
After Dagugu's belt cracked, it instantly weakened Dedagu.

He stood there and gasped.


He himself did not expect that Jiang Lan would be able to break his belt.

A few days ago, Jiang Lan was so easily beaten that he couldn't get up on the ground.

Even if he slaughtered 30,000 people himself, he could only watch and could not do anything.

Unexpectedly, this has only been a few days....

Jiang Lan's strength has grown to such a terrifying point.

The audience was also shocked to see Jiang Lan have the upper hand.

Knowing that this guy Jiang Lan is strong when he is strong, every time he loses, a new form will appear and play against the sky.

But who would have thought that he had even torn his belt by Dagugu a few days ago.

Now it is so strong that he can have the upper hand in the final duel with Daguba!

"I'm Nima!! Jiang Lan, this guy really can't be treated with common sense!! "

"A direct punch to Daguba's belt is dry? This strength is somewhat terrifying..."

"Nine days ago, I was beaten to the ground, covered in injuries, and nine days later, I was evenly matched, and even gained the upper hand!"

"Anger, let Jiang Lan's strength go straight up..."

"Jiang Lan's anger is unbearable even for Daguba!"

"It is estimated that Dagugu is confused in his heart now..."

"Jiang Lan: Yo yo, isn't this Daguba? I haven't seen it for a few days, so pulled ?? "


Federal High Command for Memory Exploration.


There was silence in the office.

All specialists, people are numb ....

Whenever they thought that Jiang Lan's strength had risen to the end, this guy would always be able to become stronger again in a short time!!

What kind of monster is this kid???

Does he have the kind of system that is often written in online novels?

Become stronger if defeated??

"The old man has looked at the memories of so many years and studied the past lives of countless people."

"Unexpectedly, I was shocked countless times by the memory of this kid Jiang Lan."

An expert said helplessly.


Blue Star Federation.

Top Secret Chamber Chamber.

"Jiang Lan, this kid..."

"If you inherit the ability of your previous life and cultivate it well, you must be the mainstay of my federation!"

"But if this kid loses his heart after gaining power, it will also be a major scourge for my Federation..."

An old man helped his beard and slowly spoke.

Qin Zhang, on the other hand, waved his hand, "Since Jiang Lan had sacrificed the ego in his previous life, he had the consciousness of the ego to preserve the ego. "

"Then in this life, presumably the character will not be bad."

"The Federation ... Jiang Lan is needed to change everything!! "

Hearing Qin Zhang's words, many bigwigs nodded slightly.

The Confederation wants progress.

There is no doubt that the secrets of the body need to be uncovered.

Jiang Lan.

Destined to change the entire Federation!!


After Jiang Lan burst Daguba's belt.

He did not give up the attack, but even more angrily waved his fist, and fisted towards Daguba!

Bang bang!!

Fist to flesh blow!!

Dagu was beaten back one after another, blood flowed all over his body, and many places were smashed out of the pits by Jiang Lan's fist.

And just when Jiang Lan is beating Cuba wildly.

Dagugu also seized the opportunity to fight back!!

After dodging Jiang Lan's heavy punch sideways, a punch slammed into the belt around Jiang Lan's waist, Yaguru's body!!

Click, click, click....

Jianglan's Yagulu was not completely repaired in the first place!

Now he was slammed into a fist by Daguba, and in an instant it was like porcelain, spreading dense golden cracks!!

There are old injuries themselves, plus this blow heavy blow!!

Directly let Jiang Lan take a few steps back one after another, covering his waist and gasping for breath!!

To know.

Jiang Lan's belt Yagulu is connected to his nerves!!

Now Yagulu is broken!!

Jiang Lan's pain at this moment can be imagined....

Hearing Jiang Lan's heavy breathing, the audience frowned.

It sounds like Jiang Lan is in great pain at this moment...

"Yagulu's nerves are connected to Jiang Lan's whole body, and now Yagulu is cracked, which is equivalent to Jiang Lan's whole body suffering severe pain at the same time..."

"I don't know if this extreme form has the ability to have the Pegasus form, if it is, the pain sensation is amplified thousands of times, it is too difficult to top!"

"Dagugu is Dagu after all, the strongest of the Gulangi clan, not so easy to defeat..."

"The strength of the two is currently evenly matched, it depends on who can stand in the end!"


Jiang Lan, who took a few steps back.

Enduring the severe pain in his whole body, he stumbled and rushed to Daguba! !


The two punched each other again!!

The terrifying energy caused the surrounding white snow to explode instantly!!

Even the entire Jiu Lang Yue was trembling because of the battle between the two!!

The ultimate power, even if it is just a simple hand-to-hand fight, the energy bombarded is very terrifying.

At this time, Kaoru was still struggling to rush towards the place of battle.

The snow did not reach his knees, and he could only trek step by step....


When Kaoru climbed to the top of the mountain.

I saw a scene that made him tear his heart out....

The next memory fragment.

Silence the entire live broadcast room....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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