Chapter 39 Dig it for me

Xu Jun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Deng Le's long stick was not provided by the organizer, but his own exclusive weapon.

This weapon is...poisonous!

I don’t know what kind of material was painted on it, but it’s very reflective.

Once it is swung, countless dazzling lights suddenly bloom under the countless lights of the martial arts main stadium.

The audience in the auditorium will only find it radiant, dazzling and interesting.

However, those who played against Deng Le would never think so.

The countless dazzling lights actually carried a strange pressure, making Xu Jun's eyelids seem to be slightly numb and painful.

There are thousands of martial arts in the world, each with its own different mysteries.

This was the first time Xu Jun encountered such a situation.

If you are really a novice, even if you are stronger than the opponent, you will still be in a hurry for a while.

But Seo Jun is different, that's really different.

He does not have much experience in fighting with others, especially against innate-level warriors, and his experience is even less.

However, Xiao Xujun from another world is different.

I have an innate sparring partner every day. Although I am in pain after being beaten by the little guy, I still work hard and enjoy it with pleasure.

Therefore, not only is Xiao Xujun's experience not lacking, but it is very rich, too rich.

Then, the same is true for Seo Jun!

So, Xu Jun closed his eyes.

Under the bright light of the sword's heart, every move of Deng Le was under his observation. The shadow of the stick and the reflected light that seemed to fill the sky were no longer mysterious.

Xu Jun's body was full of energy and blood, and he had the urge to attack with all his strength.

Ten cries formed a gang, and then he swung away Deng Le's long stick and stabbed his throat with the impulse.

Deng Le, who was rushing forward, suddenly felt a strong, indescribable sense of panic.

It was as if an unparalleled terrifying demon had set its sights on him and wanted to devour him.

As an innate warrior, he already has a certain sixth sense. Especially when he is about to encounter danger, he will have such a feeling to some extent.

It's like the feeling of a small animal in the animal kingdom when it encounters the gaze of its natural enemy.

He tried his best to overcome the fear in his heart, but when he took action, he still inevitably slowed down by three points. The long stick was no longer able to attack with all its strength. Instead, it left some strength, ready to switch from offense to defense at any time.


With a blur in front of his eyes, Xu Jun finally drew his sword.

Between the countless stick shadows and the interlacing light, there suddenly appeared a white brilliance.

This brilliance is inconspicuous, just like a small boat in the stormy waves, as if it can barely maintain its balance.

It seems that as long as the stick shadow is a little stronger, it can completely crush this brilliance at any time.

Below the ring, a thin middle-aged man watched silently.

His brows suddenly wrinkled and he said, "This Xu Jun looks quite young."

A man in his thirties next to him whispered: "Principal, I checked the information and found that Xu Jun is a student and is a senior in high school this year."

"Is he still a student?"

This man is Wang Daxuan, the principal of Zixia City No. 1 Middle School, and he is also the only principal with the level of cultivator in Zixia City's education system.

Although he is only a part-time and nominal principal who never handles official duties, this identity belongs to him.

Next to him was his secretary and nephew Wang Yiling.

Wang Yiling glanced at the field, but immediately looked away because he couldn't understand which one had the upper hand: "Yes, he is a senior student in No. 3 Middle School."

Nodding slightly, Wang Daxuan said with a smile: "Why did such a good seedling fall into the hands of No. 3 Middle School again? Hey, those guys in the admissions office are really useless."

Wang Yiling immediately closed his mouth and pretended not to hear.

Wang Daxuan thought for a while and suddenly said: "Go and make arrangements to see if this kid is interested in coming to study in our school."

Slightly startled, Wang Yiling said: "Yes, principal, do you need to use funds with special provisions?" For the sake of its own strength, it is the school's foundation to poach people from outside the school.

Whether he is a teacher or a student, as long as it can benefit him, Wang Daxuan will never be stingy or polite.

However, generally speaking, senior high school students from other schools are no longer worth their while.

Because the food looks so ugly.

Moreover, the difficulty of poaching a senior high school student is completely different from seducing a kid who has just finished the high school entrance examination.

If you want the other party to come over willingly, ordinary conditions will definitely not work.

Wang Daxuan pondered for a moment and said, "Tell them that they can make any offer within one million."


Wang Yiling glanced at the ring again, but he couldn't tell that that kid was worth a million.

To be able to last so long in Deng Le's hands without being beaten to death with a stick is indeed a bit of a skill, and he might even be promoted to innate.

However, is there a shortage of talented students in their first middle school?

There is really no shortage.

The number of innate-level students in No. 1 Middle School has exceeded ten.

They all come from wealthy families, and the martial arts resources they have acquired since childhood are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Although this kind of practice has some negative effects on the final road to heaven, innateness is innate, and these people are likely to be able to attend the top ten colleges.

Moreover, their real trump card is the student of the Immortal Cultivator.

Although this year is a little different, there was a little surprise.

But the foundation of No. 1 Middle School is definitely not comparable to that of No. 3 Middle School.

If it weren't for the principal's orders, Wang Yiling would never have worried about this matter.

In the ring, Xu Jun didn't know that he was being targeted by a certain boss because of his appearance.

While waving his long sword, he pulled Deng Le's long stick like a monkey.

It seems that Xu Jun's situation is in danger, but in fact, Deng Le has been complaining for a long time.

He seemed to be trapped in an invisible net, and even if he tried his best, he could not escape.

He wanted to jump out of the circle several times, but a vague sense of crisis always filled his heart, preventing him from doing such irrational behavior.

Suddenly, Deng Le heard a voice coming from his opponent's mouth.

"290, 291, 292..."

What is Seo Jun doing?

Still have time to count?

Suddenly, an idea came to Deng Le's mind.

No way!

Just when he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, Xu Jun finally counted "300".

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

A continuous sound of swords suddenly sounded among the shadows of countless sticks.

Deng Le's figure stagnated, and he felt that the energy and blood in his body suddenly surged, as if he was no longer under his control.

Then, as soon as his hand was released, the long stick flew into the sky.

When the sword light flashed in front of him, Xu Jun took three steps back, sheathed his sword and stood up.

But Deng Le's chest and skirt already had an extra hole.

"Thunder Martial Arts School, Xu Jun wins."

There was an uproar in the audience.

Wang Daxuan suddenly laughed and said, "Interesting boy, Yiling."


"Tell them to increase their efforts, dig it out for me within three hundred... no, within five million."

"Ah, yes, principal."

(End of chapter)

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