Thirty-Two: Who Will Win?

“You can even do micro-manipulation.” Su Jie was surprised. Su Jie couldn’t do Asuna’s smooth operation just now.

I have to admit that there is a gap between people in some aspects. For example, some people in school are top students, while some people study hard day and night, but they can’t reach the passing line.

There is no doubt that Asuna is a master of games. She was able to defeat Su Jie’s first wave of attacks by relying on her strong operation level shortly after she came into contact with this game of StarCraft.

But the game is not over yet!

Su Jie became more and more interested. Although Su Jie lost to Asuna in his own operation, Su Jie’s understanding of the game has a lot of experience in his previous life, which is not comparable to Asuna.

After the first wave of attack was frustrated, Su Jie also took advantage of the situation to open his second sub-mine. Two bunkers were built on the high ground at the intersection of the base, and the spearmen entered the bunkers to lurk.

Sure enough, the Zerg that wiped out Su Jie’s first wave of troops took advantage of the victory and pursued. The puppy and Hydralisk reached Su Jie’s main house and rushed in.

It’s just that the bunkers of the human race are not so easy to kill. Su Jie suffered from the Zerg bunkers before, and now it’s the Zerg’s turn to taste the power of the bunkers.

A large number of charging Hydralisks were blasted by the bunkers. The bunkers repaired by SCVs made the Zerg troops feel like they had nowhere to bite the turtles. They couldn’t rush into the base to kill Su Jie’s farmers.

After successfully defending against the attack of the Zerg, Su Jie’s Terran family slowed down the speed of sending troops, and began to rapidly upgrade technology, build new buildings, and produce more powerful arms.

At the same time, the base owner’s radar station was built, and from time to time, a radar scan was thrown in the direction of Asuna’s Zerg base to monitor the development and movements of the Zerg.

I don’t know when, more and more students are watching behind Su Jie and Asuna. Compared with other people who fight in disorder, and even rely on farmers to decide the outcome of StarCraft, Su Jie and Asuna are the best. The real game, in the battle of wits and courage, shows the operation of arms and the understanding of tactics.

Miyazaki Longjing was like this. He watched the match between the two behind Su Jie, his eyes widened in surprise, and he said with emotion: “It doesn’t feel like you are playing the same game. ”


“Two masters! I’m too embarrassed to play by myself.”

“Asuna’s game talent has always been very high, and today she has met her opponent.”

“Bet, bet, Sujie or Asuna will win, I’m sure I’m leaving!”

About a dozen students surrounded Su Jie and Asuna. The other computers stopped playing StarCraft. They all ran behind them to watch and learn the techniques of Su Jie and Asuna.

In the game, Su Jie’s tank heavy factory has already produced a large number of tanks, vulture tanks, and giant robots. At the same time, the transport planes on the airport have also begun to be produced.

In Su Jie’s scan, Asuna has already opened up the third base, and the fourth sub-mine is under construction, and the development speed is astonishingly fast.

This is where the Zerg race is terrifying. The ability to roll snowballs and storm soldiers is unrivaled.

In the second wave of attack, Su Jie’s barracks began to rise into the air, giving way to the high ground, led by spearmen, followed by dozens of siege tanks, vulture chariots, and giant robots, and once again pushed towards the direction of the Zerg.

The large troops here have just left, and the third human base that the main family has been building has also flown out, and set up camp in the mining area at seven o’clock to build a third sub-mine.

Two transport planes were fully loaded with gunmen, and began to fly along the edge of the map, with the goal also heading in the direction of the Zerg base.

On the road, I met a Zerg host. Although it was wiped out in the blink of an eye, Asuna also discovered the human race’s movements.

A large wave of human troops is coming!

Asuna almost had a conditioned reflex. This thought flashed in her mind, and she quickly dispatched troops to organize defense.

You must know the fighting power of the human race in the mid-term, but when it is the strongest, the enemy often cannot survive the waves of the human race in the mid-term.

Asuna has no fear, only the desire to fight in the game, and even flushes with excitement on her face, which Asuna will only show when she meets a real opponent in the game.

She tapped the keyboard and mouse steadily and quickly with both hands, and her eyes seemed to see Su Jie’s figure through the computer screen, and her fighting spirit was burning.

In an open field of lava in the center of the map, Su Jie’s large human army met the large Zerg army controlled by Asuna.

Stand up! Siege mode!

A dozen or so tanks were all set up, and the towering flat barrels greatly increased the firing range.

Boom boom boom!

The distance was still far away, and the muzzles of the tanks sprayed out fiery flames. The violent roar made the players feel like they were on the scene, and they were brought into the game in an instant.

The sea of ​​insects rolling in like a wave in front of them was emptied in an instant. The destructive power of the siege tanks was unparalleled. Except for the ultimate unit of the Zerg, the Thunder Beast, other land units were no different from paper in front of the tanks.

Asuna tried her best to disperse the Zerg troops to reduce the damage they received, but as they approached, the siege tank fired another round, and the Zerg swarm exploded into groups of bloody corpses.

A group of flying dragons raided from the flanks, trying to take down the siege tanks with amazing lethality, but the giant robots were closely guarded, and surface-to-air missiles were fired at the flying dragons for free.

Coupled with the anti-aircraft turret built by SCV in the position, the flying dragon suffered heavy losses. It only took away a few tanks and had to retreat, otherwise they would all die here.

