Chapter 148 Xu Yi’s Talent

What happened in the world of Pixiu's projection made Xu Jun very interesting.

Therefore, after a day, Xu Jun couldn't help but attach himself to it again.

Name: Xu Yi

Age: 8 years old

Cultivation level: Level 1 of body refining (1 orifice)

Talent: Pixiu Holy Body, Demonic Holy Body (pseudo)

? ? ?

When Xu Jun sensed the data on the attribute panel, his first thought was, could it be a mistake?

If he remembered correctly, Xu Yi, the projection of this world, only came into contact with formal physical training the day before yesterday.

It does not mean that if you have the qualifications to practice, you can immediately become a Qi practitioner after obtaining the skills.

The enlightenment of any skill must take a certain amount of time.

Unless it's like a mortal opening the sky, if it succeeds, it will naturally be the first level of Qi training. But that is also based on the acquired and innate nature of mortals.

So, how long will it take for the people with natural spiritual roots in the Immortal Alliance to become monks at the first level of Qi training after they have learned how to practice immortality normally?

This time is not certain because everyone’s spiritual root attributes and talents are different.

But even the fastest Tianlinggen will take at least a month.

From the time I got the secret method of cultivation, within a month I could introduce Qi into my body, open up my Dantian, and refine my first magical power...

This kind of speed can only be achieved by Tianlinggen.

But what about Xu Yi who projects the world?

One and a half days, in the real world it is only one and a half days.

Calculated using 1:12…

It only took Xu Yi eighteen days to complete the opening of the first body orifice.

This speed is beyond the reach of even Tianlinggen!

What's more, it is well known that the difficulty of physical training is actually higher than that of Qi training, and the speed is naturally much slower.

Then, Xu Yi's cultivation talent is probably more powerful than he thought.

The next moment, Xu Jun's spiritual thoughts completely entered the projection world.

Suddenly, a large number of memories poured into Xu Jun's mind.

In this memory, Xu Jun really "saw" the whole process of Xu Yi practicing hard and then enlightening.

Half a month!

It turns out that Xu Yi's recovery speed was not 18 days, but 15 days.

In Xu Yi's memory, after it took him 15 days to regain consciousness, both his father Xu Mao and the temple guard Lin Mu were almost shocked.

Xu Mao even told his son furiously that after receiving the inheritance of the holy image, it usually takes half a year to a year of hard training before he can successfully enlighten himself.

Then, Lin Mu immediately corrected his statement.

Among large tribes, there are people who have successfully achieved enlightenment in just three months.

But no matter what, it's not a bad thing to be able to wake up in advance.

At least, Lin Mu would no longer doubt Xu Yi's ability to practice these two different physical training techniques to a great level at the same time.

Then, attached to Xu Yi, he "saw" that the little guy was working out hard.

Physical cultivation, of course, requires physical training.

It's just that physical training requires energy to open up the body and warm it. The method of using potions to bathe and recuperate the body is suitable for mortals, not for immortal cultivators.

Even the body cultivator, who is known for being arrogant and unreasonable, looks down on this most basic way of using energy.

So, Seo Jun’s hard work out is...eating!

The eight-year-old little guy was devouring meat, and it didn't seem to be ordinary meat.

Xu Jun looked intently and could even see a special luster flashing through the meat.

Monster meat!

This turned out to be the meat from the monster beast.

If placed in the real world, this jar of monster meat alone would be enough for Xu Jun to attend kendo classes three times.

But Xu Yi seemed to regard these monster meat as his staple food.

Xu Mao is the leader of this medium-sized tribe, but is this really a good thing to harm the public and enrich private interests?

Xu Yi ate very quickly. After eating, he did not rest. Instead, he sat down directly and began to breathe out spiritual energy. Because Xu Jun "saw" it, the spiritual energy around Xu Yi became much more active and surging.

Eating monster meat and breathing spiritual energy, Xu Yi is going to heaven.

Then, strange energy reverberated from Xu Yi's body.

It was also the first time for Xu Jun to watch the practice of physical education up close. He found it very interesting and expensive...

So much monster meat can only be provided casually in an environment like Pixiu's projection world.

Two hours later, Xu Yi finished practicing. His face was red and full of energy. He looked like an extremely healthy boy.


The little kid started playing.

But the way he played made Xu Jun worried.

Because, instead of playing games with children of the same age, he followed the temple guard Lin Mu into the forest to play...hunting!

Any political system that exists in the form of tribes must have an extremely obvious feature.

That means the land is vast and the people are sparsely populated.

The same is true in this vast plain.

In fact, the territory occupied by the human tribe is only a tiny bit, and what is more is those weird races and various monsters and beasts.

