My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 247: Don't compare with him

 Chapter 247 Don’t compare with him

On the playground, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Most students have watched it and found that they felt lonely after watching it.

The previous fight between the two swords was an eye-opener for them, and they gained a little bit.

But what happened to the last sword?

Why was Professor Jin Wucheng's earth-shattering sword broken so easily by Xu Jun?

That silent sword seemed to be as if the mountains were high and the water was far away, and the wind was light and the clouds were light. But just this seemingly inconspicuous sword brought everything to silence.

Most of the students had five words in their minds.

I'm so excited!

The teachers who really understood were all silent.

After this sword attack, Guan Ziqian immediately took Xu Jun and Jin Wucheng away and disappeared.

Returning to the dean's office, Guan Ziqian first talked with Jin Wucheng for ten minutes.

In these ten minutes, Guan Ziqian emphatically told Jin Wucheng the various deeds of the Immortal League's first swordsman Li Mubai when he rose to power.

Ever since Li Mubai came to prominence, he had fought thousands of battles, large and small, and he had never lost as long as he didn't face an opponent of a higher realm.

Practice Qi to cut and build the foundation, build the foundation to cut the golden elixir, golden elixir... fight against the Nascent Soul without falling behind, etc.

Those sword cultivators who were defeated by him were not convinced at first, but later they were all convinced and felt proud of each one of them.

On the contrary, when Li Mubai was growing up, those famous swordsmen who were unable to fight him due to various reasons regarded this as a lifelong regret.

After talking eloquently for nearly ten minutes, Jin Wucheng finally took a long breath and said: "Thank you, dean, for enlightening me. Don't worry, students have never expected to be able to compete with classmate Xu Jun."

Guan Ziqian looked at him silently, as if assessing the sincerity of his words.

Jin Wucheng gave a wry smile and said, "Dean, you don't think that I am so overestimated that I think my talent is stronger than that of classmate Xu Jun, do you?"

Guan Ziqian burst into laughter and said: "That's right." She pondered for a moment and said: "I was reckless in letting you take action this time. This year the Diyuan Star Sword Pavilion is about to open, and our college has two places. Are you willing to go?"

Jin Wucheng was overjoyed when he heard this. He bowed deeply to Guan Ziqian and said, "Thank you very much, dean, for making it possible. The student is grateful."

Guan Ziqian smiled and said: "Okay, go out, practice well, and don't waver in the sword's heart."

Jin Wucheng said solemnly: "Yes, Dean, students are not stupid."

After giving a deep bow, Jin Wucheng turned and left. When passing by Xu Jun, he nodded and smiled, but deep in this smile, there was an indescribable bitterness hidden.

A quarter of an hour later, Jin Wucheng returned to the villa where he lived.

Before he could sit down, there was a loud knock on the door of the villa.

The door opened, and a white-haired old man walked in with his head held high. It was Zhang Xianzhi, one of the Jindan instructors of the Kendo branch.

"Master." Jin Wucheng saluted solemnly.

Zhang Xiangzhi's eyes widened with anger, and he looked at his graduate student carefully.

After a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Why would the dean let you do such a thankless job? It's really too much."

Jin Wucheng smiled bitterly and said, "It's not the fault of Dean Guan, it's just that the disciple happened to be there, so he was seen."

Zhang Xiangzhi was a little angry, but he did not dare to provoke his apprentice at this time.

He complained more and more to Guan Ziqian in his heart.

However, Jin Wucheng said: "Master, this disciple is a blessing in disguise."

"Ah, what do you say?"

"The dean has just agreed that this year the Diyuan Star Sword Pavilion will be opened, and there will be a quota for disciples."

Zhang Xiangzhi's eyes lit up slightly, and then he felt relieved and said: "That woman is fair in doing things, otherwise I will seek justice for you even if I don't want this old face."

Jin Wucheng felt grateful and said, "Thank you so much, master."

Zhang Xiangzhi turned around to leave, but hesitated for a moment and said: "Wu Cheng, there is no comparison between people. When I was a teacher, I was once a genius in swordsmanship, but at the peak of my career, I met a woman. . Defeat with one sword and never make any progress again.”

"So, you have to remember that there is always something out there, and there are people out there. It doesn't matter if you fail by chance, but don't be overwhelmed by your own thoughts."

Jin Wucheng smiled bitterly and said: "Master, don't worry, the dean has also enlightened the disciples, and he will never be depressed because of this matter." He paused, and then said: "That kid Xu Jun... he is not a human being, the disciples are Human, so I will never compare with him.”

"Okay, in that case, I can rest assured, my master." Zhang Xiangzhi felt really relieved when he saw Jin Wucheng's rather frustrated look at the end.

Seeing the teacher about to leave, Jin Wucheng didn't know what suddenly confused him. He asked: "Master, who is that woman?"

As soon as he asked this question, he regretted it.

But the flood is irreversible and irreversible.

However, Zhang Xiangzhi was not angry. He raised his head and drifted away in silence for a moment, leaving only three words.

"Guan Zi Qian!"

In the dean's office, Guan Ziqian was finally willing to call Xu Jun over.

Her star-like eyes stared at Xu Jun, bringing him tremendous pressure.

