My Private Marvel System

: Three hundred and thirteen

The original sacred maternal love has become a selfish act. The father’s bitter love for his mother, but the mother did not notice it at all. This is like a century of entangled love and hatred drama, but there is only one end...

Dole could not say any words of comfort. Meimei's father loved her mother bitterly, but her mother had already belonged to her. Furthermore, she concealed the fact that Meimei is not his daughter and did not tell him at all. , Even concealed her, but the father who didn’t know why he knew that Meimei was not his biological daughter, and even knew that her mother didn’t love herself at all, but even so, he still didn’t care about Meimei’s mother.

But she didn’t feel anything, not even a little guilt. Love is selfish, but it seems selfless to the extent of selfishness. But her love not only destroys the whole family, but also hurts Meimei’s heart. He hurt Meimei's father and even apologized with death.

Shi Lan couldn’t help but feel pity, and hugged Meimei gently, but it was ridiculous that Meimei pushed her away. Instead, she got into her arms and made a face at Shi Lan, even though she seemed She looks very happy, but she is very contradictory. She smiled and shed tears... Maybe it's all over. Meimei probably feels worthless to her father. For such a mother, she has devoted her whole life, and her mother will see How many times did he get his face?

Sad love has no results, only two separate complaints, Meimei’s father, wrote on the last page of the diary: "I love this woman so much, even if I know her heart is not on my side, but still stupid. She is in love, perhaps because of her own stupidity, that makes her look down on herself..." Literally, I can't feel his mood at the time, but I can still feel the infatuation of hard work.

And Meimei’s mother wrote three big words on the back of the envelope. I’m sorry. Although she doesn’t know who she is sorry for, it may be Meimei or Meimei’s father, but this woman owes them too much. There are too many, and even to the point where it is irreparable, one can guess why she chose to sever herself. The reason is very simple. She knows her fault.

She patted Meimei's head gently, and signaled Shi Lan not to be angry because of the trivial matter, but unexpectedly, Shi Lan was very forgiving. After all, Meimei discovered such a thing within a few days. The password is inevitably a bit unbearable, plus she likes this brother more than this future sister-in-law.

Shi Lan smiled weirdly, moved her head over, gently leaned against Dole's ear and said, "Since Meimei likes you so much, would you marry her too?"

"What are you talking about!" Dalton almost jumped up from the chair, but because Meimei was in her arms, she couldn't help lowering her voice and said, "Shi Lan, I know you are dissatisfied with desire, but you shouldn't be so hungry. Meimei is not a lily, if you like to play so much, I will bring some rope at night to let you have fun?" Dole smiled gloomily.

Shi Lan blushed immediately, and scolded, "Look at what you said, you stupid bull, you are like a wild beast when you do that. I can't stand it anymore. I am not satisfied with any desires..." After a few minutes, he glanced at Dole with a slight reproach and said, "Look at what you made me say. The reason I say this is because I am also a woman. I can see that Meimei wants to be more than just your sister. ."

Dole touched Meimei’s black hair lightly, and whispered, “It’s nice to be a sister. I already have a lot of confidantes. I don’t want to incur so many emotional debts. I’m just one person. Those women have paid so much for me, and if you want to count, I already have four wives. If there are more, my heart will be divided into more shares, don't you mind?"

Shi Lan smiled and shook her head, and slowly said, "I said I don’t mind it is fake, in fact I do. After all, every lover wants to monopolize the love in his heart, but you are different, your love The degree, it should be said, is too high, you are too fraternity, such a kind you are such a sentimental person, a well-deserved good man, such you are doomed to endless peach blossom luck."

"Are you worried that I will abandon you after I meet a more beautiful woman? Then you really misjudged me Dole." Dole said slightly angrily. He really didn't know that Shi Lan had completely destroyed himself. Seen as a man who is not immune to women.

"Of course not. Don't get me wrong. In fact, you belong to the ancient Protoss. Your people have always had low fertility, so even if it is to pass on the lineage, the number of wives must be increased?" Shi Lan, slowly Said.

