At this time, Jiang Lan's whole person was in a state of confusion.

Lao Tzu has just inherited the ability, and the federal side doesn't even need to send someone over to verify, so he rated himself as an SSS-level evaluation?

What the hell is going on the federal side??

Those old guys must want to use their momentum and empty memories to make a fuss....

"Jiang Lan."

"You'd better give us an explanation for this!"

"I didn't expect that the only SSS level in the Federation was right next to us, you really hid it from us!!"

The two daughters, Xia Muhua and Izzi, blamed Jiang Lan.

At this time, there was an unconcealable excitement on his face.

SSS class!


Just stand in front of them!!

Who can stand this??

Seeing the excited expressions on the faces of the two women, Jiang Lan slapped his forehead, he actually forgot these two goods...

Jiang Lan could already imagine that Izzy and Xia Muhua were around him, asking questions about the details of their past lives.

At that time, the small mouths of the two women will definitely be like machine guns, and they can't stop.

It's annoying just to think about it.

They must not be allowed to know that they are SSS-level identities.

Otherwise, the ears will have to be calloused.

So Jiang Lan looked at Izzy and Xia Muhua, pretending not to know, and said with a confused face:

"What SSS class is right next to you??"

"Do you think I look like someone who can get an SSS rating?"

"It's just that the name is the same, the entire federation must be called Jiang Lan is definitely not the only one, don't ask, it's not me, let's play..."

After that, Jiang Lan waved his hand, he wanted to send the two women away, he still has a lot of things to do...

No effort to mess with the two women.

Hearing Jiang Lan's words, the two women looked at Jiang Lan suspiciously.

"Did he cheat us like three-year-olds?" Natsuki asked to Izzy.

"Jiang Lan, don't pretend, we know that SSS level is you."

"Tell us how you feel!"

"What does memory exploration feel like? Does it hurt or not? "

"How do you feel after knowing your past life identity?"


The two women asked Jiang Lan a lot.

Jiang Lan looked at the two women stunned, how did their mouths do it like machine guns, chattering non-stop??

The impatient Jiang Lan waved his hand, "It's not me, how do I know..."

Hearing Jiang Lan's words, Xia Muhua took out her mobile phone, and then opened the photo album, which was a screenshot of Jiang Lan's memory live broadcast room.

The person on the screenshot is Jiang Lan!!

"You still say it's not you??"

"This guy obviously looks exactly like you..."

Xia Muhua questioned Jiang Lan.

Izzy also stared at Jiang Lan, his eyes seemed to say again, "We all have the evidence, you still want to fool us?" "

Jiang Lan saw the screenshot on Xia Muhua's hand.

The old face showed a hint of embarrassment, he actually forgot this stubble, but I didn't expect that these two women were not very easy to fool! ! !

However, even so, Jiang Lan still planned to quibble.

After all, these two women, the small mouth is too able to speak, and he admits that there will definitely be countless questions waiting for him next.


"This guy just happens to look a little like me."

"And have you ever seen me have a habit of thumbs up?"

"Besides, if I were an SSS-level Jiang Lan, I would have been invited away by the Federation by now..."

Hearing Jiang Lan's words, the two women looked at each other.

The two women's CPUs began to run wildly.

This guy does have a point.

But is it really that coincidental, not only the same name, but also the same appearance ??

What about this guy fooling fools ??

The two women obviously didn't believe Jiang Lan's ghost words!!

And Xia Muhua also found that Jiang Lan, this guy, seemed to be covered with sheets in the room....

"You let me into your room."

"If you find a memory exploration device in your room, see what else you say!"

Xia Muhua said to Jiang Lan.

After that, she pulled Izzy to forcibly break into Jiang Lan's room.

Jiang Lan, who stopped at the door, was naturally unwilling to let the two women break into his room...

If this is discovered, won't it be true that he is a liar?

So Jiang Lan instinctively stretched out his hand, intending to stop the two women!!

It's just that this stretch out his hand, Jiang Lan feels that something feels wrong in his hand...

This feels....

Jiang Lan touched it.


How is it so soft??

And how does it feel so good??

Which part did you touch??

Jiang Lan, who was puzzled, looked down, and this look directly gave Jiang Lan a dumbfounded look....

I saw his hands....

Just placed in Izzy's (· Y·) above.


The air seemed to freeze in an instant.

Izzy's pretty face, at a speed visible to the naked eye, is rapidly turning red!

A touch of red appeared on Izzy's pretty face, gradually spreading to the roots of Izzy's ears, and even his neck was almost red...

Her delicate and beautiful face is like a red apple at the moment.

And Xia Muhua on the side, her beautiful eyes instantly widened, and she was also stunned!!

She never expected it....

Jiang Lan, this kid, his hands and feet are so unclean!!

Jiang Lan, who reacted, quickly withdrew his hand, and he looked at his hand with a girl's body fragrance in disbelief.


Touched Izzy's big bear (· Y·)?


"Izzy... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Jiang Lan stammered and explained to Izzy.

Before Izzy could reply, Xia Muhua took the lead in pushing Jiang Lan away, "Jiang Lan! You rascal!! "

After that, Xia Muhua pulled Izzy and left....

Not sure why.

At this time, Xia Muhua's heart always had a sour feeling.

