My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 272: Your magic array is well arranged

Chapter 272: Your magic array is well laid out


Ahead, the mist surged, as if a monster was charging towards you, accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.

However, Xu Jun remained calm, as if he had never seen it. Instead of panicking or running away, he walked directly over.


A breeze blew by, but there was no monster, just a thin cloud.

As Xu Jun walked, he let go of the sword and his heart became clear, taking in everything around him.

He nodded slowly. Although this Mayusong was a little arrogant, he had real talents and learning.

The same second-level magic formation is even better than those in the Taoist Formation in the Tao Palace.

Well, what Xu Jun is comparing here is not the first-order magic formation, but those people who are also at the second level.

Ever since he started learning the formation, the second-order magic formation has become a place he has to go to every time.

When the students set up formations, it is of course impossible to set up any killing formations. Illusion formations are the best choice.

At this time, the feeling that this phantom array gave him was undoubtedly the largest among all phantom arrays.

It can be seen from this that the Qixing Dao Palace sent Mayusong over, not just perfunctorily, but with the intention of real competition.

People in the formation will inevitably be affected by the formation. Whether it is vision, hearing, or even sensory abilities, they may be confused by the power of the formation.

However, Xu Jun is different. Under the clear sword heart, all the fog is an illusion.

Moreover, Xu Jun now also received a talent of iron will from Xu Yi.

This talent has no bonus to martial arts, but it has unexpected and wonderful effects on willpower and resistance to spiritual invasion.

The monsters transformed by the clouds and mist are lifelike. Even if ordinary people know that these are fake and are illusory formations, they will be frightened when the clouds and mist attack and make some inappropriate actions.

And once this happens, it will fall into an endless loop, and eventually it will be trapped in the formation and die of exhaustion.

Illusion formations generally cannot kill people, but if they are scared to death or exhausted, it is not the fault of the formation master.

However, these so-called monsters could not make Xu Jun's spirit fluctuate at all.

In addition to the clear heart of the sword, the iron will also plays an important role.

Xu Jun's speed was very fast. He spread his legs and ran several laps in the phantom formation, roughly covering the entire area enveloped by his divine thoughts.

Then he closed his eyes and began to think.

If he is a true formation master, then the way to think is, the spiritual power fluctuation here is like this, and the spiritual power fluctuation over there is like that.

According to the certain formula, substitute the certain formula to calculate the length of the corners, the level of the false monsters encountered, etc...

Okay, this must be one of the main nodes of the formation.

Start here to trace the origins and calculate further!

However, when I arrived at Xu Jun's place, the style of painting was suddenly completely different.

This area gave me a very bad feeling. When passing by, Kenshin Tongming warned three times, indicating that there were three spiritual power nodes.

Among them, this one gives me the strongest feeling.

Then, let’s look for the upper level node from here to the main formation eye!

So, Xu Jun followed his feeling and came to one of the spiritual power nodes.

He did not take action to destroy this node, but stared at it and felt it silently.

Soon, he sensed the direction of the spiritual power flow, and a thicker spiritual power line seemed to extend from this direction.

Among these spiritual power nodes, the spiritual power between nodes is changing alternately all the time.

However, only one of them came from the direction of the main formation. It is basically impossible to find that key aura hidden among countless clues.

But here with Xu Jun, he has the ability to turn the impossible into possible.

Xu Jun let go of the sword, his heart became clear, and he felt everything around him carefully.

Then, he walked towards the source step by step.

Finally found!

A smile flashed across Xu Jun's face. He quickly stepped forward and fumbled a few times in this seemingly empty place.

Then he grabbed something and pulled it out hard.

Suddenly, a white formation flag was pulled up by him.

Then, the fog shrouding the sky lost its source power and began to slowly dissipate.

Xu Jun chuckled, picked up the main formation flag, and walked outside.

Outside the formation, Ni Lilan frowned slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist Ma, this illusory formation you arranged..."

Mayusong said in a deep voice: "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with it." Ni Lilan shook her head slightly and said, "It's just that I'm a little bit more aggressive. I'm afraid that if I scare the representative of the Natural Dao Palace, I'll be a little embarrassed."

Mayusong was stunned for a moment, his eyes softened, and he said slowly: "That kid has such a loud tone, it shouldn't be..."

Ni Lilan said solemnly: "I thought so at first, so when I set up the formation, I went all out. However, when I finished setting up the formation and rushed over, I lost my temper and remembered that Xu Jun entered the Taoist Palace. Not even three years.”

