Chapter 132: Cultivating the Spiritual Sword

 In the room, Xu Jun is practicing.

Breathing out spiritual energy for two hours every day is an essential lesson. Unless you encounter a bottleneck and have no way to make progress, otherwise, even the True God Transformation Master will not be lazy.

Slowly finishing the exercise, Xu Jun's eyes were full of energy and he was full of confidence.

Suddenly, his heart moved slightly, and he turned around and opened the window.

The place where he lives is a nine-story building similar to a grand hotel. After opening the window, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery outside the window.

Xu Jun stared into the distance.

There, there is something extremely important that is connected to his heart and blood.

Seo Jun knows what it is.

That low-grade magic weapon that had endured the catastrophe together with him.

What is the strongest relationship between people?

We have fought together, been beaten, and even killed enemies... Only the relationship that relies on each other to survive on the battlefield is the most trustworthy.

Because at that time, there was no betrayal of each other, so there was a natural basis for mutual trust.

The same goes for people and Lingbao.

How can the spiritual treasures obtained halfway be as popular as the spiritual treasures that accompany him as he grows up step by step?

One is an adopted son, while the other is a biological child, and he grew up by pooping and peeing all by himself.

Such differences are simply incomparable.

Therefore, when the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword released its aura, Xu Jun could still sense it even from such a long distance.

Moreover, he also sensed that the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword was approaching quickly...


The next moment, a shadow of a black dot was printed in Xu Jun's eyes.

His face shone with incredible joy.

Then, a ray of light came like flying.

call out.

A sword light flew from a distant place, circled around Xu Jun's body, and then floated in front of him.

Floating in the air.

Xu Jun stretched out his hand, and the sword turned obediently, and actively handed the hilt to his hand.

Xu Jun was overjoyed, although he knew that Zhenzun's action must be extraordinary. However, raising Jian'er's spirituality to this level was far beyond expectations.

If we say that the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword has already had a glimmer of spiritual enlightenment after experiencing the catastrophe of thunder, and is still in an embryonic state, occasionally stretching its arms and kicking its calves in response to the calls of its parents.

So now, the intelligence is like a child that has been born.

Although it is impossible to reach the level of understanding human nature, it still responded extremely strongly to Xu Jun's call.

"Good boy."

There was a trace of aunt's smile on Xu Jun's face, and he actually knew how to point the hilt of the sword at himself. Xu Jun liked it even more.

The Heavenly Eye Zhenzhen said that the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword is already a second-level spiritual weapon.

And it can still be stored into the Dantian and become the kind of top spiritual weapon that can become a magic weapon embryo.

Look up and look at the endless sky in the distance.

Xu Jun saluted with his sword and said loudly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Although Xu Jun's ability can't find it. But the Heavenly Eye Zhenzun can definitely see his every move, so there is no harm in being polite.

Then, Xu Jun entered the house and closed the window.

The power of the Venerable is unfathomable, and sending the reforged Silver Moon Cold Light Sword in this way really made Xu Jun feel in awe.

But none of that matters now.

Xu Jun sat cross-legged and sent mana and spiritual power into the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword at the same time.

Gradually, the human sword gradually became one.

It's not the fusion of man and sword at the acquired peak of martial arts, but it's the literal meaning.

The Silver Moon Cold Light Sword slowly disappeared, but in Xu Jun's dantian, there was a floating sword shining with endless cold light.

As soon as the sword came out, it started wandering around Xu Jun's Dantian.

It's like a fish returning to the sea, full of vitality.

Suddenly, Silver Moon Cold Light Sword noticed the Dantian wall.

There are sword marks there that are the source of sword energy.

As if it had found a home, it immediately rushed over and pressed its body against the sword mark.

In an instant, the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword disappeared.

It actually completely integrated into the sword mark.

But at the next moment, it jumped out again and spun around a few times, as if it was disgusted with something.

Then, it continued to swim, and finally came to the main sword mark.

Among the more than ninety sword marks, the main sword mark is undoubtedly the largest.

Compared to the other sword marks, there were sparkles of electric sparks around the main sword mark. The sword mark looked even more dignified, staring down at everything.

Silver Moon Cold Light Sword hesitated and wanted to get closer.

However, just as he approached the main sword mark, a surge of coercion suddenly burst out from the sword mark. At the same time, the surrounding electric light was also extremely active, as if it wanted to completely destroy the intruder.

The Silver Moon Cold Light Sword immediately flew back and never dared to come closer.

However, after flying several times in front of the main sword mark, the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword refused to leave.

Then, it began to tremble slightly.

