My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 285: I'm going to build a foundation

Chapter 285 I’m going to build the foundation

Xu Jun breathed out slowly. When he opened his eyes, two completely different brilliance flashed in his eyes.

One is called death.

Thunder spreads all over, destroying the sky and the earth.

One is called Sheng.

Survival from desperate situation, full of vitality.

The road to life and death!

Xu Jun never thought that when Wan Hu was building the foundation, what he understood was the avenue of life and death.

Swordsman Xu Fei is studying the positive and negative Five Elements Sword Formation of Life and Death, hoping to understand the avenue of life and death from it.

Although he has worked hard enough all along, he has also shown talent and strength that shocked everyone.

However, after comprehending the true meaning of the Five Elements, the true meaning of life and death is still just a step away.

Although there is only one kick, this kick is so close to the end of the world.

Once you step forward, your future will be bright. If you can't get through, you will never be able to get in.

Even sword cultivator Xu Jun himself doesn't know how much time he needs to spend on this before he can take that step.

However, Xu Fei realized it naturally after condensing thousands of arcs.

Thunder is one of the most terrifying forces in the world, it can destroy everything.

However, it is also the source of life in this world.

The first life in the world was born in the baptism of thunder and lightning.

The end of life is death, and the end of death is life.

The ultimate in Leifa perfectly illustrates the relationship between the two.

Xu Jun silently recalled the scene when the three projections were building the foundation.

Xu Jun, the swordsman, was the first to build the foundation. The power of the thunder that day was so powerful that even the Jindan masters were moved by it.

However, relying on the formation of thousands of swords, he was able to resolve it without any danger, and even slightly understood the true meaning of life and death.

And physical cultivator Xu Yi relied on 360 body apertures to build the foundation, and he had the ultimate world body as soon as he succeeded.

With one punch, even the thunder was blown away by his world power.

The subsequent thunderstorm was, to him, more of a baptism and opportunity than a calamity.

At the end, the scene where Xu Yi chases Lei Yun and asks for more chops is hilarious.

However, what shocked Xu Jun the most was Lei Fa Xu Fei.

People either bear the thunderous bombardment as if nothing happened, or after scattering the thunderclouds, they regretfully ask for more thunderous strikes.

But Xu Fei's luck was that he actually transformed into the sky thunder and controlled it.

Control the thunder?

Even when he and Yu Hui got together and brainstormed to the extreme, they never thought that such an incredible scene would happen.

Heavenly thunder, that is the embodiment of the way of heaven.

Since ancient times, it has never been heard of anyone who can control the sky thunder.

But Xu Fei was stunned and did it!

Yu Hui once said that if Xu Jun was building the Thunder Magic Immortal Foundation, he would attract enough thunder to bombard the world's legal body.

Then, it is very likely that his world body will give birth to the first Holy Spirit in that world.

The spirit of the world!

The spirit of the world is the external incarnation of the strongest body that possesses the body of the world.

According to Yu Hui, even the top monsters and demons in ancient times, the great masters with the world body, basically could only give birth to the world spirit at the fourth level.

Therefore, Yu Hui is not optimistic that Xu Jun can do this.

But now, Xu Jun has a glimmer of hope.

If the legal body of the world needs enough baptism of thunder to give birth to the spirit of the world, then he can guarantee that all the thunders in the future can be left behind!

Maybe it can't be done when building the foundation, but if it's a golden elixir... then everything is possible.

In addition, Xu Jun's biggest gain is to understand the true meaning of life and death in advance.

At this moment, even he was a little frightened.

Isn’t it a bit too much to realize what I have learned?

I really don’t know what a terrifying big thing will be created when the world’s legal body is condensed.

Shaking his head, Xu Jun gathered his mind and sensed the number of orifices in his body.


Xu Jun had been suppressing the feeling of the last body orifice.

In Dantian, the source of sword energy lies.


Similarly, Xu Jun did not dare to engrave the last origin.

As a result, Silver Moon Hanguang Sword let out a wave of aggrieved emotions, as if it was about to cry at any time.

Xu Jun quickly comforted him and then transferred his thoughts.