The human race is fighting these alien races anytime and anywhere.

Of course, in the eyes of these alien races, the human race is also a type of alien race.

Except for those passed down by one's own bloodline, all other beings are aliens.

Therefore, as long as you have enough strength here, you can kill without worrying about anyone causing trouble for you.

Organizations like the Animal Protection Association have no place to survive here. If you insist on protecting animals, the only outcome is to be expelled from your own species and then thrown into the wild to stay with the people you want to protect.

See if you wake up the next day intact, or if you become a skeleton and a pile of some kind of solid substance that beetles like most.

Under the leadership of Lin Mu, Xu Yi bravely fought against some beasts that were much larger than his body.

Although Xu Yi is an immortal cultivator, he is also a physical cultivator with great combat effectiveness.

But after all, I have just started practicing, and I have only opened up a body orifice.

Even within the tribe, they have been trained to fight since childhood, but it is extremely difficult to defeat these ferocious beasts.

But Xu Yi is stubborn.

No matter what he encountered, as long as Lin Mu said "charge", he would charge mindlessly until he hammered the beast to death.

In this process, Xu Yi was inevitably injured.

But Xu Jun immediately discovered that the boy's recovery speed was frighteningly fast.

The huge, shocking-looking wound that had just been scratched on the arm by a black bear had closed on its own and turned into a white line after only a quarter of an hour.

I estimate that in another hour or two, even this white line will disappear.

The advantage of physical training is so obvious in his body?

This is too exaggerated.

After the hunting, an old man and a young man returned to the tribe carrying large and small prey.

The people in the tribe turned a blind eye to this, and did not feel anything wrong at all because an eight-year-old child went out hunting.

Xu Jun thought of his childhood, and then felt that Xu Pingan and Shi Hui were simply the best parents in the world.

I must repay them well in the future.

Xu Mao came up to him with all his might.

This was his first hunting trip, and he originally wanted to take his son there in person.

However, under Lin Mu's strong request, Xu Mao couldn't defeat him, so he had to give up this right.

A group of people came up, took away the prey and began to pack it up.

Xu Mao asked eagerly: "Uncle Lin Mu, how is my son doing?"

Lin Mu pondered and did not answer immediately.

Xu Mao suddenly became anxious and said: "No way, this guy is usually very tough. Did he lose his temper at the critical moment?"

In the tribe, what kind of men are looked down upon the most?

Naturally, he is the kind of man who is timid when hunting and does not work hard.

There is a saying that you can see old age at the age of three.

After receiving the inheritance, children can participate in hunting as long as they have developed a skill. And this first performance was the most valued.

The reputations of warriors and cowards often accompany them throughout their lives.

Lin Mu glared at him and said, "That's nonsense. Today's prey was all killed by this kid Xu Yi."

Xu Mao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Uncle Lin Mu, why are you scaring me?"

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "I'm not trying to scare you, but I'm just thinking about a question."

"Yes, what?"

"The child Xu Yi is injured."

"Hey, we are all hunting, there is no chance of not being injured. As long as you are alive, can breathe, and eat more meat, you can recover."

Hearing these words, Xu Jun felt more and more that Xu Ping'an was getting better.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant. I meant that after Xu Yi was injured, his wounds recovered very quickly."

Xu Mao's eyes widened and he said, "How fast?"

Lin Mu gestured with a wound on his arm and said: "With such an injury, even if I succeed in body training, it will take at least half a day to recover."

Xu Mao interjected: "I want the whole day."

Lin Mu glared at him and said, "But Xu Yi, it only took a quarter of an hour for the wound to disappear."

"Ah, really?"

"Nonsense, I saw it with my own eyes, so it's still false."

"Great." Xu Mao turned around, hugged his son and spun around twice excitedly, and then said: "Uncle Lin Mu, this is a good thing, why are you unhappy?"

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, then slowly started to laugh.

Yes, this is a good thing. What are you worried about?

It’s so bewitching!

Seeing this happy family, Xu Jun quietly withdrew from this world.

It turns out that not all physical training is like this!

Demonic body (pseudo).

Xu Jun vaguely understood what the use of Xu Yi's second holy body was.

However, since the word "Devil God" is included, it seems that the ability to recover quickly should not be the only one.

Perhaps the reason why Xu Yi was able to open up the first thing in just fifteen days was related to this.

This world is really exciting.

He glanced at his watch.

Xu Jun took a long breath.

In two days, it will be the registration day for the Natural Dao Palace.

From the day after tomorrow, I will start my real college career.

Goodbye, high school!

(End of chapter)

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