Xu Jun immediately sensed its call, and when he was amazed, he also attached his thoughts to it. The next moment, the Silver Moon Light Sword suddenly became stronger, like a small animal relying on human power, rushing straight towards the main sword mark.

This time, the main sword mark did not resist, and the surrounding electric light was no longer directed at him.

The next moment, the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword smoothly entered the main sword mark.

At the same time, Xu Jun felt it keenly.

The sword spirit root that was in a mysterious place, and the thunder and lightning patterns surrounding the sword spirit root also lit up.

They echo the main sword marks and are in deep communication with the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword.

After about an hour, the Dantian returned to normal.

Except for the addition of a second-level spiritual weapon flying sword in the main sword mark, there is no difference.

Yunjian, raise the sword!

Xu Jun vaguely understood that the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword would make its home in the main sword mark from now on, and would be baptized by the sword intention and the power of thunder from the sword spirit root and the main sword mark at any time.

As his strength continues to improve, the power of the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword will gradually increase.

Well, of course, when raising children, you can’t just coddle them.

That is raising waste rather than raising pillars.

Sometimes it also needs to be beaten and sharpened. When it's time to use it, Seo Jun will never show mercy.

How can you become successful without experiencing suffering!

The Silver Moon Cold Light Sword hidden in the main sword mark trembled, as if responding to Xu Jun.

Very good, not afraid of fighting, passed the test.

"Dear students, you are about to enter the virtual world. After entering, you should immediately check your body and then use your unique skills. If anyone finds that there are any abilities that can be used in the real world but cannot be used in the virtual world, please speak up immediately ”

An invigilator explained loudly through a magic weapon.

Below are small rooms.

The room is not big, but it is more than enough to accommodate one person.

In every room, there is a candidate.

They are about to usher in the first important hurdle in their lives, the unified examination for the top 100,000 students.

Only by performing perfectly in this unified examination can it be possible to enter the Three Avenues Palace.

Except for a very few people, most people are nervous.

The next moment, an unparalleled huge light shone down from the sky, covering all the students.

Xu Jun is naturally one of them.

However, compared to the panic that most people felt, it was not the first time for him to experience the power of the True Lord. He was not surprised, but looked at everything around him calmly.

This time, the real person was kind enough to create a ray of light to prepare them mentally.

What's called the horror in the computer room is that I entered the virtual world unknowingly, without even the slightest warning, and I didn't understand how to get in at all.

Looking around, it turns out that there are no longer white walls with small grids, but an empty no-man's land.

Xu Jun kept the invigilator's instructions in mind, and once the environment changed, he immediately drew his sword.

It was not the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword incorporated into Dantian, but an ordinary low-grade magic weapon that Sun Yiqiong had asked to find.

In the face of the college entrance examination, some people go all out and put everything aside.

But there are also people who don't care about it at all, and don't even plan to use the real treasure. Because he is confident, he can kill him casually.

With a sword in my hand, I have the world!

Xu Jun swung his sword a few times at will, and the sword light became more elegant as it circulated.

"Didi didi."

In the Tianji Building, in the unmanned computer room, a signal transmitter made a sharp chirping sound.

"Abnormal data detected, name Xu Jun, Unified Examination Candidate, data does not match."

"Data anomaly, data anomaly, re-collect, re-calculate, re-calculate."

In the virtual space, Xu Jun practiced swordsmanship for a moment, and then on a whim, he swung his sword.


Nine sword energies soared into the sky, echoing from end to end in the sky, interlocking and forming a whole.

Hey, not bad.

As expected of the Supreme Eye of Heaven, although he did not re-collect the data this time, he actually calculated it, which is amazing.

So, what about the Sword of Truth that can be practiced with one move?

Xu Jun's expression became solemn, the sword in his hand was slowly raised, and an indescribable terrifying aura suddenly broke out.

"Didi, the data is seriously abnormal, search the historical template."

"Retrieval successful, calculation completed, calculation completed..."

A massive amount of computing power moved here in a turbulent manner. At this moment, even the daily spiritual power consumption of the computer room increased by 0.01 percentage point without realizing it.

Xu Jun in the virtual world was ready to strike. Then, just when his momentum reached its peak, he found that he couldn't swing the last sword.


Could it be that this sword can't work here?

At this moment, Xu Jun suddenly felt a sense of transparency, as if the shackles on his body were removed at this moment.

Then, the sword in his hand finally lit up!

The illusion of Zhenzun is really powerful!

I watched it yesterday. From now on, the monthly pass will be more than 145. There will be two updates.

(End of chapter)

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