In the center of the Dantian, the huge thunder hammer continuously interacted with the nine thunder clouds, and countless arcs filled the entire Dantian.

In the corner of Dantian is part of the mana that has not yet turned into arcs.

These mana are fed back from the 359 body apertures, which is equivalent to his ultimate cultivation level of body training.

Sensing Xu Jun's spiritual thoughts, the thunder hammer also released a trace of spiritual thoughts, seeming to urge Xu Jun to gather the last thunder cloud group as quickly as possible.

Xu Jun laughed dumbly.

At this time, everything is ready and all we need is the east wind.

The day of foundation building is now!

He stood up and walked out of the villa door.

His body flashed, and this time he did not use any sword energy, nor did he control objects to fly.

As the figure flashed, it turned into a bolt of lightning and suddenly went away.

Taixuan Lightning Escape!

This is a super escape method that normal Lei Xiu would only study after getting the Golden Pill.

However, there are only a handful of Lei Xiu who can really research something and use it.

But now, a specialized escape technique has appeared in Xu Jun, a monk in the Qi training period.

In terms of speed alone, Lei Dun's ultimate speed actually exceeds that of Feijian.

A moment later, Xu Jun had arrived at the administrative building.

He slowed down and came to the office of the executive vice president.

"Come in."

Xu Jun pushed the door open and walked in. The puppet raised his head, glanced at Xu Jun, and said slowly: "Are you ready?"


"Foundation Pill?"


"...You are looking for me, what do you need?"

"I need a cave abode of the third level or above. No one is allowed within ten miles of the cave abode." Xu Jun said slowly: "When I build the foundation, the movement should be relatively loud, and it may also cause huge losses, so this It is best not to have any valuable spiritual plants, objects or formations within ten miles.”

The puppet looked at him silently.

Is this guy Xu Jun talking about foundation building?

What he said should be pill formation!

However, thinking about Xu Jun's feat of causing disaster when he opened the sky, Ye Wanqing immediately made a decision.

"Wait for me for half an hour."


There is a peak somewhere in the mountain behind Natural Dao Palace.

Suddenly, several people flew over. They opened the cave and put everything that could be stored into storage bags.

Zhongli Zhijie, Guan Ziqian, Zhao Qiong, Sheng Sunyi, and Sang Yujun.

After finishing the processing, Guan Ziqian's consciousness dispersed and asked: "Is there anything else missing?"

"No more. This mountain peak and the surrounding twenty miles have been vacated."

A voice echoed from the clouds in the sky.

The faces of several Jindan Masters changed slightly, and they all saluted to the sky.

"Meet the principal."

The clouds split, Huang Kan slowly fell down, and next to him was Ye Wanqing with a calm expression.

Zhong Li gave Ye Wanqing a hard look and said, "Principal, you are just a student from our physical education branch, and you are actually alarmed..."

"Xu Jun majored in swordsmanship." Guan Ziqian said coldly.

The other golden elixirs also looked at him with unkind expressions.

Zhongli smiled awkwardly, it was enough to offend Guan Ziqian, but facing the hostile looks of so many golden elixirs, he really did not dare to say any more.

Huang Kan glanced at everyone silently and said, "Okay, put your things away and let that kid come over."

Ye Wanqing said respectfully: "Yes, principal."

Huang Kan's body flashed with light and he disappeared instantly.

This is when he tore apart the void and moved his body away.

This is something that only the Nascent Soul Master who has mastered the void realm can do. In a blink of an eye, he can escape hundreds of miles away, and his ability to save his life is greatly enhanced.

Therefore, in battles between Nascent Soul Lords, even if they can usually defeat their opponents, it is extremely difficult to kill them.

Unless you have a treasure that specifically restrains the realm, or several Yuanying True Lords have deployed magic circles to lock the void in advance, other means such as Yuanying True Lord can basically escape if you can't defeat them.

Similarly, people in the void realm can escape and be hunted.

It may not be enough to chase down the same level, but if you want to kill Jin Dan, you have it at your fingertips.

If Master Yuanying is targeted, Master Jindan will basically have no way to escape and will definitely die.

