My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 208 The Mysterious Cooperative Organization

Ye Luo's dormitory is a four-person room, but after the class was suspended some time ago, one of the roommates returned to his hometown, and he has not returned to school at this time, and the remaining roommate has a room off-campus. Lived in school dormitory.

Their room of four became a room of two.

Except for Ye Luo, the remaining chubby college students were named Wang Fan. He watched some videos released at the press conference.

Thunder, fire, frost, and monsters.

can't believe it.

Switching to other channels is still Donghuang's official live broadcast. Wang Fan finally believes that he is not watching a sci-fi blockbuster, but what he sees...reality!

"Some special changes have taken place in our world, and a monster called evil has been born."

"However, thanks to the full efforts of the research institute and other departments, Donghuang has mastered a variety of methods to deal with evil spirits. At the same time, thanks to the help of cooperative organizations, we now have a 'Skynet early warning system that can monitor the whole country. ', I believe that with the concerted efforts of the whole country, we can smoothly respond to the changes in the world..."

At the press conference, Director Huang said so in the face of reporters' interviews.

He briefly introduced Weixie in the form of popular science, and released some pictures, which are beautified appearances of Weixie.

Emphasis is placed on the characteristics of evil and evil, how to stay away, remember to avoid going to remote wilderness and so on.

Then came the important point - the item of the awakened one.

This science popularization is longer, but it is also the audience's favorite. This is an extraordinary power! The door to a new world is opening in front of you!

Having said that, the yellow bureau has a serious face.

"I must emphasize that the awakening process is dangerous and difficult. Only those who are physically strong, determined, and have certain talents can awaken."

"Here, on behalf of the Investigation Bureau, I welcome young people with ideals and beliefs to join us to jointly defend the peace and stability of our Donghuang and the world."

After that, several video clips were played at the press conference.

Formal investigators fight against the catastrophe and eliminate the evil fragments!

Seeing Wang Fan's blood boiling.

Just like the vast number of netizens, he watched the live news, browsed the comments of netizens from all over the country, and tapped the keyboard to express his opinions.

"Donghuang Beer!"

"I heard that foreign countries are much more miserable than us. I don't know how many people died in the fog a few days ago!"

"It doesn't matter a few days ago, a catastrophe happened two months ago in the Sakura Country next door, which is living a good life."

"Speaking of which, the gas leak in Baijiang City before was to fight against the disaster! I didn't expect that the investigators were silently guarding the places we couldn't see. They are heroes!"

"A Tribute to the Unsung Heroes!"

On the Internet, there are of course different opinions, some are annoyed by the government for concealing the truth about the disaster, and some advocate the destruction of the world, but these are all submerged in the comments like a tide, and they disappear after a while.

This is also because of the comparison. There are indeed many strange and evil disasters in Donghuang, but compared with those shocking and bloody disasters abroad, the gap is immediately apparent, very obvious!

Only Donghuang is doing its best and has the ability to protect the safety of ordinary people.

"Don't blame the authorities for not announcing it earlier. In fact, there is no benefit to making the existence of treachery public other than worrying about it for nothing and causing social unrest. The reason why the press conference was held this time before the Bureau of Investigation came to the stage was, in Xiaosheng's opinion, Because the situation abroad is about to collapse.”

"Because foreign countries can't hide it, Splash Country and Sunset Country successively announced the truth that is hidden under the reality, so Donghuang has no choice but to make it public. Otherwise, given our current social situation in Donghuang, there is no need to take the risk to disclose this truth." A reality."

"Many netizens who have logged on to the external network through the wall should be very clear about this."

In the comment area, a netizen with the ID Bai Xiaosheng said so.

Wang Fan turned his head to look at Ye Luo, "Son, Dad, you have kept me too badly."

Ye Luo raised his middle finger, "Get lost!"

"You're stupid and blame me."

Wang Fan had indeed watched the video Ye Luo forwarded, but he never cared about it, and just had fun watching it. Only then did he realize that there are not a few people on the Internet who know the 'truth'.

Those who have witnessed the spooky events have personally told.

It was the investigators who rescued them when they were in danger, so that they survived.

There is also a younger brother whose ID is "Donghuang's number one evil hunter..." and vividly describes how he punches evil and kicks cult members.

At first it sounded like bragging, but the replies from "experts" and "Kepti" below showed that this netizen wasn't bragging, he was real bragging!

Seems like a big guy!

Hunt the evil and powerful hunters in the dark!

Wang Fan immediately followed.

There is also a netizen whose ID is Bai Xiaosheng, after several times of verification, Wang Fan found that the content of this person's narration is the most authentic, and he seems to be a folk boss.

Just opened a popular science post.

"On the dangers of evil and unpredictability."

"The evil is invisible to the naked eye and powerful. It is difficult for non-awakened people to deal with it. But compared with dealing with and eliminating the evil, the real difficulty lies in finding it."

