My Private Planet

Chapter 83: To grab the position is to grab the gods

   The immortal body guarantees life, and spiritual resonance guarantees smooth communication.

   For every earthling who comes here, these two skills are standard.

   Wang Yan happily authorized them.

   Several people thanked them and left happily.

   Wang Yan was confused and asked Xie Yufei: "How do I feel that some of them are afraid of me?"

   "I was lifted out of the bed in the middle of the night, and forcibly stuffed into an unfamiliar world. I am afraid it is normal! They are not the old disabled of the half-dead tribe in the rehabilitation hospital!"

   Xie Yufei glanced at Wang Yan without telling the truth.

   The boss is very demanding, very strict, the employees are united and afraid of the boss.

   This is the normal performance of a company and should not be broken.

  Agreeable bosses are heretics.

   Xie Yufei changed the subject: "Wang Yan, the college is completed. As the dean, you are not going to have a meeting and arrange work?"

   "What a big deal, I need a meeting..."

   When Wang Yan was at work, the most annoying thing about Wang Yan was meetings. It was obvious that the leader could solve things that could be solved by just slap his head and send a notice. It could be said that he could be verbose for a long time, which seriously delayed his time to make extra money.

   So, when I heard the meeting, I subconsciously refused.

   I can think about it again, this conference is really indispensable, this is not the earth, and the target is primitive people who don't understand anything.

   Everything is a new beginning, there is no mature routine to learn from.

   Except for the job of enrollment.

  Diet, public security, accommodation, medical care, education, and even logistics are all problems and require brainstorming.

   can't be decided by one or two people with a single headshot.

   Wang Yan's face turned black: "Call everyone and have a meeting."


five minutes later.

   The first veteran-level meeting of All Theological Colleges was held in a very informal way on the students’ playground with barbecues and beer.

   Xie Yufei is the recorder of the meeting.

   Wang Yan likes this relaxed and happy way.

"Regarding enrollment, I suggest that the age of students should be between twelve and fifteen years old. This age group learns new knowledge the fastest. If you are too young, you can't take care of yourself. If you are too old, you can't keep up. Moreover, according to the general learning process, after they have completed their skills, it happens to be in the young and middle ages, who are strong, have ideas, and have motivation. After returning to the tribe, it is easy to control the right to speak, and they can use the knowledge learned to make the progress of the whole tribe. !"

   After living in primitive tribes for a while, he gave advice to Jiang Yanping who is proficient in the education industry.


   "Primitives are wild and difficult to train. Early public security is a big problem. If you don't care about it, it's easy to cause trouble. I propose that Mr. Liu's troops temporarily take over this work." Feng Chunlai said.

   "I have no problem." Liu Wanjun held up his watch drunkly.

   "In order to facilitate communication, the security team needs the ability of spiritual resonance." Feng Chunlai added, "Furthermore, because the security team itself is a relationship of primitive people, it must be well restrained and must not cause casualties because of themselves."

   "I try to restrain them." Liu Wanjun frowned slightly.

"I selected people from the Caesar tribe to form a picket team to supervise the security team." Xie Yufei, who was taking notes, raised his head and said, "Later, I will formulate rules and regulations. All actions of the security team and the picket team must be implemented in accordance with the regulations. ."

"Little girl, don't you believe in my ability to restrain the troops!" Old man Liu looked at Xie Yufei dissatisfied, laughed, and provocatively said, "I don't think your picket team is capable of suppressing my security. Team, old man, my army was shot with real swords..."


   A bolt of lightning volleyed down.

   smashed Old Man Liu's head.

   Suddenly, the old man turned into an explosive head, his face was dark, his wine immediately woke up, looked up at the sky, I don't know why the lightning strikes him on a sunny day!

   "They can't do it, there is me." Xie Yufei smiled and looked around at the crowd, and said, "I forgot to tell you that my imprint of the godhead is the **** of the law and controls the power of thunder!"

   The eyes of everyone present suddenly lit up.