Zhongli breathed a sigh of relief. When facing the Nascent Soul Lord, even a group of golden elixirs were under tremendous pressure.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you informed us because of our agreement with you, but why did you even notify the principal?"

Guan Ziqian and others also looked over at the same time, their eyes a little dissatisfied.

Although Xu Jun is extremely talented, in the final analysis, he is just building a foundation. Not to mention the Nascent Soul Lord, even these Jindan Lords would generally not pay attention to it.

The reason why they care is because Xu Jun has been mentored by them and is also a pillar of the lineage they cultivate.

But no matter what, getting the principal involved always makes them feel like they are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Ye Wanqing shook his head helplessly and said: "Everyone, the principal has already said that Xu Jun must be notified before he breaks through the foundation building. Well, earlier than you."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. It turned out that the principal had already paid attention to the boy.

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads and looked in a certain direction.

"Here we come." Zhongli said softly.

Ye Wanqing immediately said: "Everyone, let's leave, don't put any pressure on him."

Although he doubted whether Xu Jun would care about the pressure they put on him. However, if you can give in, it is better to give in.

Everyone nodded and used their own methods to escape in the opposite direction from where the aura came.

However, just a moment later, everyone stopped in unison.

"It's not a flying sword, this is..."

"Tai Xuan Lightning Escape!" Zhao Qiong said word by word, his eyes were shining, and he couldn't help but be excited: "The fastest escape method in the world... This kid is indeed a natural thunder cultivator."

Everyone rolled their eyes, but their hearts were inexplicably shocked.

This is the golden elixir escape method! How did this kid do it?

Twenty miles away, high in the sky.

Huang Kan murmured: "The talent of Thunder Dao is the best in history. The Supreme Eye of Heaven is really unparalleled in his discernment."


Xu Jun escaped all the way and arrived at this mountain peak according to the navigation given by Principal Ye.

First, he looked around and saw that there was nothing distracting wherever he saw it. Anyway, he had given advance warning. Even if any valuables were damaged within ten miles, he would not be blamed on himself.

Reaching out and taking out a key, Xu Jun turned his consciousness and opened the cave below.

A burst of extremely pure spiritual power rushed towards his face.

The third level cave.

This is the surging spiritual power in the third-level cave.

Even though Xu Jun's home in Zixia City is a second-level cave abode, compared to the third-level cave, the distance during this period is hugely different.

The figure flashed and entered it.

If Xu Jun only condensed the swordsmanship and immortality, then a second-level cave would be enough for him to squander.

However, he has now reached the point where he can prove the Tao through strength in each of his three cultivations of swordsmanship and body.

So, even Xu Jun himself didn't know how much spiritual power it would take in total. That's why he asked Ye Wanqing to borrow the third-level cave.

I originally thought that even if Principal Ye agreed, he would definitely ask why.

Unexpectedly, the arrangements were made directly without anyone asking.

Xu Jun is truly grateful for Principal Ye's trust.

Sitting down cross-legged, Xu Jun gathered his thoughts.

Thunder Sword Spiritual Root!

Begin to engrave the origin of the thousandth sword energy.

As this thought emerged, the lightning spiritual root hidden in an unknown place began to tremble.

The next moment, a thunder sword spiritual root appeared in Xu Jun's dantian, which was between reality and reality.

The moment it appeared, both the Silver Moon Cold Light Sword and the Thunder Hammer emitted happy spiritual emotions. They all sensed their own share of the same power in their spiritual roots.

The thunder sword spiritual roots swayed slightly, as if responding to the call of the two treasures and resonating with them.

Then, the thunder sword spiritual root began to be carved down towards the dantian wall.

The thunder sword spiritual root that had been accumulated for an unknown amount of time was completed in almost an instant, and the last source inscription among the thousand swords was completed.

The moment the spiritual root left the Dantian wall, a strange force was born from the main sword mark.

Xu Jun also possessed Xu Jun, a swordsman, and observed the entire process of building the foundation of a thousand swords.

However, it was not until I started doing it myself that I realized that this feeling was becoming more intense and exciting.

