The cultivators who fell from the sky are crazy!

Their eyes were bloodshot, like flies that saw carrion, they slapped to the ground and flew up again, they would kill anyone they saw... no, they would kill any living thing they saw.

It's as if they are living death pills, and they can't see anything alive.

This group of people experienced the initial fear of Medicine Pill, then the instigation of wealth, then the anger of the crowd, then the fear of Sue Dan, then the despair of being closed in Zhishen Valley, and finally, blood, Death!

Immortals are people first.

A cultivator is still a human being.

Human beings are always precise and simple. One is wise and sane, one is always stupid and blind.

Zhishen Valley, in chaos, finally in chaos, caught in fighting and killing.

There was fighting everywhere, crying and blood everywhere.

Blood, flowing into a river. On the tile eaves, on the road, and in the spiritual field, it gurgled and flowed.

Zhishen Valley is crazy. But the person who started to kill, a certain avatar of the poisoner, after killing two people, stood on the bluestone road in Zhishen Valley with a sword in his hand, and didn't make any more moves.

He stood in the warm sunshine of Zhishen Valley, looked up, and watched the killing under the sun!

This is the killing he personally guided, step by step, bit by bit.

The sun is still there, but it is raining.

What fell was not rain, but the blood and body tissue of those who fought in the air.

There are too many people in the sky, too many injured people, too many dead people, and blood and body tissues are falling like rain.

A bloody and terrifying sun rain.

The killing feast in Zhishen Valley didn't last too long. After all, there are still dozens of Nascent Soul stages here, as well as hidden old monsters, and the mountain protection array in Zhishen Valley...

The killing was quickly stopped.

Of course, how many people died in this short killing, and how much spiritual land and wealth Zhishengu lost, will need to be counted slowly by Zhishengu.

When the bluestone road under his feet was soaked in blood rain, and the black and red blood flowed past his shoes like a stream, someone came to Qin Ran and said to Qin Ran, "Master Gu wants to see you."

Qin Ran no longer looked at the sky, he wiped his face, wiped off the blood on his face, his face, hair, and clothes were covered with blood, completely took a shower of blood, he sprayed the blood like rain Spilled on the ground.

he looks forward

, saw Sun Yicheng.

"Sun Elder, are you satisfied with this feast?" He asked Sun Yicheng with a smile.

Sun Yicheng looked at him, was silent for a moment, and said, "You are a lunatic."

His voice was trembling, clearly tinged with fear.

"Haha." Qin Ran laughed, but did not refute Sun Yicheng's evaluation, he just reminded, "You are the invaders."

Sun Yicheng really wanted to say that they hadn't formally started the war against Daojianmen, but he didn't have the nerve to say so after all.

So he said again, "You are a devil, a devil who plays with human nature."

He cursed again, "You will not die well."

"Wouldn't it be a good death?" Qin Ran laughed, not caring, "Isn't it fine if I don't die?

"Whether it's a fairy or a demon, the Lord doesn't care."

"Undead?" Sun Yicheng's face showed cruelty and cruelty, "Do you think you still have a chance to get out of Zhishen Valley?"

Qin Ran didn't panic when he heard this, he asked Sun Yicheng with a smile, "How many of me have you killed already?"

The sternness on Sun Yicheng's face disappeared, and he didn't answer.

"Presumably all my avatars are dead, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't come here to persuade me like this, just kill me.

"You let that big man who turned into a god directly lock me up, probably to prevent me from committing suicide? It's a pity that the primordial spirit of the transformation into a god doesn't have that much effect on me, and I understand death better than him."

Qin Ran looked into the distance, deep in Zhishen Valley, there was a powerful Divine Sense trying to lock his soul, "From the moment I entered Zhishen Valley, I acquiesced that I was dead."

"You don't have to die...why do you want to die?" Sun Yicheng changed his mind and persuaded him aloud,

"You're also a double, a unique double. You're a double, you're just a double.

"You are already an independent life, why don't you want to live? Live out of the body and become a free life.

"You can survive. Zhishen Valley has a powerful cultivator that can help you cut off the connection with the main body."

"Cut off the connection with the body, live freely, and have a new life..." Qin Ran repeated Sun Yicheng's words, murmured, and read it twice, he suddenly felt it was funny, so he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahaha..." He laughed so hard that tears flowed from his eyes.

Sun Yicheng waited quietly, and when he finished laughing, he asked, "Why are you laughing? What you did in Zhishen Valley is enough to kill you 10,000 times. It's just that our valley owner cherishes his talents and is willing to give you a chance."

Qin Ran withdrew his gaze, reached out to wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes, looked at Sun Yicheng, and suddenly said seriously

"Why do you think that I will betray me? What makes you think that I am not me? The clone? The main body? The clone will definitely devour the master? Is there a possibility that the combination of the clone and the main body is me?

"Will your hand bite the Lord?

"Zhishen Valley also has a cultivator, why don't you ask them, when they cultivate the second soul, the second soul will feel that he is a brand new life, instead of thinking that he is also the main body, a part of the main body ?"

Sun Yicheng is still far away from Huashen, he can't understand Qin Ran's question very well, he just raised his own hand silently, looked carefully, thinking of own hand, will he betray himself?

"The avatar will betray the main body, this problem is as funny as the omnic crisis." Qin Ran showed a disdainful smile, "People don't even understand their own brains, how can they use this brain to create a brain that is smarter than the brain?" What about the machine? Let the machine betray itself.”

He looked at Sun Yicheng, "I am me, whether it is a clone or a body, it is me. Whether I live or die, it is all marked by my interests.

"I made a plan. From the moment I separated from my body, I was doomed to die. My death was a choice I made after I made a decision. It was my own decision. It’s like ruining your voice and chopping your hands.”

Sun Yicheng was dizzy from hearing this, he didn't understand the relationship between the avatar and the main body.

He just asked Qin Ran, "Are you determined to die?"

"I never thought about living." Qin Ran laughed, "It's just that if I live a little longer, the damage to my body, that is, my own, will be less. That's why I've been talking nonsense with you for so long."

"Oh!" Sun Yicheng sighed, and finally said to Qin Ran, "It's a pity that you have done so much, but you still can't prevent the destruction of Daojianmen. We will still attack Daojianmen.

"Next, we will enter the Daojian Gate in the shortest possible time, and we will not give you any chance to perform any tricks."

Qin Ran bent down to salute Sun Yicheng like a gentleman, and said with a smile, "I'll be waiting for you at Daojianmen."

After finishing speaking, he stood up straight, and his body gradually faded in the sunlight, floating in the wind like a dandelion.

As his immortal soul rises, he can see the Zhishen Valley at this time, which is the Zhishen Valley after the war.

There are countless broken walls and ruins, and there are fires and corpses everywhere; many spiritual fields have been destroyed, and many buildings have been destroyed; as for the spread of the death aura of the death pill, the elixir, spirit beast, and life in it are all dead. Know when life will emerge.

Weapons, Magic Treasures, spell remains, severed limbs, and blood are everywhere, forming the beautiful scenery of Zhishen Valley under the sun.

Looking at this Zhishen Valley, when they launched a war against Daojianmen, they no longer understood whether they were invaders or avengers.

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