Jiang Lan was numb.

He didn't expect that the description of the ultimate void me would appear so early.

Harsh warriors.

It represents the ultimate form of the empty self.

At this time, the memory fragment.

The battle between Jiang Lan and Galimar continues.

Although he faced the top powerhouse of the Mei Group, Jiang Lan still did not fall behind.

While Jiang Lan and Galima were fighting, a huge steel beetle was flying towards the location where Jiang Lan and Gallima were.

This is a beetle-type machine made by excavating metal fragments excavated from the ancient ruins of Mount Kuro and combining them with the spirit stone "Yamadam" as the center!

The name is: Golem!

In ancient texts, it means the armor of the horse!

It has the ability to fly, and can even move on land or sea, which is an all-round ability of land, sea and air!

The most outrageous thing is that he can talk!!

Able to test the Tracer 2000 with an empty locomotive, combined into a heavy armored locomotive.

However, if it is overused, it will cause the metal to fatigue, and if it is not used carelessly, it will turn into stone for a short time.

"Are you all right?"

Collum, who rushed to the scene, asked Jiang Lan.

"I'm Nima!! This thing is so advanced?? Can you still say hello?? "

"Is this a product of science and technology, or a fantasy product?? At that time, there was such advanced technology ?? "

"Jiang Lan can transform into a monster, you guys are shocked whether a robot beetle can speak?"

"What transcends the times is not the technology of that era, it is Jiang Lan..."

"This thing... Could it be the electronic spirit pet raised by Jiang Lan??? "

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked, even the Federation with extremely developed technology now has not developed a robot in the form of a tired Golem!

This thing does not pay attention to what aerodynamic layout at all, what energy makes it fly???

When the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked, federal experts had already taken screenshots of the picture of Golem's appearance and studied it carefully.

Seeing the arrival of Golim, Jiang Lan pushed Galima away, turned over and rode on his locomotive, testing the Tracer 2000.

The Golem in the air slowly deformed, and finally merged directly with the test tracker 2000.

The Test Tracker 2000 was armed into a heavy armored locomotive!!

Experiment with the !! of Collem

Everyone is numb, that robot beetle, can still play like this ??

Jiang Lan drove the experimental golim, and directly screwed the throttle to the end with his right hand!!


Experimental Golem erupted into a hysterical roar like a beast and rushed towards Galima!!

And the two huge tentacles before testing Golem also burned with flames!!


Gallima was hit by the test golim like a kite with a broken line, and instantly flew upside down!!

Then he slammed it on the ground, gasping for breath ....

When Gallima stood up again, his body was already shining with golden light.

See here....

The audience understood that Gallima probably didn't survive.

The previous monsters, as long as their bodies are glowing with golden light, it means that it is not far from death.

And yet....

The next second of the picture.

But it surprised everyone.

I saw that Galima was running the energy in his body, and he actually dispelled all the golden light that overflowed from inside and outside his body.

This scene.

Not only did the audience in the live broadcast room feel shocked, but even Jiang Lan looked stupid!!

What is this situation?

Didn't you just drive a motorcycle and hit it, ready to hit it to death?

How can this guy still dispel the golden light in his body???

Immediately, Jiang Lan didn't think much about it, and planned to launch the test Golem again, preparing to kill Galima.

However, Golim dropped the chain at a critical moment and had turned into stone petrification.

Galima in front of Jiang Lan has also quietly fled and disappeared....

Jiang Lan, who lifted his transformation, frowned.

This time I met a strong Gulangi!!

Even Golem couldn't deal with it....


Immediately afterwards, Jiang Lan's memory fragment switched again.

In order to complete the killing game, Gallima appears again.

This time it set its sights on Sakurako Sawado.

Holding a huge scythe, it slowly approached Sakurako Sazawa .

Seeing this, the audience knows that Galima ... This time the death is set.

You said that who are you looking for is not good, you are looking for her??

If Sakurako Sawano is injured, Galimar will endure the wrath of Gangnam!!

"Good fellow, this monster didn't have to die so quickly, but it ended up killing itself!"

"Who are you killing badly, you kill her??"

"If nothing else, Jiang Lan will come soon..."

"The first time I saw myself looking for death, I've seen it for a long time!!"

"Galima, your path is narrow..."


Sakurako Zedo saw Galimar appear in front of her.

The pretty face instantly turned pale and bloodless.

The brain buzzed, a blank!!

It's over....

I was targeted by an unknown lifeform!!

After a brief moment of stunned.

Sakurako Sakura remained calm and ran away.

If you don't run, you will definitely die, and if you run, you may be able to escape!

But before she ran far, Sakurako Sakurako fell to the ground.

After all, she is a weak woman, her physical fitness is not good, plus she is wearing high heels, it is not convenient to escape....

Sakurako Sawado, who fell to the ground, stared at Galima who was approaching her with a look of trepidation.

Gallima held the scythe and came to Sakurako Sawado.

On the sharp and matchless scythe, a palpitating chill shone!


Sakurako Sakura Sawado screamed in horror, her eyes full of despair...


I can't escape anymore....

And just when Sakurako Sakura is completely in despair!!

The roar of the engine, which was like the arrival of a god, trembled her eardrums!!

The audience's hearts jumped to their throats and relaxed.

The man....

Jiang Lan came!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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