Indeed, as Shi Lan said, the ancient Protoss had poor fertility, even if it was Dole, it was the same. Although it was very powerful, it did not mean fertility. The ancient Protoss had only a few hundreds of races. , Which shows how low their chances of pregnancy are.

In addition, after Dole is probably the only surviving candle dragon, he must do a good job of gestating offspring.

Dole looked at Shi Lan speechlessly, "Oh~ I understand, you mean you want me to turn you into a fertility machine? I won’t pass on the family after a big deal. It’s enough for me to have you, and everything will come naturally. If any of you can get pregnant, then I am very happy, not pregnant, I am also very happy, my love will not be changed because of such a small problem, I am talking, you said I may be the only one , But I may not be the only one, am I?"

"You really are an idiot!" Shi Lan smiled. Which man does not want to be surrounded by beautiful women? Although I don’t know how many there are, there is one here, an idiot...

Mi Qi and Lei Mingkun have been with Jiexi for several hours, only to see Jiexi make up his mind, stop Xiao Jiu Zhenzhen, and say, "Truth, I...I...I..." His face blushed. , But that sentence is still unspeakable.

Truth was funny for a while, but still forced to pretend to be sad, "Why are you stopping me? Anyway, you have someone else. If you really are your bad thing, you still want other women to accompany you! Humph! Ten meters away from me!"

Jiexi suddenly retreated ten meters in a daze. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't say a word for a long time. He struggled hard, and the truth couldn't help but smile more. This silly man, how many years, how many years It's been a year since I said that sentence to me, so today I will come to force you to say it.

Two people are together, although they know in their hearts what the other party is going to say, but the other party can’t say it out of life and death, but the woman wants to hear it with her own ears. This is also a kind of love. Since love must be said aloud. Speak out, even if the other party knows your intentions, they may not want to follow you.

Truth is expectation. Some people may find it boring to hear that sentence, the three words after a few years, but love is boring, and it is boring in the eyes of outsiders, but the people in it can’t tell. Sweetness.

Seeing Jiexi, Truth, who was silly there, turned her head and walked back. She would hear him say that no matter what.

Seeing the truth, I'm going to go far, Jessie, she couldn't help but feel anxious in her heart, and when her head was hot, she shouted "I--love--you!" After saying that, Jessie's face turned red. , How many years hasn't said this sentence? To be honest, he doesn't remember it anymore.

Even when he really started to associate with the truth, he only said it once...

Mi Qi and Lei Mingkun couldn't help returning to the blue team, smiling and saying, "Now it seems that Jessie is very happy. If it seems that there is nothing left, we two are alone."

"Wait! Mi Qi, there is only one widow, don’t forget, I even have a daughter, do you think I will have no wife? Now it’s too late, I’ll go back first~~ You will be alone. Enjoy the fun of being alone." After Lei Mingkun said, his figure disappeared in place.

Even when he really started to associate with the truth, he only said it once...

Mi Qi and Lei Mingkun couldn't help returning to the blue team, smiling and saying, "Now it seems that Jessie is very happy. If it seems that there is nothing left, we two are alone."

"Wait! Mi Qi, there is only one widow, don’t forget, I even have a daughter, do you think I will have no wife? Now it’s too late, I’ll go back first~~ You will be alone. Enjoy the fun of being alone." After Lei Mingkun said, his figure disappeared in place.

"What! Fuck! I am lonely!" Mi Qi yelled. Now Lei Mingkun is also a family member, and he is still alone, which is really unspeakable.

However, he is more concerned about one thing than the heavy depression, and that is Meimei. The abnormal behavior of Meimei always makes him very concerned. After all, the person she asked is not someone else, it is Austin, then There must be some kind of link between the two. I can't help but look up at the sun that is beginning to sink. Tomorrow, Austin, this bastard, should appear.

The reason why Mickey said this is precisely because tomorrow is a very special day. This special day, that is, it is not Austin’s birthday nor is it his. It’s just that on that day, Austin will sit on some quiet things. In fact, every year He would do that, even if the ten kings had not experienced that thing, he would still do that thing tomorrow.

