The current situation is that Huang Feiyu's physical body, Diyan, Monster core, and Medicine Pill are in a state of balance. Huang Feiyu's body is being transformed by Monster core with the help of Diyan, and the treatment Medicine Pill is repairing the body damaged by Diyan and Monster core, a dynamic balance.

Huang Feiyu's body is being transformed, but it is not yet known when the transformation will be completed.

Tian Wenjin stood outside the Diyan room, saw Huang Feiyu lying in the Diyan room through the formation, and asked, "How long?"

"He is a Gold Core cultivator, with a strong physical body. The shortest time is ten and a half months, and the longest is..." Qin Ran shook his head, "If he actively resists, the repairing ability of the physical body exceeds the transformation ability of the Monster core, then I am afraid it is an unknown. "

Tian Wenjin was speechless for a long time.

"Master, why did you change your clothes?" Li Shiyin asked Qin Ran from the side.

Qin Ran glared at her without answering.

What else could be the reason? Naturally, it was because the clothes were burned by the Lion Heart Flame.

What will happen to Huang Feiyu in the future has little to do with Dan Feng.

To be honest, as far as Qin Ran is concerned, he has really exhausted his benevolence, and he saved Huang Feiyu with money.

Investigating the reason, 10% is because Huang Feiyu is not a bad person and left him with a good impression; 20% is because Tian Wenjin's affection touched him; and the remaining 70% is because of the stupid apprentice.

Leaving Huang Feiyu to slowly transform in the Diyan Room, Danfeng still has things to do.

Qin Ran continued to draw the foundation, study the drawings, build the formation, and build a residence for Long Qiqi and Zhuifeng as soon as possible;

Li Shiyin continued to cut stones. The stones he dug this time were beyond Li Shiyin's imagination. After two days of cutting, the stones were not finished yet, and there seemed to be many, many more to go down;

Chasing the wind took his wooden basket and ran up and down to transport the stones;

Long Qiqi continued to divide the sand.

Tian Wenjin guarded Huang Feiyu in Diyan Room for a while, then went outside.

When she looked at the side of the river, she saw the giant snake on the edge of the big pit. She was startled, and looked around for the sword, and then remembered that the own sword had been sold, so she had to shout: "Snake... Snakes... Demonic Beasts..."

So jingle jingle came over to a wooden frame, and the wooden frame made a vague sound: ""

"?" Tian Wenjin looked around the wooden frame, only to see a small White Tiger with black patterns underneath, she knew it was Danfeng's spiritual pet, called Chasing the Wind.

But... His lovely big eyes looked at him seriously, his expression was serious, his mouth opened and closed, was he talking? ? !

Tian Wenjin quickly slapped himself twice. Could it be that he was so sad that he had hallucinations, otherwise how could the spiritual pet speak human words.

She suspected that someone nearby was doing something wrong, so she looked around, especially the dark red snake, and at the same time shouted to the little White Tiger across the river: "Where are Uncle Qin and Li Shiyin? Where are they? Come here quickly, there is Demonic Beasts, danger!"

Zhuifeng tilted his head, looking cute, but he couldn't understand what Tian Wenjin was saying, so he turned around and shouted: "Dad..."

"He's really lying!" Tian Wenjin covered his mouth in fright at the weird scene, what's wrong with this world? Or did she have some kind of spell? Insane?

Fortunately, Qin Ran came over in time.

He patted the wooden frame and signaled Zhuifeng not to make trouble here, and went to work quickly. When Zhuifeng left with a "clang bang bang bang", he said to Tian Wenjin, "That snake is a demon. The little snake you saw before Girl. Her name is Long Qiqi, a very cute child."

When Long Qiqi heard him talking about herself, the thick snake body turned around, opened its bloody mouth, revealing two terrifying snake teeth, and the blood-red snake vomited, as if it was laughing...

Although it is too scary.

"Zuifeng is also a Demonic Beasts. I'm trying to teach him to speak." Qin Ran ignored Long Qiqi and continued to talk to Tian Wenjin, "But he is too stupid and slow to learn. Now he can only speak words and say I don't know." Although Qin Ran explained it, Tian Wenjin still felt weird. He didn't think it before, so why does he feel that Danfeng is so strange now?

