My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 446: Soldiers Approaching The City

The bosses in the Sect didn’t come out to pick up the guests, the formation masters who set up the formation were still busy in the formation, and the cultivators guarding the formation space were already in the formation, so it was difficult to come out.

At this moment, only Qin Ran is riding the White Tiger to meet the so-called Hengduan Mountain Alliance.

The shadow of the huge cloud boat as tall as a mountain is pressing on them, and the oppressive feeling of thousands of cultivators is attached to them.

They are like ants facing a mountain.

Fortunately, the tiger son under him is a real tiger. Even in the face of thousands of murderous cultivators, he held his head high and held his chest high without losing a bit of prestige.

Facing the aggressive momentum of the enemy, his figure rapidly swelled, and after a few breaths, he transformed into a huge White Tiger with a shoulder height of more than three feet.

This is a Xuanming Spirit Tiger with its feet on the dark!

He revealed his real body at this moment, showing majesty and arrogance!

Against the terrifying oppression of the enemy army, he raised his head, squinted his eyes, and stared at thousands of powerful cultivators.

Wind, from the tiger!

The wind, suppressed by the enemy, blows from him!

The wind blows!

He stands in the wind.

His long tail, which was more terrifying than a steel whip, swung back and forth in the wind. He is full of fighting spirit and wants to kill the enemy army at any time!

"Father, don't be afraid, I will protect you!" he said out loud.

I don't know when, that simple and vague tiger voice became deeper and more majestic.

Qin Ran didn't hit him, Qin Ran smiled, reached out and touched his neck, stroking along his fur that was smoother than silk.

"Are you afraid?" he asked.

Zhuifeng's gigantic tiger shook his head, looked at the enemy with a contemptuous smile, and replied, "Dad is here, I'm not afraid!"

"Good boy!" Qin Ran said softly, "Let's protect our home together."

Yun Zhou approached and stopped.

Sun Yicheng got off the cloud boat with a few disciples, walked out of the team, walked not far from Qin Ran and his son, and stood there out of thin air.

He showed Qin Ran the powerful cultivator team behind him, and asked Qin Ran with a smile

"Is it useful? You have exhausted your energy to toss in Zhishen Valley, exhausted all your tricks and scheming, trying in vain to consume Zhishen Valley's strength.

"What's the use? If we want to destroy Daojianmen, it's still as easy as pie."

"Whether it is useful or not, I believe you know better than me." Qin Ran also smiled, and he replied,

"As for your strength, I have said from the very beginning that you are puffy and your strength is false. Now I also want to say that the thousands of cultivators behind you are nothing more than chickens and dogs. As long as I think, I will I can play you in the palm of my hand at any time."

Qin Ran's voice made the dying Lingtian, the sky raining blood and tissue, the burning and exploding buildings, all kinds of horror scenes flashed in Sun Yicheng's mind.

He looked at Qin Ran's smile and still felt fear in his heart.

He stabilized his mind, still smiled, and said, "Qin Elder is eloquent as always. Presumably it is a pity to pretend to be calm, right? In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just clouds."

"Is it all floating clouds?" Qin Ran was puzzled, "Then why did you adopt this method, an all-in-one approach. It's Zhishen's your Hengduan Mountain Alliance, and you can't find any one that can formulate an effective strategy people?"

Why all?

Because they don't want to give Qin Ran any more time to engage in intrigue.

Why not develop a strategy?

Because they are worried that the strategy will be completely defeated by Qin Ran, and the gains outweigh the losses.

So a strategy is worse than no strategy.

Sun Yicheng's smile became a little cold, and he asked, "Then, do you still have a chance to perform those little tricks of yours?"

"Yes! There are more!" Qin Ran nodded with a smile. He gestured to Sun Yicheng for the Eight Trigrams array behind him, and said, "Look, this is the meeting gift I prepared for you. Are you ready to unwrap the presents?" ?”

"Formation?" Sun Yicheng sneered, "You have achieved quite a lot in Alchemy. Could it be that formation can also be like that..."

He swallowed the last word "strong".


Qin Ran couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Sun Yicheng's appearance of being strong and capable.

The laughter is rampant, straight to the sky!

Thousands of cultivators on the opposite side looked at him laughing wildly, but didn't make a move.

Because they more or less knew that the horrible tragedy that happened in Zhishen Valley a few days ago was caused by this man in front of them.

No one made a move, leaving Qin Ran laughing there.

Because, they are afraid!

They cleverly gave themselves a reason, Qin Ran's strength was not worth mentioning, they were just worried about fraud and traps.

Qin Ran smiled, turned around on Chasing Wind, and walked slowly into the formation behind him.

"Want to Dao Jianmen? Just come and get it!"

The words came out of his laughter.

Afterwards, his figure riding a tiger disappeared into the formation, leaving only the rampant laughter still hovering in the sky.

Thousands of powerful cultivators watched him disappear until his laughter subsided, and no one moved. They didn't even go forward to test how much gold is contained in the formation that surrounds the Daojianmen mountain guard formation.

The world continued to be silent.

It's just that in this silence, there is a trace of strangeness, embarrassment, and fear.

Someone shocked thousands of troops with a smile!

On the main peak of Daojianmen, on the square, Gu Yueming, the head of the Daojianmen, looked out with the cutting-edge combat power of Daojianmen, watching this scene.

"What did that kid do in Zhishen Valley?" Liu Boxian asked in surprise.

He knew Qin Ran's three-step plan, and knew that the plan was successful, but he didn't know what the final effect of the plan would be.

What kind of encounter must have happened to make the cultivator have such fear.

"I don't know the details." Gu Yueming shook his head and said, "He only reported to me that he either died or fled. The Hengduan Mountain Alliance lost at least 500 Gold Cores."

"Five hundred Gold Core?!!" Liu Boxian was shocked when he heard this.

But he looked outside at the cultivator team in Shrouding the Heavens, and asked in doubt, "500 Gold Cores are missing, so there are so many left?"

He Daoguang looked up and looked outside, his eyes flickering, he opened his mouth to say something, or ridiculed, or praised, but he didn't speak.

"It's Boundless Sword Sect..." Qin Ran's voice came, and he fell from the sky on White Tiger, explaining, "Boundless Sword Sect finally stood on the side of Zhishen Valley. The cultivator outside, Boundless Sword Sect at least came out I have obtained fifty Gold Cores, but I don’t know about Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul.”

Liu Boxian looked at Qin Ran, and saw that Qin Ran's expression was not smiling, but full of dignity.

"The strength that finally came to Daojianmen still exceeded our expectations." Qin Ran said in a deep voice, "Uncle Liu, master master of the sect, get ready for street fighting."

"Street fighting?" Liu Boxian frowned.

"We have three layers of defense, the Eight Trigrams formation of gods and ghosts, the large formation of mountain guards, and the sword of mountains and rivers, but this will definitely not stop them." Qin Ran said, "When there is no defense line to rely on, we will fight in the sect.

"Master, on the one hand, we must reduce Sect losses, and on the other hand, we must try our best to preserve combat power for the final battle."

"I know." Gu Yueming nodded.

Seeing this, Qin Ran glanced at the Nascent Soul stagers in Sect Square, took a deep breath, gave them a cupped fist salute, and said, "What I can do, that's all. It's up to you next."

Gu Yueming returned the gift solemnly, and sighed, "You have done enough."

"I'm a cultivator, why would I want to fight?" Liu Boxian said in a high voice.

"Hahaha!" Qin Ran laughed, and rode Zhuifeng to Danfeng.

"I'm a cultivator, why should I fight!" he replied.

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