A trivial matter, he will be holding a flower tomorrow. No one knows what he is doing, and no one wants to ask. The flower is very important to him. No one can touch it except himself. It is strange to say that the flower has been raised by him for a hundred years, but it hasn't withered at all, and it blooms with strange flowers all year round.

The reason for the strangeness is simple, most of the flowers have petals, but his flower has no petals, only a flower center, instead of a ring of bright light, as for what kind of flower is, even more knowledge. Guang's Mi Qi didn't know it either.

Although I don’t know what it is, Austin will definitely hold it tomorrow, just like a person has his habit. If he insists on explaining, except for his own knowledge, outsiders seem to be just a strange hobby. That's it.

Austin is a lunatic, don’t expect to understand the lunatic’s thoughts. This is what Miqi says most often, because even if he thinks he has seen Austin thoroughly, he can still do many things beyond his imagination. It's like that time when Lei Mingkun fought Austin. Although he later brought Xiao Jiu, Truth, to help, but if Austin wanted to, the three of them were not his opponents even if they worked together. Why did he let it go? Yourself?

Although listening to Austin’s words, it seems to be because of Xiao Jiu’s red tasseled gun, but in fact it is not. Even if Xiao Jiu’s red tasseled gun is marvelous, it cannot survive Austin’s strong attack. Then there will be a I have a question, why did Austin let him go?

Mi Qi doesn’t naively think about anything. The prodigal son looks back. It’s impossible for Austin. He is a distorted existence. No matter where he is, he can’t turn his head back, because his eyes are always ahead. Beyond the front of any common sense ethics.

There is nothing wrong with looking forward. The fault lies in his sight. When he looks at a thing, he will turn a very simple thing into a distortion, ugly, and evil. Perhaps this is his true nature. That's why Mi Qi said he was a lunatic, a genuine lunatic!

On Dole's side, after listening to what Meimei said, he told Meimei in United Miqi that at that time, Meimei's reaction was clear. Meimei is Austin's daughter!

Dole is helpless, what kind of plot is this in the end? The enemy he has always been, turned out to be his biological father. It is no wonder that the stimulation to Meimei is so intense.

Shi Lan unknowingly walked out of the room, probably because of Meimei’s sudden rest. She needs to help Meimei take care of those things so that the army does not get messed up. I have to say that Meimei usually laughs. Hehe, but her commander does something, not just for fun.

Jessie, after speaking the long-lost remark, she naturally fell in love with Truth, and it can be regarded as sweetness after many years.

The two hugged and walked back to the blue team. The whole team was extremely quiet. After all, the leader was resting, Jiexi went out, and the other leaders also went out to detect the situation. Only the soldiers standing guard were naturally quiet, but they They are all thinking about one thing at the same time. Tomorrow will be a real battle with the government. It is very likely that they will be greeted by repeated blows. There may even be brothers and friends who will be on the battlefield tomorrow. Stay on the battlefield forever.

For them, this war is an existence that cannot be lost.

The first thing Jiexi did when he came back was to find the patriarch of the Ya clan, and the patriarch of the Ya clan. Seeing the affection of the two, he couldn't help coughing a few times, indicating that this is a military camp. If you want to fall in love, stop here. He scratched his head embarrassingly, he thought the same way, but the truth could only be brought in if he didn't let go.

Truth glared at the patriarch of the Ya clan with a slight anger. The patriarch of the Ya clan immediately shivered. In terms of strength, the patriarch of the Ya clan must be stronger than Xiao Jiu Zhen. After all, he is a superpower, and Xiao Jiu Zhen, but It is only the ninth rank of the superior, but they all say that women are going crazy, and they are no weaker than men.

The patriarch of the Ya clan naturally shuddered, lest he was really targeted, there was really no way out. Then he held a map with many circles drawn on it, all of the towns that had been attacked in the past few days, saying yes. Attack, but in fact, there is no guard at all, not even patrolmen.

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