Looking at Jiang Lan's look of being intoxicated by the feel of Izzy bear, and even looking at it after touching it, Xia Muhua felt a little uncomfortable.

She glanced down at her own.

Isn't he as big as Izzy???

After the two women left, Jiang Lan closed his door.

Lying on the bed, he raised his hand that touched Izzy Big Bear and sighed....

What's that called?

How embarrassing would it be to face Izzy in the future?

But there is one thing to say.

Izzy feels really great in the hand!!



A ray of morning sunlight shone through the off-white curtains into Jiang Lan's room.

Jiang Lan, on the other hand, had already got up and studied the empty dial in his hand.

He couldn't figure it out.

Why is my past life obviously empty.

But when he inherited the ability, what he got was not the empty belt Yaguru, but the dial used by the king of time....

Could it be....

What is the connection between himself and the King of Time?

Jiang Lan was puzzled.

But my own memory exploration is obviously over....


A bold idea flashed through Jiang Lan's mind.

But when Jiang Lan was deep in thought.

There was another knock outside the door, but Izzy's vivid voice came into Jiang Lan's ears:

"Jiang Lan."

"Someone is looking for you..."

When Jiang Lan heard this, his brows frowned, and then he slowly shook his head....

I didn't expect these people to come so quickly.

Immediately, Jiang Lan opened the door and saw Izzy and Xia Muhua standing at the door of his room.

Seeing Jiang Lan standing in front of him.

Izzy's face began to turn red again.


Yesterday, Jiang Lan touched her big bear, which made her unforgettable.

Behind Izzy and Xia Muhua, there were several men in black, all of whom had the official symbol of the Federation.

Jiang Lan smiled slightly, sure enough, he guessed correctly, the Federation really found someone to invite him...

Among the men in black, the leader was a blond man with a strong body, and the rest of them were equally bluffing.

And judging by their standing posture, and standing position.

And the faint murderous aura on his body....

This is clearly a well-trained team of bodyguards.

The blond man, after seeing Jiang Lan, immediately showed a smile on his face, and then bowed deeply to Jiang Lan.

"Hello, dear Mr. Jiang Lan."

"Allow me to introduce myself first, I was sent by the Blue Star Federation to pick you up, my name is Fury."

"This is my certificate..."

Saying that, Fury took out a certificate, and Jiang Lan glanced at it, this group of people were all from some secret department of the Federation.

In order to take a trip to themselves, even such trained secret departments were dispatched.

You can see it....

The big guy on the federal side really wants to see himself.


Jiang Lan didn't want to see them.

He himself did not figure out the secret of himself, let him go and study with the group of experts who were in the Federation, and he can study it ??


Now he still has a Shiwang dial on his body.

At that time, after the old guys of the Federation found the Shiwang dial, they were afraid that they would let themselves turn in the dial for study.

The most important point....

Jiang Lan doesn't like to be restrained, he likes to be free and serve the Federation??

Jiang Lan didn't have this idea!

He doesn't want to be a tool in the hands of the Federation....

"Mr. Jiang Lan, can you please come with us?" Fury continued to ask Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan waved his hand and said with a lazy expression

"You don't have to take a trip."

"Just help me bring a word, the things they are worried about, as long as there are no accidents, will not happen..."

Finish speaking.

Jiang Lan returned to his room, slammed the door of the room.

Leaving Fury and Izzy and the others standing in the messy doorway....

Both Izzy and Natsuki were numb.

Know that this guy Jiang Lan is willful!

But I didn't expect him to be so willful!!

Did he refuse the invitation of the top of the federation ??

Are you kidding??


Blue Star Federation.

Top secret meeting room.

A man with square-framed glasses hurried into the conference room.

Then said to the big guys present:

"Fuhrer, leaders."

"Just now Fury and they received news that he said that Jiang Lan refused to talk with the Federation."

"And he also said that what the Federation feared, as long as there were no accidents, would not happen..."


The bigwigs present were instantly shocked!!

His face suddenly became solemn!

Jiang Lan really inherited such a terrifying ability in his previous life!!

I didn't expect to be really succeeded by this kid....


Jiang Lan, who went against the sky in his previous life, is not a fuel-saving lamp in this life! ! !

Jiang Lan understood what the Federation was worried about.

It is nothing more than that he has obtained the power of the empty self, and the Federation is worried that Jiang Lan will not be controlled and harm the interests of the Federation.

And the purpose of Jiang Lan's message.

That is, to express that as long as the Federation does not come to provoke him, then he will definitely not do anything to harm the interests of the Federation.

After all, being a big villain or something, Jiang Lan is really not interested.

His greatest interest is to occasionally tease Izzy verbally.

"This kid..." the head of the Federation suddenly laughed.

Getting Jiang Lan's words can be regarded as a reassuring pill for the Federation.

Since Jiang Lan won't come nonsense....

Then the Federation will naturally not forcefully invite Jiang Lan to come over for talks.

And at this moment....

All the bigwigs of the Federation suddenly tensed their nerves, staring at the holographic projection scene on the work!!

Even the Memory Exploration Forum, the entire Federation exploded!!


Jiang Lan, who originally remembered that exploration had ended.

The memory live broadcast room suddenly started broadcasting again....

Jiang Lan....

This guy....

There was a second life in the previous life!!

And also in this life....

Kill the gods???

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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