"Evil and evil have a very strong latent nature. The process of investigation and tracking requires a lot of manpower and material resources. After the investigation, it is finally found that it is not an evil case. This kind of situation also happens from time to time."

"Under multiple difficult factors, many small countries cannot maintain domestic order. Even big countries like Sunset Country and Splash Country can only try their best to maintain the overall situation. Under such circumstances, the handling of many weird cases seems to be lagging behind."

Bai Xiaosheng explained in detail in the post.

One is that the national conditions of western countries are different from those of Donghuang, and the second is the most important, that the cases of spooky and evil will never be dealt with in a timely manner.

"However, according to Xiaosheng's understanding, we handled the strange and evil incidents in Donghuang in a very timely manner, which can be seen from the stability and order of our domestic cities."

"All of this, Xiaosheng speculates that it is related to the 'Skynet Early Warning System', but I can't guess what it is. It's just that Xiaosheng is very curious about the cooperative organization mentioned in the press conference."

In the comments below, many people expressed curiosity about this mysterious cooperative organization.

So is Wang Fan.

"It's not just the director of the investigation bureau. The spokesperson of the research institute also mentioned this cooperative organization in his speech before, saying that they also received great help from this organization in the research and development of the evil weapons... What kind of department is this? !"

"Is there any news from insiders?"

"Is this the legendary mysterious department?"

Regarding the news about the mysterious cooperative agency, there is no one on the Internet who knows.

However, there are quite a few people in the "circle" who are aware of the evil and the awakened, and Wang Fan suddenly realized that for him, today is a big change in the world, revealing the truth, but many people have already known the truth and walked ahead .

Working towards awakening, or already awakened.

How can it be repaired!

"Although the start is a bit late, isn't that what the protagonists are all like! Step by step beyond the predecessors."

"It's not a big problem!"

"Start fighting from tomorrow! It seems that tomorrow, people from the Investigation Bureau will come to our university town for testing. Those who are willing and pass the assessment will have the opportunity to enter the Investigation Bureau!"

"At present, it seems that only the Bureau of Investigation knows how to wake up? What is said on the Internet is vague."

"So the Bureau of Investigation must go in!"

"Son, let's go to the job fair of the Bureau of Investigation tomorrow."

Ye Luo nodded.

He was also very curious. The Bureau of Investigation represented the Donghuang official, and had been at the forefront of the new world long ago. Presumably, there would be awakened and strong awakened people in the Bureau of Investigation.

He was still hesitating whether to participate in the recruitment of the Investigation Bureau, and he had scruples in his heart, but he definitely wanted to take a look.

Thinking about it, he began to exercise.

After consciously waking up, the effect of exercise is very significant, and that little improvement makes him immersed in it, and the press conference also explained that physical fitness and willpower are very important.

Ye Luo became even more diligent in exercising.

Wang Fan looked bitterly at his slightly swollen belly.

"The protagonist won't be brushed off at the first stage of the job fair tomorrow, right? Didn't he play GG before the start? Damn it!"

"If I had known earlier, I would reward myself less and exercise more."

He was thinking in distress, and when he turned around, he found that Ye Luo was doing standard push-ups.

It seems that this kid has been exercising these days?

Run, squat, push-ups.

We agreed to make salted fish together, but you secretly engage in introversion?


The next day, Baiyun University City.

There are more than a dozen colleges and universities here, and it is an important talent training base for the entire Baiyun Prefecture.

This time, Donghuang Kingdom disclosed the evil and awakened people, and the investigation bureau officially appeared in the public view. Therefore, the first public recruitment of investigators began.

The target is college students from major colleges and universities.

The age of college students is just right. They not only have mature minds and three views, but have not been polluted by the big dye vat of society. They are very malleable. For the Bureau of Investigation, they are the most suitable group of people to cultivate.

Although modern college students are mixed, and many people lack exercise, the college student group itself has a large base, and some mysterious geniuses will definitely be recruited.

In this light, exposing the truth of the world is not necessarily a bad thing.

Starting today, Donghuang will embark on the fast track of mysterious development.

For the students of Baiyun University City, it is also very exciting.

The press conference was just held yesterday, and the reality of the world has just appeared in front of our eyes. Today... we have the opportunity to get in touch with it up close!

Not only students from more than a dozen colleges and universities flocked here, but even many idlers in Baiyun City also came here to watch the fun.

The Bureau of Investigation did not stop this.

Setting up open recruitment sites in various places also has the meaning of popular science.

that is……

"Why only college students are recruited! This girl has only graduated for half a year, and she is still a naturally beautiful, youthful and lively eighteen-year-old girl. Why can't she participate! How angry!"

"Hey! There are too many people here! Kao Gong is not so exaggerated!"

"The end of the universe is Kao Gong, but the end of Kao Gong is the investigator. There is nothing wrong with that."

Wang Fan and Ye Luo got up early, or they didn't fall asleep all night.

But when I came to the job fair, I realized it was still too late, and I couldn't help being dumbfounded looking at the dark crowd in front of me.

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