My Private Planet

Chapter 97: The orc and the **** of agriculture

   got it!

   Human beings are still despised!

   This makes the monsters on earth who have practiced for thousands of years only to transform into human form can be embarrassed!

   Listening to the remarks of the orc kings who have turned into teenage loli and Zhengtai, Wang Yan laughed dumbly and at the same time was a little surprised.

   When the orcs have the wisdom of humans, perhaps humans do not have the racial advantage anymore!


   shook his head helplessly, Wang Yan explained the rules and precautions of the theological colleges to the orcs.

   "...All theological colleges implement a point system, and the food you need every day must be exchanged for points..."

   "Father, is there any grass in human food?" Baine the Tauren asked.

   After Bain turned into a human appearance, he had brown hair, yellow eyebrows, a square face, big eyes, and a flat nose, looking dull.

   But on the small torso, there are many angular muscles, which are very powerful.

   The centaur has brown-red hair, and the human image is similar to that of a tauren. The two are like children from a tribe.

   He also looked at Wang Yan, looking forward to the answer.

   Weird question!

   Wang Yan glanced at them and was stunned. He remembered that in the expansion pack of Warcraft, Tauren and Centaur both eat meat!

   The tauren’s recipe seems to have Kodo meat, and the centaur simply hunts and eats meat!

  Why did the tauren and centaur he created still eat grass?

   Can eating grass maintain such a huge amount of activity?

   Is it because you have never eaten meat?

   has a great possibility!

   After all, even the Harpy doesn’t know how to breed offspring!

Withdrawing the scattered thoughts, Wang Yan said: "There is no grass, but there are fruits, vegetables and other delicious foods. You can try to taste them. After Bain, Kairon, become human, you will temporarily stop eating grass. Ideas, try to accept human food, otherwise, it will make others think you are unusual."

   Wang Yan felt it necessary to explain the matter clearly.

   Otherwise, if two herbivores that have become humans climb onto the lawn to eat grass, it would be funny!

   Wang Yanshun told others: "And you, too, go to the cafeteria to eat, don't eat raw meat."

   Eating raw meat is not such a big deal. Most primitive children also eat raw meat, and they slowly changed it later.

   After all, processed cooked meat tastes more delicious.

   The orcs nodded, remembering the teachings of God the Father.

Wang Yan continued: "The school's housing is very tight. I will arrange two dormitories for you, one room for Bain, Kairon, and Warwick, and one room for Medusa, Qingqiu, Selena and Hal. I don’t care about any racial conflicts between you, but during your studies at school, you must unite and not make trouble."

   Baine and Kairon looked at Warwick and clenched their fists in unison. Their breathing was a bit short, sleeping with the wolf under the same roof, it was a challenge to their limits of survival.

  Warwick glared back at them, barked his teeth at them, and there was a gurgling sound in his throat.

   "Warwick, don't frighten them." Wang Yan tapped him on the head amusedly, "You are no longer a werewolf, and you may not be able to beat both of them."

  Warwick looked down at the paw that he turned into a hand, and was suddenly lost.

   Bain and Kairon breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

   As for the four little girls including Medusa, they looked at each other, but did not raise any objections.

   After all, everyone now looks weak and weak, with no lethality.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Remember, you are studying, not fighting. And there are security teams and pickets in the school. If you make trouble, you will be caught and punished by them. I won't help you by then! "


   "Also, before you learn the language taught by the teacher, all of you should not speak. This is the most important point. You must remember."

   The orcs used to communicate with spirit.

   The sounds they usually make are still the sounds of animals.

   Although little primitive people do not communicate much because of language barriers, most of the time, they still speak like normal people.

   without opening your mouth, mooing, meowing...

   To avoid embarrassment, Wang Yan simply forbids them to speak.

   So, the little orcs' mood is even lower!

   The orcs didn’t understand the concealment, and the emotions were written on their faces. Wang Yan understood their thoughts at once, smiled and asked, “Is it unfair?

   "Hmm!" Medusa nodded, "Father, why can't we use our original body to learn knowledge?"

"Because you are not strong enough, think about the same kind of people you used to be, and then look at your current state. You are already a lot ahead of them, but still very weak." Wang Yan looked around them and encouraged, "When you are strong enough in the world You can formulate rules only when you have the right to speak. Now, you can only adapt to the rules if you are weak!"

   "Father, we understand!" The orcs said in unison.

   Wang Yan's words finally aroused their confidence in victory.


   told the orcs about the school rules, but Wang Yan didn't take them to school immediately.

   Because they can't adapt to the human body at all.

   Little Medusa would fall in two steps. She prefers to crawl, but the scales on both legs are missing and the bone structure is different. She can't even crawl...

   Catwoman Selena can walk But she can't fix her paw licking problem, and she usually walks in a straight line...

   After taking two steps, the harpy will habitually flap its wings and want to take off...

   The tauren and the werewolf have no problems with walking, but from time to time they will involuntarily call out twice, and the problem can't be changed no matter how...

   In order to correct these shortcomings.

   Wang Yan had to postpone their enrollment time, took a pointer from the school, gave them harsh violence education, and corrected their manners.

despite this.

   It took three full days for the orcs to overcome the habit of falling off the animals, and behave like normal humans!

of course.

   Under the training of Wang Yan, they also learned the skills that primitive people had already mastered, such as brushing their teeth, washing their faces, putting on and taking off clothes.


at the same time.

   Because the seeds of the earth did not germinate, Fan Rongjin, an agricultural professor who went out to find crops suitable for the world, finally had a harvest.

   He successfully found a gramineous plant similar to millet in the wild and brought it back to school. On his experimental field, he sprinkled the first artificially planted seed.

   Because of this seed, Wang Yan's World Tree has spawned a branch that represents agriculture.

   When the branches of agriculture grew out, it doubled the tree of the world.

   Obviously, the emergence of agriculture, like fire, is of great significance to the development of civilization throughout the world.

   And Fan Rongjin has obtained the imprint of his god-the **** of agriculture. He is proficient in recognizing plants, which can make the land fertile and the plants flourish, and it can also wither the land and the grass.

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