Chapter 1 Projection World


Zixia City, one of the 1,008 small towns, No. 3 High School, Class 3, Grade 2.

"Dear students, the liberal arts exam for this school year has ended. Let's have a good rest." On the podium, the burly head teacher Liu Yang said loudly: "Next Monday, the martial arts final exam will officially begin. Come on."

Amid the voices of his classmates either complaining or expecting, Liu Yang turned around and left.

Xu Jun packed up, picked up his schoolbag, said hello to a few friends, and went home.

In the evening, after his parents got home, they asked about the exam situation and told Xu Jun to have a good rest during the Saturday and Sunday holidays tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so as to be in the best condition to face the martial arts assessment next Monday.

Xu Jun naturally nodded in agreement.

After dinner, Xu Jun returned to his small bedroom and closed the door.

This is a world of extraordinary power.

Under the Immortal Alliance, there are seven planets.

Those with spiritual roots can rise to the top and become immortals.

However, there is no unstoppable road, and the door to immortality has not been completely blocked.

When ordinary people practice martial arts, they develop from nurture to innateness. When the innate peak is reached, they will hit the heavenly gate. If they can succeed, they can gather their martial spiritual roots and transform from mortal to immortal.

Xu Jun is a mortal in the Immortal Alliance.

He participated in compulsory education and started practicing martial arts at the age of seven. He is now seventeen and has practiced hard for ten years.

Although his liberal arts scores were among the best, his martial arts scores were average. Not to mention the grade group ranking of No. 3 Middle School, even among the third class he is in, he is only in the middle and lower reaches.

Glancing at the calendar on the wall, Xu Jun's eyes flashed with a glimmer of hope.

He lay on the bed and concentrated his mind.

Sure enough, the light in the depths of his mind lit up again.

This is a "gold finger" he discovered half a year ago, which can project his thoughts into other worlds.

The passage of time in another world is different from that in the real world.

The golden finger can be used once a month, and each time it is used, one year has passed in the other world.

Six months ago, Xu Jun used it for the first time, and his mind was projected into a newborn child.

Now seven months have passed by in a flash, and the child named "Xu Jun" in the other world is already seven years old.

His thoughts extended and he touched the mysterious light spot.

Name: Xu Jun

Age: 7 years old

Cultivation: Human and sword merge into one (acquired peak)

Talent: Holy body of swordsmanship, clear sword heart

This is the latest data of the alien version of Xu Jun. In terms of talent, he is far better than his mediocre self in this world.

Xu Jun was stunned for a moment.

Cultivation: Human and sword merge into one (acquired peak)? ? ?

What does it mean?

If the seventeen-year-old himself did not suffer from Alzheimer's disease, then he clearly remembered that the child from the other world seemed to have just been exposed to martial arts until he was six years old.

On this day last month, when he used his mind projection and left, the child's hand grasped the hilt of the sword for the first time.

And the length of Sanchi Qingfeng is even longer than a six-year-old child.

One month... no, one year in another world. Could it be that this boy's martial arts cultivation has reached the level of human-sword integration equivalent to the peak acquired state of a warrior?

At this moment, Xu Jun felt a strong urge to witness it with his own eyes.

Projection, start!

After muttering something in his mind, Xu Jun's mind instantly focused on the light spot.

A scene slowly unfolded in Xu Jun's mind like watching a movie.

The playback speed of this "movie" is extremely fast, but it does not exceed Xu Jun's cognition. The amazing thing is that Xu Jun can keep up with the rhythm while watching it, and can understand the details of each channel. It was as if I had experienced it myself, and now I was reliving it.

Soon, Xu Jun already knew the projection of this world, Xu Jun's experience in the previous year.

Xu Jun in this world is a child of a martial arts family.

At the age of six, little Xujun officially came into contact with martial arts. In addition to practicing the most basic boxing and kicking skills, he chose swordsmanship without hesitation.

And then, one year!

Just in this short year.

Projectionist Xu Jun actually managed to achieve the state of integrating man and sword with just a set of basic entry-level swordsmanship.

Kendo is a type of martial arts, and it is not any more noble than other weapons.

However, as long as you can practice to the point where man and sword become one...or in other words, no matter what you practice to the point of becoming one, then you will naturally reach the peak of martial arts. Little Xu Jun is already seven years old this year, his body has not yet grown up, and his strength, speed and endurance are far from being comparable to those of real martial arts masters.

However, as long as he has a sword in his hand, he will reach the peak of the acquired world.

What if you meet a warrior who is at the peak of the day after tomorrow...

Even if there is a huge physical difference between the two sides, now that they have reached the state, they can still fight.

The realm of sword cultivation is so unreasonable.

As for people below the peak, they should be tortured as they please.

Just like this moment, little Xu Jun was on the martial arts training ground, holding a Qingfeng, fighting with several people.

A seven-year-old child, holding a bright long sword, is fighting with several adults holding weapons. It feels funny no matter how you look at it.

However, Xu Jun stopped laughing after just "watching" it for a moment.

Because every one of the men who besieged little Xu Jun was strong and agile.

According to Xu Jun's own observation, he can't beat anyone.

However, despite all their efforts, they were beaten up by Xiao Xujun in an understatement.

This strong contrast makes people not only funny, but also a little creepy.

The combination of man and sword is so terrifying!

Under the projection of thoughts, one can only watch with possession of the body.

Xu Jun "looked" at little Xu Jun for several days, and suddenly a feeling of fatigue came over him.

The scene in front of him suddenly disappeared, and he had returned to the bed in the room.

When I opened my eyes, I found that it was the next day and the sky was already dark.

Xu Jun was not surprised that this experience was now the seventh time.

However, at the next moment, his eyes changed drastically.

Because he suddenly discovered that it was different!

In his mind, there were many more things that did not belong to him.

At this time, when his eyes see anything, a strange feeling will be born inexplicably.

This thing…

It seems to exist naturally in the heart, as clear as a mirror.

A sudden realization surged through my heart.

The sword's heart is clear!

In fact, when Xu Jun's first projection came back, his body had already undergone subtle changes.

Although he did not obtain Xiao Xujun's holy body of swordsmanship, the innate-level sword heart is still clear in his heart.

But for some reason, this sword heart cannot be opened.

But it was only at this moment that the door seemed to be opened, allowing this ability to be released.

The heart of the sword is clear and the mind is connected!

Everything in the world reflects the inner world, meticulously and without any trace.

Not only that, Xu Jun also felt that he had also brought that boy to the realm of man and sword.

Although his basics such as strength and speed have not changed.

However, the realm is different.

It was a feeling of suddenly standing on the top of the mountain, looking down at the world, and seeing all the small mountains.

Recalling the ten years of martial arts practice, Xu Jun suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart.

What on earth have I been practicing all these years?

Wrong, wrong, flaw, flaw.

All the flaws, all the flaws, are now clearly visible in my heart.

Xu Jun blushed and suddenly jumped up from the bed.

He looked around, picked up the wooden sword on the wall, jumped up and left the house.

(End of chapter)

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