My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 162 Backhand (seeking monthly ticket)

Of the thirteen newcomers on the road to awakening, Wei Jingwu and other six secondary apostles were naturally not surprised, but the remaining seven...

Four people awakened, one failed mentally, and two failed and died on the spot.

Fang You is silent.

His thinking is not wrong, the principle is limited by his strength and state, and he still doesn't understand it very well, but the suppressive force in the guiding process has indeed spread.

The awakening rate of four out of seven is also quite high.

At least three times higher than normal awakening.

after all,

These newcomers are not investigators who have received long-term training, but ordinary people who have taken up arms for a few days, and some of them may be just for a bite of food at first.

It is a miracle to be able to achieve this awakening rate.

But he was still not satisfied.

This is my own deficiency!

"Bury them generously, and bury them in this back mountain."

Xu Shi could see that he was a bit depressed, Li Sanniu, one of the six seeds, said, "Farmers like us can eat enough, and have a beautiful funeral after death, that's enough."

"A Niu is right."

Li Ergou said, "We have lived a good life now, even if it is just for this good life, it is totally worth it."

"When the war is over, I might be able to marry a beautiful woman. Then I must have a beautiful wedding."

Ergou showed longing.

This was something he didn't dare to think about before.

The only regret is that when the wedding is held, there is no way for the tutor to preside over it.

Although there is sadness, it is like a gust of wind blowing quickly.

time slips by,

The mysteries seeping out from the gray line gradually increased, and it wasn't that some 'evil' fell out, but those evil races didn't appear again.

on the thirteenth day,

The second batch of nine fighters awakened, and six succeeded.

seventeenth day,

The third batch of eleven soldiers awakened, and eight succeeded.

on the twentieth day,

The fourth batch of thirteen fighters awakened, and eleven succeeded.

at this time,

"Land of Inheritance"

"Inheritance: The inheritance of awakening (this inheritance combines a certain mysterious power and the awakening experience of 35 people), but the probability of surviving the disaster of awakening increases by 3%. This inheritance will gradually strengthen over time."

This is synthesis.

More specifically, in the place of inheritance, it is easier to touch awakening, and when passing through the calamity of awakening, it will also become "like a god".

"This is actually a small effect of my guiding awakening."

"The special golden building of the Land of Inheritance, if it fails to leave enough inheritance, it is useless, but if it can leave enough inheritance... then it is a piece of supreme treasure!"

The inheritance of awakening is just the beginning.

he looked.

Among the boulders that were like walls and surrounded the entire Inheritance Land, there was a mysterious gray-red pattern emerging from one of them.

Pattern of Awakened Legacy.

And this is one of the eighteen huge stones that occupy the place of inheritance.

In other words, there can be up to eighteen kinds of inheritance left in the place of inheritance!

"Blade chopping, this is a combat skill that comes from the battlefield. Fast, accurate, and ruthless are the requirements of blade chopping."

"Let's take a look at it."

place of inheritance,

At the same time, it is also the martial arts venue for Wei Jingwu and others.

As Fang You stretched out his hand, a saber flew out from the weapon rack in the distance and fell firmly into his hand.

He held a knife, with a faint red glow on the blade.

"This is the first stage of blade cutting."

The red glow completely wrapped the blade and continued to extend.

"This is the second stage of Blade Slash."

"Remember, using Blade Slash requires the determination to kill the enemy."

"Next, let me talk about the practice skills of Paoquan."

"The skill of basic visualization is the most important thing, and you all have to remember it."

The Savior's unique ability "Apostle's Heart" has also been upgraded with the version, and the cooling time has been reduced to the limit.

Rounding it off now, it can be said that he is proficient in dozens of skills.

And during this period of teaching and practice, he has indeed learned a lot... Blade Slash, Shadow Step, Healing Water, etc., have all been mastered by himself.

But in class, he still borrows skills.

Because when borrowing, he can also get some insights from Heidao, Xing Jinglei and others.

He is not alone.

He is teaching, but Hei Dao, Yin Ling, An Jianyou and others are also teaching, separated by a thousand years of time and space.

This is inheritance.

At the same time, in the building of the Land of Inheritance, the imprint of inheritance has been left behind. It is still weak at this time, but it can settle down with time. As more and more fire fighters shine, the inheritance here will eventually take root Germinate, blooming bright fireworks.

In the twenty-sixth day, there were already 166 fire fighters in the inheritance land.

Everyone is awakened.

Among them, Wei Jingwu, Wang Hei, and Li Ergou are already double awakened.

It's just that it's not strong enough.

outside the village,

A tall earth and stone city wall has been built here. After these days of observation, it is certain that although the gray line is on the sky, the evil that 'falls' down must be here.

Guixie is still weak, not worth mentioning.

But like the maggot man, there are many strange races that he can't name, that is the enemy.