An aura of mystery, mystery, and indescribability began to permeate the air.

This aura started from the main sword mark, expanded towards the source of sword aura one after another, and quickly included them all.

When the last source of sword energy was incorporated into the Thousand Swords system, Xu Jun's dantian suddenly erupted with unimaginable power.


A huge formation that condensed thousands of sword energy slowly floated up.

When they saw this Thousand Swords Formation, everyone's faces became extremely wonderful.

"Thousand swords form an array. Sure enough, a thousand swords form an array." Ye Wanqing murmured: "After Patriarch Bai, the second sword cultivator of the Immortal Alliance to prove the Tao of Thousand Swords... appeared again."

Before Xu Jun established his foundation, no one knew that he would make such a choice, and no one dared to force him.

However, everyone actually has a premonition.

That is, Xu Jun studied in Daogong for three years and never proposed to change his major. This actually represents one of his attitudes.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he will build the foundation of swordsmanship.

However, before Xu Jun actually showed Thousand Swords, others were suspicious, but they were absolutely not sure that he actually planned to build Thousand Swords Foundation.

In the tens of thousands of years since Ancestor Bai of the Immortal Alliance, and in the thousands of years since then, there has never been such a feat.

Even the current immortal ancestors of the Immortal Alliance thought that the emergence of a White Ancestor from the Immortal Alliance had already exhausted tens of thousands of years of luck.

If you think of a second such peerless genius, you may have to wait for who knows how many years.

But now, only a few thousand years later, they have seen it again.

At this time, no matter how emotional everyone felt, they all had a sense of mission to witness history.

The second Ancestor Bai in the Immortal Alliance!

In the dark, wisps of the true meaning of the avenue began to escape.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

In the void, the sound of waves surging suddenly came.

Countless rays of light flow, as if the sparkling water surface is trickling.

Sang Yujun suddenly raised his head and exclaimed: "The true meaning of the great road, the true meaning of water!" She let go of her consciousness and comprehended it with all her strength.

Although this is not the true meaning of the avenue caused by her, even if the divine consciousness is released, it cannot invade it.

However, even just one percent understanding would be of great benefit to her.

Several Jindan glanced at her, with a hint of envy in their eyes. Xu Jun's foundation building was actually able to trigger the true meaning of water, which was really a win for her.

The true meaning of water lasted about ten minutes.

Suddenly, the endless glow changed, and a huge towering tree appeared in everyone's eyes. When looking at this giant tree that seemed both virtual and real, everyone felt a sense of fear as they watched the avenue.

Sang Yujun had stopped comprehending after the true meaning of water disappeared.

There was a look of regret on her face. Although he had gained a lot from this trip, there was no way he could say it was enough in the current situation.

She wished she could realize it directly for three days and three nights.

However, after seeing the giant tree, she gasped and said, "The true meaning of the tree?"

Several Jindan looked at each other, and an extremely strange idea suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Ten minutes later, the glow changed like a billowing fire, churning without repair.

In another ten minutes, the glow was as thick as earth, thick and heavy.

Finally, the endless glow turned into a tangible giant sword. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, like silk and thread, and the sword light flowed like a swimming dragon.

The sharpness of metal is vividly displayed.

Guan Ziqian's eyes were filled with splendor.

When she saw Thousand Swords Proving the Way, she was actually quite disheartened.

Xu Jun still chose the way of Wang Jian.

However, after seeing the silk-like aura of the sword transformed from the true meaning of gold, she immediately regained her energy and felt that her three years of hard work had not been in vain.

This little guy really takes Jian Qi Rusi seriously.

Although it is still not possible to turn the sword energy into a python, it has already taken shape.

As long as you work hard in the future, once you transform into a dragon, it will roam the world with just a thousand swords, nothing more.

However, Sang Yujun's focus is not on this.

Sensing the true meaning of the five elements, an overwhelming surge came.

Her face flashed with disbelief: "The true meaning of the Five Elements, is this... the true meaning of the Five Elements?"

She originally thought that Xu Jun's ability to grasp the true meaning of water was already an extremely remarkable thing. However, she didn't expect that today would give her a bigger impact.

