After Jiang Lan punched off Gu Mumu.

A white armor gradually appeared on his body!

This is the first birth form of Kamen Rider Sora Me!!

It is the unfinished form of Jiang Lan's use of the belt, Yagulu transformation.

Whenever defeated and injured, spirit stone energy is exhausted, and the will to fight is weak, it will degenerate into this form!

This form only possesses the general power of the Void Self Almighty Form.

But even so, Jiang Lan's current physical ability has surpassed that of humans several times!

Seeing Jiang Lan's transformation, everyone who was paying attention to Jiang Lan's memory live broadcast.

Thoroughly boiled!!

"Jiang Lan!! The identity is indeed extremely difficult!! "

"Good, good, good, !!"

Zhang Qian slammed the table, instantly stood up from the chair, and stared at the picture deadly.

Looking at Jiang Lan, his eyes were full of fanaticism!

Jiang Lan is a human being, but he can fuse with his belt and transform!

If only the Federation also mastered this technology!

Maybe you can build an invincible army and start your interstellar journey!!

At this time, the rest of the experts in the conference room were looking at Zhang Qian with a shocked expression.

"I haven't seen Elder Zhang so gaffe for a long time."

"Jiang Lan has transformed, which means that the Federation may be able to master the transformation technology through Jiang Lan's memory, can it not gaffe!"

"Perhaps, a figure who changed the pattern of the federation will appear..."

Numerous experts whispered.

Everyone was excited, and in Jiang Lan's body, they saw the hope of a new era!


"Change... Transformation?? After the transformation, how terrifying is Jiang Lan's power? "

"One punch can knock that monster, Gu Mumu back, presumably Jiang Lan's power at this time is very terrifying!"

"Why is the armor on Jiang Lan's body white??"

"What is Jiang Lan's identity in the Federation? There is such a great past life, this life is not bad, why haven't I heard this name? "

"Is this the memory that can only be explored by a million exploration factors! Transformations, monsters, every one of them refreshed my cognition! "

At this time, in Jiang Lan's live broadcast room, not only the barrage was surging, but the special effects of giving Jiang Lan gifts were also dazzling!


Lee's Foundation.

Li Yi, who was looking for fun, pushed away the two maids beside him.

"Damn it!"

"This guy, has he really successfully explored the memories of his past life?"

This feeling made Li Yi feel a little unhappy.

Originally, he was the most watched person in the Federation, but he didn't expect that he had only enjoyed the feeling of being ranked one for a few days.

was robbed of all his limelight by Jiang Lan, the guy.


Memory screen.

Seeing Jiang Lan transform into an empty me, Gu Mumu said in the language of Gu Langji:

"The horns have become smaller!"

After speaking, Gu Mumu quickly approached Jiang Lan.

One punch knocked Jiang Lan, who had just transformed and had not yet adapted to it, to the ground!

Jiang Lan, who was knocked down, quickly got up from the ground, and he came to the front of a bus, supporting his hands on the bus!


The bus weighing several tons was easily pushed by Jiang Lan!!

And Gu Mumu, who couldn't dodge, was directly hit by the bus pushed by Jiang Lan and embedded in the wall of the building on the side!


The memory audience who saw this picture all gasped!

The barrage is another surge!

Everyone was shocked, Jiang Lan's power after transformation!

And at this time, Jiang Lan, who was sober, saw the barrage left by the audience in his live broadcast room, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly!

I was so shocked to see the trolley!

In the future, if I see the empty self unleashing a nuclear explosion kick, I must not scare the federal citizens of this world?

"Are you so capable?"

"Empty me!"

Gu Mumu pushed away the bus that was pressing on him and roared angrily at Jiang Lan.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Mumu spat out a spider silk in his mouth, which wrapped around Jiang Lan's left hand.

After controlling Jiang Lan's movements, Gu Mumu jumped up and jumped into his mouth!

As soon as it flicked the spider silk in its mouth, it directly made Jiang Lan smash heavily on the wall of the building on the side!

After Jiang Lan reacted, he understood that on the wall, he was not Gu Mumu's opponent at all!

So he immediately climbed up to the roof of the building along the pipes of the building!!

"Empty me!!"

"You're finished!!"

Gumumu roared and jumped onto the roof of the building, and its right hand extended two long claws!!

Kill towards Jiang Lan!!

At this time, Jiang Lan, after all, has just transformed into an empty self, or is still in his nascent form!

The power is far inferior to Gurangi!

So even if he came to the rooftop to fight, Jiang Lan also fell into the downwind!!

After defeating Jiang Lan, Gu Mumu spit out spider silk again, and this time the spider silk wrapped around Jiang Lan's neck!!

Jiang Lan, who was strangled by the neck, is not Gu Mumu's opponent at all!

Directly pressed to the edge of the roof by Gu Mumu!!

Just when Jiang Lan completely lost his resistance in the hands of Gu Mumu, Heisei's strongest second horse, Kaoru rushed to the scene in a helicopter!

"Two monsters?"

Kaoru said in shock, and then he took out his pistol and threw a few shots at Gumum on the rooftop!

This move angered Gu Mumu and rescued Jiang Lan!

Gumum used spider silk to tie up the helicopter, and then followed the spider silk up and came to the helicopter!!

Looked at.

Kaoru fired several shots at Gumumu, but to no avail!

Just when Gu Mumu was about to kill Kaoru to vent his anger, Jiang Lan suddenly jumped onto the helicopter, and then strangled Gu Mumu's neck from behind!!

Pull it out of the helicopter!

After a hard fight, Gumumu was finally kicked off the helicopter by Jiang Lan!!


Gu Mumu, who fell from a high altitude, burst out a heart-rending scream from his mouth.


In the end, its body penetrated a multi-story house and fell to the ground, life and death unknown....

"You saved me?" Kaoru looked at Jiang Lan with a look of surprise!

He originally thought that Jiang Lan was also a monster, but now it seems that Jiang Lan is on the side of justice!

Jiang Lan didn't speak, just looked at Kaoru and compared a trademark thumbs-up!

Give him a thumbs up!!

And this memory picture of Jiang Lan is also over...

The next screen is about to unfold....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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