"Xu Jun."


"Look at the good things you have done." Guan Zi Qianwei said angrily.

Xu Jun was speechless. His eyes, face, and even his hands, feet, and buttocks all had an air of utter injustice.

I knew you wanted me to practice the way of the strange sword, so I practiced it.

An epiphany!

Then, in order to tell everyone that I have practiced the magic sword, you arranged for me to appear in front of others. I understood your thoughts and followed your script. However, in the end, you complained that I used too much force...

Where does this leave me to reason with?

Guan Zi Qian said earnestly: "Xu Jun, in future fights with sword cultivators of the Qijian Way, don't be so ruthless with your attacks. Leave a little leeway and don't let their sword heart waver."

What else could Xu Jun say, he could only nod vigorously, his heart moved slightly, and said: "Dean, what about those who practice the way of the King's Sword?"

Guan Ziqian raised his eyebrows and said, "The sword has been repaired incorrectly. Of course, I must hit him hard. I must not show mercy."

Xu Jun:…

It’s really not easy for the Kendo branch of the Natural Dao Palace to still have room for the survival of the King of Swordsmanship under your leadership.

Guan Ziqian said again: "However, you can cultivate the sword energy like silk to such a state of still water... you deserve the award. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Xu Jun's heart moved slightly and he said, "Anything is okay?"

"Yes, even if you want that girl Zhen Yulian, I will find a way to match her."

Xu Jun's eyes widened.

Zhen Yulian must be studying under Guan Ziqian’s graduate school!

Have you ever encountered such an unscrupulous teacher?

However, that was Zhen Yulian. When I think of something as elegant, quiet, pure and flawless as a snow lotus...

Xu Jun shook his head vigorously and threw away all inappropriate thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Jun said: "Dean, if you want to reward me, just give me some credits."

"Okay, I will personally reward you with 500,000 credits."

Xu Jun was speechless, and even his voice was trembling: "Five hundred thousand?"

"Yes, if you can go one step further and practice sword energy to transform into a python, my reward will be even more generous."

Xu Jun covered his chest and felt that it was beating very fast.

Even a true Taoist disciple of the Natural Taoist Palace can only earn one hundred thousand credits a year.

Guan Ziqian is worthy of being the real Jin Dan, what a generous person!

In an instant, Xu Jun's previous dissatisfaction with her disappeared completely. Isn't it just to act in a play with her old man?

What's the big deal?

From now on, for this kind of thing, just give me your orders and be there at my call. I will help you every step of the way and stay with me until the end!

Seeing Xu Jun's happy expression, Guan Ziqian also nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

How could we be so harsh on such a super talented student?

While being strict, a reward that is ten times more generous is the top priority.

"Xu Jun, I think you just used your sword energy like silk, and you seem to have gained spiritual consciousness?" Guan Ziqian said pleasantly.

Xu Jun nodded quickly and said: "Yes, this time I went out to travel around the mountains and rivers, and suddenly I had some insights. You know, no one can tell what it will do to you. As a result, when I After I realized it, I found that I had mastered the power of spiritual consciousness.”

Guan Ziqian was stunned for a long time.

It’s so simple to master spiritual consciousness in advance?

He truly deserves to be the most talented person in the history of the Immortal Alliance.

She gathered her mind and said slowly: "Being able to master spiritual consciousness in advance will be of great benefit to you. You will know it when you truly advance to the later stage of Qi training."

Xu Jun's heart moved slightly and he said, "Dean, what's the benefit?"

Guan Ziqian did not hide anything, and said: "In the future, your spiritual consciousness will be much stronger than that of the same level. If you practice well, you may even reach the realm of transcending levels."

Xu Jun nodded happily.

Guan Ziqian asked again: "Also, what's going on with your sword? Why does it feel a bit like a natal flying sword?"

Xu Jun thought for a while and recounted how he was tested by the True Eye of Heavenly Eye before he took the unified examination, and then in order to make up for him, he took away the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword and forged it twice.

Guan Ziqian's face changed slightly and said: "Xu Jun, this matter involves His Holiness, you should try to mention it as little as possible in the future... No, it's better not to say it."


"How many people know about this?"

Xu Jun hesitated and said, "Teacher Sun Yiqiong and Teacher Zhen Yulian."

"Oh, them." Guan Ziqian nodded slightly and said, "This is the first time I have heard of this, which shows that they are sensible. Anyway, I will remind them again."

Xu Jun lowered his head, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart.

Isn't it just a sword embryo given by Zhenzun? There is no need to make it so mysterious.

Guan Ziqian said again: "Hey, it's a pity that when you made the choice, it would have been better if I had given you a magical sword embryo directly. The potential of low-grade magical weapons is limited, so asking the venerable to forge it a second time is a bit of a waste..."

Xu Junhan smiled and said nothing.

No matter how good the other spirit sword embryos are, they have never experienced the thunder and cloud of tribulation with me.

So what if it's a fifth-level super spiritual sword.

There are three thousand pieces of weak water, but I only take one scoop to drink!

As soon as this thought came to his mind, the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword in his dantian felt infinite joy.

The human sword is in harmony, the soul is connected, and the Hunyuan is one, without any flaws.

(End of chapter)

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