"They just look fierce, but they're actually not dangerous..." For some reason, Qin Ran felt like he had turned into Tang Seng, introducing his three apprentices to others, trying to prove that Brother Hou was harmless, "You can do it if you like." Just take a look, if you don’t like it, you can go back directly. After the first stage of transformation is completed, I will ask Shiyin to go to Jianfeng to inform you.”

" need." Tian Wenjin shook his head and said, "I can should be busy and leave me alone."

Qin Ran pointed to her that he was covered in ashes, smiled, and said, "It's true that I'm busy, and the time is tight, so you can do it yourself..."

He walked two steps, thought of something, turned back and said, "Shiyin is cutting stones down there, take a look, there may be something to gain."

After Qin Ran walked away and disappeared behind the big locust tree over there, Tian Wenjin crossed the bridge and came to the river.

On this side of the river, next to the river bank, there are several clumps of Medicinal herbs, but she doesn't know them, but there are a few flowers that look like swans with their heads up, which are very beautiful, so she asked her to take a closer look.

She circled the giant snake as far as she could, and came to the edge of the big pit. Looking down, there was a mess of stone walls at the bottom of the pit. On the stone wall, Li Shiyin held a broken sword and slashed forward. The purple light appeared and faded, and the stone wall was cut with a single sword. She then followed the same pattern, cutting a few horizontal and vertical swords, and then cut off pieces of flat stones from the stone wall.

Tian Wenjin looked at it and estimated that the stones were about the same size.

"What a terrifying control!" She couldn't help but marvel, "The hand is terribly steady...not only does she have Sword Qi, she also masters it so well, every sword goes out just right. I am no longer as good as her, far away!"

After cutting a pile of stones, Li Shiyin turned around and waved to Tian Wenjin on the mud pit with a smile, and then helped Chasing Wind put the stones one by one into the wooden basket.

At this moment, as at that moment.

At that time, Tian Wenjin stood on the mud pit and looked down at Li Shiyin, like a sword fairy coming to the mortal world, he is a hero of heaven, but Li Shiyin was in the mud pit, dirty like a peasant girl;

It was the same position at this time, Tian Wenjin was still dressed gorgeously, Li Shiyin was still covered in dust, but the relative positions between the two had changed, the dirty girl under the deep pit was the one with the demeanor of a sword fairy.

Tian Wenjin's heart was complicated, thinking of her bet with Huang Feiyu, she had already lost before the bet started... the opponent also fell.

She sighed and turned to leave.

Qin Ran sat under the big pagoda tree, comparing the terrain in front, holding a pen in his hand, writing and drawing on the paper.

Tian Wenjin walked over, but Qin Ran didn't avoid her. She saw that the paper was densely packed, with interlaced lines one after another, and rows and rows of characters in a mess.

"What are you drawing?" she asked.

Qin Ran, who was covered in ashes like a civil engineer, turned around, looked at her and said with a smile, "formation."

He pointed it out to her: "That's Zhuifeng's residence. Chasing the wind will condense darkness in the future... That's Long Qiqi's residence. She is a snake demon and loves yin, but she has a fire attribute... here It is the residence where Shiyin will practice in the future. What she practiced is the Sword Technique about Star, which needs to gather the power of Star.

"These formations are arranged separately, but when they are combined, they are criss-crossed and easy to make mistakes..."

Qin Ran talked a lot, but Tian Wenjin understood very little. At the end, she was only envious.

It's another busy day. In the evening, there is barbecue, open-air barbecue, and soft drinks.

The previous soda was placed in the refrigerator, and it was all smashed by Zhuifeng. Qin Ran has remade it these days.

Tian Wenjin and Long Qiqi were able to taste the sacred object of the otaku from Otherworld.

Long Qiqi drank it, and said that luckily he came to Danfeng.

As for Tian Wenjin, she has never eaten food since cultivating immortals. The cold soda pops in her mouth, and the fragrant barbecue bursts with oil juice in her mouth...

She wanted to cry so much.

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