Mayusong raised his eyebrows and said, "Ah, you're saying that his formation level is actually... very average?"

"How long has Ma Yousong been studying formations for how long?" Mayusong sighed: "Before entering the Dao Palace, I dabbled in it, and it has been 30 years now."

"That's it. You and I both started to learn formations from our families. But Xu Jun, he is a mortal who entered Taoism through martial arts. In just over two years, how many formations can he learn even if he is the reincarnation of the formation immortal? ?”

"I understand." Mayusong suddenly realized, "Then why did the Natural Dao Palace send him here?"

Ni Lilan said slowly: "Because the Natural Dao Palace has lacked talents in the formation path in recent years, and there is no manpower available."

"how do you know?"

"A year ago, I went to the Natural Dao Palace and had discussions with them."

Mayusong was stunned for a while, then turned around and said, "My phantom formation has enhanced the reality of the phantom beast's attacks. It shouldn't hurt him, right?"

At this moment, he was also worried by Ni Lilan.

Ni Lilan shook her head slightly and said, "How about you, fellow Taoist, put some water on it?"

Mayusong was about to nod, but at this moment he seemed to feel something.

He suddenly turned his head and looked towards the illusion formation with bright eyes.

The same was true for Ni Lilan, with a hint of horror in their eyes.

As the top array masters present, they simultaneously sensed that the aura in the illusory array had undergone subversive changes.

"This is…"

The two formation mages quickly exchanged glances, and an idea immediately flashed through their minds.

However, they couldn't believe it anyway.

However, at the next moment, they saw it.

The mist above the illusion array is dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this point, even those formation masters who had never sensed any change in the aura of the formation noticed that something was wrong.

"Look, this formation fog."

"The fog is dissipating."

"There is something wrong with the formation's aura. The pressure inside has disappeared."

"Ah, doesn't that mean...this formation has been broken?"

"How did this break?"

"How do I know? If I knew, I would break the formation."

Just when everyone was talking about it, they saw a figure walking out of the jungle quickly, carrying a formation flag on the figure's shoulders.

There is no doubt that there is only one possibility to almost completely disable and paralyze this second-order magic array.

This kid Xu Jun actually pulled out the formation flag from the main formation's eye.

For a moment, everyone looked at Xu Jun differently.

Before coming here, the array masters looked at Xu Jun with such unkind eyes, even with a hint of contempt.

But at this moment, when they looked at Xu Jun again, their eyes were completely different.

Admiration mixed with a little fear.

Although they had never entered the phantom formation arranged by Mayusong. However, before coming to this second-order phantom formation, they knew based on their own feelings that this phantom formation was no small matter.

Among this kind of miniature second-order formation that can move, the power of this phantom formation is the best.

If they could enter it and come out intact, it would be quite good.

However, after Xu Jun entered, not only did he come out intact, but he also pulled out all the formation flags from the eyes of the main formation.

This strength…

If Xu Jun failed to break the formation, then his previous approach was to speak out.

However, when he successfully breaks through the formation, he has absolute confidence.

Ever since, no one dared to point fingers at him or speak rudely to him.

Xu Jun carried the formation flag in front of Mayusong, put it down, and said: "Fellow Daoist Ma, your illusion formation is really well laid out."

He said this sincerely, but Mayusong's face turned red.

He looked at Xu Jun with grief and anger, but his proud work was cracked by Xu Jun so quickly, which made him completely misunderstand the strength gap between the two sides in the formation.

Therefore, even though he was insulted, he no longer dared to contradict him.

Seeing Mayusong's submissive speechlessness, Xu Jun frowned slightly, why did the Qixing Dao Palace show such a bad attitude this time?

He turned around and said, "Fellow Daoist Ni, I heard that you also arranged one?"

Ni Lilan's face was solemn, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Xu Jun, and she solemnly said: "I am about to ask for advice, Fellow Daoist Xu, please come with me."

A group of people followed Ni Lilan to another part of the back mountain.

Fortunately, everyone is a cultivator, otherwise some of them would have given up halfway.

Pointing to an alternative illusion array in front of her, Ni Lilan said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist Xu, this is the second-level illusion array I have arranged. If you are interested, please give it a try."

At this time, she actually felt a little lucky in her heart.

Fortunately, when setting up the formation, she really went all out and had no good intentions to hold anything back. Otherwise, she might have made a big fool of herself in front of many junior students today.

(End of chapter)

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