My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 5 The Big Brother Next Door Master

The window of the study room is opposite to the door, and it is already dark at this time, the light of the study room shines through the window, and the tall locust tree outside the house can be seen;

Right below the window is a book case, on which there are scattered thread-bound books, paper and pens;

On the wall to the left of the window is a small bookshelf, on which there are neatly placed books and bamboo slips such as Jade Slip;

On the right side of the window is a large bookshelf with books above and a cabinet below.

At this time, Qin Ran was sitting on a chair made of bamboo strips, with a thick and soft cushion under his buttocks, and was writing something on the desk.

Li Shiyin opened the door and walked over, wanting to see what Qin Ran was writing.

The sound of her opening the door brought Qin Ran back to his senses, and when he saw her walking in a white gown, he felt a little embarrassed. The clothes belonged to him, but Li Shiyin's clothes only looked loose, but they still fit well.

"Hmm!" He coughed dryly and said aloud, "I was thinking, how to teach you how to practice."

Li Shiyin doesn't understand. To practice, isn't it just to give this Cultivation Technique and then follow it? But she didn't answer, she just looked at Qin Ran to see what he had to say.

"My Cultivation Base is only Foundation Establishment late stage. Although I think I have a thorough understanding of cultivation, but..." Qin Ran sat on the chair and turned sideways. Li Shiyin walked over to the table, and he continued, "My Cultivation The base is still too low, and I don't know if my understanding is correct. So I still feel at a loss as to how to teach you.

"Generally speaking, the higher the Cultivation Base, the more thorough the understanding of practice, especially the understanding of the low Realm. Therefore, it is best to worship a master with an absolutely high Cultivation Base. Every step the disciple takes is perfect.

"I personally think that a good master is more important than a good practice resource.

"And I'm only in the Foundation Establishment period, but I want to teach you how to Foundation Establishment, this is really..."

He shook his head.

Li Shiyin on the side lowered her head.

"My Cultivation Base is not high, and I don't have a lot of knowledge. I may have a wrong understanding of cultivation, which may affect your future development." Qin Ran said again, "So I have to be 100% cautious."

"Master..." Li Shiyin, who lowered her head, suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" Qin Ran looked up at her and saw her coldly, no, he was sure, it should be the firmness on her blank face.

"I trust you," she said.

"Thank you." A warm current flowed through Qin Ran's heart. There is nothing more touching than trust. He smiled and stopped entangled in this matter. Instead, he said, "Then about your practice, I decided to give it a try first. Your pill refining Talent, because gold Spiritual Roots is not very suitable for pill refining in the traditional sense, if you don't have a Talent on pill refining..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Shiyin interrupted: "Master, I must learn pill refining."

Qin Ran was not angry. He looked at Li Shiyin and saw the little girl gritted her teeth, looking like she was determined to learn pill refining. He knew that she would come to Danfeng no matter what, and she would learn pill refining no matter what, there must be a reason for her own, he didn't ask, just nodded.

He picked up a book from the case, handed it to Li Shiyin, and said: "This is a basic Cultivation Technique, which only teaches people how to find the sense of energy. It can be cultivated, but the speed will be very slow. It has one advantage, That is, the cultivated Magic power has no attributes, so it is convenient to change the Cultivation Technique later."

"Master, I..." Li Shiyin wanted to refuse, she wanted to directly learn the Cultivation Technique of pill refining, young people always have some inexplicable confidence in themselves.

"You take it first." Qin Ran said.

Although his tone was gentle, Li Shiyin did not dare to refuse, and reached out to take the book.

Seeing that she had finished holding the book, Qin Ran suddenly remembered an important matter and asked, "Are you literate?"

"Yes." Li Shiyin nodded, "Although the family education is not strict, they have also learned poetry, books, etiquette and music."

Qin Ran nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't care about poetry, books, rituals and music, as long as he could read and write, otherwise he had to be taught to read and write, which would be too scary.

"Many people who are not sure about their own cultivation path start to practice this Cultivation Technique, and the same is true for those big sects. So this Cultivation Technique has a name, it is called "Basic Cultivation Technique"." He laughed. , stood up, walked outside,

"I'll give you the Cultivation Technique first, so you can take a look at it yourself. It's just a preview. I'll explain it to you later, and I'll teach you how to practice and find your breath. But that's all for today, you must be tired too, Rest first. Let’s talk about tomorrow.”

Holding the book, Li Shiyin pursed her lips, obviously not wanting to practice the "Basic Cultivation Technique", but she lowered her head, still did not refute, and followed Qin Ran out of the study.

Qin Ran led Li Shiyin through the corridor, opened the transparent door, and introduced: "This is the exercise room. As the name suggests, it is a room for exercise. The essence of cultivating immortals is to make oneself stronger, so the necessary exercise is indispensable. .”

Li Shiyin, who was following behind, took a look around and found that the room seemed a bit big when viewed from the outside, but now that she walked in, it felt extremely spacious. She secretly measured, maybe riding a horse in it would not look awkward.

There were many instruments she didn't recognize in the room, some looked like torture tools, and some she knew, such as weapon racks, such as discs for strengthening strength.

The two of them passed through the exercise room, exited from the opposite door, and came to the place opposite to the storage room downstairs, where there were two rooms side by side.

"This is my bedroom..." Qin Ran pointed to the one near the exercise room, and pointed to the room at the end of the corridor,

"The room opposite originally belonged to my master, but the master didn't like to live in high-rise buildings, and he didn't live in it a few times. After his death, it was changed to a guest room, but Danfeng has no guests to stay overnight."

He took Li Shiyin to the end of the corridor, pushed open the door, and the lights inside turned on automatically. There was a bed, a table and a cabinet in the small room, and nothing else.

"It will be yours from now on." He said to Li Shiyin.

Because there is dust removal formation, the four-piece set on the bed is not put down, and the blue quilt is still very clean.

"The quilts are all new. In fact, no one has ever used them." He added, "If you don't like them, you can change them later."

When Li Shiyin entered the room, he turned around and went out, saying: "That's it, it's not too early, go to bed early. I'm next door, what request..."

As he spoke, he always felt that he was not like a master, but like a waiter in a shop, or a role like a parent, so he didn't ask anymore, anyway, Danfeng couldn't be in danger.

He waved his hand, said good night, turned and went out.

After Qin Ran left, Li Shiyin looked around the room, went over and put the basic Cultivation Technique on the table, then sat on the side of the bed, looked up at the night outside from the window, dazed.

After arriving at Danfeng, everything went better than expected. Apart from the small number of people, Danfeng has no other disadvantages. The master has no other disadvantages except the low Cultivation Base.

It's just that the master is too kind and gentle, which doesn't match the fairy style she expected, and is completely opposite to the cruelty she imagined. He is not even a master, but more like a gentle big brother from the neighbor's house. , like family.

If the subsequent practice can be so smooth, then her start of cultivation is not perfect, it is not at all the dangerous cultivation of Immortal World as others said.

She looked away from the window, looked down and saw that she was still wearing Master's clothes, for some reason, she suddenly felt shy.

In the next bedroom, Qin Ran was lying on the bed, leaning on the pillow and looking out the window. His feeling is that it's a little numb, a little... unreal!

He stayed here to cultivate immortals without hindering anyone, why suddenly, "pop", there is an extra disciple.

What a psychological harm this is to a dead house in his twenties! ?

The Minor World was suddenly broken by a foreign object, this feeling of too terrifying. The one person who was free and unrestrained was gone, and became two people. Not only that, he also had to teach his disciples to practice...

"Ahhh..." Qin Ran, who had been tense all day, suddenly collapsed, feeling like a mess.

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