And that terrifying existence that sits high above the throne.

——The Scarlet Emperor!

Although, the bloody emperor should have been greatly repelled by Blue Star when he collided with each other in the air that day, and it was difficult to project even a round of eyes.

He also needs to prepare more hole cards.

Give Wei Jingwu and others time to grow.

Fang You walked to the west of the village, and there was a century-old tree, green and tall, with roots flying like dragons, thick and vicissitudes.

He stops here.

Slowly raising the scepter of splendor, the pale golden field spread out.


——It can enchant a non-intelligent creature and turn it into a mysterious creature, which immediately possesses combat power!

Tinting is the ability to create soldiers and strong people. The shortcoming is that the strength obtained by enlightenment is the same for a lifetime.

This moment of birth is very crucial.

The whole body is like a gate, life energy is pouring in, and this ancient tree can be turned into a soldier at any time.

But not enough, not enough.

Fang You poured down bottle after bottle of energy recovery potion, life energy continued to output, and belief firewood from all sides continued to gather to light the bonfire.

He didn't stop until his life energy was completely exhausted and there was no medicine left to drink.

The scepter of splendor burst out with a brighter golden glow, covering this ancient tree.


The leaves rustled and the earth trembled.

On the trunk of the whole ancient tree, an old face slowly emerged, and the rhizomes criss-crossed like an earth dragon, stretched out from the ground, waved, and the treetops were lowered, which was to pay tribute to him .

"Ancient Tree Dryad (Three Senses)"

"Two-dimensional: slightly"

"Ability: Powerful Branches, Life Absorption"

"Description: It was born from the enlightenment of the legendary crafty weapon 'Brilliant Scepter'. It has a rich life energy far exceeding that of normal creatures, but it cannot continue to awaken due to defects."

The tree demon's consciousness has just been born, and he can't speak yet.

But the fighting power is natural.

It is a special life of the third awakening level.

"Moreover, it is probably because I injected enough life energy, opened the glorious field, and increased it with the belief of burning fire... The strength of the ancient tree demon is far beyond the conventional three senses, and its life energy is like a big river."

"Unfortunately, it's still only three senses."

His strength, with all kinds of boosters and trick equipment, even if it is inhuman level with four senses, it might be able to instantly kill him with one set.

The power of the enlightened tree demon is still not enough for Sijue, so to be honest, I am a little disappointed.

Maybe it has something to do with his level.

Can't point out creatures that exceed his awakening level.

The ancient tree demon was prepared by him for Wei Jingwu and others, the first back-up.

After thinking about it, he called out a 'Secondary Apostle Recruitment Voucher' and pointed at the ancient tree demon.


There was a faint light flashing.

The ancient tree demon didn't seem to have changed, but it seemed to be more alive.

After thinking about it, he gave the dryad something.

In the next few days, Fang You continued to enlighten the tree demon on the outskirts of the unnamed village one after another—he also enlightened a lot in the previous twenty days.

It's not like this time he made a full-scale attack. The tree demons that were enlightened were only at the first or second level.

This is also a lot of consumption.

What he wanted was the quantity of these dryads, and they were constantly localized. One by one, the dryads took root on the outskirts of the village, building an insurmountable barrier.

"One can prevent outsiders from entering. Whether it is mountain people who strayed here, refugees outside, or even the army, these tree demons are enough to dissuade them."

"Secondly, we must guard against the strange race inside running out. Even if one escapes, it may cause a catastrophe."

He has arranged everything that can be considered.

It even borrowed the awakening ability of "Thousand Faces" - a doll clone - made of special materials, a clone that perfectly fits itself and can carry its own abilities.

He is not used as a doppelganger.

Instead, he combined Pei Hongjing's "Explosion Card" and Gou Ping'an's "Spiritual Avatar" to make these dolls as a carrier to seal his power.

a prop.

Has the strength of his blow.

Everything is ready, just waiting for history to witness.

"Today, I will temporarily hand over this scepter to you."

"Remember, what you are protecting is not only this village, but also the lights of thousands of families behind you, the entire dynasty, and the entire Blue Star."

Or the whole history.

He can still stay in this time and space, the time of this dungeon is running out, and a dazzling red countdown appears in front of him.

On the sky, the gray line remained.

In front of me, there are some resolute, some perplexed faces, and more reluctant faces.

After a month of teaching, for Li Ergou and others, Fang You is not only a master, but also a reborn parent, a guiding light.

"Teacher, do we have a chance to meet again?"


He paused in his steps, his gaze swept over the faces in front of him.

The line of sight began to distort, the tide of time and space rushed, tiny water droplets, and the vast river appeared again.

There is also a copy interface that appears at the same time.


"The dungeon "The Birth of Tinder" has entered the second stage, and it will be presented in the form of pictures and text records. Will it start playing?"

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