When Xu Jun gathered a thousand swords and planned to use them to prove the truth, it turned out to be the true meaning of the Five Elements descended from heaven, which made her so excited that she almost lost her temper.

This child is definitely the treasure of the Five Elements Branch!

At this moment, Sang Yujun felt furious.

What about your swordsmanship? So what about physical training, Lei Xiu is not even worth mentioning.

Our Five Elements Branch has five deans!

The worst we can do is get into a fight, we'll fight five against one, and we'll beat you until you cry for father and mother.

Suddenly, when the true meaning of the Five Elements gradually fell silent, the thousand sword energies finally formed an unprecedented super formation.

The positive and negative Five Elements Sword Formation of Life and Death!

Those thousand sword energies circulated rapidly, forming this shocking super sword formation.

"Huh? What kind of sword formation is this?" Zhongli Zhili asked in confusion.

He felt an extremely terrifying pressure from this sword formation, a fear that made him tremble.

As a cultivator, since he can feel this way, it proves that the power of this sword array is enough to pose a huge threat to him.

It's not surprising that a thousand sword formations can threaten Jin Dan.

But the problem is that with Zhongli's sharp eyesight, he can't tell what kind of sword formation this is, which is surprising.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ye Wanqing.

They all know that Principal Ye used to be the dean of the Kendo Branch, and he was also a fierce man who ruled the roost with the King of Swordsmanship.

If anyone here could recognize it, it would be him.

However, Ye Wanqing shook his head slightly and said: "I can't tell, but this sword array contains the five elements, and there is also a hint of... more terrifying power. Xu Jun should have obtained it from the ruins of Hongxia."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize, and they all sighed at how lucky this kid was.

That means Yuhui is not here, otherwise he would definitely be confused. I wonder if I stuffed the wrong thing when I was making a fake.

High in the sky, Huang Kan's eyes widened.

His lips trembled slightly.

Sensing the faint trace of the sword intention of life and death in the sword formation, he really felt like he had been alive for a long time.

Sword Intent of Life and Death?

The true meaning of life and death manifested by the sword's will!

This is the Qi training period... no, is it something that can be mastered during the foundation building period?

I am afraid that even those ancestors who transformed themselves into gods would dare to ponder the true meaning of such a heaven-defying avenue!

Although the sword array was flowing at this time, the true meaning was hidden. But just that little bit of leakage had already made Huang Kan feel frightened.

He suddenly remembered the comments made by His Majesty when he had an audience with the Divine Eye.

The most talented swordsman in history.

He was wondering at that time, what kind of evaluation was this? Could it be that Xu Jun's talent in swordsmanship could surpass that of Patriarch Bai?

However, today, at the moment when he sensed the sword intention of life and death in the sword formation.

He went from doubt to belief.

Even if Patriarch Bai is here in person, he probably has to admit that he is still slightly inferior to Xu Jun when it comes to practicing Qi and building the foundation.

Well, it’s definitely just a little bit inferior!

Zhenjun Huang Kan thought a little unconfidently.

You must know that the great destructive sword power of Patriarch Bai, which killed demons and suppressed a generation, was only possessed after the golden elixir.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, the sky turned black in the distance, and the sound of rolling thunder suddenly exploded.


Everyone at the scene had the same cry in their hearts.

Thousand Swords Proof, after stimulating the true meaning of the Great Dao, thunder from the sky was indeed ushered in.

I just don’t know if Xu Jun can handle it easily.

That's right, they never doubted whether Xu Jun would fall under the thunder, they just wanted to know how much effort Xu Jun could use to resolve the disaster.

However, at this moment, when Xu Jun sensed the rolling thunder, he started a new move.

Physical cultivator Xu Yi, who was originally shielded by his spiritual consciousness, suddenly let go of his perception of the 360th body orifice at this moment.

This is an extremely mysterious and instantaneous feeling.

Therefore, Xu Jun immediately sensed the 360th perfect Great Zhoutian body orifice that was originally obscure and impossible to detect!

(End of chapter)

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