   Zhang Dongping's "God of Craftsman", Li Zhan's "God of Art", and Father's "God of War" imprints have long been spread after these days of getting along.

   A group of people have calculated that the imprint of the godhead is different from the one that Wang Yan gave them. As long as they get it, they will be theirs.

   So, these days, they are holding back their energy, thinking about becoming gods and ancestors!

   This is also the reason why the college was designated as the "theological colleges".

   Now, they saw the power of the God of Law again, and their enthusiasm rose a lot in an instant.

   Especially the new teacher team is full of energy.

  The world has just opened up, and there is a chance to be a fairy forever, who wants to be an obscure mortal?

   "Thunder penalty!"

   Old man Liu was a little dazed.

   compared with Xie Yufei, he suddenly felt that his God of War was worthless!

"Old man, don't be discouraged!" Xie Yufei saw the old man's depression, and said with a smile, "Since ancient times, the gods have their own duties. Li Zhan doesn't have to live anymore!"

   "I think the'God of Craftsman' is quite suitable for me." Zhang Dongping laughed.

   "I am very satisfied with being able to be a godhead!" Li Zhan's requirements were even lower.

   "Moreover, who can be sure that your imprint of Godhead will not grow over time, or your efforts and achievements will grow?" Xie Yufei threw another blockbuster.

  Wang Yan, who had been listening to the audience's speech, couldn't help but jumped. The trees of the world are growing. What Xie Yufei said is not unreasonable.

   With a word, Mr. Liu's spirit was lifted up again.

   He now has an army of three or four hundred people, and he has already obtained the Mark of God of War. When he has thousands of troops in the future, maybe his ability will really increase!

   But more people turned their doubts to Wang Yan. What Xie Yufei said was speculation. In everyone's hearts, Wang Yan was the one who had the final say.

"Yes." Wang Yan nodded affirmatively. "Those who have the imprint of the Godhead, as long as you work hard to promote and improve your functions, make contributions to your industry, and get the affirmation of the will of the world, your ability will definitely increase. !"

  Whether it is true or not, of course Wang Yan must stand for Xie Yufei.

   Moreover, Wang Yan saw power in all of them. If he didn't take the opportunity to burn the fire and let them work hard, he would not be worthy to be the master of this planet.

   At this time, Wang Yan is no longer entangled in the matter of who the Godhead seal belongs to!

   The tree of the world grows, the more his ability will be. After all, he can't do so many things alone!

   And Wang Yan also didn't believe that the tree of the world would really pit his master.

   Sure enough, after getting Wang Yan's affirmation, everyone's enthusiasm increased.

"The reception, accommodation, and distribution of supplies for freshmen belong to me." Feng Chunlai took the initiative, "I have done a lifetime of management work. I am good at these things! However, some assistants should be selected for me from the primitive tribe. Now that the security team and the picket team are there, I'll be lazy and set up a'student union'!"

"I can be responsible for the teaching materials for new students. These days I have pondered that primitive teaching cannot be applied to teaching materials from the earth. Many things are different and need to be edited and reorganized." Jiang Yanping laughed, "These things The primitive people can't help, and they need the support of the new colleagues."

   Jiang Yanping timidly formed the educational administration team.

   The new teacher is still in a state of black eyes. He doesn't understand the situation and can't fight if he wants to fight.

   However, looking at their dissatisfaction, it is estimated that they are also holding back some energy!

   Physics professor Mr. Luo thought for a while, and said: "I have studied physics for a lifetime, and physics will not be available for a while, but physics and mathematics are not divided into families, let me take the math group!"

   Li Zhan thought for a long time and didn’t know what to do. He babbled for a long time, and said, “Or I will set up a literature and art department to enrich the amateur life of my classmates...”

   "I am a health manager, I am a half doctor! The student hospital will be in charge of me for the time being!" An old man from the rehabilitation hospital volunteered.

   Hearing these words, Xie Yufei stopped writing, lowered his voice and said, "Wang Yan, we are patronizing education, and we forgot to catch a few doctors. Medical treatment is a priority and cannot be ignored!"

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