The swarm charge got closer, the range of the siege tank was too far, at least half of the Hydralisk’s range.

There are also a huge number of Zerg puppies that attack in melee, and they must get close to gain an advantage.

However, the positional warfare of the human race has only just begun. The tracking mines planted by the Vulture Chariot have drilled out of the ground one after another, and exploded among the dense Zerg dogs.

Lancers and Pyro giant robots stood in front of the siege tanks one after another, forming a multi-layered line of defense to prevent the swarm from attacking the siege tanks behind.

And the astonishingly powerful siege tanks can output without any scruples, blowing up the bug swarm.

In this case, Asuna’s hand speed is useless. The continuous bombardment damage of the siege tanks makes it very rare for Asuna to micromanage.

Unless it’s a professional player who has experienced battles and undergoes rigorous training, he may be able to break through Su Jie’s human defense line. Asuna has a talent for games, but she still lacks training.

Asuna didn’t break through the human line of defense until the number of Zerg casualties was half. In front of the tight human line of defense, the swarm was as helpless as if they were stuck in a quagmire.

The continuous artillery bombardment of the siege tanks hit the metal storm fired by the stimulant gunmen, and the homing mines laid by the vulture chariot.

The only threatening flying dragon was restrained by giant robots. Su Jie’s line of defense gave Asuna the feeling that it was like a steel city wall. Throwing all the troops into it would only result in bloodshed.

Just when Asuna was thinking about a last-ditch effort, two Terran transport planes flew to the unsuspecting Zerg master’s house, dropped two teams of spearmen, and frantically strafed the Zerg farmers.

One by one Zerg worker bees (farmers) were shot to death, but within a few seconds, all the farmers of the Zerg master’s house died, and the spearmen began to shoot at the buildings.

Faced with this sudden airdrop attack, Asuna was taken aback, and hurriedly mobilized the Zerg army back to defend, otherwise, even if she won the battle, her main family would be gone.

Su Jie’s human army did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but fought steadily after the arrival of the reinforcements from the rear.go ahead.

Every time they walk a little, they will stop to set up some tanks, especially some high grounds that are difficult to attack from land, and they are firmly occupied by tanks, without getting carried away.

You must know that the siege ability of the Zerg is very strong. If Asuna accidentally wraps the dumplings around the dog, there is a risk of complete annihilation.

By the time Asuna transferred the swarm back home and wanted to kill the airdropped spearmen, the transport plane had loaded up all the spearmen, patted their asses and left, leaving behind a messy base.

The flying dragons wanted to pursue them, but found that the transport plane had already arrived at Erfen Mine. Several anti-aircraft batteries had been built in the high ground below the mining area, and the flying dragons returned in vain.

The transport plane brought the two tanks over and set them up on the high ground of the Zerg mine. Taking advantage of the vision of the transport plane, the siege tanks with a super long range bombed wantonly, killing many Zerg farmers and forcing the mining area to fail. Defensive mining.

Asuna’s Zerg has opened a total of four mines, including the main family and this sub-mine. Two sub-mines have stopped collecting. The Zerg needs a lot of money to mobilize troops. When there is no money, it is often the time to perish.

At this time, the large human army has advanced to the entrance of the fourth sub-mine of the Zerg, easily destroying a sub-mine that has just been built, and then continues to advance. With the super long range of the tank, the Zerg fort can only be beaten and cannot fight back.

The balance of victory has completely turned to Su Jie’s side. The three mining areas of the Terran are already mining at full capacity, and the tanks and spearmen produced continuously in the rear support one after another. A line connected by green dots can be seen on the map, between the Terran and the Zerg. Connected on the map between them, those are the Terran support troops displayed.

The transport plane continued to carry gunmen to harass the Zerg’s sub-mine base, making it impossible for the Zerg to obtain economics with peace of mind, and the speed of the rampage became slower.

Faced with Su Jie’s two-line attack, on the one hand, the steel battle formation of large troops is advancing, and on the other hand, the flexible air-dropped gunmen kill farmers and destroy the economy. This is the first time Asuna has encountered this kind of tactical play, and she can’t imagine it in a short time. reasonable response.

And Su Jie didn’t give Asuna a chance to take a break. The superior human troops came to the third sub-mine of the Zerg. This is the only place where the Zerg can still get money. Asuna must not abandon this sub-mine. of.

The troops that could still move were mobilized by Asuna, wanting to gamble for the last time.

Click! Click!

But it was too late at this time. Su Jie, who had gained a huge advantage, already had 30 tanks. When Su Jie set up all these tanks, a round of salvo bombing knocked out almost half of the Zerg troops. It was another round of bombing, and there were only three or two kittens left in the Zerg army.

The spearmen went up to sweep the tail, and the torrent of steel rolled in. There was no enemy in their path. Both the buildings and the Zerg were reduced to ashes in the bombardment.

The students of the computer club behind Su Jie were dumbfounded. This violent torrent of steel made people’s blood boil. When the siege tanks fired in salvo, it seemed that there was no other sound in the world. This is the strength of the human mechanized army. Wherever the muzzle pointed, it was all scorched earth.

Asuna gave up in the game. There was no frustration or loss in her eyes. Instead, she was full of splendor. Su Jie could feel the strong fighting spirit through the computer.

ps: Thank you Shuke 315087471 for your monthly ticket support, cute!

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