The rearview mirror flashed with a golden light.

Shen Fei felt dizzy, and the woman screamed again.

A large amount of information poured into his mind, and Shen Fei's mind was chaotic again.

This time, he was already more relaxed than before, and he quietly waited for this surging information to gradually clear and deposit it in the vault in his mind.

First of all, find out who this woman is.

Through checking, Shen Fei learned that the woman's name is Qin Lulu, a feminist who is famous on the Internet, and her Weibo fans exceed one million, and a clockwork Weibo can arouse a lot of attention and discussion.

In Qin Lulu's Qin Lulu's real life, she is a female anchor.

As a celebrity on the domestic entertainment online live broadcast platform, he earns income by providing virtual love and sensory stimulation to male audiences by doing sideball live broadcasts.

Shen Fei continued to check Qin Lulu's recent memories.

Qin Lulu's memories unfolded in his mind like a roll of film.

Shen Fei watched it in a pattern, as if he was watching a wonderful performance, and the scenes were presented one after another.

The scene is Qin Lulu in the live broadcast room, it is a gorgeous virtual world, she is dressed in cool clothes, dancing gracefully in front of the camera, singing popular songs with a delicate voice, the audience is crazy to reward, shouting "wife", and various dazzling special effects are flashing on the screen.

And this woman named Qin Lulu is completely two people on stage and in private.

In the live broadcast room, she is smart and lively, a word, a look, so delicate that people feel pity, every action makes male audiences flock to her, she seems to be their ideal goddess.

But when the camera turns off and the stage lights go out, another side of Qin Lulu also emerges. On Weibo, she wrote passionate and sensational texts, provoking words, openly denouncing men's sins and exaggerating women's anxiety about survival.

"Men are really not good, they are born with low moral standards, and they are not good things. This is one of the slogans she often says, ignoring the fact that these scolded men are the bread and butter of her daily life.

The readers of her articles empathize with her to death, and they can't wait to raise the anti-flag immediately under her leadership and destroy the criminal patriarchal society, completely unaware that this so-called progressive woman is flattering men for a living on the live broadcast platform behind her back, completely betraying her own principles.

Even this behavior on Shen Feiche was a performance. The purpose is to provoke online car-hailing drivers to collect materials, go back to write small essays, and then attract a wave of traffic for themselves.

Good guy, under the banner of women's rights, but doing the business of flattering men, this is also too strange!

Shen Fei completely accepted the woman's recent memory.

And the woman in the driver's seat, she seemed to be experiencing the same thing, and Shen Fei's memories were constantly poured into her mind.

It's just that the autonomy is not in her hands.

Her eyes were flustered, and her hands shook weakly on the steering wheel, as if she was looking for some fulcrum. Suddenly, she lowered her head, covered her face with her hands, was silent for a moment, then looked up and looked ahead with a solemn expression.

Her eyes showed a numb and tired look.

She accepted the reality and accepted that she was now Shen Fei, an ordinary man who drove a dilapidated online car-hailing car and faced the pressure of life.

"This... How could this be?" she muttered (who should have been him now), her heart still full of confusion and questions, "How can I be a man, or an online car-hailing driver who can only drive broken cars

?" This is not right!" The offensive and defensive momentum is easy!

" "What's wrong?" Shen Fei (who is already Qin Lulu at the moment) cocked his two beautiful legs in the back seat, imitating Qin Lulu's previous arrogant tone: "Master, now it's you driving, let's go."

Qin Lulu nodded reluctantly, started the car with a solemn expression, and carefully stepped on the accelerator.

"Hey, ma'am, where are you now?, is the situation urgent?" Shen Fei noticed that he was holding a pink mobile phone in his hand with a pendant hanging from it, and the urgent voice of the police came from the other end of the phone.

Oh yes, I forgot that Qin Lulu called the police before.

He'll have to deal with it for her.

Shen Fei coughed, picked up the phone, and replied in a calm tone, "Hey, officer, the situation is not urgent at all. I just called to lose my temper, and I'm embarrassed to harass you. The

other side hesitated for a moment. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry. My behavior of indiscriminately venting emotions and occupying social resources is really too inferior and undeserved. I apologize to you.

Shen Fei apologized to the police on behalf of Qin Lulu, and secretly scolded her by the way.

The police relieved him and told him not to do it again, reminding him to stay safe.

"Yes, I know it's wrong. I'm not going to call a false police call next time.

Shen Fei bowed his head and casually pressed the call to death.

A gust of wind blew in from the car window, Shen Fei suddenly felt a little itchy on his face, it turned out that the evening breeze had blown Qin Lulu's long hair, and he skillfully skimmed the hair behind his ears.

It seems that the upgrade of the skills shared by the two parties has played a role before, and now Shen Fei is able to control the movements of the woman's body with ease, and he has completely mastered the tone of Qin Lulu's voice when he spoke when he called just now.

And the woman is also very skilled in driving a car, inheriting the exquisite driving skills of Shen Fei, an old driver.

"Master, I was wrong, I won't call the police. Shen Fei said, he sat in the back seat, the corners of his mouth raised, and glanced at Qin Lulu in the rearview mirror. "Send me home now. Qin

Lulu in the rearview mirror is no longer the arrogant anchor at this moment, but a male online car-hailing driver who has been deprived of pride.

She looked ahead, the expression on her face was a little dazed, and even a little unwilling, but now she could only accept this lowly status that she looked down on before.

Qin Lulu drove into a high-end community with a beautiful environment, each building is a big leap, and the decoration in the community is full of magnificence.

According to Qin Lulu's memory, this is her home.

Although it was the first time to come to this community, the brightly lit buildings were so familiar and cordial in Shen Fei's eyes at this time.

Qin Lulu skillfully parked the car on the side of the road, and then her hand was on the car door, as if she was about to open the car door and get out of the car.

It seems that although she has become Shen Fei, the subconscious buried in her heart still makes her regard this place as her home.

"Master, why are you confused?" Shen Fei smiled: "This is my home, and I should get off the bus."

Qin Lulu suddenly came back to her senses and shook her head with an embarrassed expression: "Oh, that's right. She said, her voice a little hoarse, as if she was frightened by herself.

Looking at her blank look, Shen Fei smiled, opened the car door, and left the car.

When he closed the car door, he said to Qin Lulu, "Bye, master." I'm sorry, I was too rude to you just now, I'll give you a good review when I go back. After speaking, he deliberately walked towards the entrance of the community with Qin Lulu's usual steps, leaving Qin Lulu sitting in the car with a blank face.

Shen Fei took two steps and secretly looked back, only to see Qin Lulu start the car and disappear into the traffic.

He couldn't help but be glad that he had chosen to upgrade his skills. If it weren't for this upgrade, he really wouldn't dare to let Qin Lulu drive his car.

Now Qin Lulu has become a skilled old driver, he can easily leave the car to her to drive, and he can experience her life himself.

Following the rich second generation, the beautiful anchor also came to work for him. It's a wonderful feeling.

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