Some people lament that this kind of behind-the-scenes shady scenes is so common, and some people praise this R-word man for standing up independently. Some people ridicule the behavior of film companies, some denounce TV stations, some question the moral bottom line of the industry, and some people remain neutral about the whole incident and just watch the fun. There are constant comments, some criticizing, some mocking, some praising and everyone expressing their opinions on various platforms.

In a wave of comments, the accusations against film and television companies and station directors were the loudest. Some question where the conscience of these companies lies, and some question whether there is a bigger secret behind this behavior.

As for the director, although he has been exposed, people's praise and encouragement for him have not diminished, and the two sides have launched a polemic between the support and opposition sides.

All this excitement stems from a recording. In any case, this discussion is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the film and television industry.

Comments on the Internet exploded in an instant, and various opinions flew around.

"Looking at the faces of these film and television companies, it is really angry and funny. One netizen posted his own comment, "They are using their films to instill morality and justice in us, while at the same time doing this dirty trade behind the scenes." This is their double standard, this is their true face!

" Some netizens are worried about the situation of the director and have expressed their worries: "The director may suffer this time, but he is a real hero, he is

a person on our side!" "Some netizens did not choose to stand on the side of the director, they felt that the director was not a good person: "The director is also a liar, although he did some good things, he also participated in this transaction." He's just taking advantage of our feelings, just making excuses for himself.

In such remarks, the accusations of film and television companies, the worries of the director, and the doubts about the director are quite intense. Everyone on the web has their own point of view, and everyone is participating in this discussion in their own way.

The corridors and lounges inside the TV station were full of discussions. Employees gathered together and whispered about the hot topic on the Internet.

"Did you listen to that recording?" a young editor broke the silence first.

"That's all there is to the voice on the phone. Why does the 'R-man' who posted this audio have the same voice as

the director?" "Listen, do you say that R-man is the director?" another seasoned producer asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know, it feels a bit like. But why would the director do such a thing?" the editor looked a little confused. "Why did he destroy his future and expose himself?"

"The current technology is so advanced, maybe it is synthesized by AI. Another journalist interjected into their conversation.

"Perhaps, if it's really the director, then his career may be over. The editor shook his head and looked at the night scene outside the window, full of worry.

This atmosphere of tension and uncertainty within the television station clearly reflects the general attitude of society as a whole towards this recording. People are puzzled and puzzled by the director's behavior, and they are also looking forward to the truth of the matter being revealed as soon as possible.

At midnight, the bustling city is deeply immersed in the lights of thousands of homes, with high-rise buildings towering and colorful lights twinkling in the night like stars. The lights in the TV station building in the center of the city are still bright, especially in the office on the highest floor, where the light and shadow from the windows reflect the late night sky, giving the surroundings a serene golden yellow.

In this office, Director Shen Fei stood alone in front of the window, holding a black ballpoint pen in his hand. His eyes were looking out the window, and the night view of the city flickered in his eyes, like countless thoughts swirling in his mind.

Shen Fei's phone suddenly vibrated on the desk, interrupting his thoughts. The caller ID on the screen is a person's name, Zhao Teng, the owner of the film company. He glanced at it, smiled lightly, and picked up his phone.

The voice on the other end of the phone seemed a little anxious, but also with imperceptible anger, "Do you know what is being discussed on the Internet now?" Zhao Teng's tone could not hide his panic about this sudden situation.

Shen Fei leaned back on the office chair, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, and replied indifferently: "Of course I know."

Zhao Teng didn't seem to expect Shen Fei's answer to be so calm, he swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling a little, "Then do you know who did this?" He tried to hide his panic with anger. "Could it be that you are eavesdropping on our conversation?" Shen

Fei smiled, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and his eyes were bright and firm, "That recording was released by me." There

was silence on the other end of the phone, only the faint background sound of the call echoed in my ears.

After a while, Zhao Teng's voice with anger and incomprehension broke on the other end of the phone: "You are not Lao Wang. You, who are you?"

Shen Fei leaned back in his seat and took a deep breath, as if preparing for the coming storm. He calmly replied, "Nobody." He turned to look out the window, the city of the night shining in his eyes, "Just a nobody." The

boss's voice immediately became roaring, and anger and panic filled the entire telephone line: "No matter who you are, you have to pay for all this! Do you think those people will let you go? Do you think I can't do anything about you? Buy you a hand, I can still do it! Let you die, it's not that difficult!"

Shen Fei smiled quietly, he raised the pen in his hand and shook it, as if he was playing with all this in front of him.

He slowly uttered a sentence, which was a line from the movie: "I am a kind of thought, and thoughts cannot be killed."

With that, he hung up.

The surroundings were quiet, and only the city outside the window was still bustling. Shen Fei stood quietly in front of the window, one hand caressing the glass, and his eyes were fixed on the night view of the city. He knew that it was time for the game to end.

At midnight, the city is lit up with stars and looks quiet and remote. Only the scattered building windows reveal a faint light, as if they are the eyes of the bustling city, quietly examining this place of sleep. However, in one of the deep windows, Shen Fei was facing the computer screen alone.

He sat in the dim light, his gaze determined and his face tense. The dim glow of the computer screen cast a soft shadow on his face. He lit up the camera slightly, his eyes full of determination. In front of the camera, he slowly puts on a black mask and hides his true face in the shadows of the night.

"Hi everyone, I'm R. He started with a deep and steady tone, honest and firm. "I know a lot of people have guessed who I am. I'll admit that I'm the director of the TV station. "

He didn't shy away from it, he didn't deny it, he was honest about his identity. He took a deep breath and continued his narrative. He details his responsibilities as a television station director and how he has used his status to make a series of behind-the-scenes deals.

"I know I'm a sinner. There was helplessness and firmness in his voice: "I have made many mistakes, but I want to correct my mistakes."

He took a deep breath and took off the mask in his hand, revealing the face that had been widely circulated on the Internet.

He looked at the camera with a resolute look in his eyes: "I confess, I'm guilty." But what I want to tell you is that everything I do is done out of a thought. This thought will not die because of me.

After he said this, he stared straight at the screen, as if he could see the gaze of tens of millions of Internet users. Then, he pressed the button to stop recording and took a deep breath, as if releasing the weight that was weighing on his heart.

He knew that this was a public self-disclosure, a silent struggle, and that he had exposed everything to the light of day.

Next, what kind of outcome will be, we can only wait for the dawn.

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