Chapter 35 Safety first

After getting off the ring, Xu Jun said with a smile: "Brother Li, I control my time well. Haha, don't shake your head, I saw the code you gave me."

Li Qiankun was confused and said, "What's the secret code?"

Xu Jun was startled and said in surprise: "When I looked at you, weren't you winking at me?"

Li Qiankun was stunned.


Nima, you’ve been looking at something for a long time, don’t you need to blink?

However, in the face of Xu Jun's inquiry, he still took a long breath and said: "Brother Xu is right, I am giving you a code. However, I didn't expect that in such a fierce battle, you Still paying attention."

Xu Jun was about to speak when his watch rang at an inappropriate time.

"Brother, you won, that's great."

"Come here quickly, let's go eat and celebrate."

Xu Jun smiled, clicked his watch, and left with Li Qiankun.

There were only four games in the morning. When Xu Jun stepped down, the audience left one after another.

Not to mention the family dinner celebration at noon, Xu Jun also came to watch the four games in the afternoon.

Then, he felt completely relieved.

Among all the contestants, Deng Le from Foshan Martial Arts School is a bit interesting.

As for the rest of the people, they were all just walk-ons. Xu Jun believed that if there was no mutual agreement between the martial arts schools, then one strike of the sword would definitely make them kneel down and call daddy on the spot.

On Monday, Xu Jun entered school as usual.

However, from the moment he stepped into the classroom, he immediately felt the different eyes of everyone.

Fang Jian came over, extended his thumb, and said, "Old Xu, this is amazing."

"What's so great?"

"Your performance in the ring is really amazing." Fang Jian sighed with admiration on his face: "That is a peak martial artist the day after tomorrow, and he was fooled around by you. It's so amazing."

"Yes, yes, Xu Jun, you are so awesome."

"Xu Jun, how do you practice swordsmanship? Can you teach us." A female classmate asked delicately.

The rest of the people immediately raised their ears, and the scene became quiet.

Xu Jun spread his hands and said: "My understanding of the way of swordsmanship was gained through sword practice. I can accompany you to practice swordsmanship, but this thing... really can't be taught."

He definitely didn't lie. Every time he went to another world to see little Xu Jun, he understood the realm of swordsmanship only after watching him practice swordsmanship.

There was a sudden cry in the class.

However, everyone also knew that Xu Jun did not lie.

The realm of kendo is different from the boxing, swordsmanship, swordsmanship and other routines of martial arts.

Routines can be taught, and so can the techniques for moving Qi and blood.

But the thing about realm is like inspiration, too mysterious.

If you understand, you understand, and you understand it as a matter of course.

But when you don’t understand, no matter how you explain it, you still don’t understand.

Liberal arts mathematics, some people can understand it at a glance, learn it as soon as possible, and can draw inferences from one example.

But no matter how hard they learn, some people remain confused and feel that they have been abandoned by God.

The same is true in the realm of swordsmanship.

"Classmate Xu Jun, can we discuss with you when we study martial arts in the future?" Another female classmate asked expectantly.

"Of course." Xu Jun smiled and said, "You are welcome at any time."

Everyone exchanged glances with each other, all eager to try.

This is innate. Although it is only innate in swordsmanship, innate is innate. The experience of being able to fight with Xiantian is really not something that ordinary people can easily obtain. Even though they all knew that they would definitely lose if they played, no one wanted to give up.

Because this may be the only opportunity for them to compete openly and openly with Xiantian in school.

It's impossible for them to go to class one and challenge those two innates.

Even if they went there shamelessly, the rest of Class 1 would never allow it.

There was a commotion in the classroom, and when it was time for free activities in the martial arts department today, those who challenged Xu Jun suddenly lined up.

Xu Jun welcomed everyone who came and played happily with his classmates.

For him, competing with classmates with second- and third-level strength is really just a joke.

After it was over, Liu Yang let the others disperse and left Xu Jun behind.

"Xu Jun, after the Youth Martial Arts Cup this time, you'd better not participate in such socially organized martial arts competitions again."

Xu Jun was startled and asked in confusion: "Why?"

Liu Yang smiled and said: "As a student, the most important thing is to practice hard while laying a solid foundation. Look at He Zhichao and Liu Xuanyue, they have never participated in a social competition."

After a pause, he added: "Not only our school, but also the guy from No. 1 Middle School."

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

One middle school.

That is a name that can never be avoided in the Zixia City high school community.

It can be said that at the age-appropriate stage, almost all the real first-class talents are recruited by No. 1 Middle School.

This kind of history goes back at least hundreds of years.

He Zhichao and Liu Xuanyue are an exception.

The No. 1 Middle School also lived up to expectations, and students from each class were able to crush their peers from other schools.

Even now, it is no exception.

In addition to the students who are cultivators, No. 1 Middle School also has innate-level students, and the number is much greater than that of No. 3 Middle School.

Among them, the guy that Teacher Liu Yang was talking about was Jin Languang, the most powerful innate student in No. 1 Middle School. He was also a swordsman.

Since he entered school, he had beaten everyone in the first two years. Even the two geniuses in No. 3 Middle School had suffered repeated defeats and had never won a single match.

Under Liu Yang's explanation, Xu Jun understood the reason.

The ultimate goal of students is to get into a good university.

Among them, the most desirable one is undoubtedly the Three Avenues Palace.

What students fear most is taking detours and getting injured during their cultivation.

Under the supervision and guidance of teachers, the possibility of taking detours is actually not high.

But if you are unlucky, the probability of getting injured due to going crazy in practice or fighting with others is actually higher.

As for martial arts competitions in society...

In terms of real practical ability and experience, students' innate talents are still fundamentally different from those innate students in society who are accustomed to being ruthless and violent.

Although the potential and future of the former is far better than that of the latter.

But the consequences of fighting at this time are hard to describe.

After Liu Yang explained, he said sternly: "As a student, of course safety comes first. If you accidentally get injured and affect your condition, then it's a small gain but a big loss."

After hearing this, Xu Jun nodded solemnly and said: "Teacher Liu, I understand. After this Youth Martial Arts Cup ends, I will not participate in similar social competitions again."

Liu Yang said happily: "Okay, oh, by the way, He Zhichao from Class 1 has proposed that he would like to compete with you. What do you think?"

What's so great?

Xu Jun's heart moved slightly. He had already seen the talents in society.

So, the talent among students is really something that people look forward to.

(End of chapter)

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